- experiments with document ontologies

- substantially more input on "MyCommentedIsabelle"
  (should be another TR example ? )
This commit is contained in:
Burkhart Wolff 2018-11-07 06:00:01 +01:00
parent c67f39c236
commit 3e6dc80445
4 changed files with 260 additions and 100 deletions

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@ -1,24 +1,64 @@
chapter \<open>A More Or Less Structured File with my Personal, Ecclectic Comments
on Internal Isabelle/Infrastructure \<close>
on the Isabelle 2017 Infrastructure \<close>
text" Covering Parsers, Pretty-Printers and Presentation, and Kernel. "
text\<open>This is a programming-tutorial, complementary to the "The Isabelle Cookbook" in
theory MyCommentedIsabelle
imports Main
section "Isabelle/Pure bootstrap";
text "The Fundamental Boot Order gives an Idea on Module Dependencies: "
text \<open> @{file "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/ROOT.ML"}\<close>
section{* SML and Fundamental SML libraries *}
text "It's even roughly commented ... "
(* Paradigmatic Example for Antiquotation programming *)
text \<open> @{footnote \<open>sdf\<close> }\<close>
subsection "Text, Antiquotations, and the Isabelle/Pure bootstrap"
section{* Stuff - Interesting operators (just sample code) *}
text\<open>Isabelle is written in SML, the "Standard Meta-Language", which is
is an impure functional programming language allowing, in principle, variables and side-effects: \<close>
(* General combinators (in Pure/General/basics.ML)*)
ML\<open> val X = Unsynchronized.ref 0;
X:= !X + 1;
text\<open>However, since Isabelle is a platform involving parallel execution, concurrent computing, and,
as an interactive environment, involves backtracking / re-evaluation as a consequence of user-
interaction, imperative programming is discouraged and nearly never used in the entire Isabelle
code-base. Isabelle then implements an own top-level for an extensible language, Isar, in which
domain-specific components can be developed and integrated into the system on the fly. Thus, the
Isabelle code-base consists mainly of SML and \<^verbatim>\<open>.thy\<close>-files containing mixtures of
Isar commands and SML. Furthermore, a rich text annotation language is provided for a specific
style of literate programming. \<close>
text\<open>Text enriched by "formal content", i.e. machine-checked, typed references
to all sorts of entities in form \<^emph>\<open>antiquotations\<close> allows for coping with
sources that rapidly evolve and were developed by distributed teams
as is typical in open-source developments.
A paradigmatic example for antiquotation in Texts and Program snippets is here:
text \<open> @{footnote \<open>sdf\<close>}, @{file "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/ROOT.ML"}\<close>
ML\<open> val x = @{thm refl}\<close>
text\<open>In a way, literate specification with a maximum of formal content is a way to
ensure "Agile Development", at least for its objectives, albeit not
by its popular methods and processes like SCRUM.
A maximum of formal content inside text documentation also ensures the
consistency of this present text with the underlying Isabelle version.\<close>
text\<open>It is instructive to study the fundamental Boot Order of the Isabelle system;
it is written in the Isar format and gives an idea of the global module dependencies:
@{file "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/ROOT.ML"}. Loading this file
(for example by hovering over this hyperlink in the antiquotation holding control or
command key in Isabelle/jedit and activating it) allows the Isabelle IDE
to support hyperlinking \<^emph>\<open>inside\<close> the Isabelle source.\<close>
subsection "Elements of the SML library";
text\<open>Elements of the @{file "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/General/basics.ML"} SML library
are basic exceptions. Note that exceptions should be catched individually, uncatched exceptions
except those generated by the specific "error" function are discouraged in Isabelle
source programming since they might produce races. Finally, a number of commonly
used "squigglish" combinators is listed:
exception Bind
@ -49,17 +89,45 @@ I: 'a -> 'a;
K: 'a -> 'b -> 'a
text\<open>Some basic examples for the programming style using these combinators can be found in the
"The Isabelle Cookbook" section 2.3.\<close>
text\<open>An omnipresent data-structure in the Isabelle SML sources are tables
implemented in @{file "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/General/table.ML"}. These
generic tables are presented in an efficient purely functional implementation using
balanced 2-3 trees. Key operations are:\<close>
signature TABLE_reduced =
type key
type 'a table
exception DUP of key
exception SAME
exception UNDEF of key
val empty: 'a table
val dest: 'a table -> (key * 'a) list
val keys: 'a table -> key list
val lookup_key: 'a table -> key -> (key * 'a) option
val lookup: 'a table -> key -> 'a option
val defined: 'a table -> key -> bool
val update: key * 'a -> 'a table -> 'a table
(* ... *)
text\<open>... where \<^verbatim>\<open>key\<close> is usually just a synonym for string.\<close>
section {* The Nano-Kernel: Contexts, (Theory)-Contexts, (Proof)-Contexts *}
text\<open> What I call the 'Nano-Kernel' in Isabelle can also be seen as an acyclic theory graph.
