Revised Section 3.1

This commit is contained in:
Achim D. Brucker 2019-08-04 13:37:57 +01:00
parent 657d9376b2
commit 03fa1ed5f7
2 changed files with 232 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -6,43 +6,222 @@ begin
chapter*[isadof_tour::text_section]\<open>\isadof: A Guided Tour\<close>
text\<open> In this section, we will use the \isadof document ontology language
for three different application scenarios: for scholarly papers, for mathematical
exam sheets as well as standardization documents where the concepts of the
standard are captured in the ontology. For space reasons, we will concentrate in all three
cases on aspects of the modeling due to space limitations.\<close>
In this chapter, we will give a introduction into using \isadof for users that want to create and
maintain documents following an existing document ontology.
section*[getting_started::technical]\<open>Getting Started\<close>
subsection*[installation::technical]\<open>Installing \isadof\<close>
subsubsection*[prereq::technical]\<open>Installing \isadof\<close>
text\<open>You need to have Isabelle \isabelleversion, which can be downloaded ....\<close>
subsection*[first_project::technical]\<open>Creating an \isadof Project\<close>
To start using \isadof, one creates an Isabelle project (with the name
In this section, we will show how to install \isadof and its pre-requisites: Isabelle and
\LaTeX. We assume a basic familiarity with a Linux/Unix-like command line (i.e., a shell).
\isadof has to major pre-requisites:
\<^item> \<^bold>\<open>Isabelle \isabelleversion\<close>\bindex{Isabelle}. \isadof will not work
with a different version of Isabelle. If you need \isadof for a different version of
Isabelle, please check the \isadof website if there is a version available supporting
the required version of Isabelle. \isadof uses a two-part version system (e.g., 1.0/2019),
where the first part is the version of \isadof (using semantic versioning) and the second
part is the supported version of Isabelle. Thus, the same version of \isadof might be
available for different versions of Isabelle.
\<^item> \<^bold>\<open>\TeXLive 2019\<close>\bindex{TexLive@\TeXLive} or any other modern
\LaTeX-distribution that ships a \pdftex-binary supporting the
(for details, please see \url{}).
paragraph\<open>Installing Isabelle\<close>
Please download and install the Isabelle \isabelleversion distribution for your operating system
from the \href{\isabelleurl}{Isabelle website} (\url{isabelleurl}). After the successful
installation of Isabelle, you should be able to call the \inlinebash|isabelle| tool on the
command line:
ë\prompt{}ë tar xf ë\href{\isadofarchiveurl}{\isadofarchiven}ë
ë\prompt{}ë cd ë\isadofdirnë
ë\prompt{\isadofdirn}ë ./install
isabelle mkroot_DOF -o scholarly_paper -t lncs -d IsaDofApplications
ë\prompt{}ë isabelle version
where the \inlinebash{-o scholarly_paper} specifies the ontology for writing scientific articles and
\inlinebash{-t lncs} specifies the use of Springer's \LaTeX-configuration for the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series. The project can be formally checked, including the generation of the
article in PDF using the following command:
Depending on your operating system and depending if you put Isabelle's \inlinebash{bin} directory
in your \inlinebash|PATH|, you will need to invoke \inlinebash|isabelle| using its
full qualified path, \eg:
ë\prompt{\isadofdirn}ë isabelle build -d . IsaDofApplications
ë\prompt{}ë /usr/local/Isabelleë\isabelleversionë/bin/isabelle version
paragraph\<open>Installing \TeXLive\<close>
Modern Linux distribution will allow you to install \TeXLive using their respective package
managers. On a modern Debian system or a Debian derivative (\eg, Ubuntu), the following command
should install all required \LaTeX{} packages:
ë\prompt{}ë sudo aptitute install texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-extra
Please check that this, indeed, installs a version of \pdftex{} that supports the
\inlineltx|\expanded|-primitive. To check if your \pdfTeX-binary, execute
ë\prompt{}ë pdftex \\expanded{Success}\\end
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019/Debian) (preloaded format=pdftex)
restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
Output written on texput.pdf (1 page, 8650 bytes).
Transcript written on texput.log.
If this generates successfully a file \inlinebash|texput.pdf|, your \pdftex-binary supports
the \inlineltx|\expanded|-primitive. If your Linux distribution does not (yet) ship \TeXLive{}
2019 or your are running Windows or OS X, please follow the installation instructions from the
\href{}{\TeXLive}{} website
subsubsection*[isadof::technical]\<open>Installing \isadof\<close>
In the following, we assume that you already downloaded the \isadof distribution
(\href{\isadofarchiveurl}{\isadofarchiven}) from the \isadof web site. The main steps for
installing are extracting the \isadof distribution and calling its \inlinebash|install| script.
