Update file hierarchy for meta-interpretation

Restructure theory files to allow multiple meta-interpretation
of term antiquotations
This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Méric 2022-12-21 18:26:11 +01:00
parent f5a2b6fe1b
commit 1ec6dacd6e
12 changed files with 1628 additions and 1578 deletions

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@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ declare_reference*[bgrnd::text_section]
declare_reference*[isadof::text_section] declare_reference*[isadof::text_section]
declare_reference*[ontomod::text_section] declare_reference*[ontomod::text_section]
declare_reference*[ontopide::text_section] declare_reference*[ontopide::text_section]
declare_reference*[conclusion::text_section] declare_reference*["conclusion"::text_section]
(*>*) (*>*)
text*[plan::introduction, level="Some 1"]\<open> The plan of the paper is follows: we start by introducing the underlying text*[plan::introduction, level="Some 1"]\<open> The plan of the paper is follows: we start by introducing the underlying
Isabelle system (@{text_section (unchecked) \<open>bgrnd\<close>}) followed by presenting the Isabelle system (@{text_section (unchecked) \<open>bgrnd\<close>}) followed by presenting the
@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ directly nor indirectly (via inheritance) mentioned in the monitor are \<^emph>\
monitor; instances of independent test elements may occur freely. \<close> monitor; instances of independent test elements may occur freely. \<close>
section*[conclusion::conclusion]\<open> Conclusion and Related Work\<close> section*["conclusion"::"conclusion"]\<open> Conclusion and Related Work\<close>
text\<open> We have demonstrated the use of \<^isadof>, a novel ontology modeling and enforcement text\<open> We have demonstrated the use of \<^isadof>, a novel ontology modeling and enforcement
IDE deeply integrated into the Isabelle/Isar Framework. The two most distinguishing features are IDE deeply integrated into the Isabelle/Isar Framework. The two most distinguishing features are
\<^item> \<^isadof> and its ontology language are a strongly typed language that allows \<^item> \<^isadof> and its ontology language are a strongly typed language that allows

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@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ restrictions on the structure of components. None of our paradigmatic examples c
be automatically proven with any of the discussed SMT techniques without restrictions. be automatically proven with any of the discussed SMT techniques without restrictions.
\<close> \<close>
section*["conclusion"::conclusion,main_author="Some(@{docitem ''bu''}::author)"]\<open>Conclusion\<close> section*["conclusion"::"conclusion",main_author="Some(@{docitem ''bu''}::author)"]\<open>Conclusion\<close>
text\<open>We presented a formalisation of the most comprehensive semantic model for \<^csp>, a 'classical' text\<open>We presented a formalisation of the most comprehensive semantic model for \<^csp>, a 'classical'
language for the specification and analysis of concurrent systems studied in a rich body of language for the specification and analysis of concurrent systems studied in a rich body of
literature. For this purpose, we ported @{cite "tej.ea:corrected:1997"} to a modern version literature. For this purpose, we ported @{cite "tej.ea:corrected:1997"} to a modern version

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@ -2310,7 +2310,7 @@ term "\<open>A \<Longrightarrow> B\<close> = ''''"
chapter*[c::conclusion]\<open>Conclusion\<close> chapter*[c::"conclusion"]\<open>Conclusion\<close>
text\<open> This interactive Isabelle Programming Cook-Book represents my current way text\<open> This interactive Isabelle Programming Cook-Book represents my current way
to view and explain Isabelle programming API's to students and collaborators. to view and explain Isabelle programming API's to students and collaborators.
It differs from the reference manual in some places on purpose, since I believe It differs from the reference manual in some places on purpose, since I believe