The meat of it can be found in the file @{file "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/context.ML"}.
My notion is a bit criticisable since this entity, which provides the type of theory
and proof_context which is not that Nano after all.
My notion is a bit criticisable since this component, which provides the type of @{ML_type theory}
and @{ML_type proof_context}, is not that Nano after all.
However, these type are pretty empty place-holders at that level and the content of
@{file "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/theory.ML"} is registered much later.
The sources themselves mention it as "Fundamental Structure"
and in principle theories and proof contexts could be REGISTERED as user data;
the chosen specialization is therefore an acceptable meddling of the abstraction "Nano-Kernel"
The sources themselves mention it as "Fundamental Structure".
In principle, theories and proof contexts could be REGISTERED as user data inside contexts.
The chosen specialization is therefore an acceptable meddling of the abstraction "Nano-Kernel"
and its application context: Isabelle.
Makarius himself says about this structure:
@ -68,7 +136,7 @@ Makarius himself says about this structure:
monotonic development graph and history support. Generic proof
contexts with arbitrarily typed data."
A context is essentially a container with
In my words: a context is essentially a container with
\<^item> an id
\<^item> a list of parents (so: the graph structure)
\<^item> a time stamp and
@ -78,9 +146,13 @@ A context is essentially a container with
A context comes in form of three 'flavours':
\<^item> theories
\<^item> Proof-Contexts (containing theories but also additional information if Isar goes into prove-mode)
\<^item> Generic (the sum of both)
\<^item> theories : @{ML_type theory}'s, containing a syntax and axioms, but also
user-defined data and configuration information.
\<^item> Proof-Contexts: @{ML_type Proof.context}
containing theories but also additional information if Isar goes into prove-mode.
In general a richer structure than theories coping also with fixes, facts, goals,
in order to support the structured Isar proof-style.
\<^item> Generic: @{ML_type Context.generic }, i.e. the sum of both.
All context have to be seen as mutable; so there are usually transformations defined on them
which are possible as long as a particular protocol (begin_thy - end_thy etc) are respected.
@ -90,7 +162,7 @@ a context.
subsection\<open> Mechanism 1 : Core Interface. \<close>
text\<open>To be found in @{file "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/context.ML"}:\<close>
Context.parents_of: theory -> theory list;
@ -101,9 +173,6 @@ Context.proof_of : Context.generic -> Proof.context;
Context.certificate_theory_id : Context.certificate -> Context.theory_id;
Context.theory_name : theory -> string;
Context.map_theory: (theory -> theory) -> Context.generic -> Context.generic;
(* Theory.map_thy; *)
open Context; (* etc *)
@ -125,33 +194,27 @@ structure Data = Generic_Data
val merge = merge
Data.get : generic -> Data.T;
Data.put : Data.T -> generic -> generic;
Data.map : (Data.T -> Data.T) -> generic -> generic;
section\<open> The LCF-Kernel: terms, types, theories, proof_contexts, thms \<close>
text\<open>The classical LCF-style \<^emph>\<open>kernel\<close> is about
\<^enum> Types and terms of a typed \<lambda>-Calculus including constant symbols,
free variables, \<lambda>-Binder and application,
\<^enum> An infrastructure to define types and terms, a \<^emph>\<open>signature\<close>,
that also assigns to constant symbols types
\<^enum> An abstract type of \<^emph>\<open>theorem\<close> and logical operations on them
\<^enum> (Isabelle specific): a notion of \<^emph>\<open>theory\<close>, i.e. a container
providing a signature and set (list) of theorems.
