Improved background sections and updated references to it.

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@ -4,184 +4,151 @@ theory "02_Background"
chapter*[background::text_section]\<open> Background: The Isabelle System \<close>
section*[bgrnd1::introduction]\<open>Document Processing in Isabelle\<close>
While Isabelle @{cite "nipkow.ea:isabelle:2002"} is widely perceived as an interactive theorem prover
for HOL (Higher-order Logic)~@{cite "nipkow.ea:isabelle:2002"}, we
would like to emphasize the view that Isabelle is far more than that:
it is the \<^emph>\<open>Eclipse of Formal Methods Tools\<close>. This refers to the
``\textsl{generic system framework of Isabelle/Isar underlying recent
versions of Isabelle. Among other things, Isar provides an
infrastructure for Isabelle plug-ins, comprising extensible state
components and extensible syntax that can be bound to ML
programs. Thus, the Isabelle/Isar architecture may be understood as
an extension and refinement of the traditional `LCF approach', with
explicit infrastructure for building derivative
\<^emph>\<open>systems\<close>.}''~@{cite "wenzel.ea:building:2007"}
chapter*[background::text_section]\<open> Background\<close>
section*[bgrnd1::introduction]\<open>The Isabelle System Architecture\<close>
The current system framework offers moreover the following features:
\<^item> a build management grouping components into to pre-compiled sessions,
\<^item> a prover IDE (PIDE) framework~@{cite "wenzel:asynchronous:2014"} with various front-ends
\<^item> documentation - and code generators,
\<^item> an extensible front-end language Isabelle/Isar, and,
\<^item> last but not least, an LCF style, generic theorem prover kernel as
the most prominent and deeply integrated system component.
The system architecture of Isabelle (left-hand side) and the
asynchronous communication between the Isabelle system and
the IDE (right-hand side). \<close>
text*[blug::introduction]\<open> The Isabelle system architecture shown in @{docitem_ref \<open>architecture\<close>}
comes with many layers, with Standard ML (SML) at the bottom layer as implementation
language. The architecture actually foresees a \<^emph>\<open>Nano-Kernel\<close> (our terminology) which
resides in the SML structure \texttt{Context}. This structure provides a kind of container called
\<^emph>\<open>context\<close> providing an identity, an ancestor-list as well as typed, user-defined state
for components (plugins) such as \isadof. On top of the latter, the LCF-Kernel, tactics,
automated proof procedures as well as specific support for higher specification constructs
were built. \<close>
While Isabelle @{cite "nipkow.ea:isabelle:2002"} is widely perceived as an interactive theorem
prover for HOL (Higher-order Logic)~@{cite "nipkow.ea:isabelle:2002"}, we would like to emphasize
the view that Isabelle is far more than that: it is the \<^emph>\<open>Eclipse of Formal Methods Tools\<close>. This
refers to the ``\<^emph>\<open>generic system framework of Isabelle/Isar underlying recent versions of Isabelle.
Among other things, Isar provides an infrastructure for Isabelle plug-ins, comprising extensible
state components and extensible syntax that can be bound to ML programs. Thus, the Isabelle/Isar
architecture may be understood as an extension and refinement of the traditional `LCF approach',
with explicit infrastructure for building derivative systems.\<close>''~@{cite "wenzel.ea:building:2007"}
The current system framework offers moreover the following features:
\<^item> a build management grouping components into to pre-compiled sessions,
\<^item> a prover IDE (PIDE) framework~@{cite "wenzel:asynchronous:2014"} with various front-ends
\<^item> documentation-generation,
\<^item> code generators for various target languages,
\<^item> an extensible front-end language Isabelle/Isar, and,
\<^item> last but not least, an LCF style, generic theorem prover kernel as
the most prominent and deeply integrated system component.
text\<open> Of particular interest for \dof is the documentation generation component in
the architecture, which is based on literate specification commands such as \inlineisar+section+
\ldots, \inlineisar+subsection+ \ldots, \inlineisar+text+ \ldots, etc. Moreover, we assume that
\<^emph>\<open>inside\<close> text-elements, there are generic and extendible ways to add "semantic", i.e.
machine-checked sub-elements.
The Isabelle system architecture shown in @{docitem_ref \<open>architecture\<close>} comes with many layers,
with Standard ML (SML) at the bottom layer as implementation language. The architecture actually
foresees a \<^emph>\<open>Nano-Kernel\<close> (our terminology) which resides in the SML structure \inlinesml{Context}.
This structure provides a kind of container called \<^emph>\<open>context\<close> providing an identity, an
ancestor-list as well as typed, user-defined state for components (plugins) such as \isadof.
On top of the latter, the LCF-Kernel, tactics, automated proof procedures as well as specific
support for higher specification constructs were built.\<close>
In the sequel, we will outline the general assumptions that \dof makes for the underlying
document model, and than explain how Isabelle as a framework fits into this picture.
section*[dof::introduction]\<open>The Document Model Required by \dof\<close>
In this section, we explain the assumed document model underlying our Document Ontology Framework
(\dof) in general. In particular we discuss the concepts \<^emph>\<open>integrated document\<close>, \<^emph>\<open>sub-document\<close>,
\<^emph>\<open>text-element\<close> and \<^emph>\<open>semantic macros\<close> occurring inside text-elements. Furthermore, we assume two
different levels of parsers (for \<^emph>\<open>outer\<close> and \<^emph>\<open>inner syntax\<close>) where the inner-syntax is basically
a typed \inlineisar|\<lambda>|-calculus and some Higher-order Logic (HOL).
section*["sec:background"::introduction]\<open>The Required Document Model\<close>
In this section, we explain the assumed document model underlying
\dof in general; in particular the concepts \<^emph>\<open>integrated document\<close>,
\<^emph>\<open>sub-document\<close> , \<^emph>\<open>text-element\<close> and \<^emph>\<open>semantic macros\<close> occurring
inside text-elements. Furthermore, we assume two different levels of
parsers (for \<^emph>\<open>outer\<close> and \<^emph>\<open>inner syntax\<close>) where the inner-syntax is basically a typed
$\lambda$-calculus and some Higher-order Logic (HOL).\<close>
A Theory-Graph in the Document Model. \<close>
\<open>A Theory-Graph in the Document Model. \<close>
We assume a hierarchical document model, \ie, an \<^emph>\<open>integrated\<close>
document consist of a hierarchy \<^emph>\<open>sub-documents\<close> (files) that
can depend acyclically on each other. Sub-documents can have different
document types in order to capture documentations consisting of
documentation, models, proofs, code of various forms and other
technical artifacts. We call the main sub-document type, for
historical reasons, \<^emph>\<open>theory\<close>-files. A theory file consists of a
\<^emph>\<open>header\<close>, a \<^emph>\<open>context definition\<close>, and a body consisting of a
sequence of \<^emph>\<open>command\<close>s (@{figure "fig:dependency"}). Even the
header consists of a sequence of commands used for introductory text
elements not depending on any context. The context-definition
contains an \inlineisar{import} and a \inlineisar{keyword} section,
for example:
We assume a hierarchical document model\index{document model}, \ie, an \<^emph>\<open>integrated\<close> document
consist of a hierarchy \<^emph>\<open>sub-documents\<close> (files) that can depend acyclically on each other.
Sub-documents can have different document types in order to capture documentations consisting of
documentation, models, proofs, code of various forms and other technical artifacts. We call the
main sub-document type, for historical reasons, \<^emph>\<open>theory\<close>-files. A theory file\bindex{theory!file}
consists of a \<^emph>\<open>header\<close>\bindex{header}, a \<^emph>\<open>context definition\<close>\index{context}, and a body
consisting of a sequence of \<^emph>\<open>command\<close>s (see @{figure "fig:dependency"}). Even the header consists
of a sequence of commands used for introductory text elements not depending on any context.
The context-definition contains an \inlineisar{import} and a
\inlineisar{keyword} section, for example:
theory Example (* Name of the "theory" *)
imports (* Declaration of "theory" dependencies *)
Main (* Imports a library called "Main" *)
keywords (* Registration of keywords defined locally *)
requirement (* A command for describing requirements *)
" theory Example (* Name of the 'theory' *)
" imports (* Declaration of 'theory' dependencies *)
" Main (* Imports a library called 'Main' *)
" keywords (* Registration of keywords defined locally *)
" requirement (* A command for describing requirements *)
where \inlineisar{Example} is the abstract name of the text-file,
\texttt{Main} refers to an imported theory (recall that the import
relation must be acyclic) and \inlineisar{keywords} are used to
separate commands from each other.\<close>
where \inlineisar{Example} is the abstract name of the text-file,
\inlineisar{Main} refers to an imported theory (recall that the import
relation must be acyclic) and \inlineisar{keywords} are used to
separate commands from each other.
text\<open>We distinguish fundamentally two different syntactic levels:
\item the \emph{outer-syntax} (\ie, the syntax for commands) is processed
by a lexer-library and parser combinators built on top, and
\item the \emph{inner-syntax} (\ie, the syntax for $\lambda$-terms in
HOL) with its own parametric polymorphism type checking.
