autocorres: remove unused code from AutoCorresUtil

This commit is contained in:
Japheth Lim 2016-06-21 14:34:48 +10:00
parent bbf889882e
commit e923520acd
1 changed files with 1 additions and 214 deletions

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@ -45,144 +45,7 @@ val concurrent = Unsynchronized.ref true;
* Conditionally fork a group of tasks, depending on the value
* of "concurrent".
datatype 'a maybe_fork = Future of 'a future | Boring of 'a
(* Fork a group of tasks. *)
fun maybe_fork ctxt vals =
if ((!concurrent) andalso not (Config.get ctxt ML_Options.exception_trace)) then
map Future (Future.forks {
name = "", group = NONE, deps = [], pri = ~1, interrupts = true}
map (fn x => Boring (x ())) vals
(* Ensure a forked task has completed. *)
fun maybe_join v =
case v of
Boring x => x
| Future x => Future.join x
(* Functional map. *)
fun par_map ctxt f a =
if ((!concurrent) andalso not (Config.get ctxt ML_Options.exception_trace)) then f a
map f a
(* Does a SIMPL body exist for the given function name? *)
fun has_simpl_body_def lthy name =
try (fn name => Proof_Context.get_thm lthy (name ^ "_body_def")) name
|> is_some
* A translation step transforms the program from one form to another;
* such as from SIMPL to a monadic type, or from one type of monad to
* another.
* "filename" is the name of the file we are translating: this is required as a
* key to fetch data stashed away by the C parser.
* "lthy" is the local theory.
* "convert" performs any proof work required for this translation step. All
* conversions are performed in parallel, so must be able to be completed
* without results from previous steps.
* "define" actually sets up any definitions required by the translation;
* definition steps occur serially, but may be in parallel with conversion
* steps whose results are not yet required.
* "prove_mono" should prove the monad_mono property for recursive functions.
* (* It is run in parallel over all recursive groups. *)
* Because functions handed to us by the C parser may be mutually recursive and
* such mutually recursive functions must typically be defined simultaneously,
* "define" is handed a list of functions which must all be defined in one
* step.
fun translate lthy phase fn_info initial_callees convert define gen_new_info prove_mono v =
(* Get list of functions we need to translate.
* This is a bit complicated because we need to skip over functions that
* have already been translated, and hence we need to recalculate the
* function call graph. *)
val functions_to_translate =
Symtab.dest (FunctionInfo.get_all_functions fn_info)
|> map_filter (fn (name, info) =>
case FunctionInfo.Phasetab.lookup (#phases info) phase of
NONE => SOME name
| SOME _ => NONE)
|> Symset.make
val fn_info_restricted = FunctionInfo.map_fn_info (fn info =>
if Symset.contains functions_to_translate (#name info) then SOME info else NONE) fn_info
val function_groups = FunctionInfo.get_topo_sorted_functions fn_info_restricted
val all_functions = List.concat function_groups
* Convert every function.
* We perform the conversions using futures, which are run in parallel.
* This allows us to perform conversions while we start defining functions,
* hopefully speeding everything up on multicore systems.
val converted_body_thms =
map (fn name => fn _ =>
time_limit (fn _ => convert lthy name) [name]) all_functions
|> maybe_fork lthy
val converted_bodies = Symtab.make (all_functions ~~ converted_body_thms)
(* In sorted order, define constants and proofs for the functions. *)
fun translate fn_names (callee_thms, new_phase_infos, v, lthy) =
val defs = map (fn fn_name =>
Symtab.lookup converted_bodies fn_name |> the |> maybe_join) fn_names
val (proofs, v, lthy)
= time_limit (fn _ =>
define lthy callee_thms v (fn_names ~~ defs)) fn_names
val new_callee_thms = fold Symtab.update_new
(fn_names ~~ proofs) callee_thms
val new_phase_infos = fold (fn n =>
Symtab.update_new (n, gen_new_info lthy v (FunctionInfo.get_function_info fn_info n)))
fn_names new_phase_infos
(new_callee_thms, new_phase_infos, v, lthy)
val (proof_table, new_phase_infos, v, lthy)
= fold translate function_groups (initial_callees, Symtab.empty, v, lthy)
val mono_thms =
|> map (fn funcs => if not (FunctionInfo.is_function_recursive fn_info (hd funcs))
then K Symtab.empty else (fn _ => time_limit (fn _ =>
(List.mapPartial (fn f =>
case Symtab.lookup new_phase_infos f of
SOME phase_info =>
SOME (FunctionInfo.function_info_add_phase phase_info
(FunctionInfo.get_function_info fn_info f))
| _ => NONE) funcs
|> prove_mono lthy)) funcs))
|> maybe_fork lthy |> map maybe_join
|> maps Symtab.dest |> Symtab.make
val new_phase_infos = new_phase_infos |> (fn func => FunctionInfo.phase_info_upd_mono_thm (Symtab.lookup mono_thms func))
(lthy, FunctionInfo.add_phases (fn name => K (Symtab.lookup new_phase_infos name)) fn_info, v)
* A translation step that maps over every function in the program.
* "convert" performs any proof work required for this translation step. All
* conversions are performed in parallel, so must be able to be completed
* without results from previous steps.
* We return a list of all results.
fun map_all ctxt fn_info convert =
par_map ctxt (uncurry convert) (FunctionInfo.get_all_functions fn_info |> Symtab.dest)
fun maybe_fork f = if !concurrent then Future.fork f else Future.value (f ());
* Get functions called by a particular function.
@ -197,10 +60,6 @@ in
(Symset.dest (#callees fn_info), Symset.dest (#rec_callees fn_info))
(* Is the given term a Trueprop? *)
fun is_Trueprop (Const (@{const_name "Trueprop"}, _) $ _) = true
| is_Trueprop _ = false
* Assume theorems for called functions.
@ -336,10 +195,6 @@ fun define_funcs
val _ = writeln ("Defining (" ^ FunctionInfo2.string_of_phase phase ^ ") " ^
(Utils.commas (map get_const_name fn_names)))
val _ = @{trace} ("function(s)", functions)
val _ = @{trace} ("callee(s)", Symtab.dest callee_thms)
* Determine if we are in a recursive case by checking to see if the
@ -390,14 +245,6 @@ fun define_funcs
(fn_names ~~ fn_bodies)
val (fn_def_thms, ctxt) = Utils.define_functions defs true is_recursive ctxt
(* Record the constant in our theory data. *)
val ctxt = fold (fn (fn_name, def) =>
Local_Theory.background_theory (
AutoCorresData.add_def filename (FunctionInfo.string_of_phase phase ^ "def") fn_name def))
( fn_names fn_def_thms) ctxt
* Instantiate schematic function calls in our theorems with their
* concrete definitions.
@ -504,19 +351,6 @@ fun define_funcs
|> (Variable.export ctxt' ctxt)
|> map (Goal.norm_result ctxt)
(* Record the theorems in our theory data. *)
val ctxt = fold (fn (fn_name, thm) =>
(AutoCorresData.add_thm filename (FunctionInfo.string_of_phase phase ^ "corres") fn_name thm))
(fn_names ~~ new_thms) ctxt
(* Add the theorems to the context. *)
val ctxt = fold (fn (fn_name, thm) =>
Utils.define_lemma (fn_name ^ "_" ^ FunctionInfo.string_of_phase phase ^ "corres") thm #> snd)
(fn_names ~~ new_thms) ctxt
val results =
fn_names ~~ (new_thms ~~ fn_def_thms)
|> map (fn (fn_name, (corres_thm, def_thm)) =>
@ -527,51 +361,4 @@ fun define_funcs
(results, accum, ctxt)
* Do a translation phase, converting every function from one form to another.
fun do_translation_phase
(phase : FunctionInfo.phase)
(filename : string)
(prog_info : ProgramInfo.prog_info)
(fn_info : FunctionInfo.fn_info)
(get_fn_type : string -> typ)
(get_fn_assumption : local_theory -> string -> term -> term list -> bool -> term -> term)
(get_fn_args : string -> (string * typ) list)
(get_const_name : string -> string)
(convert : local_theory -> string -> ((bool * term * thm) Symtab.table) ->
term -> term list -> (term * thm * (string * AutoCorresData.Trace) list))
(gen_new_info : local_theory -> FunctionInfo.function_info -> FunctionInfo.phase_info)
(prove_mono : local_theory -> FunctionInfo.function_info list -> thm Symtab.table)
(rec_base_case : thm)
(ctxt : Proof.context) =
val do_gen_corres =
gen_corres_for_function phase fn_info get_fn_type get_fn_assumption
get_fn_args get_const_name convert;
val do_define_funcs =
define_funcs phase filename fn_info get_const_name get_fn_type
get_fn_assumption get_fn_args rec_base_case
(* Lookup functions that have already been translated (i.e. phase exists) *)
val initial_callees = Symtab.dest (FunctionInfo.get_all_functions fn_info)
|> List.mapPartial (fn (fn_name, info) =>
FunctionInfo.Phasetab.lookup (#phases info) phase
|> Option.mapPartial (fn phase_info =>
AutoCorresData.get_thm (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) filename
(FunctionInfo.string_of_phase phase ^ "corres") fn_name)
|> (fn thm => (fn_name, thm)))
|> Symtab.make
(* Do the translation. *)
val (ctxt', new_fn_info, _) =
translate ctxt phase fn_info initial_callees do_gen_corres do_define_funcs
(fn lthy => K (gen_new_info lthy)) prove_mono ()
(* Map function information. *)
(ctxt', new_fn_info)