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2018-06-08 09:46:44 +00:00
2018-04-17 14:43:08 +00:00
theory MathExam
2018-06-08 09:46:44 +00:00
imports "../../../ontologies/mathex_onto"
2018-05-29 10:02:13 +00:00
2018-04-17 14:43:08 +00:00
2018-06-08 09:46:44 +00:00
2018-04-17 14:43:08 +00:00
2018-05-02 07:40:47 +00:00
section*[idir::Author, affiliation="''CentraleSupelec''",
2018-06-08 15:42:58 +00:00
2018-04-17 14:43:08 +00:00
2018-06-04 12:46:11 +00:00
subsection*[header::Header,examSubject= "[algebra]", examTitle="''Exam number 1''",
2018-05-02 07:40:47 +00:00
date="''02-05-2018''", timeAllowed="90::int"]
2018-04-30 11:13:53 +00:00
\item Use black ink or black ball-point pen.
\item Draw diagrams in pencil.
\item Answer all questions in the spaces provided.
2018-04-18 07:36:21 +00:00
2018-05-29 10:02:13 +00:00
text*[fig1::figure, width = "Some(textwidth 80)",
"file"="@{file ''../../../figures/Dogfood-Intro.png''}"]
{* Ouroboros I : This paper from inside ... *}
subsubsection*[exo1 :: Exercise, Exercise.content="[q1::Task,q2::Task]"]
2018-04-30 11:13:53 +00:00
Here are the first four lines of a number pattern.
2018-04-30 11:13:53 +00:00
\item Line 1 : @{term "1*6 + 2*4 = 2*7"}
\item Line 2 : @{term "2*7 + 2*5 = 3*8"}
\item Line 3 : @{term "3*8 + 2*6 = 4*9"}
\item Line 4 : @{term "4*9 + 2*7 = 5*10"}
2018-04-17 14:43:08 +00:00
2018-05-29 12:13:49 +00:00
(* a bit brutal, as long as lemma* does not yet work *)
lemma check_polynome :
fixes x::real
shows "(x^3) - 6 * x^2 + 5 * x + 12 = (x-4) * (x+1) * (x - 3)"
2018-05-29 12:03:07 +00:00
2018-05-29 10:02:13 +00:00
proof -
2018-05-29 12:03:07 +00:00
have * : "(x-4) * (x+1) * (x - 3) = (x-4) * ((x+1) * (x-3))"
by simp
have ** : "... = (x-4) * (x^2 - 2*x - 3)"
apply(auto simp: right_diff_distrib add.commute semiring_normalization_rules(1)[symmetric])
by (simp add: semiring_normalization_rules(29))
have *** : "... = x^3 - 6 * x^2 + 5 * x + 12"
apply(auto simp: right_diff_distrib left_diff_distrib add.commute semiring_normalization_rules(1)[symmetric])
2018-05-29 12:13:49 +00:00
by (simp add: numeral_3_eq_3 semiring_normalization_rules(29))
2018-05-29 10:02:13 +00:00
show ?thesis
2018-05-29 12:03:07 +00:00
by(simp only: * ** ***)
2018-05-29 10:02:13 +00:00
2018-05-29 12:13:49 +00:00
2018-05-29 10:02:13 +00:00
2018-05-29 12:03:07 +00:00
text*[a1::Answer_Formal_Step]{* First Step: Fill in term and justification *}
text*[a2::Answer_Formal_Step]{* Next Step: Fill in term and justification *}
text*[a3::Answer_Formal_Step]{* Next Step: Fill in term and justification *}
text*[a4::Answer_Formal_Step]{* Next Step: Fill in term and justification *}
2018-05-29 10:02:13 +00:00
text*[q1::Task, level="oneStar", mark="1::int", type="formal"]
2018-05-29 12:03:07 +00:00
{* Complete Line 10 : @{term "10*x + 2*y = 11*16"} *}
2018-04-30 11:13:53 +00:00
2018-05-29 10:02:13 +00:00
text*[q2::Task, level="threeStars", mark="3::int", type="formal"]
2018-04-17 14:43:08 +00:00
2018-04-30 11:13:53 +00:00
Prove that @{term "n*(n+5) + 2*(n+3) "} is always the product of two numbers with a difference of 5.
2018-04-17 14:43:08 +00:00
2018-04-18 07:36:21 +00:00