More on Document preparation in Isabelle/ML.

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Makarius Wenzel 2021-12-19 15:23:33 +01:00
parent ff32bac3fc
commit 2e4d37e3ca
1 changed files with 49 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -78,7 +78,55 @@ text \<open>
section \<open>Isabelle/ML\<close>
section \<open>Document preparation in Isabelle/ML\<close>
subsection \<open>Theory presentation hook\<close>
text \<open>
\<^ML>\<open>Thy_Info.add_presentation\<close> installs a hook to be invoked at the
end of successful loading of theories; the provided context
\<^ML_type>\<open>Thy_Info.presentation_context\<close> provides access to
\<^ML_type>\<open>Options.T\<close> and \<^ML_type>\<open>Document_Output.segment\<close> with
command-spans and semantic states.
An example is regular Latex output in
\<^file>\<open>$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML\<close> where \<^ML>\<open>Export.export\<close>
is used to produce export artifacts in the session build database, for
retrieval via Isabelle/Scala.
subsection \<open>Document commands\<close>
text \<open>
Isar toplevel commands now support a uniform concept for
\<^ML_type>\<open>Toplevel.presentation\<close>, but the exported interfaces are
limited to commands that do not change the semantic state: see
\<^ML>\<open>Toplevel.present\<close> and \<^ML>\<open>Toplevel.present_local_theory\<close>.
There is an adhoc change to support \<^verbatim>\<open>Toplevel.present_theory\<close> in
An alternative, without patching Isabelle2021-1 in production, is to use
the presentation hook together with a function like this:
ML \<open>
fun present_segment pr (segment: Document_Output.segment) =
(case #span segment of
Command_Span.Span (Command_Span.Command_Span (name, _), toks) =>
val {span, command = tr, prev_state = st, state = st'} = segment;
val tr' =
|> (Toplevel.name_of tr)
|> Toplevel.position (Toplevel.pos_of tr)
|> Toplevel.present (pr name toks);
val st'' = Toplevel.command_exception false tr' st'
handle Runtime.EXCURSION_FAIL (exn, _) => Exn.reraise exn;
in {span = span, command = tr, prev_state = st, state = st''} end
| _ => segment);
section \<open>Isabelle/Scala\<close>