src/DOF/DOF_Core.thy Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
theory DOF_Core
imports Main
RegExpInterface (* Interface to functional regular automata for monitoring *)
section\<open>Primitive Markup Generators\<close>
val docrefN = "docref";
val docclassN = "doc_class";
(** name components **)
val defN = "def"
val def_suffixN = "_" ^ defN
val defsN = defN ^ "s"
val instances_of_suffixN = "_instances"
val invariant_suffixN = "_inv"
val invariantN = "\<sigma>"
val makeN = "make"
val schemeN = "_scheme"
(* derived from: theory_markup *)
fun docref_markup_gen refN def name id pos =
if id = 0 then Markup.empty
else Position.make_entity_markup {def = def} id refN (name, pos); (* or better store the thy-name as property ? ? ? *)
val docref_markup = docref_markup_gen docrefN
val docclass_markup = docref_markup_gen docclassN
section\<open> Utilities\<close>
fun spy x y = (writeln (x ^ y); y)
fun markup2string x = XML.content_of (YXML.parse_body x)
(* a hacky, but save encoding of unicode comming from the interface to the string format
that can be parsed by the inner-syntax string parser ''dfdf''. *)
fun bstring_to_holstring ctxt x (* (x:bstring) *) : string =
let val term = Syntax.parse_term ctxt (markup2string x)
fun hpp x = if x = #"\\" then "@" else
if x = #"@" then "@@" else String.implode [x]
in term |> Sledgehammer_Util.hackish_string_of_term ctxt
|> map hpp o String.explode |> String.concat
fun chopper p (x:string) =
let fun hss buff [] = rev buff
|hss buff (S as a::R) = if p a then let val (front,rest) = chop_prefix p S
in hss (String.implode front :: buff) rest end
else let val (front,rest) = chop_prefix (not o p) S
in hss (String.implode front ::buff) rest end
in hss [] (String.explode x) end;
fun holstring_to_bstring ctxt (x:string) : bstring =
let fun collapse "" = ""
|collapse S = if String.sub(S,0) = #"@"
then let val n = String.size S
val front = replicate (n div 2) #"@"
val back = if (n mod 2)=1 then [#"\\"] else []
in String.implode (front @ back) end
else S;
val t = String.concat (map collapse (chopper (fn x => x = #"@") x));
in t |> Syntax.string_of_term ctxt o Syntax.parse_term ctxt end;
fun map_option _ NONE = NONE
|map_option f (SOME x) = SOME (f x);
fun map_optional _ s NONE = s
|map_optional f _ (SOME x) = f x;
fun map_fst f (x,y) = (f x,y)
fun map_snd f (x,y) = (x,f y)
fun map_eq_fst_triple f (x,_,_) (y,_,_) = equal (f x) (f y)
section\<open> A HomeGrown Document Type Management (the ''Model'') \<close>
structure DOF_core =
type virtual = {virtual : bool}
type docclass_struct = {params : (string * sort) list, (*currently not used *)
name : binding,
virtual : virtual,
thy_name : string, id : serial, (* for pide *)
inherits_from : (typ list * string) option, (* imports *)
attribute_decl : (binding*typ*term option)list, (* class local *)
rejectS : term list,
rex : term list,
invs : ((string * Position.T) * term) list } (* monitoring regexps --- product semantics*)
type docclass_tab = docclass_struct Symtab.table
val initial_docclass_tab = Symtab.empty:docclass_tab
fun merge_docclass_tab (otab,otab') = Symtab.merge (op =) (otab,otab')
val tag_attr = (\<^binding>\<open>tag_attribute\<close>, \<^Type>\<open>int\<close>, Mixfix.NoSyn)
(* Attribute hidden to the user and used internally by isabelle_DOF.
For example, this allows to add a specific id to a class
to be able to reference the class internally.
val default_cid = "text" (* the top (default) document class: everything is a text.*)
fun is_subclass0 (tab:docclass_tab) s t =
let val _ = case Symtab.lookup tab t of
NONE => if t <> default_cid
then error ("document superclass not defined: "^t)
else default_cid
| SOME _ => ""
fun father_is_sub s = case Symtab.lookup tab s of
NONE => error ("document subclass not defined: "^s)
| SOME ({inherits_from=NONE, ...}) => s = t
| SOME ({inherits_from=SOME (_,s'), ...}) =>
s' = t orelse father_is_sub s'
in s = t orelse
(t = default_cid andalso Symtab.defined tab s ) orelse
(s <> default_cid andalso father_is_sub s)
type docobj = {pos : Position.T,
thy_name : string,
input_term : term,
value : term,
inline : bool,
id : serial,
cid : string,
vcid : string option}
type docobj_tab ={tab : (docobj option) Symtab.table,
maxano : int
val initial_docobj_tab:docobj_tab = {tab = Symtab.empty, maxano = 0}
fun merge_docobj_tab ({tab=otab,maxano=m}, {tab=otab',maxano=m'}) =
(let fun X(NONE,NONE) = false
|X(SOME _, NONE) = false
|X(NONE, SOME _) = false
|X(SOME b, SOME b') = true (* b = b' *)
in {tab=Symtab.merge X (otab,otab'),maxano=Int.max(m,m')}
type ISA_transformers = {check :
(theory -> term * typ * Position.T -> string -> term option),
elaborate : (theory -> string -> typ -> term option -> Position.T -> term)
type ISA_transformer_tab = ISA_transformers Symtab.table
val initial_ISA_tab:ISA_transformer_tab = Symtab.empty
type docclass_inv_tab = (string -> {is_monitor:bool} -> Context.generic -> bool) Symtab.table
val initial_docclass_inv_tab : docclass_inv_tab = Symtab.empty
type docclass_eager_inv_tab =
(string -> {is_monitor:bool} -> Context.generic -> bool) Symtab.table
val initial_docclass_eager_inv_tab : docclass_eager_inv_tab = Symtab.empty
type docclass_lazy_inv_tab =
(string -> {is_monitor:bool} -> Context.generic -> bool) Symtab.table
val initial_docclass_lazy_inv_tab : docclass_lazy_inv_tab = Symtab.empty
type open_monitor_info = {accepted_cids : string list,
rejected_cids : string list,
automatas : RegExpInterface.automaton list
type monitor_tab = open_monitor_info Symtab.table
val initial_monitor_tab:monitor_tab = Symtab.empty
fun override(t1,t2) = fold(Symtab.update)(Symtab.dest t2)(t1)
(* registrating data of the Isa_DOF component *)
structure Data = Generic_Data
type T = {docobj_tab : docobj_tab,
docclass_tab : docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab : ISA_transformer_tab,
monitor_tab : monitor_tab,
docclass_inv_tab : docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab : docclass_eager_inv_tab,
docclass_lazy_inv_tab : docclass_lazy_inv_tab}
val empty = {docobj_tab = initial_docobj_tab,
docclass_tab = initial_docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab = initial_ISA_tab,
monitor_tab = initial_monitor_tab,
docclass_inv_tab = initial_docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab = initial_docclass_eager_inv_tab,
docclass_lazy_inv_tab = initial_docclass_lazy_inv_tab
fun merge( {docobj_tab=d1,docclass_tab = c1,
ISA_transformer_tab = e1, monitor_tab=m1,
docclass_inv_tab = n1,
docclass_eager_inv_tab = en1, docclass_lazy_inv_tab = ln1},
{docobj_tab=d2,docclass_tab = c2,
ISA_transformer_tab = e2, monitor_tab=m2,
docclass_inv_tab = n2,
docclass_eager_inv_tab = en2, docclass_lazy_inv_tab = ln2}) =
{docobj_tab=merge_docobj_tab (d1,d2),
docclass_tab = merge_docclass_tab (c1,c2),
The following merge is ultra-critical: the transformer tabs were
just extended by letting *the first* entry with the same long-name win.
Since the range is a (call-back) function, a comparison on its content
is impossible and some choice has to be made... Alternative: Symtab.join ?
ISA_transformer_tab = Symtab.merge (fn (_ , _) => true)(e1,e2),
monitor_tab = override(m1,m2),
docclass_inv_tab = override(n1,n2),
docclass_eager_inv_tab = override(en1,en2),
docclass_lazy_inv_tab = override(ln1,ln2)
val get_data = Data.get o Context.Proof;
val map_data = Data.map;
val get_data_global = Data.get o Context.Theory;
val map_data_global = Context.theory_map o map_data;
fun upd_docobj_tab f {docobj_tab,docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docobj_tab = f docobj_tab, docclass_tab=docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab=ISA_transformer_tab, monitor_tab=monitor_tab,
fun upd_docclass_tab f {docobj_tab=x,docclass_tab = y,ISA_transformer_tab = z,
monitor_tab, docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docobj_tab=x,docclass_tab = f y,ISA_transformer_tab = z, monitor_tab=monitor_tab,
fun upd_ISA_transformers f {docobj_tab=x,docclass_tab = y,ISA_transformer_tab = z,
monitor_tab, docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docobj_tab=x,docclass_tab = y,ISA_transformer_tab = f z, monitor_tab=monitor_tab,
fun upd_monitor_tabs f {docobj_tab,docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab,
monitor_tab, docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docobj_tab = docobj_tab,docclass_tab = docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab = ISA_transformer_tab, monitor_tab = f monitor_tab,
fun upd_docclass_inv_tab f {docobj_tab,docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab,
monitor_tab, docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docobj_tab = docobj_tab,docclass_tab = docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab = ISA_transformer_tab, monitor_tab = monitor_tab,
docclass_inv_tab = f docclass_inv_tab,
fun upd_docclass_eager_inv_tab f {docobj_tab,docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab,
monitor_tab, docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docobj_tab = docobj_tab,docclass_tab = docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab = ISA_transformer_tab, monitor_tab = monitor_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab=f docclass_eager_inv_tab,
fun upd_docclass_lazy_inv_tab f {docobj_tab,docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab,
monitor_tab, docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docobj_tab = docobj_tab,docclass_tab = docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab = ISA_transformer_tab, monitor_tab = monitor_tab,
docclass_lazy_inv_tab=f docclass_lazy_inv_tab};
fun get_accepted_cids ({accepted_cids, ... } : open_monitor_info) = accepted_cids
fun get_rejected_cids ({rejected_cids, ... } : open_monitor_info) = rejected_cids
fun get_alphabet monitor_info = (get_accepted_cids monitor_info) @ (get_rejected_cids monitor_info)
fun get_automatas ({automatas, ... } : open_monitor_info) = automatas
(* doc-class-name management: We still use the record-package for internally
representing doc-classes. The main motivation is that "links" to entities are
types over doc-classes, *types* in the Isabelle sense, enriched by additional data.
This has the advantage that the type-inference can be abused to infer long-names
for doc-class-names. Note, however, that doc-classes are currently implemented
by non-polymorphic records only; this means that the extensible "_ext" versions
of type names must be reduced to qualifier names only. The used Syntax.parse_typ
handling the identification does that already.
However, we use Syntax.read_typ in order to allow type-synonyms which requires
an appropriate adaption in read_cid.*)
fun is_subclass (ctxt) s t = is_subclass0(#docclass_tab(get_data ctxt)) s t
fun is_subclass_global thy s t = is_subclass0(#docclass_tab(get_data_global thy)) s t
fun typ_to_cid (Type(s,[\<^Type>\<open>unit\<close>])) = Long_Name.qualifier s
|typ_to_cid (Type(_,[T])) = typ_to_cid T
|typ_to_cid _ = error("type is not an ontological type.")
fun parse_cid ctxt cid =
(* parses a type lexically/syntactically, checks absence of type vars *)
(case Syntax.parse_typ ctxt cid of
Type(tyname, []) => tyname
| _ => error "illegal type-format for doc-class-name.")
handle ERROR _ => "" (* ignore error *)
fun read_cid ctxt "text" = default_cid (* text = default_cid *)
| read_cid ctxt cid =
(* parses a type syntactically, type-identification, checking as class id *)
(case Syntax.read_typ ctxt cid of
ty as Type(tyname, _) => let val res = typ_to_cid ty
val t = #docclass_tab(get_data ctxt)
in if Symtab.defined t res
then res
else error("type identifier not a class id:"^res)
| _ => error "illegal type-format for doc-class-name.")
handle ERROR _ => error("type identifier not a class id:"^cid)
fun parse_cid_global thy cid = parse_cid (Proof_Context.init_global thy) cid
fun read_cid_global thy cid = read_cid (Proof_Context.init_global thy) cid
fun is_defined_cid_global cid thy =
(* works with short and long names *)
let val t = #docclass_tab(get_data_global thy)
in cid=default_cid orelse
Symtab.defined t (parse_cid_global thy cid)
fun is_defined_cid_global' cid_long thy =
(* works with long names only *)
let val t = #docclass_tab(get_data_global thy)
in cid_long=default_cid orelse Symtab.defined t cid_long end
fun is_defined_cid_local cid ctxt =
(* works with short and long names *)
let val t = #docclass_tab(get_data ctxt)
in cid=default_cid orelse
Symtab.defined t (parse_cid ctxt cid)
fun is_defined_cid_local' cid_long ctxt =
(* works with long names only *)
let val t = #docclass_tab(get_data ctxt)
in cid_long=default_cid orelse Symtab.defined t cid_long end
fun is_declared_oid_global oid thy = let val {tab,...} = #docobj_tab(get_data_global thy)
in Symtab.defined tab oid end
fun is_declared_oid_local oid thy = let val {tab,...} = #docobj_tab(get_data thy)
in Symtab.defined tab oid end
fun is_defined_oid_global oid thy = let val {tab,...} = #docobj_tab(get_data_global thy)
in case Symtab.lookup tab oid of
NONE => false
|SOME(NONE) => false
|SOME _ => true
fun is_defined_oid_local oid thy = let val {tab,...} = #docobj_tab(get_data thy)
in case Symtab.lookup tab oid of
NONE => false
|SOME(NONE) => false
|SOME _ => true
fun is_virtual cid thy = let val tab = (#docclass_tab(get_data_global thy))
(* takes class synonyms into account *)
val long_name = read_cid_global thy cid
in case Symtab.lookup tab long_name of
NONE => error("Undefined class id: " ^ cid)
| SOME ({virtual=virtual, ...}) => #virtual virtual
fun declare_object_global oid thy =
let fun decl {tab=t,maxano=x} = {tab=Symtab.update_new(oid,NONE)t, maxano=x}
in (map_data_global (upd_docobj_tab(decl)) (thy)
handle Symtab.DUP _ => error("multiple declaration of document reference"))
fun declare_object_local oid ctxt =
let fun decl {tab,maxano} = {tab=Symtab.update_new(oid,NONE) tab, maxano=maxano}
in (map_data(upd_docobj_tab decl)(ctxt)
