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LaTeX package extending Springer's llncs class.


Copy llncsconf.sty in a directory that is searched by LaTeX (e.g,. either your texmf tree or the local directory with your main LaTeX file.


In a LaTeX file that uses Springer's llncs class, just add


to use the style. The package supports the following options:

  • crop: crops the page (PDF) to the page size (152x235mm) used by the LNCS proceedings books (and the official PDFs offered by Springer),
  • rcsinfo: adds RCS revision information to the first page of the document,
  • svninfo: adds subversion/svn revision information to the first page of the document,
  • submitted: adds a submitted to ... please to no distribute note to the first page.
  • intended: adds a submitted to ... please to no distribute note to the first page.
  • llncs: typesets a copy of Springer's copyright note. This should satisfy Springer's requirements for self-archiving.
  • proceedings: typesets a note in which proceedings the paper was published (similar to llncs without Springer's copyright note).

Moreover, the package requires two commands to be executed:

  • \conference{name of the conference} which takes one argument, i.e., the name of the conference. This is used when one of the options submitted or intended is used for loading the package.
  • \llncs{book editors and title}{start page} which takes two arguments: first the information about the book (e.g., editors, title) and, second, the start page of the chapter (contribution).


This project is dual-licensed under a 2-clause BSD-style license and/or the LPPL version 1 or any later version.

\conference{International Conference on \LaTeX-Hacks} \llncs{Anonymous et al. (eds). \emph{Proceedings of the International Conference on \LaTeX-Hacks}, LNCS~-42. Some Publisher, 2016.}{0042}