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# tuos-lecture
A family of LaTeX classes for lecture material that follow the cooperate style of the
[Software Assurance & Security Research Team Sheffield](https://logialhacking.com).
* *lh-lecture-presentation:* A LaTeX style file providing, in general, helpful commands for
structuring large presentations (i.e., lectures) and, in
particular, the ``lecturedesc`` environment.
* *lh-lecture-cloze:* A LaTeX style for building cloze tests or for
using similar techniques on slides and hand-outs.
* *lh-exercise:* A LaTeX class for problem (homework/exercise) sheets
including model solutions.
## Installation
* Copy the various `*.sty` and `*.cls` files into your `texmf` tree.
## License
This project is dual-licensed under a 2-clause BSD-style license and/or
the LPPL version 1 or any later version.