signature CONTEXT =
(*theory context*)
type theory_id
val theory_id: theory -> theory_id
val timing: bool Unsynchronized.ref
val parents_of: theory -> theory list
val ancestors_of: theory -> theory list
val theory_id_name: theory_id -> string
val theory_name: theory -> string
val PureN: string
section\<open> Kernel: terms, types, theories, proof_contexts, thms \<close>
subsection{* Terms and Types *}
text \<open>A basic data-structure of the kernel is term.ML \<close>
text \<open>A basic data-structure of the kernel is @{file "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/term.ML"} \<close>
ML{* open Term;
type indexname = string * int
@ -296,6 +359,79 @@ Sign.syn_of : theory -> Syntax.syntax;
Sign.of_sort : theory -> typ * sort -> bool ;
subsection{* Thm's and the Core Kernel *}
The basic constructors and operations on theorems@{file "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/thm.ML"},
a set of derived (Pure) inferences can be found in @{file "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/drule.ML"}.
They reflect the Pure logic depicted in a number of presentations such as
M. Wenzel, \<^emph>\<open>Parallel Proof Checking in Isabelle/Isar\<close>, PLMMS 2009, or ...
The main types provided by structure \<^verbatim>\<open>thm\<close> are certified types @{ML_type ctyp},
certified terms @{ML_type cterm}, @{ML_type thm} as well as conversions @{ML_type conv}.
signature BASIC_THM =
type ctyp
type cterm
exception CTERM of string * cterm list
type thm
type conv = cterm -> thm
exception THM of string * int * thm list
text\<open>Certification of types and terms on the kernel-level is done by the generators:\<close>
Thm.global_ctyp_of: theory -> typ -> ctyp;
Thm.ctyp_of: Proof.context -> typ -> ctyp;
Thm.global_cterm_of: theory -> term -> cterm;
Thm.cterm_of: Proof.context -> term -> cterm;
text\<open>... which perform type-checking in the given theory context in order to make a type
or term "admissible" for the kernel.\<close>
text\<open>Besides a number of destructors on @{ML_type thm}'s, this true LCF-Kernel in the
provides the fundamental inference rules of Isabelle/Pure. \<close>
(*inference rules*)
Thm.assume: cterm -> thm;
Thm.implies_intr: cterm -> thm -> thm;
Thm.implies_elim: thm -> thm -> thm;
Thm.forall_intr: cterm -> thm -> thm;
Thm.forall_elim: cterm -> thm -> thm;
Thm.reflexive: cterm -> thm;
Thm.symmetric: thm -> thm;
Thm.transitive: thm -> thm -> thm;
Thm.trivial: cterm -> thm;
Thm.generalize: string list * string list -> int -> thm -> thm;
Thm.instantiate: ((indexname*sort)*ctyp)list * ((indexname*typ)*cterm) list -> thm -> thm;
text\<open>... where @{ML "Thm.trivial"} produces the elementary tautologies of the form @{prop "A \<Longrightarrow> A"},
an operation used to start a backward-style proof.\<close>
text\<open>The elementary conversions are:\<close>
Thm.beta_conversion: bool -> conv;
Thm.eta_conversion: conv;
Thm.eta_long_conversion: conv;
text\<open>On the level of @{ML_structure "Drule"}, a number of higher-level operations is established,
which is in part accessible by a number of forward-reasoning notations on Isar-level.\<close>
op RSN: thm * (int * thm) -> thm;
op RS: thm * thm -> thm;
op RLN: thm list * (int * thm list) -> thm list;
op RL: thm list * thm list -> thm list;
op MRS: thm list * thm -> thm;
op OF: thm * thm list -> thm;
op COMP: thm * thm -> thm;
subsection{* Theories *}
@ -357,10 +493,8 @@ val _ =
uncheck_terms = uncheck_terms});
Thus, Syntax_Phases does the actual work, including markup generation and
generation of reports.