On the semantic level, we assume a validation process for an
integrated document, where the semantics of a command is a
transformation \inlineisar+\<theta> \<rightarrow> \<theta>+ for some
system state \inlineisar+\<theta>+. This document model can be
instantiated with outer-syntax commands for common text elements, \eg,
\inlineisar+section{*...*}+ or \inlineisar+text{*...*}+. Thus, users can add informal text to a
sub-document using a text command:
We distinguish fundamentally two different syntactic levels:
\<^item> the \emph{outer-syntax}\bindex{syntax!outer}\index{outer syntax|see {syntax, inner}} (\ie, the
syntax for commands) is processed by a lexer-library and parser combinators built on top, and
\<^item> the \emph{inner-syntax}\bindex{syntax!inner}\index{inner syntax|see {syntax, inner}} (\ie, the
syntax for \inlineisar|\<lambda>|-terms in HOL) with its own parametric polymorphism type
On the semantic level, we assume a validation process for an integrated document, where the
semantics of a command is a transformation \inlineisar+\<theta> \<rightarrow> \<theta>+ for some system state
\inlineisar+\<theta>+. This document model can be instantiated with outer-syntax commands for common
text elements, \eg, \inlineisar+section{*...*}+ or \inlineisar+text{*...*}+. Thus, users can add
informal text to a sub-document using a text command:
text\<Open>This is a description.\<Close>
This will type-set the corresponding text in, for example, a PDF document.
However, this translation is not necessarily one-to-one: text
elements can be enriched by formal, \ie, machine-checked content via
\emph{semantic macros}, called antiquotations:
This will type-set the corresponding text in, for example, a PDF document. However, this
translation is not necessarily one-to-one: text elements can be enriched by formal, \ie,
machine-checked content via \emph{semantic macros}, called antiquotations\bindex{antiquotation}:
text\<Open>According to the reflexivity axiom <@>{thm refl}, we obtain in \<Gamma>
text\<Open>According to the reflexivity axiom <@>{thm refl}, we obtain in \<Gamma>
for <@>{term "fac 5"} the result <@>{value "fac 5"}.\<Close>
which is represented in the final document (\eg, a PDF) by:
According to the reflexivity axiom $\mathrm{x = x}$, we obtain in $\Gamma$ for $\operatorname{fac} \text{\textrm{5}}$ the result $\text{\textrm{120}}$.
According to the reflexivity axiom $\mathrm{x = x}$, we obtain in $\Gamma$ for $\operatorname{fac} \text{\textrm{5}}$ the result $\text{\textrm{120}}$.
Semantic macros are partial functions of type %
\inlineisar+\<theta> \<rightarrow> text+; since they can use the
system state, they can perform all sorts of specific checks or
evaluations (type-checks, executions of code-elements, references to
text-elements or proven theorems such as \inlineisar+refl+, which is
the reference to the axiom of reflexivity).
Semantic macros establish \<^emph>\<open>formal content\<close> inside informal content; they can be
type-checked before being displayed and can be used for calculations before being
typeset. They represent the device for linking the formal with the informal. \<close>
Semantic macros are partial functions of type \inlineisar+\<theta> \<rightarrow> text+; since they can use the
system state, they can perform all sorts of specific checks or evaluations (type-checks,
executions of code-elements, references to text-elements or proven theorems such as
\inlineisar+refl+, which is the reference to the axiom of reflexivity).
Semantic macros establish \<^emph>\<open>formal content\<close> inside informal content; they can be
type-checked before being displayed and can be used for calculations before being
typeset. They represent the device for linking the formal with the informal.
