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Contributions to the seL4 kernel verification repository are welcome!


Please note that GD and NICTA require a contributor license agreement (CLA) to be signed for all external contributions. Please see https://seL4.systems/Community/Contributing for details (it is a fairly short and standard CLA).

For the seL4/l4v repository, we can review pull requests directly on github if we have a signed CLA on file, no need to email a patch.

If you have only small trivial changes such as style, typos, comments, or white space and don't want to sign a CLA for that, please file an issue in the github issue tracker, we'll usually be happy to do the change for you and attribute your idea by linking to the github issue in the change set comment.


If you're modifying existing proofs, texts, or tools, please make sure the repository still builds before you send the pull requests by running the overall regression test in the repository root:



If you have larger changes or additions, it might be a good idea to get in contact with us as devel@sel4.systems, so we can help you get started.