text{* Thus, Syntax_Phases does the actual work, including
markup generation and generation of reports.
Look at: *}
fun check_typs ctxt raw_tys =
@ -498,6 +632,15 @@ ML{*
subsection {*Scanning and combinator parsing. *}
text\<open>Is used on two levels:
\<^enum> outer syntax, that is the syntax in which Isar-commands are written, and
\<^enum> inner-syntax, that is the syntax in which lambda-terms, and in particular HOL-terms were written.
text\<open> A constant problem for newbies is this distinction, which makes it necessary that
the " ... " quotes have to be used when switching to inner-syntax, except when only one literal
is expected when an inner-syntax term is expected.
Scan.peek : ('a -> 'b -> 'c * 'd) -> 'a * 'b -> 'c * ('a * 'd);
Scan.optional: ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'b -> 'a -> 'b * 'a;
@ -542,34 +685,46 @@ Parse.position: 'a parser -> ('a * Position.T) parser;
Parse.position Args.cartouche_input;
text{* Parsing combinators for elementary Isabelle Lexems*}
text{* Inner Syntax Parsing combinators for elementary Isabelle Lexems*}
Syntax.parse_sort : Proof.context -> string -> sort;
Syntax.parse_typ : Proof.context -> string -> typ;
Syntax.parse_term : Proof.context -> string -> term;
Syntax.parse_prop : Proof.context -> string -> term;
Syntax.check_term : Proof.context -> term -> term;
Syntax.check_props: Proof.context -> term list -> term list;
Syntax.uncheck_sort: Proof.context -> sort -> sort;
Syntax.uncheck_typs: Proof.context -> typ list -> typ list;
Syntax.uncheck_terms: Proof.context -> term list -> term list;\<close>
text\<open>In contrast to mere parsing, the following operators provide also type-checking
and internal reporting to PIDE --- see below. I did not find a mechanism to address
the internal serial-numbers used for the PIDE protocol, however, rumours have it
that such a thing exists. The variants \<^verbatim>\<open>_global\<close> work on theories instead on
@{ML_type "Proof.context"}s.\<close>
Syntax.read_sort: Proof.context -> string -> sort;
Syntax.read_typ : Proof.context -> string -> typ;
Syntax.read_term: Proof.context -> string -> term;
Syntax.read_typs: Proof.context -> string list -> typ list;
Syntax.read_sort_global: theory -> string -> sort;
Syntax.read_typ_global: theory -> string -> typ;
Syntax.read_term_global: theory -> string -> term;
Syntax.read_prop_global: theory -> string -> term;
text \<open>The following operations are concerned with the conversion of pretty-prints
and, from there, the generation of (non-layouted) strings.\<close>
Syntax.pretty_term:Proof.context -> term -> Pretty.T;
Syntax.pretty_typ:Proof.context -> typ -> Pretty.T;
Syntax.pretty_sort:Proof.context -> sort -> Pretty.T;
Syntax.pretty_classrel: Proof.context -> class list -> Pretty.T;
Syntax.pretty_arity: Proof.context -> arity -> Pretty.T;
Syntax.string_of_term: Proof.context -> term -> string;
Syntax.string_of_typ: Proof.context -> typ -> string;
Syntax.lookup_const : Syntax.syntax -> string -> string option;
fun read_terms ctxt =

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@ -94,11 +94,14 @@ export_code zero one Suc Int.nat nat_of_integer int_of_integer (* for debuggi
rexp2na na2da enabled (* low-level automata interface *)
NA.accepts DA.accepts
in SML module_name RegExpChecker file "RegExpChecker.sml"
in SML module_name RegExpChecker
file "RegExpChecker.sml" (* writing it to a file *)
SML_file "RegExpChecker.sml"
SML_export \<open>structure RegExpChecker = RegExpChecker\<close>
(* potentially susceptible to race conditions ... *)
SML_file "RegExpChecker.sml" (* reads and eval generated file
into SML toplevel *)
SML_export \<open>structure RegExpChecker = RegExpChecker\<close> (* copies from SML toplevel into
Isabelle/ML toplevel *)
section\<open>The Abstract Interface For Monitor Expressions\<close>
text\<open>Here comes the hic : The reflection of the HOL-Automata module into an SML module
@ -107,12 +110,6 @@ of the deterministic automata ...\<close>
use "RegExpChecker.sml";
structure RegExpInterface : sig
type automaton
type env

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@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ on top of Isabelle. \isadof allows for conventional typesetting
for enforcing a certain document structure, and discuss ontology-specific IDE support.