section*[bgrnd21::introduction]\<open>Implementability of the Required Document Model.\<close>
text\<open> Batch-mode checkers for \dof can be implemented in all systems of the
LCF-style prover family, \ie, systems with a type-checked
\inlinesml{term}, and abstract \inlinesml{thm}-type for
theorems (protected by a kernel). This includes, \eg, ProofPower,
HOL4, HOL-light, Isabelle, as well as Coq and its derivatives. \dof
is, however, designed for fast interaction in an IDE. If a user wants
to benefit from this experience, only Isabelle and Coq have the
necessary infrastructure of asynchronous proof-processing and support
by a PIDE
@{cite "DBLP:conf/itp/Wenzel14" and "DBLP:journals/corr/Wenzel14" and "DBLP:conf/mkm/BarrasGHRTWW13"
and "Faithfull:2018:COQ:3204179.3204223"} which in many features
over-accomplishes the required features of \dof. For example, current Isabelle versions
offer cascade-syntaxes (different syntaxes and even parser-technologies
which can be nested along the \inlineisar+ \<Open> ... \<Close> + barriers, while
\dof actually only requires a 2-level syntax model.\<close>
Batch-mode checkers for \dof can be implemented in all systems of the LCF-style prover family,
\ie, systems with a type-checked \inlinesml{term}, and abstract \inlinesml{thm}-type for
theorems (protected by a kernel). This includes, \eg, ProofPower, HOL4, HOL-light, Isabelle, or
Coq and its derivatives. \dof is, however, designed for fast interaction in an IDE. If a user wants
to benefit from this experience, only Isabelle and Coq have the necessary infrastructure of
asynchronous proof-processing and support by a PIDE~@{cite "DBLP:conf/itp/Wenzel14" and
"DBLP:journals/corr/Wenzel14" and "DBLP:conf/mkm/BarrasGHRTWW13"
and "Faithfull:2018:COQ:3204179.3204223"} which in many features over-accomplishes the required
features of \dof. For example, current Isabelle versions offer cascade-syntaxes (different
syntaxes and even parser-technologies which can be nested along the
\inlineisar+\<Open> ... \<Close> + barriers, while \dof actually only requires a two-level
syntax model.
The \isadof IDE (left) and the corresponding PDF (right).% , showing the first page
% of~\cite{brucker.ea:isabelle-ontologies:2018}. \<close>
The \isadof IDE (left) and the corresponding PDF (right), showing the first page
text\<open> We call the present implementation of \dof on the
Isabelle platform \isadof. In
@{docitem "fig:dof-ide"}, a screen-shot of an introductory paper on \isadof
@{cite "brucker.ea:isabelle-ontologies:2018"} is shown;
this paper focusses on a number of application scenarios and user-interface aspects.
In @{docitem "fig:dof-ide"}, the \isadof PIDE can be seen on the left, while
the generated presentation in PDF is shown on the right.
We call the present implementation of \dof on the Isabelle platform \isadof.
@{docitem "fig:dof-ide"} shows a screen-shot of an introductory paper on
\isadof~@{cite "brucker.ea:isabelle-ontologies:2018"}: the \isadof PIDE can be seen on the left,
while the generated presentation in PDF is shown on the right.
Isabelle provides, beyond the features required for \dof, a lot of
additional benefits. For example, it also allows the asynchronous
evaluation and checking of the document content
@{cite "DBLP:conf/itp/Wenzel14" and "DBLP:journals/corr/Wenzel14" and
and is dynamically extensible. Its PIDE provides a \<^emph>\<open>continuous build, continuous check\<close>
functionality, syntax highlighting, and IntelliSense-like auto-completion.
It also provides infrastructure for
displaying meta-information (\eg, binding and type annotation) as
pop-ups, while hovering over sub-expressions. A fine-grained
dependency analysis allows the processing of individual parts of
theory files asynchronously, allowing Isabelle to interactively
process large (hundreds of theory files) documents. Isabelle can
group sub-documents into sessions, \ie, sub-graphs of the
document-structure that can be ``pre-compiled'' and loaded
instantaneously, \ie, without re-processing. \<close>
Isabelle provides, beyond the features required for \dof, a lot of additional benefits. For
example, it also allows the asynchronous evaluation and checking of the document
content~@{cite "DBLP:conf/itp/Wenzel14" and "DBLP:journals/corr/Wenzel14" and
"DBLP:conf/mkm/BarrasGHRTWW13"} and is dynamically extensible. Its PIDE provides a
\<^emph>\<open>continuous build, continuous check\<close> functionality, syntax highlighting, and auto-completion.
It also provides infrastructure for displaying meta-information (\eg, binding and type annotation)
as pop-ups, while hovering over sub-expressions. A fine-grained dependency analysis allows the
processing of individual parts of theory files asynchronously, allowing Isabelle to interactively
process large (hundreds of theory files) documents. Isabelle can group sub-documents into sessions,
\ie, sub-graphs of the document-structure that can be ``pre-compiled'' and loaded
instantaneously, \ie, without re-processing. \<close>

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ begin
chapter*[isadof_ontologies::text_section]\<open>Developing Ontologies and Document Representations\<close>
text\<open> \isadof is embedded in the underlying generic
document model of Isabelle as described in @{docitem "sec:background"}.
document model of Isabelle as described in @{docitem "dof"}.
Recall that the document language can be extended dynamically, \ie, new
\<open>user-defined\<close> can be introduced at run-time. This is similar to
the definition of new functions in an interpreter. \isadof as a system plugin is