handle Symtab.DUP _ => error("multiple declaration of document reference"))
fun update_class_invariant cid_long f thy =
let val _ = if is_defined_cid_global' cid_long thy then ()
else error("undefined class id : " ^cid_long)
in map_data_global (upd_docclass_inv_tab (Symtab.update (cid_long,
(fn ctxt => ((writeln("Inv check of : " ^cid_long); f ctxt ))))))
fun update_class_eager_invariant cid_long f thy =
let val _ = if is_defined_cid_global' cid_long thy then ()
else error("undefined class id : " ^cid_long)
in map_data_global (upd_docclass_eager_inv_tab (Symtab.update (cid_long,
(fn ctxt => ((writeln("Eager Invariant check of: " ^cid_long); f ctxt ))))))
fun update_class_lazy_invariant cid_long f thy =
let val _ = if is_defined_cid_global' cid_long thy then ()
else error("undefined class id : " ^cid_long)
in map_data_global (upd_docclass_lazy_inv_tab (Symtab.update (cid_long,
(fn ctxt => ((writeln("Lazy Invariant check of: " ^cid_long); f ctxt ))))))
fun get_class_invariant cid_long thy =
let val _ = if is_defined_cid_global' cid_long thy then ()
else error("undefined class id : " ^cid_long)
val {docclass_inv_tab, ...} = get_data_global thy
in case Symtab.lookup docclass_inv_tab cid_long of
NONE => K(K(K true))
| SOME f => f
fun get_class_eager_invariant cid_long thy =
let val _ = if is_defined_cid_global' cid_long thy then ()
else error("undefined class id : " ^cid_long)
val {docclass_eager_inv_tab, ...} = get_data_global thy
in case Symtab.lookup docclass_eager_inv_tab cid_long of
NONE => K(K(K true))
| SOME f => f
fun get_class_lazy_invariant cid_long thy =
let val _ = if is_defined_cid_global' cid_long thy then ()
else error("undefined class id : " ^cid_long)
val {docclass_lazy_inv_tab, ...} = get_data_global thy
in case Symtab.lookup docclass_lazy_inv_tab cid_long of
NONE => K(K(K true))
| SOME f => f
val SPY = Unsynchronized.ref(Bound 0)
fun check_regexps term =
let val _ = case fold_aterms Term.add_free_names term [] of
n::_ => error("No free variables allowed in monitor regexp:" ^ n)
| _ => ()
val _ = case fold_aterms Term.add_var_names term [] of
(n,_)::_ => error("No schematic variables allowed in monitor regexp:" ^ n)
| _ => ()
(* Missing: Checks on constants such as undefined, ... *)
in term end
fun check_reject_atom cid_long term =
let val _ = case fold_aterms Term.add_free_names term [] of
n::_ => error("No free variables allowed in monitor regexp:" ^ n)
| _ => ()
val _ = case fold_aterms Term.add_var_names term [] of
(n,_)::_ => error("No schematic variables allowed in monitor regexp:" ^ n)
| _ => ()
(* Missing: Checks on constants such as undefined, ... *)
in term end
fun define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fields rexp reject_Atoms invs virtual thy =
(* This operation is executed in a context where the record has already been defined, but
its conversion into a class is not yet done. *)
let val nn = Context.theory_name thy (* in case that we need the thy-name to identify
the space where it is ... *)
val cid = (Binding.name_of binding)
val pos = (Binding.pos_of binding)
val _ = if is_defined_cid_global cid thy
then error("redefinition of document class:"^cid )
else ()
val parent' = map_option (map_snd (read_cid_global thy)) parent
(* weird construction. Necessary since parse produces at rare cases
string representations that do no longer have the lexis of a type name. *)
val cid_long = parse_cid_global thy cid
val cid_long' = parse_cid_global thy cid_long
val _ = if cid_long' <> "" then ()
else error("Could not construct type from doc_class (lexical problem?)")
val id = serial ();
val _ = Position.report pos (docclass_markup true cid id pos);
val rejectS = map (Syntax.read_term_global thy) reject_Atoms;
val _ = map (check_reject_atom cid_long) rejectS;
val reg_exps = map (Syntax.read_term_global thy) rexp;
val _ = map check_regexps reg_exps
val _ = if not(null rejectS) andalso (null reg_exps)
then error ("reject clause requires accept clause ! " ) else ();
val _ = if has_duplicates (op =) (map (fst o fst) invs)
then error("invariant labels must be unique"^ Position.here (snd(fst(hd invs))))
else ()
val invs' = map (map_snd(Syntax.read_term_global thy)) invs
val info = {params=params',
name = binding,
virtual = virtual,
thy_name = nn,
id = id, (* for pide --- really fresh or better reconstruct
from prior record definition ? For the moment: own
generation of serials ... *)
inherits_from = parent',
attribute_decl = fields ,
rejectS = rejectS,
rex = reg_exps,
invs = invs'}
in map_data_global(upd_docclass_tab(Symtab.update(cid_long,info)))(thy)
fun define_object_global (oid, bbb) thy =
let val nn = Context.theory_name thy (* in case that we need the thy-name to identify
the space where it is ... *)
in if is_defined_oid_global oid thy
then error("multiple definition of document reference")
else map_data_global (upd_docobj_tab(fn {tab=t,maxano=x} =>
{tab=Symtab.update(oid,SOME bbb) t,
fun define_object_local (oid, bbb) ctxt =
map_data (upd_docobj_tab(fn{tab,maxano}=>{tab=Symtab.update(oid,SOME bbb)tab,maxano=maxano})) ctxt
(* declares an anonyme label of a given type and generates a unique reference ... *)
fun declare_anoobject_global thy cid =
let fun declare {tab,maxano} = let val str = cid^":"^Int.toString(maxano+1)
val _ = writeln("Anonymous reference declared: " ^ str)
in {tab=Symtab.update(str,NONE)tab,maxano= maxano+1} end
in map_data_global (upd_docobj_tab declare) (thy)
fun declare_anoobject_local ctxt cid =
let fun declare {tab,maxano} = let val str = cid^":"^Int.toString(maxano+1)
val _ = writeln("Anonymous reference declared: " ^str)
in {tab=Symtab.update(str,NONE)tab, maxano=maxano+1} end
in map_data (upd_docobj_tab declare) (ctxt)
fun get_object_global_opt oid thy = Symtab.lookup (#tab(#docobj_tab(get_data_global thy))) oid
fun get_object_global oid thy = case get_object_global_opt oid thy of
NONE => error("undefined reference: "^oid)
|SOME(bbb) => bbb
fun get_object_local_opt oid ctxt = Symtab.lookup (#tab(#docobj_tab(get_data ctxt))) oid
fun get_object_local oid ctxt = case get_object_local_opt oid ctxt of
NONE => error("undefined reference: "^oid)
|SOME(bbb) => bbb
fun get_doc_class_global cid thy =
if cid = default_cid then error("default class access") (* TODO *)
else let val t = #docclass_tab(get_data_global thy)
in (Symtab.lookup t cid) end
fun get_doc_class_local cid ctxt =
if cid = default_cid then error("default class access") (* TODO *)
else let val t = #docclass_tab(get_data ctxt)
in (Symtab.lookup t cid) end
fun is_defined_cid_local cid ctxt = let val t = #docclass_tab(get_data ctxt)
in cid=default_cid orelse
Symtab.defined t (parse_cid ctxt cid)
fun get_attributes_local cid ctxt =
if cid = default_cid then []
else let val t = #docclass_tab(get_data ctxt)
val cid_long = read_cid ctxt cid (* to assure that the given cid is really a long_cid *)
in case Symtab.lookup t cid_long of
NONE => error("undefined class id for attributes: "^cid)
| (SOME ({inherits_from=NONE,
attribute_decl = X, ...})) => [(cid_long,X)]
| (SOME ({inherits_from=SOME(_,father),
attribute_decl = X, ...})) =>
get_attributes_local father ctxt @ [(cid_long,X)]
fun get_attributes cid thy = get_attributes_local cid (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
fun get_all_attributes_local cid ctxt =
(tag_attr, get_attributes_local cid ctxt)
fun get_all_attributes cid thy = get_all_attributes_local cid (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
type attributes_info = { def_occurrence : string,
def_pos : Position.T,
long_name : string,
typ : typ
fun get_attribute_info_local (*long*)cid attr ctxt : attributes_info option=
let val hierarchy = get_attributes_local cid ctxt (* search in order *)
fun found (s,L) = case find_first (fn (bind,_,_) => Binding.name_of bind = attr) L of
| SOME X => SOME(s,X)
in case get_first found hierarchy of
| SOME (cid',(bind, ty,_)) => SOME({def_occurrence = cid,
def_pos = Binding.pos_of bind,
long_name = cid'^"."^(Binding.name_of bind),
typ = ty})
fun get_attribute_info (*long*)cid attr thy =
get_attribute_info_local cid attr (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
fun get_attribute_defaults (* long*)cid thy =
let val attrS = flat(map snd (get_attributes cid thy))
fun trans (_,_,NONE) = NONE
|trans (na,ty,SOME def) =SOME(na,ty, def)
in map_filter trans attrS end
fun get_value_global oid thy = case get_object_global oid thy of
SOME{value=term,...} => SOME term
fun get_value_local oid ctxt = case get_object_local oid ctxt of
SOME{value=term,...} => SOME term
(* missing : setting terms to ground (no type-schema vars, no schema vars. )*)
fun update_value_global oid upd_input_term upd_value thy =
case get_object_global oid thy of
SOME{pos,thy_name, input_term, value,inline,id,cid,vcid} =>
let val tab' = Symtab.update(oid,SOME{pos=pos,thy_name=thy_name,
input_term=upd_input_term input_term,
value=upd_value value,id=id,
inline=inline,cid=cid, vcid=vcid})
in map_data_global (upd_docobj_tab(fn{tab,maxano}=>{tab=tab' tab,maxano=maxano})) thy end
| NONE => error("undefined doc object: "^oid)
val ISA_prefix = "ISA_" (* ISA's must be declared in Isa_DOF.thy !!! *)
val doc_class_prefix = ISA_prefix ^ "doc_class_"
fun is_ISA s = String.isPrefix ISA_prefix (Long_Name.base_name s)
fun get_class_name_without_prefix s = String.extract (s, String.size(doc_class_prefix), NONE)
fun get_doc_class_name_without_ISA_prefix s = String.extract (s, String.size(ISA_prefix), NONE)
fun is_class_ISA thy s = let val bname = Long_Name.base_name s
val qual = Long_Name.qualifier s
if String.isPrefix doc_class_prefix bname then
val class_name =
Long_Name.qualify qual (get_class_name_without_prefix bname)
is_defined_cid_global (class_name) thy end
else false end
fun get_isa_global isa thy =
case Symtab.lookup (#ISA_transformer_tab(get_data_global thy)) (ISA_prefix^isa) of
NONE => error("undefined inner syntax antiquotation: "^isa)
| SOME(bbb) => bbb
fun get_isa_local isa ctxt = case Symtab.lookup (#ISA_transformer_tab(get_data ctxt)) (ISA_prefix^isa) of
NONE => error("undefined inner syntax antiquotation: "^isa)
|SOME(bbb) => bbb
fun update_isa map_data_fun (isa, trans) ctxt =
val bname = Long_Name.base_name isa;
val qual = Long_Name.qualifier isa;
val long_name = Long_Name.qualify qual (ISA_prefix ^ bname);
in map_data_fun (upd_ISA_transformers(Symtab.update(long_name, trans))) ctxt end
fun update_isa_local (isa, trans) ctxt = update_isa map_data (isa, trans) ctxt
fun update_isa_global (isa, trans) thy = update_isa map_data_global (isa, trans) thy
fun transduce_term_global {mk_elaboration=mk_elaboration} (term,pos) thy =
(* pre: term should be fully typed in order to allow type-related term-transformations *)
let val tab = #ISA_transformer_tab(get_data_global thy)
fun T(Const(s,ty) $ t) = if is_ISA s
then case Symtab.lookup tab s of
NONE => error("undefined inner syntax antiquotation: "^s)
| SOME({check=check, elaborate=elaborate}) =>
case check thy (t,ty,pos) s of
NONE => Const(s,ty) $ t
(* checking isa, may raise error though. *)
| SOME t => if mk_elaboration
then elaborate thy s ty (SOME t) pos
else Const(s,ty) $ t
(* transforming isa *)
else (Const(s,ty) $ (T t))
|T(t1 $ t2) = T(t1) $ T(t2)
|T(Const(s,ty)) = if is_ISA s
then case Symtab.lookup tab s of
NONE => error("undefined inner syntax antiquotation: "^s)
| SOME({elaborate=elaborate, ...}) =>
if mk_elaboration
then elaborate thy s ty NONE pos
else Const(s, ty)
(* transforming isa *)
else Const(s, ty)
|T(Abs(s,ty,t)) = Abs(s,ty,T t)
|T t = t
in T term end
fun elaborate_term ctxt term = transduce_term_global {mk_elaboration=true}
(term , Position.none)
(Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
fun check_term ctxt term = transduce_term_global {mk_elaboration=false}
(term , Position.none)
(Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
fun writeln_classrefs ctxt = let val tab = #docclass_tab(get_data ctxt)
in writeln (String.concatWith "," (Symtab.keys tab)) end
fun writeln_docrefs ctxt = let val {tab,...} = #docobj_tab(get_data ctxt)
in writeln (String.concatWith "," (Symtab.keys tab)) end
fun print_doc_class_tree ctxt P T =
let val {docobj_tab={tab = x, ...},docclass_tab, ...} = get_data ctxt;
val class_tab:(string * docclass_struct)list = (Symtab.dest docclass_tab)
fun is_class_son X (n, dc:docclass_struct) = (X = #inherits_from dc)
fun tree lev ([]:(string * docclass_struct)list) = ""
|tree lev ((n,R)::S) = (if P(lev,n)
then "."^Int.toString lev^" "^(T n)^"{...}.\n"
^ (tree(lev + 1)(filter(is_class_son(SOME([],n)))class_tab))
else "."^Int.toString lev^" ... \n")
^ (tree lev S)
val roots = filter(is_class_son NONE) class_tab
in ".0 .\n" ^ tree 1 roots end
val (strict_monitor_checking, strict_monitor_checking_setup)
= Attrib.config_bool \<^binding>\<open>strict_monitor_checking\<close> (K false);
val (free_class_in_monitor_checking, free_class_in_monitor_checking_setup)
= Attrib.config_bool \<^binding>\<open>free_class_in_monitor_checking\<close> (K false);
val (free_class_in_monitor_strict_checking, free_class_in_monitor_strict_checking_setup)
= Attrib.config_bool \<^binding>\<open>free_class_in_monitor_strict_checking\<close> (K false);
val (invariants_checking, invariants_checking_setup)
= Attrib.config_bool \<^binding>\<open>invariants_checking\<close> (K true);
val (invariants_strict_checking, invariants_strict_checking_setup)
= Attrib.config_bool \<^binding>\<open>invariants_strict_checking\<close> (K false);
val (invariants_checking_with_tactics, invariants_checking_with_tactics_setup)
= Attrib.config_bool \<^binding>\<open>invariants_checking_with_tactics\<close> (K false);
end (* struct *)
#> DOF_core.free_class_in_monitor_checking_setup
#> DOF_core.free_class_in_monitor_strict_checking_setup
#> DOF_core.invariants_checking_setup
#> DOF_core.invariants_strict_checking_setup
#> DOF_core.invariants_checking_with_tactics_setup\<close>

