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* Copyright (C)
* 2019 The University of Exeter
* 2018-2019 The University of Paris-Saclay
* 2018 The University of Sheffield
* License:
* This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
* of the 2-clause BSD-style license.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
chapter \<open>The Document Ontology Common Library for the Isabelle Ontology Framework\<close>
text\<open> Building a fundamental infrastructure for common document elements such as
Structuring Text-Elements (the top classes), Figures, (Tables yet todo)
The COL provides a number of ontological "macros" like "section*" which
automatically set a number of class-attributes in particular ways without
theory Isa_COL
imports Isa_DOF
keywords "title*" "subtitle*"
"chapter*" "section*"
"subsection*" "subsubsection*"
"paragraph*" "subparagraph*"
"figure*" "side_by_side_figure*" :: document_body
and "assert*" :: thy_decl
section\<open>Basic Text and Text-Structuring Elements\<close>
text\<open> The attribute @{term "level"} in the subsequent enables doc-notation support section* etc.
we follow LaTeX terminology on levels
\<^enum> part = Some -1
\<^enum> chapter = Some 0
\<^enum> section = Some 1
\<^enum> subsection = Some 2
\<^enum> subsubsection = Some 3
\<^enum> ...
for scholarly paper: invariant level > 0. \<close>
doc_class text_element =
level :: "int option" <= "None"
referentiable :: bool <= "False"
variants :: "String.literal set" <= "{STR ''outline'', STR ''document''}"
doc_class "chapter" = text_element +
level :: "int option" <= "Some 0"
doc_class "section" = text_element +
level :: "int option" <= "Some 1"
doc_class "subsection" = text_element +
level :: "int option" <= "Some 2"
doc_class "subsubsection" = text_element +
level :: "int option" <= "Some 3"
subsection\<open>Ontological Macros\<close>
structure Onto_Macros =
local open ODL_Command_Parser in
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(* Ontological Macro Command Support *)
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(* {markdown = true} sets the parsing process such that in the text-core markdown elements are
accepted. *)
fun enriched_text_element_cmd level =
let fun transform doc_attrs = case level of
NONE => doc_attrs
| SOME(NONE) => (("level",@{here}),"None")::doc_attrs
| SOME(SOME x) => (("level",@{here}),"Some("^ Int.toString x ^"::int)")::doc_attrs
in gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline=true} I transform end;
val enriched_document_command_macro =
let fun transform_cid X = (writeln (@{make_string} X); X)
in gen_enriched_document_command {inline=true} transform_cid I end;
fun transform_cid thy NONE X = X
|transform_cid thy (SOME ncid) NONE = (SOME(ncid,@{here}))
|transform_cid thy (SOME cid) (SOME (sub_cid,pos)) =
let val cid_long = DOF_core.read_cid_global thy cid
val sub_cid_long = DOF_core.read_cid_global thy sub_cid
in if DOF_core.is_subclass_global thy sub_cid_long cid_long
then (SOME (sub_cid,pos))
else (* (SOME (sub_cid,pos)) *)
(* BUG : check reveals problem of Definition* misuse. *)
error("class "^sub_cid_long^
" must be sub-class of "^cid_long)
fun enriched_formal_statement_command ncid (S: (string * string) list) =
let fun transform_attr doc_attrs = (map (fn(cat,tag) => ((cat,@{here}),tag)) S) @
(("formal_results",@{here}),"([]::thm list)")::doc_attrs
in fn md => fn margs => fn thy =>
gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline=true}
(transform_cid thy ncid) transform_attr md margs thy
fun enriched_document_cmd_exp ncid (S: (string * string) list) =
(* expands ncid into supertype-check. *)
let fun transform_attr attrs = (map (fn(cat,tag) => ((cat,@{here}),tag)) S) @ attrs
in fn md => fn margs => fn thy =>
gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline=true} (transform_cid thy ncid) transform_attr md margs thy
end (* local *)
fun assertion_cmd'((((((oid,pos),cid_pos),doc_attrs),name_opt:string option),modes : string list),
prop) =
let fun conv_2_holstring thy = (bstring_to_holstring (Proof_Context.init_global thy))
fun conv_attrs thy = (("properties",pos),"[@{termrepr ''"^conv_2_holstring thy prop ^" ''}]")
fun conv_attrs' thy = map (fn ((lhs,pos),rhs) => (((lhs,pos),"+="),rhs)) (conv_attrs thy)
fun mks thy = case DOF_core.get_object_global_opt oid thy of
