Typechecked , corrected and pimped up the MathExam scenario

with solution sections and an adapted role model.
Added explanations
This commit is contained in:
Burkhart Wolff 2018-04-29 12:42:00 +02:00
parent d9dd46f1ac
commit 4d3371705c
2 changed files with 49 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -4,26 +4,29 @@ begin
text*[idir::Author, affiliation="''CentraleSupelec''", email="''idir.aitsadoune@centralesupelec.fr''"]
text*[idir::Author, affiliation="''CentraleSupelec''",
text*[header::Header,examGrade="A1", examSubject= "algebra", examTitle="Exam number 1"]
text*[header::Header,examSubject= "algebra", examTitle="''Exam number 1''"]
{* Please follow directions carefully and show all your work.*}
section*[exo1 :: Exercise, content="[q1,q2,q3]", mark="15"]{* Exercise 1.*}
text*[q1::Question, level="twoStars", mark="5"]
section*[exo1 :: Exercise, Exercise.content="[q1::Question,q2,q3]", mark="15::int"]{* Exercise 1.*}
text*[q1::Question, level="twoStars", Question.mark="5::int"]
Give an example of each of the following :
a - a rational number which is not integer.
b - a real number which is not rational.
\item - a rational number which is not integer.
\item - a real number which is not rational.
text*[q2::Question, level="oneStar", mark="5"]
text*[q2::Question, level="oneStar", Question.mark="5::int"]
Write in interval notation : @{term "-3 < x"} and @{term "x < 5"}
text*[q3::Question, level="oneStar", mark="5"]
text*[q3::Question, level="oneStar", Question.mark="5::int"]
{* True or false : @{term "0/8 = 0"} *}

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@ -24,32 +24,57 @@ where for organizational reasons the execution of an exam takes place in facilit
where the author of the exam is not expected to be physically present.
datatype ContentClass =
examiner | validator | student
datatype Grade =
A1 | A2 | A3
doc_class Header =
examTitle :: string
examGrade :: Grade
examSubject :: Subject
doc_class Question =
datatype ContentClass =
examiner -- \<open>the 'author' of the exam\<close>
| validator -- \<open>the 'proof-reader' of the exam\<close>
| student -- \<open>the victim ;-) ... \<close>
doc_class Exam_item =
concerns :: "ContentClass set"
datatype Question_Type =
formal | informal
doc_class Question = Exam_item +
level :: Level
mark :: integer
type :: Question_Type
concerns :: "ContentClass set" <= "{examiner,validator,student}"
mark :: int
doc_class Exercise=
doc_class Exercise = Exam_item +
content :: "(Question) list"
mark :: integer
concerns :: "ContentClass set" <= "{examiner,validator,student}"
mark :: int
doc_class Solution =
content :: "(Question) list"
text{* In many institutions, it makes sense to have a rigorous process of validation
for exam subjects : is the initial question correct ? