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The StrictC translation tool

To install, see the file INSTALL in the src/c-parser directory.

To use:

  1. Use the heap CParser that is created by installation
  2. Import the theory CTranslation
  3. Load ('install') C files into your theories with the Isar command install_C_file.

See docs/ctranslation.pdf for more information about the options and C language semantics that this tool provides.

See also the examples in the testfiles directory. For example, breakcontinue.thy is a fairly involved demonstration of doing things the hard way.

The translation tool builds on various open source projects by others.

  1. Norbert Schirmer's Simpl language and associated VCG tool.

    Sources for this are found in the Simpl/ directory. The code is covered by an LGPL licence.

    See https://isa-afp.org/entries/Simpl.shtml

  2. Code from SML/NJ:

    • an implementation of binary sets (Binaryset.ML)
    • the mllex and mlyacc tools (tools/{mllex,mlyacc})
    • command-line option parsing (standalone-parser/GetOpt)

    This code is covered by SML/NJ's BSD-ish licence.

    See http://www.smlnj.org

  3. Code from the mlton compiler:

    • regions during lexing and parsing (Region.ML, SourceFile.ML and SourcePos.ML)

    This code is governed by a BSD licence.

    See http://mlton.org