SOME NONE => (error("update of declared but not created doc_item:" ^ oid))
| SOME _ => (update_instance_command (((oid,pos),cid_pos),conv_attrs' thy) thy)
| NONE => (create_and_check_docitem
{is_monitor = false} {is_inline = false}
oid pos cid_pos (conv_attrs thy) thy)
val check = (assert_cmd name_opt modes prop) o Proof_Context.init_global
(* Toplevel.keep (check o Toplevel.context_of) *)
Toplevel.theory (fn thy => (check thy; mks thy))
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "assert*"}
"evaluate and print term"
(attributes -- opt_evaluator -- opt_modes -- Parse.term >> assertion_cmd');
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("title*", @{here}) "section heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> (Toplevel.theory o (enriched_text_element_cmd NONE {markdown = false} ))) ;
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("subtitle*", @{here}) "section heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> (Toplevel.theory o (enriched_text_element_cmd NONE {markdown = false} )));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("chapter*", @{here}) "section heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> (Toplevel.theory o (enriched_text_element_cmd (SOME(SOME 0)) {markdown = false} )));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("section*", @{here}) "section heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> (Toplevel.theory o (enriched_text_element_cmd (SOME(SOME 1)) {markdown = false} )));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("subsection*", @{here}) "subsection heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> (Toplevel.theory o (enriched_text_element_cmd (SOME(SOME 2)) {markdown = false} )));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("subsubsection*", @{here}) "subsubsection heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> (Toplevel.theory o (enriched_text_element_cmd (SOME(SOME 3)) {markdown = false} )));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("paragraph*", @{here}) "paragraph heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> (Toplevel.theory o (enriched_text_element_cmd (SOME(SOME 4)) {markdown = false} )));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("subparagraph*", @{here}) "subparagraph heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> (Toplevel.theory o (enriched_text_element_cmd (SOME(SOME 5)) {markdown = false} )));
section\<open> Library of Standard Text Ontology \<close>
datatype placement = pl_h | (*here*)
pl_t | (*top*)
pl_b | (*bottom*)
pl_ht | (*here -> top*)
pl_hb (*here -> bottom*)
ML\<open>(Symtab.defined (#docclass_tab(DOF_core.get_data_global @{theory}))) "side_by_side_figure"\<close>
doc_class figure =
relative_width :: "int" (* percent of textwidth *)
src :: "string"
placement :: placement
spawn_columns :: bool <= True
doc_class side_by_side_figure = figure +
anchor :: "string"
caption :: "string"
relative_width2 :: "int" (* percent of textwidth *)
src2 :: "string"
anchor2 :: "string"
caption2 :: "string"
doc_class figure_group =
(* trace :: "doc_class rexp list" <= "[]" automatically generated since monitor clause *)
caption :: "string"
rejects figure_group (* this forbids recursive figure-groups not supported
by the current LaTeX style-file. *)
accepts "\<lbrace>figure\<rbrace>\<^sup>+"
subsection\<open>Ontological Macros\<close>
ML\<open> local open ODL_Command_Parser in
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(* Ontological Macro Command Support *)
(* *********************************************************************** *)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("figure*", @{here}) "figure"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> (Toplevel.theory o (Onto_Macros.enriched_text_element_cmd NONE {markdown = false} )));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("side_by_side_figure*", @{here}) "multiple figures"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> (Toplevel.theory o (Onto_Macros.enriched_text_element_cmd NONE {markdown = false} )));
fun setup source =
ML_Context.expression (Input.pos_of source)
( "Theory.setup (" @ ML_Lex.read_source source @ ")")
|> Context.theory_map;
(* TODO ! ! ! *)
(* dito the future monitor: table - block *)
ML\<open>@{term "side_by_side_figure"};
@{typ "doc_class rexp"};