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@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
theory Deep_Interpretation
imports Isabelle_DOF.DOF_Core
subsection\<open> Syntax \<close>
datatype "doc_class" = mk string
\<comment> \<open>and others in the future : file, http, thy, ...\<close>
consts ISA_typ :: "string \<Rightarrow> typ" ("@{typ _}")
consts ISA_term :: "string \<Rightarrow> term" ("@{term _}")
consts ISA_term_repr :: "string \<Rightarrow> term" ("@{termrepr _}")
datatype "thm" = ISA_thm string ("@{thm _}") | Thm_content ("proof":proofterm)
datatype "thms_of" = ISA_thms_of string ("@{thms-of _}")
datatype "file" = ISA_file string ("@{file _}")
datatype "thy" = ISA_thy string ("@{thy _}")
consts ISA_docitem :: "string \<Rightarrow> 'a" ("@{docitem _}")
datatype "docitem_attr" = ISA_docitem_attr string string ("@{docitemattr (_) :: (_)}")
consts ISA_trace_attribute :: "string \<Rightarrow> (string * string) list" ("@{trace-attribute _}")
subsection\<open> Semantics \<close>
structure ISA_core =
fun err msg pos = error (msg ^ Position.here pos);
fun warn msg pos = warning (msg ^ Position.here pos);
fun check_path check_file ctxt dir (name, pos) =
val _ = Context_Position.report ctxt pos (Markup.language_path true); (* TODO: pos should be
"lifted" to
type source *)
val path = Path.append dir (Path.explode name) handle ERROR msg => err msg pos;
val _ = Path.expand path handle ERROR msg => err msg pos;
val _ = Context_Position.report ctxt pos (Markup.path (Path.implode_symbolic path));
val _ =
(case check_file of
NONE => path
| SOME check => (check path handle ERROR msg => err msg pos));
in path end;
fun ML_isa_antiq check_file thy (name, _, pos) =
let val path = check_path check_file (Proof_Context.init_global thy) Path.current (name, pos);
in "Path.explode " ^ ML_Syntax.print_string (Path.implode path) end;
fun ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) =
let val name = (HOLogic.dest_string term
handle TERM(_,[t]) => error ("wrong term format: must be string constant: "
^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t ))
val _ = check thy (name,pos)
in SOME term end;
fun check_identity _ (term, _, _) _ = SOME term
fun ML_isa_check_typ thy (term, _, pos) _ =
let fun check thy (name, _) = let val ctxt = (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
in (Syntax.check_typ ctxt o Syntax.parse_typ ctxt) name end
in ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) end
fun ML_isa_check_term thy (term, _, pos) _ =
let fun check thy (name, _) = let val ctxt = (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
in (Syntax.check_term ctxt o Syntax.parse_term ctxt) name end
in ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) end
fun ML_isa_check_thm thy (term, _, pos) _ =
(* this works for long-names only *)
let fun check thy (name, _) = case Proof_Context.lookup_fact (Proof_Context.init_global thy) name of
NONE => err ("No Theorem:" ^name) pos
| SOME X => X
in ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) end
fun ML_isa_check_file thy (term, _, pos) _ =
let fun check thy (name, pos) = check_path (SOME File.check_file)
(Proof_Context.init_global thy)
(name, pos);
in ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) end;
fun check_instance thy (term, _, pos) s =
val bname = Long_Name.base_name s;
val qual = Long_Name.qualifier s;
val class_name =
Long_Name.qualify qual (String.extract(bname , String.size(DOF_core.doc_class_prefix), NONE));
fun check thy (name, _) =
val object_cid = case DOF_core.get_object_global name thy of
NONE => err ("No class instance: " ^ name) pos
| SOME(object) => #cid object
fun check' (class_name, object_cid) =
if class_name = object_cid then
DOF_core.get_value_global name thy
else err (name ^ " is not an instance of " ^ class_name) pos
in check' (class_name, object_cid) end;
in ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) end
fun ML_isa_id thy (term,pos) = SOME term
fun ML_isa_check_docitem thy (term, req_ty, pos) _ =
let fun check thy (name, _) s =
if DOF_core.is_declared_oid_global name thy
then case DOF_core.get_object_global name thy of
NONE => warning("oid declared, but not yet defined --- "^
" type-check incomplete")
| SOME {pos=pos_decl,cid,id,...} =>
let val ctxt = (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
val req_class = case req_ty of
\<^Type>\<open>fun _ T\<close> => DOF_core.typ_to_cid T
| _ => error("can not infer type for: "^ name)
in if cid <> DOF_core.default_cid
andalso not(DOF_core.is_subclass ctxt cid req_class)
then error("reference ontologically inconsistent: "
^cid^" vs. "^req_class^ Position.here pos_decl)
else ()
else err ("faulty reference to docitem: "^name) pos
in ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) end
fun ML_isa_check_trace_attribute thy (term, _, pos) s =
fun check thy (name, _) =
case DOF_core.get_object_global name thy of
NONE => err ("No class instance: " ^ name) pos
| SOME(_) => ()
in ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) end
fun ML_isa_elaborate_generic (_:theory) isa_name ty term_option _ =
case term_option of
NONE => error("Wrong term option. You must use a defined term")
| SOME term => Const (isa_name, ty) $ term
fun reify_typ (Type (s, typ_list)) =
\<^Const>\<open>Ty\<close> $ HOLogic.mk_literal s $ HOLogic.mk_list \<^Type>\<open>typ\<close> (map reify_typ typ_list)
| reify_typ (TFree (name, sort)) =
\<^Const>\<open>Tv\<close> $(\<^Const>\<open>Free\<close> $ HOLogic.mk_literal name)
$ (HOLogic.mk_set \<^typ>\<open>class\<close> (map HOLogic.mk_literal sort))
| reify_typ (TVar (indexname, sort)) =
let val (name, index_value) = indexname
in \<^Const>\<open>Tv\<close>
$ (\<^Const>\<open>Var\<close>
$ HOLogic.mk_prod (HOLogic.mk_literal name, HOLogic.mk_number \<^Type>\<open>int\<close> index_value))
$ (HOLogic.mk_set \<^typ>\<open>class\<close> (map HOLogic.mk_literal sort)) end
fun ML_isa_elaborate_typ (thy:theory) _ _ term_option _ =
case term_option of
NONE => error("Wrong term option. You must use a defined term")
| SOME term => let
val typ_name = HOLogic.dest_string term
val typ = Syntax.read_typ_global thy typ_name
in reify_typ typ end
fun reify_term (Const (name, typ)) =\<^Const>\<open>Ct\<close> $ HOLogic.mk_literal name $ reify_typ typ
| reify_term (Free (name, typ)) =
\<^Const>\<open>Fv\<close> $ (\<^Const>\<open>Free\<close> $ HOLogic.mk_literal name) $ reify_typ typ
| reify_term (Var (indexname, typ)) =
let val (name, index_value) = indexname
in \<^Const>\<open>Fv\<close>
$ (\<^Const>\<open>Var\<close>
$ HOLogic.mk_prod (HOLogic.mk_literal name, HOLogic.mk_number \<^Type>\<open>int\<close> index_value))
$ reify_typ typ end
| reify_term (Bound i) = \<^Const>\<open>Bv\<close> $ HOLogic.mk_nat i
| reify_term (Abs (_, typ, term)) = \<^Const>\<open>Abs\<close> $ reify_typ typ $ reify_term term
| reify_term (Term.$ (t1, t2)) = \<^Const>\<open>App\<close> $ reify_term t1 $ reify_term t2
fun ML_isa_elaborate_term (thy:theory) _ _ term_option _ =
case term_option of
NONE => error("Wrong term option. You must use a defined term")
| SOME term => let
val term_name = HOLogic.dest_string term
val term = Syntax.read_term_global thy term_name
in reify_term term end
fun reify_proofterm (PBound i) =\<^Const>\<open>PBound\<close> $ (HOLogic.mk_nat i)
| reify_proofterm (Abst (_, typ_option, proof)) =
\<^Const>\<open>Abst\<close> $ reify_typ (the typ_option) $ reify_proofterm proof
| reify_proofterm (AbsP (_, term_option, proof)) =
\<^Const>\<open>AbsP\<close> $ reify_term (the term_option) $ reify_proofterm proof
| reify_proofterm (op % (proof, term_option)) =
\<^Const>\<open>Appt\<close> $ reify_proofterm proof $ reify_term (the term_option)
| reify_proofterm (op %% (proof1, proof2)) =
\<^Const>\<open>AppP\<close> $ reify_proofterm proof1 $ reify_proofterm proof2
| reify_proofterm (Hyp term) = \<^Const>\<open>Hyp\<close> $ (reify_term term)
| reify_proofterm (PAxm (_, term, typ_list_option)) =
val tvars = rev (Term.add_tvars term [])
val meta_tvars = map (fn ((name, index_value), sort) =>
$ HOLogic.mk_prod
(HOLogic.mk_literal name, HOLogic.mk_number \<^Type>\<open>int\<close> index_value)
, HOLogic.mk_set \<^typ>\<open>class\<close> (map HOLogic.mk_literal sort))) tvars
val meta_typ_list =
HOLogic.mk_list @{typ "tyinst"} (map2 (fn x => fn y => HOLogic.mk_prod (x, y))
meta_tvars (map reify_typ (the typ_list_option)))
in \<^Const>\<open>PAxm\<close> $ reify_term term $ meta_typ_list end
| reify_proofterm (PClass (typ, class)) =
\<^Const>\<open>OfClass\<close> $ reify_typ typ $ HOLogic.mk_literal class
| reify_proofterm (PThm ({prop = prop, types = types, ...}, _)) =
val tvars = rev (Term.add_tvars prop [])
val meta_tvars = map (fn ((name, index_value), sort) =>
$ HOLogic.mk_prod
(HOLogic.mk_literal name, HOLogic.mk_number \<^Type>\<open>int\<close> index_value)
, HOLogic.mk_set \<^typ>\<open>class\<close> (map HOLogic.mk_literal sort))) tvars
val meta_typ_list =
HOLogic.mk_list \<^typ>\<open>tyinst\<close> (map2 (fn x => fn y => HOLogic.mk_prod (x, y))
meta_tvars (map reify_typ (the types)))
in \<^Const>\<open>PAxm\<close> $ reify_term prop $ meta_typ_list end
fun ML_isa_elaborate_thm (thy:theory) _ _ term_option pos =
case term_option of
NONE => err ("Malformed term annotation") pos
| SOME term =>
val thm_name = HOLogic.dest_string term
val thm = Proof_Context.get_thm (Proof_Context.init_global thy) thm_name
val body = Proofterm.strip_thm_body (Thm.proof_body_of thm);
val prf = Proofterm.proof_of body;
(* Proof_Syntax.standard_proof_of reconstructs the proof and seems to rewrite
the option arguments (with a value NONE) of the proof datatype constructors,
at least for PAxm, with "SOME (typ/term)",
allowing us the use the projection function "the".
Maybe the function can deal with
all the option types of the proof datatype constructors *)
val proof = Proof_Syntax.standard_proof_of
{full = true, expand_name = Thm.expand_name thm} thm
(* After a small discussion with Simon Roßkopf, It seems preferable to use
Thm.reconstruct_proof_of instead of Proof_Syntax.standard_proof_of
whose operation is not well known.
Thm.reconstruct_proof_of seems sufficient to have a reifiable PAxm
in the metalogic. *)