We start by extracting the \isadof archive:
ë\prompt{}ë tar xf ë\href{\isadofarchiveurl}{\isadofarchiven}ë
This will create a directory \texttt{\isadofdirn} containing \isadof distribution.
Next, we need to invoke the \inlinebash|install| script. If necessary, the installations
automatically downloads additional dependencies from the AFP (\url{}),
namely the AFP entries ``Functional Automata''~@{cite "Functional-Automata-AFP"} and ``Regular
Sets and Expressions''~@{cite "Regular-Sets-AFP"}. This might take a few minutes to complete.
Moreover, the installation script applies a patch to the Isabelle system, which requires
\<^emph>\<open>write permissions for the Isabelle system directory\<close> and registers \isadof as Isabelle component.
If the \inlinebash|isabelle| tool is not in your \inlinebash|PATH|, you need to call the
\inlinebash|install| script with the \inlinebash|--isabelle| option, passing the full-qualified
path of the \inlinebash|isabelle| tool (\inlinebash|install --help| gives
you an overview of all available configuration options):
ë\prompt{}ë cd ë\isadofdirnë
ë\prompt{\isadofdirn}ë ./install --isabelle /usr/local/Isabelleë\isabelleversion/bin/isabelleë
Isabelle/DOF Installer
* Checking Isabelle version:
Success: found supported Isabelle version ë(\isabellefullversion)ë
* Check availability of Isabelle/DOF patch:
Warning: Isabelle/DOF patch is not available or outdated.
Trying to patch system ....
Applied patch successfully, Isabelle/HOL will be rebuilt during
the next start of Isabelle.
* Checking availability of AFP entries:
Warning: could not find AFP entry Regular-Sets.
Warning: could not find AFP entry Functional-Automata.
Trying to install AFP (this might take a few *minutes*) ....
Registering Regular-Sets iëën
Registering Functional-Automata iëën
AFP installation successful.
* Searching fëëor existing installation:
No old installation found.
* Installing Isabelle/DOF
- Installing Tools iëën
- Installing document templates iëën
- Installing LaTeX styles iëën
- Registering Isabelle/DOF
* Registering tools iëën
* Installation successful. Enjoy Isabelle/DOF, you can now build the session
Isabelle_DOF and all example documents by executing:
/usr/local/Isabelleë\isabelleversion/bin/isabelleë build -D .
After the successful installation, you can now explore the examples (in the sub-directory
\inlinebash|examples| or create your own project. On the first start, the session
\inlinebash|Isabelle_DOF| will be built automatically. If you want to pre-build this
session and all example documents, execute:
ë\prompt{\isadofdirn}ë isabelle build -D .
subsection*[first_project::technical]\<open>Creating an \isadof Project\<close>
For creating an \isadof project, \isadof provides its own variant of Isabelles
\inlinebash|mkroot| tool, called \inlinebash|mkroot_DOF|:
ë\prompt{}ë isabelle mkroot_DOF -h
Usage: isabelle mkroot_DOF [OPTIONS] [DIR]
Options are:
-h print this hëëelp text and exëëit
-n NAME alternative session name (default: DIR base name)
-o ONTOLOGY (default: scholarly_paper)
Available ontologies:
* CENELEC_50128
* math_exam
* scholarly_paper
* technical_report
-t TEMPLATE (default: scrartcl)
Available document templates:
* lipics-v2019-UNSUPPORTED
* lncs
* scrartcl
* scrreprt-modern
* scrreprt
Prepare session root DIR (default: current directory).
Creating a new document setup requires two decisions:
\<^item> which ontologies (\eg, scholarly\_paper) are required and
\<^item> which document layout should be used as a basis (\eg, scrartcl).
If you are happy with the defaults, \ie, using the ontology for writing academic papers
(scholarly\_paper) using a report layout based on the article class (\inlineltx|scrartcl|) of
the KOMA-Script bundle~@{cite "kohm:koma-script:2019"}, you can create your first project
\inlinebash|myproject| as follows:
ë\prompt{}ë isabelle mkroot_DOF myproject
Preparing session "myproject" iëën "myproject"
creating "myproject/ROOT"
creating "myproject/document/root.tex"
Now use the following coëëmmand line to build the session:
isabelle build -D myproject
This will create a directory \inlinebash|myproject| containing the \isadof-setup for your
new document. To check the document formally, including the generation of the document in PDF,
you only need to execute the following command:
ë\prompt{}ë isabelle build -d . myproject
section\<open>Using Document Ontologies\<close>
subsection*[scholar_onto::example]\<open>Academic Publications (scholarly\_paper)\<close>

View File

@ -566,4 +566,30 @@
year = 2019
author = {Alexander Krauss and Tobias Nipkow},
title = {Regular Sets and Expressions},
journal = {Archive of Formal Proofs},
month = may,
year = 2010,
note = {\url{},
Formal proof development},
ISSN = {2150-914x},
author = {Tobias Nipkow},
title = {Functional Automata},
journal = {Archive of Formal Proofs},
month = mar,
year = 2004,
note = {\url{},
Formal proof development},
ISSN = {2150-914x},
@Booklet{ kohm:koma-script:2019,
author={Markus Kohm},
title={{KOMA-Script}: a versatile {\LaTeXe{}} bundle},
year = 2019,