section*[intro::introduction]\<open> Introduction \<close>
section*[intro::introduction_title]\<open> Introduction \<close>
The linking of the \<^emph>\<open>formal\<close> to the \<^emph>\<open>informal\<close> is perhaps the
most pervasive challenge in the digitization of knowledge and its
propagation. This challenge incites numerous research efforts
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ declare_reference*[ontomod::text_section]
text*[plan::introduction]\<open> The plan of the paper is follows: we start by introducing the underlying
text*[plan::introduction_elem]\<open> The plan of the paper is follows: we start by introducing the underlying
Isabelel sytem (@{docitem_ref (unchecked) \<open>bgrnd\<close>}) followed by presenting the
essentials of \isadof and its ontology language (@{docitem_ref (unchecked) \<open>isadof\<close>}).
It follows @{docitem_ref (unchecked) \<open>ontomod\<close>}, where we present three application
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ conclusions and discuss related work in @{docitem_ref (unchecked) \<open>conclu
section*[bgrnd::text_section,main_author="Some(@{docitem ''adb''}::author)"]
\<open> Background: The Isabelle System \<close>
While Isabelle is widely perceived as an interactive theorem prover
for HOL (Higher-order Logic)~@{cite "nipkow.ea:isabelle:2002"}, we
would like to emphasize the view that Isabelle is far more than that:
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ figure*[architecture::figure,relative_width="100",src="''figures/isabelle-archit
asynchronous communication between the Isabelle system and
the IDE (right-hand side). \<close>
text*[blug::introduction]\<open> The Isabelle system architecture shown in @{docitem_ref \<open>architecture\<close>}
text*[blug::introduction_elem]\<open> The Isabelle system architecture shown in @{docitem_ref \<open>architecture\<close>}
comes with many layers, with Standard ML (SML) at the bottom layer as implementation
language. The architecture actually foresees a \<^emph>\<open>Nano-Kernel\<close> (our terminology) which
resides in the SML structure \texttt{Context}. This structure provides a kind of container called

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@ -29,6 +29,12 @@ doc_class introduction = text_section +
comment :: string
claims :: "thm list"
doc_class introduction_title = introduction +
fixme_list :: "string list" <= "[]"
doc_class introduction_elem = introduction +
fixme_list :: "string list" <= "[]"
doc_class technical = text_section +
definition_list :: "string list" <= "[]"
formal_results :: "thm list"
@ -81,8 +87,10 @@ doc_class article =
\<lbrakk>subtitle\<rbrakk> ~~
\<lbrace>author\<rbrace>\<^sup>+ ~~
abstract ~~
introduction ~~
introduction_title ~~
\<lbrace>introduction_elem\<rbrace>\<^sup>+ ~~
\<lbrace>technical || example\<rbrace>\<^sup>+ ~~
\<lbrakk>introduction\<rbrakk> ~~
conclusion ~~