val proof' = Thm.reconstruct_proof_of thm
(*in \<^Const>\<open>Thm_content\<close> $ reify_proofterm prf end*)
(*in \<^Const>\<open>Thm_content\<close> $ reify_proofterm proof end*)
in \<^Const>\<open>Thm_content\<close> $ reify_proofterm proof' end
fun ML_isa_elaborate_thms_of (thy:theory) _ _ term_option pos =
case term_option of
NONE => err ("Malformed term annotation") pos
| SOME term =>
val thm_name = HOLogic.dest_string term
val thm = Proof_Context.get_thm (Proof_Context.init_global thy) thm_name
val body = Proofterm.strip_thm_body (Thm.proof_body_of thm)
val all_thms_name = Proofterm.fold_body_thms (fn {name, ...} => insert (op =) name) [body] []
(*val all_thms = map (Proof_Context.get_thm (Proof_Context.init_global thy)) all_thms_name*)
(*val all_proofs = map (Proof_Syntax.standard_proof_of
{full = true, expand_name = Thm.expand_name thm}) all_thms*)
(*in HOLogic.mk_list \<^Type>\<open>thm\<close> (map (fn proof => \<^Const>\<open>Thm_content\<close> $ reify_proofterm proof) all_proofs) end*)
in HOLogic.mk_list \<^typ>\<open>string\<close> (map HOLogic.mk_string all_thms_name) end
fun elaborate_instance thy _ _ term_option pos =
case term_option of
NONE => error ("Malformed term annotation")
| SOME term => let val instance_name = HOLogic.dest_string term
in case DOF_core.get_value_global instance_name thy of
NONE => error ("No class instance: " ^ instance_name)
| SOME(value) =>
DOF_core.transduce_term_global {mk_elaboration=true} (value, pos) thy
The function declare_ISA_class_accessor_and_check_instance uses a prefix
because the class name is already bound to "doc_class Regular_Exp.rexp" constant
by add_doc_class_cmd function
fun declare_ISA_class_accessor_and_check_instance doc_class_name =
val bind = Binding.prefix_name DOF_core.doc_class_prefix doc_class_name
val typestring = "string => " ^ (Binding.name_of doc_class_name)
(* Unfortunately due to different lexical conventions for constant symbols and mixfix symbols
we can not use "_" for classes names in term antiquotation.
We chose to convert "_" to "-".*)
val conv_class_name = String.translate (fn #"_" => "-"
| x => String.implode [x] )
(Binding.name_of doc_class_name)
val mixfix_string = "@{" ^ conv_class_name ^ " _}"
Sign.add_consts_cmd [(bind, typestring, Mixfix.mixfix(mixfix_string))]
#> (fn thy => let
val long_name = DOF_core.read_cid_global thy (Binding.name_of doc_class_name)
val qual = Long_Name.qualifier long_name
val class_name = Long_Name.qualify qual
(DOF_core.get_doc_class_name_without_ISA_prefix (Binding.name_of bind))
(class_name, {check=check_instance, elaborate=elaborate_instance}) thy
fun elaborate_instances_list thy isa_name _ _ _ =
val base_name = Long_Name.base_name isa_name
fun get_isa_name_without_intances_suffix s =
String.extract (s, 0, SOME (String.size(s) - String.size(instances_of_suffixN)))
val base_name_without_suffix = get_isa_name_without_intances_suffix base_name
val base_name' = DOF_core.get_class_name_without_prefix (base_name_without_suffix)
val class_typ = Proof_Context.read_typ (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
val tab = #tab(#docobj_tab(DOF_core.get_data_global thy))
val table_list = Symtab.dest tab
fun get_instances_name_list _ [] = []
| get_instances_name_list class_name (x::xs) =
val (_, docobj_option) = x
case docobj_option of
NONE => get_instances_name_list class_name xs
| SOME {cid=cid, value=value, ...} =>
if cid = class_name
then value::get_instances_name_list class_name xs
else get_instances_name_list class_name xs
val long_class_name = DOF_core.read_cid_global thy base_name'
val values_list = get_instances_name_list long_class_name table_list
in HOLogic.mk_list class_typ values_list end
fun declare_class_instances_annotation thy doc_class_name =
val bind = Binding.prefix_name DOF_core.doc_class_prefix doc_class_name
val bind' = Binding.suffix_name instances_of_suffixN bind
val class_list_typ = Proof_Context.read_typ (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
((Binding.name_of doc_class_name) ^ " List.list")
(* Unfortunately due to different lexical conventions for constant symbols and mixfix symbols
we can not use "_" for classes names in term antiquotation.
We chose to convert "_" to "-".*)
val conv_class_name' = String.translate (fn #"_" => "-" | x=> String.implode [x])
((Binding.name_of doc_class_name) ^ instances_of_suffixN)
val mixfix_string = "@{" ^ conv_class_name' ^ "}"
Sign.add_consts [(bind', class_list_typ, Mixfix.mixfix(mixfix_string))]
#> (fn thy => let
val long_name = DOF_core.read_cid_global thy (Binding.name_of doc_class_name)
val qual = Long_Name.qualifier long_name
val transformer_name = Long_Name.qualify qual
(DOF_core.get_doc_class_name_without_ISA_prefix (Binding.name_of bind'))
DOF_core.update_isa_global (transformer_name,
{check=check_identity, elaborate= elaborate_instances_list}) thy end)
fun symbex_attr_access0 ctxt proj_term term =
val [subterm'] = Type_Infer_Context.infer_types ctxt [proj_term $ term]
in Value_Command.value ctxt (subterm') end
fun compute_attr_access ctxt attr oid pos_option pos' = (* template *)
case DOF_core.get_value_global oid (Context.theory_of ctxt) of
SOME term => let val ctxt = (Proof_Context.init_global (Context.theory_of ctxt))
val SOME{cid,pos=pos_decl,id,...} = DOF_core.get_object_local oid ctxt
val docitem_markup = docref_markup false oid id pos_decl;
val _ = Context_Position.report ctxt pos' docitem_markup;
val (* (long_cid, attr_b,ty) = *)
{long_name, typ=ty, def_pos, ...} =
case DOF_core.get_attribute_info_local cid attr ctxt of
SOME f => f
| NONE => error("attribute undefined for reference: "
^ oid
^ Position.here
(the pos_option handle Option.Option =>
error("Attribute "
^ attr
^ " undefined for reference: "
^ oid ^ Position.here pos')))
val proj_term = Const(long_name,dummyT --> ty)
val _ = case pos_option of
NONE => ()
| SOME pos =>
val class_name = Long_Name.qualifier long_name
val SOME{id,...} = DOF_core.get_doc_class_local class_name ctxt
val class_markup = docclass_markup false class_name id def_pos
in Context_Position.report ctxt pos class_markup end
in symbex_attr_access0 ctxt proj_term term end
(*in Value_Command.value ctxt term end*)
| NONE => error("identifier not a docitem reference" ^ Position.here pos')
fun ML_isa_elaborate_trace_attribute (thy:theory) _ _ term_option pos =
case term_option of
NONE => err ("Malformed term annotation") pos
| SOME term =>
val oid = HOLogic.dest_string term
val traces = compute_attr_access (Context.Theory thy) "trace" oid NONE pos
fun conv (\<^Const>\<open>Pair \<^typ>\<open>doc_class rexp\<close> \<^typ>\<open>string\<close>\<close>
$ (\<^Const>\<open>Atom \<^typ>\<open>doc_class\<close>\<close> $ (\<^Const>\<open>mk\<close> $ s)) $ S) =
let val s' = DOF_core.read_cid (Proof_Context.init_global thy) (HOLogic.dest_string s)
in \<^Const>\<open>Pair \<^typ>\<open>string\<close> \<^typ>\<open>string\<close>\<close> $ HOLogic.mk_string s' $ S end
val traces' = map conv (HOLogic.dest_list traces)
in HOLogic.mk_list \<^Type>\<open>prod \<^typ>\<open>string\<close> \<^typ>\<open>string\<close>\<close> traces' end
(* utilities *)
fun property_list_dest ctxt X =
map (fn \<^Const_>\<open>ISA_term for s\<close> => HOLogic.dest_string s
|\<^Const_>\<open>ISA_term_repr for s\<close> => holstring_to_bstring ctxt (HOLogic.dest_string s))
(HOLogic.dest_list X)
end; (* struct *)
val ty1 = ISA_core.reify_typ @{typ "int"}
val ty2 = ISA_core.reify_typ @{typ "int \<Rightarrow> bool"}
val ty3 = ISA_core.reify_typ @{typ "prop"}
val ty4 = ISA_core.reify_typ @{typ "'a list"}
val t1 = ISA_core.reify_term @{term "1::int"}
val t2 = ISA_core.reify_term @{term "\<lambda>x. x = 1"}
val t3 = ISA_core.reify_term @{term "[2, 3::int]"}
subsection\<open> Isar - Setup\<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_typ, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_typ}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_term, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_term}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.check_identity, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_thm, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_thm}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_thm, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_thms_of}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_file, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_docitem, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_trace_attribute, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_trace_attribute}) \<close>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
theory Shallow_Interpretation
imports Isabelle_DOF.DOF_Core
subsection\<open> Syntax \<close>
datatype "doc_class" = mk string
\<comment> \<open>and others in the future : file, http, thy, ...\<close>
datatype "typ" = ISA_typ string ("@{typ _}")
datatype "term" = ISA_term string ("@{term _}")
consts ISA_term_repr :: "string \<Rightarrow> term" ("@{termrepr _}")
datatype "thm" = ISA_thm string ("@{thm _}")
datatype "file" = ISA_file string ("@{file _}")
datatype "thy" = ISA_thy string ("@{thy _}")
consts ISA_docitem :: "string \<Rightarrow> 'a" ("@{docitem _}")
datatype "docitem_attr" = ISA_docitem_attr string string ("@{docitemattr (_) :: (_)}")
consts ISA_trace_attribute :: "string \<Rightarrow> (string * string) list" ("@{trace-attribute _}")
subsection\<open> Semantics \<close>
structure ISA_core =
fun err msg pos = error (msg ^ Position.here pos);
fun warn msg pos = warning (msg ^ Position.here pos);
fun check_path check_file ctxt dir (name, pos) =
val _ = Context_Position.report ctxt pos (Markup.language_path true); (* TODO: pos should be
"lifted" to
type source *)
val path = Path.append dir (Path.explode name) handle ERROR msg => err msg pos;
val _ = Path.expand path handle ERROR msg => err msg pos;
val _ = Context_Position.report ctxt pos (Markup.path (Path.implode_symbolic path));
val _ =
(case check_file of
NONE => path
| SOME check => (check path handle ERROR msg => err msg pos));
in path end;
fun ML_isa_antiq check_file thy (name, _, pos) =
let val path = check_path check_file (Proof_Context.init_global thy) Path.current (name, pos);
