lib: Add multi-crunch command 'crunches'.

It's just a parser tweak for crunch, and runs multiple crunch commands
with the same sections (wps, ignores, etc).

Also update the comments a little, and move them closer to the anchor of
command clicks (the @{command_keyword} antiquotation).
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Sewell 2018-02-01 16:21:44 +11:00
parent 5152952abb
commit d2f38a0a80
4 changed files with 68 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -139,25 +139,6 @@ struct
local structure P = Parse and K = Keyword in
(* FIXME: Slightly outdated: *)
example: crunch inv[wp]: f P (wp: h_P simp: .. ignore: ..)
where: crunch = command keyword
inv = lemma name pattern
[wp] = optional list of attributes for all proved thms
f = constant under investigation
P = property to be shown
h_P = wp lemma to use (h will not be unfolded)
simp: .. = simp lemmas to use
ignore: .. = constants to ignore for unfolding
will prove:
"{P and X} f {%_. P}" and any lemmas of this form for constituents of f,
for additional preconditions X propagated upwards from additional
preconditions in preexisting lemmas for constituents of f.
(* Read a list of names, up to the next section identifier *)
fun read_thm_list sections =
let val match_section_name = Scan.first (map P.reserved sections)
@ -171,22 +152,70 @@ fun read_section all_sections section =
fun read_sections sections =
Scan.repeat (Scan.first (map (read_section sections) sections)) >> List.concat
val crunch_parser =
(((Scan.optional (P.$$$ "(" |-- --| P.$$$ ")") "" --
-- Parse.opt_attribs --| P.$$$ ":") -- P.list1 -- Scan.optional P.term ""
-- Scan.optional
(P.$$$ "(" |-- read_sections [wp_sect,wp_del_sect,ignore_sect,simp_sect,simp_del_sect,rule_sect,rule_del_sect,ignore_del_sect] --| P.$$$ ")")
>> (fn (((((crunch_instance, prp_name), att_srcs), consts), extra), wpigs) =>
(fn lthy =>
(case get_crunch_instance crunch_instance (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy) of
NONE => error ("Crunch has not been defined for " ^ crunch_instance)
| SOME (crunch_x, _) =>
crunch_x att_srcs extra prp_name wpigs consts lthy))));
val crunches_parser =
(((P.list1 --| P.$$$ "for")
-- P.and_list1 ((Scan.optional (P.$$$ "(" |-- --| P.$$$ ")") "" --
-- Parse.opt_attribs) -- Scan.optional (P.$$$ ":" |-- P.term) "")
-- Scan.optional
(P.$$$ "(" |-- read_sections [wp_sect,wp_del_sect,ignore_sect,simp_sect,simp_del_sect,rule_sect,rule_del_sect,ignore_del_sect] --| P.$$$ ")")
>> (fn ((consts, confs), wpigs) =>
fold (fn (((crunch_instance, prp_name), att_srcs), extra) => fn lthy =>
(case get_crunch_instance crunch_instance (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy) of
NONE => error ("Crunch has not been defined for " ^ crunch_instance)
| SOME (crunch_x, _) =>
crunch_x att_srcs extra prp_name wpigs consts lthy)) confs));
example: crunch(kind) inv[wp]: f,g P (wp: h_P simp: .. ignore: ..)
or: crunches f,g for (kind)inv: P and (kind2)inv2: Q (wp: etc)
where: crunch = command keyword
kind = instance of crunch, e.g. valid, no_fail
inv = lemma name pattern
[wp] = optional list of attributes for all proved thms
f,g = constants under investigation
P,Q = property to be shown (not required for no_fail/empty_fail instance)
h_P = wp lemma to use (h will not be unfolded)
simp: .. = simp lemmas to use
ignore: .. = constants to ignore for unfolding
will prove lemmas for f and for any constituents required.
for the default crunch instance "valid", lemmas of the form
"{P and X} f {%_. P}" will be proven.
the additional preconditions X are propagated upwards from similar
preconditions in preexisting lemmas.
There is a longer description of what each crunch does in crunch-cmd.ML
val crunchP =
@{command_keyword "crunch"}
"crunch through monadic definitions with a given property"
(((Scan.optional (P.$$$ "(" |-- --| P.$$$ ")") "" --
-- Parse.opt_attribs --| P.$$$ ":") -- P.list1 -- Scan.optional P.term ""
-- Scan.optional
(P.$$$ "(" |-- read_sections [wp_sect,wp_del_sect,ignore_sect,simp_sect,simp_del_sect,rule_sect,rule_del_sect,ignore_del_sect] --| P.$$$ ")")
>> (fn (((((crunch_instance, prp_name), att_srcs), consts), extra), wpigs) =>
(fn lthy =>
(case get_crunch_instance crunch_instance (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy) of
NONE => error ("Crunch has not been defined for " ^ crunch_instance)
| SOME (crunch_x, _) =>
crunch_x att_srcs extra prp_name wpigs consts lthy))));
val crunchesP =
@{command_keyword "crunches"}
"crunch through monadic definitions with multiple properties"
val add_sect = "add";
val del_sect = "del";

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
theory Crunch
imports "Monad_WP/NonDetMonadVCG"
keywords "crunch" "crunch_ignore" :: thy_decl
keywords "crunch" "crunch_ignore" "crunches" :: thy_decl
named_theorems "crunch_def"

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@ -184,4 +184,10 @@ defs foo_const_def: "foo_const \<equiv> Crunch_Test_Qualified.foo_const"
crunch test: foo_const P
(* check that the grid-style crunch is working *)
crunches crunch_foo3, crunch_foo4, crunch_foo5
for silly: "\<lambda>s. True \<noteq> False" and (no_fail)nf and (empty_fail)ef
(ignore: modify bind rule: crunch_foo4_alt)

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@ -657,6 +657,7 @@ fun crunch_x atts extra prp_name wpigs consts ctxt =
val nmspce = get_locale_origins full_const_names ctxt;
val (pre', extra') = Instance.parse_extra ctxt extra
handle ERROR s => error ("parsing parameters for " ^ prp_name ^ ": " ^ s)
(* check that the given constants match the type of the given property*)
val const_terms = map (read_const ctxt) full_const_names;