in "Path.explode " ^ ML_Syntax.print_string (Path.implode path) end;
fun ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) =
let val name = (HOLogic.dest_string term
handle TERM(_,[t]) => error ("wrong term format: must be string constant: "
^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t ))
val _ = check thy (name,pos)
in SOME term end;
fun check_identity _ (term, _, _) _ = SOME term
fun ML_isa_check_typ thy (term, _, pos) _ =
let fun check thy (name, _) = let val ctxt = (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
in (Syntax.check_typ ctxt o Syntax.parse_typ ctxt) name end
in ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) end
fun ML_isa_check_term thy (term, _, pos) _ =
let fun check thy (name, _) = let val ctxt = (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
in (Syntax.check_term ctxt o Syntax.parse_term ctxt) name end
in ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) end
fun ML_isa_check_thm thy (term, _, pos) _ =
(* this works for long-names only *)
let fun check thy (name, _) = case Proof_Context.lookup_fact (Proof_Context.init_global thy) name of
NONE => err ("No Theorem:" ^name) pos
| SOME X => X
in ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) end
fun ML_isa_check_file thy (term, _, pos) _ =
let fun check thy (name, pos) = check_path (SOME File.check_file)
(Proof_Context.init_global thy)
(name, pos);
in ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) end;
fun check_instance thy (term, _, pos) s =
val bname = Long_Name.base_name s;
val qual = Long_Name.qualifier s;
val class_name =
Long_Name.qualify qual (String.extract(bname , String.size(DOF_core.doc_class_prefix), NONE));
fun check thy (name, _) =
val object_cid = case DOF_core.get_object_global name thy of
NONE => err ("No class instance: " ^ name) pos
| SOME(object) => #cid object
fun check' (class_name, object_cid) =
if class_name = object_cid then
DOF_core.get_value_global name thy
else err (name ^ " is not an instance of " ^ class_name) pos
in check' (class_name, object_cid) end;
in ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) end
fun ML_isa_id thy (term,pos) = SOME term
fun ML_isa_check_docitem thy (term, req_ty, pos) _ =
let fun check thy (name, _) s =
if DOF_core.is_declared_oid_global name thy
then case DOF_core.get_object_global name thy of
NONE => warning("oid declared, but not yet defined --- "^
" type-check incomplete")
| SOME {pos=pos_decl,cid,id,...} =>
let val ctxt = (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
val req_class = case req_ty of
\<^Type>\<open>fun _ T\<close> => DOF_core.typ_to_cid T
| _ => error("can not infer type for: "^ name)
in if cid <> DOF_core.default_cid
andalso not(DOF_core.is_subclass ctxt cid req_class)
then error("reference ontologically inconsistent: "
^cid^" vs. "^req_class^ Position.here pos_decl)
else ()
else err ("faulty reference to docitem: "^name) pos
in ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) end
fun ML_isa_check_trace_attribute thy (term, _, pos) s =
fun check thy (name, _) =
case DOF_core.get_object_global name thy of
NONE => err ("No class instance: " ^ name) pos
| SOME(_) => ()
in ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) end
fun ML_isa_elaborate_generic (_:theory) isa_name ty term_option _ =
case term_option of
NONE => error("Wrong term option. You must use a defined term")
| SOME term => Const (isa_name, ty) $ term
fun elaborate_instance thy _ _ term_option pos =
case term_option of
NONE => error ("Malformed term annotation")
| SOME term => let val instance_name = HOLogic.dest_string term
in case DOF_core.get_value_global instance_name thy of
NONE => error ("No class instance: " ^ instance_name)
| SOME(value) =>
DOF_core.transduce_term_global {mk_elaboration=true} (value, pos) thy
The function declare_ISA_class_accessor_and_check_instance uses a prefix
because the class name is already bound to "doc_class Regular_Exp.rexp" constant
by add_doc_class_cmd function
fun declare_ISA_class_accessor_and_check_instance doc_class_name =
val bind = Binding.prefix_name DOF_core.doc_class_prefix doc_class_name
val typestring = "string => " ^ (Binding.name_of doc_class_name)
(* Unfortunately due to different lexical conventions for constant symbols and mixfix symbols
we can not use "_" for classes names in term antiquotation.
We chose to convert "_" to "-".*)
val conv_class_name = String.translate (fn #"_" => "-"
| x => String.implode [x] )
(Binding.name_of doc_class_name)
val mixfix_string = "@{" ^ conv_class_name ^ " _}"
Sign.add_consts_cmd [(bind, typestring, Mixfix.mixfix(mixfix_string))]
#> (fn thy => let
val long_name = DOF_core.read_cid_global thy (Binding.name_of doc_class_name)
val qual = Long_Name.qualifier long_name
val class_name = Long_Name.qualify qual
(DOF_core.get_doc_class_name_without_ISA_prefix (Binding.name_of bind))
(class_name, {check=check_instance, elaborate=elaborate_instance}) thy
fun elaborate_instances_list thy isa_name _ _ _ =
val base_name = Long_Name.base_name isa_name
fun get_isa_name_without_intances_suffix s =
String.extract (s, 0, SOME (String.size(s) - String.size(instances_of_suffixN)))
val base_name_without_suffix = get_isa_name_without_intances_suffix base_name
val base_name' = DOF_core.get_class_name_without_prefix (base_name_without_suffix)
val class_typ = Proof_Context.read_typ (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
val tab = #tab(#docobj_tab(DOF_core.get_data_global thy))
val table_list = Symtab.dest tab
fun get_instances_name_list _ [] = []
| get_instances_name_list class_name (x::xs) =
val (_, docobj_option) = x
case docobj_option of
NONE => get_instances_name_list class_name xs
| SOME {cid=cid, value=value, ...} =>
if cid = class_name
then value::get_instances_name_list class_name xs
else get_instances_name_list class_name xs
val long_class_name = DOF_core.read_cid_global thy base_name'
val values_list = get_instances_name_list long_class_name table_list
in HOLogic.mk_list class_typ values_list end
fun declare_class_instances_annotation thy doc_class_name =
val bind = Binding.prefix_name DOF_core.doc_class_prefix doc_class_name
val bind' = Binding.suffix_name instances_of_suffixN bind
val class_list_typ = Proof_Context.read_typ (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
((Binding.name_of doc_class_name) ^ " List.list")
(* Unfortunately due to different lexical conventions for constant symbols and mixfix symbols
we can not use "_" for classes names in term antiquotation.
We chose to convert "_" to "-".*)
val conv_class_name' = String.translate (fn #"_" => "-" | x=> String.implode [x])
((Binding.name_of doc_class_name) ^ instances_of_suffixN)
val mixfix_string = "@{" ^ conv_class_name' ^ "}"
Sign.add_consts [(bind', class_list_typ, Mixfix.mixfix(mixfix_string))]
#> (fn thy => let
val long_name = DOF_core.read_cid_global thy (Binding.name_of doc_class_name)
val qual = Long_Name.qualifier long_name
val transformer_name = Long_Name.qualify qual
(DOF_core.get_doc_class_name_without_ISA_prefix (Binding.name_of bind'))
DOF_core.update_isa_global (transformer_name,
{check=check_identity, elaborate= elaborate_instances_list}) thy end)
fun symbex_attr_access0 ctxt proj_term term =
val [subterm'] = Type_Infer_Context.infer_types ctxt [proj_term $ term]
in Value_Command.value ctxt (subterm') end
fun compute_attr_access ctxt attr oid pos_option pos' = (* template *)
case DOF_core.get_value_global oid (Context.theory_of ctxt) of
SOME term => let val ctxt = (Proof_Context.init_global (Context.theory_of ctxt))
val SOME{cid,pos=pos_decl,id,...} = DOF_core.get_object_local oid ctxt
val docitem_markup = docref_markup false oid id pos_decl;
val _ = Context_Position.report ctxt pos' docitem_markup;
val (* (long_cid, attr_b,ty) = *)
{long_name, typ=ty, def_pos, ...} =
case DOF_core.get_attribute_info_local cid attr ctxt of
SOME f => f
| NONE => error("attribute undefined for reference: "
^ oid
^ Position.here
(the pos_option handle Option.Option =>
error("Attribute "
^ attr
^ " undefined for reference: "
^ oid ^ Position.here pos')))
val proj_term = Const(long_name,dummyT --> ty)
val _ = case pos_option of
NONE => ()
| SOME pos =>
val class_name = Long_Name.qualifier long_name
val SOME{id,...} = DOF_core.get_doc_class_local class_name ctxt
val class_markup = docclass_markup false class_name id def_pos
in Context_Position.report ctxt pos class_markup end
in symbex_attr_access0 ctxt proj_term term end
(*in Value_Command.value ctxt term end*)
| NONE => error("identifier not a docitem reference" ^ Position.here pos')
fun ML_isa_elaborate_trace_attribute (thy:theory) _ _ term_option pos =
case term_option of
NONE => err ("Malformed term annotation") pos
| SOME term =>
val oid = HOLogic.dest_string term
val traces = compute_attr_access (Context.Theory thy) "trace" oid NONE pos
fun conv (\<^Const>\<open>Pair \<^typ>\<open>doc_class rexp\<close> \<^typ>\<open>string\<close>\<close>
$ (\<^Const>\<open>Atom \<^typ>\<open>doc_class\<close>\<close> $ (\<^Const>\<open>mk\<close> $ s)) $ S) =
let val s' = DOF_core.read_cid (Proof_Context.init_global thy) (HOLogic.dest_string s)
in \<^Const>\<open>Pair \<^typ>\<open>string\<close> \<^typ>\<open>string\<close>\<close> $ HOLogic.mk_string s' $ S end
val traces' = map conv (HOLogic.dest_list traces)
in HOLogic.mk_list \<^Type>\<open>prod \<^typ>\<open>string\<close> \<^typ>\<open>string\<close>\<close> traces' end
(* utilities *)
fun property_list_dest ctxt X =
map (fn \<^Const_>\<open>ISA_term for s\<close> => HOLogic.dest_string s
|\<^Const_>\<open>ISA_term_repr for s\<close> => holstring_to_bstring ctxt (HOLogic.dest_string s))
(HOLogic.dest_list X)
end; (* struct *)
subsection\<open> Isar - Setup\<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_typ, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_term, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.check_identity, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_thm, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_file, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_docitem, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_trace_attribute, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_trace_attribute}) \<close>

View File

@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ session "Isabelle_DOF" = "Functional-Automata" +
options [document = pdf, document_output = "output", document_build = dof] options [document = pdf, document_output = "output", document_build = dof]
sessions sessions
"Regular-Sets" "Regular-Sets"
directories directories
"ontologies" "ontologies"
"ontologies/CENELEC_50128" "ontologies/CENELEC_50128"
"ontologies/Conceptual" "ontologies/Conceptual"

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ doc_class text_section =
type_synonym notion = string type_synonym notion = string
doc_class introduction = text_section + doc_class introduction = text_section +
uses :: "notion set" "uses" :: "notion set"
doc_class contribution_claim = introduction + doc_class contribution_claim = introduction +
based_on :: "notion list" based_on :: "notion list"

View File

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ type_synonym notion = string
doc_class introduction = text_section + doc_class introduction = text_section +
authored_by :: "author set" <= "UNIV" authored_by :: "author set" <= "UNIV"
uses :: "notion set" "uses" :: "notion set"
invariant author_finite :: "finite (authored_by \<sigma>)" invariant author_finite :: "finite (authored_by \<sigma>)"
and force_level :: "the (level \<sigma>) > 1" and force_level :: "the (level \<sigma>) > 1"
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ doc_class result = technical +
doc_class example = technical + doc_class example = technical +
referring_to :: "(notion + definition) set" <= "{}" referring_to :: "(notion + definition) set" <= "{}"
doc_class conclusion = text_section + doc_class "conclusion" = text_section +
establish :: "(claim \<times> result) set" establish :: "(claim \<times> result) set"
invariant establish_defined :: "\<forall> x. x \<in> Domain (establish \<sigma>) invariant establish_defined :: "\<forall> x. x \<in> Domain (establish \<sigma>)
\<longrightarrow> (\<exists> y \<in> Range (establish \<sigma>). (x, y) \<in> establish \<sigma>)" \<longrightarrow> (\<exists> y \<in> Range (establish \<sigma>). (x, y) \<in> establish \<sigma>)"

View File

@ -1,19 +1,53 @@
theory Test_Reification theory Reification
imports "Main" Isabelle_DOF.Isa_DOF imports "Isabelle_DOF.Conceptual"
begin begin
(*ML\<open> ML\<open>
val ty1 = ISA_core.reify_typ @{typ "int"}
val ty2 = ISA_core.reify_typ @{typ "int \<Rightarrow> bool"}
val ty3 = ISA_core.reify_typ @{typ "prop"}
val ty4 = ISA_core.reify_typ @{typ "'a list"}
term*\<open>@{typ \<open>int\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{typ \<open>int\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{typ \<open>int \<Rightarrow> bool\<close>}\<close>
term*\<open>@{typ \<open>prop\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{typ \<open>prop\<close>}\<close>
term*\<open>@{typ \<open>'a list\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{typ \<open>'a list\<close>}\<close>
val t1 = ISA_core.reify_term @{term "1::int"}
val t2 = ISA_core.reify_term @{term "\<lambda>x. x = 1"}
val t3 = ISA_core.reify_term @{term "[2, 3::int]"}
term*\<open>@{term \<open>1::int\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{term \<open>1::int\<close>}\<close>
term*\<open>@{term \<open>\<lambda>x. x = 1\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{term \<open>\<lambda>x. x = 1\<close>}\<close>
term*\<open>@{term \<open>[2, 3::int]\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{term \<open>[2, 3::int]\<close>}\<close>
prf refl
full_prf refl
term*\<open>@{thm \<open>HOL.refl\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>proof @{thm \<open>HOL.refl\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>depth (proof @{thm \<open>HOL.refl\<close>})\<close>
value*\<open>size (proof @{thm \<open>HOL.refl\<close>})\<close>
value*\<open>fv_Proof (proof @{thm \<open>HOL.refl\<close>})\<close>
term*\<open>@{thms-of \<open>HOL.refl\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{thms-of \<open>HOL.refl\<close>}\<close>
val t_schematic = TVar(("'a",0), []) val t_schematic = TVar(("'a",0), [])
val t = @{term "Tv (Var (STR '''a'', 0)) {}"} val t = @{term "Tv (Var (STR '''a'', 0)) {}"}
val rt_schematic = ISA_core.reify_typ t_schematic val rt_schematic = ISA_core.reify_typ t_schematic
val true = rt_schematic = t val true = rt_schematic = t
val t = "\<bullet>"
val tt = "\<cdot>"
\<close> \<close>
lemma test : "AAA \<and> BBB \<longrightarrow> BBB \<and> AAA" lemma test : "AAA \<and> BBB \<longrightarrow> BBB \<and> AAA"
by auto by auto
@ -38,32 +72,10 @@ declare[[ML_print_depth = 20]]
ML\<open> ML\<open>
val full = true val full = true
val thm = @{thm "test"} val thm = @{thm "test2"}
val standard_proof = Proof_Syntax.standard_proof_of val hyps = Thm.hyps_of thm
{full = full, expand_name = Thm.expand_name thm} thm val prems = Thm.prems_of thm
val term_of_proof = Proof_Syntax.term_of_proof standard_proof val reconstruct_proof = Thm.reconstruct_proof_of thm
val full = true
val thm = @{thm "test"}
val theory_of_thm = Thm.theory_of_thm thm
val prop_of = Thm.prop_of thm
(*val proof_of = Thm.proof_of thm*)
val reconstruct_proof_of = Thm.reconstruct_proof_of thm
val full = true
val thm = @{thm "test"}
val theory_of_thm = Thm.theory_of_thm thm
val prop_of = Thm.prop_of thm
val proof_of = Thm.proof_of thm
val reconstruct_proof_of = Thm.reconstruct_proof_of thm
val (cprf' % SOME prop', thawf) = Proofterm.freeze_thaw_prf (proof_of % SOME prop_of);
val reconstruct_proof = Proofterm.reconstruct_proof theory_of_thm prop_of proof_of
val standard_proof = Proof_Syntax.standard_proof_of val standard_proof = Proof_Syntax.standard_proof_of
{full = full, expand_name = Thm.expand_name thm} thm {full = full, expand_name = Thm.expand_name thm} thm
val term_of_proof = Proof_Syntax.term_of_proof standard_proof val term_of_proof = Proof_Syntax.term_of_proof standard_proof
@ -91,10 +103,10 @@ ML\<open>
prf test prf test
full_prf test full_prf test
term*\<open>@{thm \<open>Test_Reification.test\<close>}\<close> term*\<open>@{thm \<open>Reification.test\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{thm \<open>Test_Reification.test\<close>}\<close> value*\<open>@{thm \<open>Reification.test\<close>}\<close>
(*term*\<open>@{thms-of \<open>TermAntiquotations.test\<close>}\<close> term*\<open>@{thms-of \<open>Reification.test\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{thms-of \<open>TermAntiquotations.test\<close>}\<close>*) value*\<open>@{thms-of \<open>Reification.test\<close>}\<close>
ML\<open> (*See: *) \<^file>\<open>~~/src/HOL/Proofs/ex/Proof_Terms.thy\<close>\<close> ML\<open> (*See: *) \<^file>\<open>~~/src/HOL/Proofs/ex/Proof_Terms.thy\<close>\<close>
ML\<open> ML\<open>
@ -138,8 +150,8 @@ ML\<open>
prf test2 prf test2
full_prf test2 full_prf test2
(*term*\<open>@{thm \<open>TermAntiquotations.test2\<close>}\<close> term*\<open>@{thm \<open>Reification.test2\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>proof @{thm \<open>TermAntiquotations.test2\<close>}\<close>*) value*\<open>proof @{thm \<open>Reification.test2\<close>}\<close>
ML\<open> (*See: *) \<^file>\<open>~~/src/HOL/Proofs/ex/Proof_Terms.thy\<close>\<close> ML\<open> (*See: *) \<^file>\<open>~~/src/HOL/Proofs/ex/Proof_Terms.thy\<close>\<close>
ML\<open> ML\<open>
@ -163,18 +175,8 @@ ML\<open>
prf test2 prf test2
full_prf test2 full_prf test2
(*term*\<open>@{thm \<open>TermAntiquotations.test3\<close>}\<close> term*\<open>@{thm \<open>Reification.test3\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{thm \<open>TermAntiquotations.test3\<close>}\<close>*) value*\<open>@{thm \<open>Reification.test3\<close>}\<close>
val full = false
val thm = @{thm "Pure.symmetric"}
val proof_of = Thm.proof_of thm
val standard_proof = Proof_Syntax.standard_proof_of
{full = full, expand_name = Thm.expand_name thm} thm
ML\<open> (*See: *) \<^file>\<open>~~/src/HOL/Proofs/ex/Proof_Terms.thy\<close>\<close> ML\<open> (*See: *) \<^file>\<open>~~/src/HOL/Proofs/ex/Proof_Terms.thy\<close>\<close>
ML\<open> ML\<open>
@ -201,7 +203,6 @@ full_prf symmetric
term*\<open>@{thm \<open>Pure.symmetric\<close>}\<close> term*\<open>@{thm \<open>Pure.symmetric\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{thm \<open>Pure.symmetric\<close>}\<close> value*\<open>@{thm \<open>Pure.symmetric\<close>}\<close>
declare[[ML_print_depth = 20]]
ML\<open> ML\<open>
val full = true val full = true
val thm = @{thm "Groups.minus_class.super"} val thm = @{thm "Groups.minus_class.super"}
@ -218,8 +219,8 @@ val proof = Thm.proof_of thm
prf Groups.minus_class.super prf Groups.minus_class.super
full_prf Groups.minus_class.super full_prf Groups.minus_class.super
(*term*\<open>@{thm \<open>Groups.minus_class.super\<close>}\<close> term*\<open>@{thm \<open>Groups.minus_class.super\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{thm \<open>Groups.minus_class.super\<close>}\<close>*) value*\<open>@{thm \<open>Groups.minus_class.super\<close>}\<close>
(*ML\<open> (*ML\<open>
val full = true val full = true
@ -239,48 +240,6 @@ prf Homotopy.starlike_imp_contractible
full_prf Homotopy.starlike_imp_contractible full_prf Homotopy.starlike_imp_contractible
term*\<open>@{thm \<open>Homotopy.starlike_imp_contractible\<close>}\<close> term*\<open>@{thm \<open>Homotopy.starlike_imp_contractible\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{thm \<open>Homotopy.starlike_imp_contractible\<close>}\<close>*) value*\<open>@{thm \<open>Homotopy.starlike_imp_contractible\<close>}\<close>*)
find_consts name:"Domain"
find_theorems name:"Relation.Domain"
find_consts name:"has_sort"
val t = replicate
val tt = HOLogic.dest_literal \<^term>\<open>String.Literal True True True False False True False STR ''a''\<close>
val a_schematic = TVar(("'a",0), [])
val x = Var (("x", 0), a_schematic)
val y = Var (("y", 0), a_schematic)
val eq = \<^Const>\<open>Pure.eq a_schematic\<close>
val imp = \<^Const>\<open>Pure.imp \<close>
val term = \<^Const>\<open>Pure.imp\<close> $ (eq $ x $ y) $ (eq $ y $ x)
val paxm = PAxm ("Pure.symmetric", term, SOME [\<^typ>\<open>prop\<close>])
val paxm' = PAxm ("Pure.symmetric", term, NONE)
val t = ISA_core.reify_proofterm paxm
(*val tt = Value_Command.value \<^context> t*)
val t = @{thm "test"}
val a_schematic = TVar(("'a",0), [])
val x = Var (("x", 0), a_schematic)
val y = Var (("y", 0), a_schematic)
val eq = \<^Const>\<open>Pure.eq a_schematic\<close>
val imp = \<^Const>\<open>Pure.imp\<close>
val term = \<^Const>\<open>Pure.imp\<close> $ (eq $ x $ y) $ (eq $ y $ x)
val paxm = PAxm ("Pure.symmetric", term, SOME [\<^typ>\<open>prop\<close>])
val t = @{term "Tv (Var (STR '''a'', 0)) {}"}
val t = \<^term>\<open>Tv (Var (STR '''a'', 0)) {}\<close>
val rt_schematic = ISA_core.reify_typ a_schematic
val true = rt_schematic = t
term\<open>case_unit (1::int) ()\<close>
find_theorems name:"Sum*sumE"
find_theorems name:"case_unit"
end end

View File

@ -23,242 +23,6 @@ imports
"Isabelle_DOF.Conceptual" "Isabelle_DOF.Conceptual"
begin begin
val ty1 = ISA_core.reify_typ @{typ "int"}
val ty2 = ISA_core.reify_typ @{typ "int \<Rightarrow> bool"}
val ty3 = ISA_core.reify_typ @{typ "prop"}
val ty4 = ISA_core.reify_typ @{typ "'a list"}
term*\<open>@{typ \<open>int\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{typ \<open>int\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{typ \<open>int \<Rightarrow> bool\<close>}\<close>
term*\<open>@{typ \<open>prop\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{typ \<open>prop\<close>}\<close>
term*\<open>@{typ \<open>'a list\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{typ \<open>'a list\<close>}\<close>
val t1 = ISA_core.reify_term @{term "1::int"}
val t2 = ISA_core.reify_term @{term "\<lambda>x. x = 1"}
val t3 = ISA_core.reify_term @{term "[2, 3::int]"}
term*\<open>@{term \<open>1::int\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{term \<open>1::int\<close>}\<close>
term*\<open>@{term \<open>\<lambda>x. x = 1\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{term \<open>\<lambda>x. x = 1\<close>}\<close>
term*\<open>@{term \<open>[2, 3::int]\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{term \<open>[2, 3::int]\<close>}\<close>
prf refl
full_prf refl
term*\<open>@{thm \<open>HOL.refl\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>proof @{thm \<open>HOL.refl\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>depth (proof @{thm \<open>HOL.refl\<close>})\<close>
value*\<open>size (proof @{thm \<open>HOL.refl\<close>})\<close>
value*\<open>fv_Proof (proof @{thm \<open>HOL.refl\<close>})\<close>
term*\<open>@{thms-of \<open>HOL.refl\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{thms-of \<open>HOL.refl\<close>}\<close>
val t_schematic = TVar(("'a",0), [])
val t = @{term "Tv (Var (STR '''a'', 0)) {}"}
val rt_schematic = ISA_core.reify_typ t_schematic
val true = rt_schematic = t
lemma test : "AAA \<and> BBB \<longrightarrow> BBB \<and> AAA"
by auto
lemma test2 : "AAA \<and> BBB \<Longrightarrow> BBB \<and> AAA"
by auto
lemma test3: "AAAAA \<and> BBBBB \<longrightarrow> BBBBB \<and> AAAAA"
assume "AAAAA \<and> BBBBB"
then obtain BBBBB and AAAAA ..
then show "BBBBB \<and> AAAAA" ..
lemma test4:
assumes "(AAA \<and> BBB)"
shows "BBB \<and> AAA"
apply (insert assms)
by auto
declare[[ML_print_depth = 20]]
val full = true
val thm = @{thm "test"}
val standard_proof = Proof_Syntax.standard_proof_of
{full = full, expand_name = Thm.expand_name thm} thm
val term_of_proof = Proof_Syntax.term_of_proof standard_proof
ML\<open> (*See: *) \<^file>\<open>~~/src/HOL/Proofs/ex/Proof_Terms.thy\<close>\<close>
val thm = @{thm test};
(*proof body with digest*)
val body = Proofterm.strip_thm_body (Thm.proof_body_of thm);
(*proof term only*)
val prf = Proofterm.proof_of body;
(*clean output*)
Pretty.writeln (Proof_Syntax.pretty_standard_proof_of \<^context> false thm);
Pretty.writeln (Proof_Syntax.pretty_standard_proof_of \<^context> true thm);
(*all theorems used in the graph of nested proofs*)
val all_thms =
(fn {name, ...} => insert (op =) name) [body] [];
prf test
full_prf test
term*\<open>@{thm \<open>TermAntiquotations.test\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{thm \<open>TermAntiquotations.test\<close>}\<close>
term*\<open>@{thms-of \<open>TermAntiquotations.test\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{thms-of \<open>TermAntiquotations.test\<close>}\<close>
ML\<open> (*See: *) \<^file>\<open>~~/src/HOL/Proofs/ex/Proof_Terms.thy\<close>\<close>
val thm = @{thm test4};
(*proof body with digest*)
val body = Proofterm.strip_thm_body (Thm.proof_body_of thm);
(*proof term only*)
val prf = Proofterm.proof_of body;
(*clean output*)
Pretty.writeln (Proof_Syntax.pretty_standard_proof_of \<^context> false thm);
Pretty.writeln (Proof_Syntax.pretty_standard_proof_of \<^context> true thm);
(*all theorems used in the graph of nested proofs*)
val all_thms =
(fn {name, ...} => insert (op =) name) [body] [];
ML\<open> (*See: *) \<^file>\<open>~~/src/HOL/Proofs/ex/Proof_Terms.thy\<close>\<close>
val thm = @{thm test2};
(*proof body with digest*)
val body = Proofterm.strip_thm_body (Thm.proof_body_of thm);
(*proof term only*)
val prf = Proofterm.proof_of body;
(*clean output*)
Pretty.writeln (Proof_Syntax.pretty_standard_proof_of \<^context> false thm);
Pretty.writeln (Proof_Syntax.pretty_standard_proof_of \<^context> true thm);
(*all theorems used in the graph of nested proofs*)
val all_thms =
(fn {name, ...} => insert (op =) name) [body] [];
prf test2
full_prf test2
term*\<open>@{thm \<open>TermAntiquotations.test2\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>proof @{thm \<open>TermAntiquotations.test2\<close>}\<close>
ML\<open> (*See: *) \<^file>\<open>~~/src/HOL/Proofs/ex/Proof_Terms.thy\<close>\<close>
val thm = @{thm test3};
(*proof body with digest*)
val body = Proofterm.strip_thm_body (Thm.proof_body_of thm);
(*proof term only*)
val prf = Proofterm.proof_of body;
(*clean output*)
Pretty.writeln (Proof_Syntax.pretty_standard_proof_of \<^context> false thm);
Pretty.writeln (Proof_Syntax.pretty_standard_proof_of \<^context> true thm);
(*all theorems used in the graph of nested proofs*)
val all_thms =
(fn {name, ...} => insert (op =) name) [body] [];
prf test2
full_prf test2
term*\<open>@{thm \<open>TermAntiquotations.test3\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{thm \<open>TermAntiquotations.test3\<close>}\<close>
ML\<open> (*See: *) \<^file>\<open>~~/src/HOL/Proofs/ex/Proof_Terms.thy\<close>\<close>
val thm = @{thm Pure.symmetric};
(*proof body with digest*)
val body = Proofterm.strip_thm_body (Thm.proof_body_of thm);
(*proof term only*)
val prf = Proofterm.proof_of body;
(*clean output*)
Pretty.writeln (Proof_Syntax.pretty_standard_proof_of \<^context> false thm);
Pretty.writeln (Proof_Syntax.pretty_standard_proof_of \<^context> true thm);
(*all theorems used in the graph of nested proofs*)
val all_thms =
(fn {name, ...} => insert (op =) name) [body] [];
prf symmetric
full_prf symmetric
term*\<open>@{thm \<open>Pure.symmetric\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{thm \<open>Pure.symmetric\<close>}\<close>
val full = true
val thm = @{thm "Groups.minus_class.super"}
val standard_proof = Proof_Syntax.standard_proof_of
{full = full, expand_name = Thm.expand_name thm} thm
val term_of_proof = Proof_Syntax.term_of_proof standard_proof
val thm = Proof_Context.get_thm \<^context> "Groups.minus_class.super"
val prop = Thm.prop_of thm
val proof = Thm.proof_of thm
prf Groups.minus_class.super
full_prf Groups.minus_class.super
term*\<open>@{thm \<open>Groups.minus_class.super\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{thm \<open>Groups.minus_class.super\<close>}\<close>
val full = true
val thm = @{thm "Homotopy.starlike_imp_contractible"}
val standard_proof = Proof_Syntax.standard_proof_of
{full = full, expand_name = Thm.expand_name thm} thm
val term_of_proof = Proof_Syntax.term_of_proof standard_proof
val thm = Proof_Context.get_thm \<^context> "Homotopy.starlike_imp_contractible"
val prop = Thm.prop_of thm
val proof = Thm.proof_of thm
prf Homotopy.starlike_imp_contractible
full_prf Homotopy.starlike_imp_contractible
term*\<open>@{thm \<open>Homotopy.starlike_imp_contractible\<close>}\<close>
value*\<open>@{thm \<open>Homotopy.starlike_imp_contractible\<close>}\<close>*)
text\<open>Since the syntax chosen for values of doc-class attributes is HOL-syntax --- requiring text\<open>Since the syntax chosen for values of doc-class attributes is HOL-syntax --- requiring
a fast read on the ``What's in Main''-documentation, but not additional knowledge on, say, SML --- a fast read on the ``What's in Main''-documentation, but not additional knowledge on, say, SML ---
an own syntax for references to types, terms, theorems, etc. are necessary. These are the an own syntax for references to types, terms, theorems, etc. are necessary. These are the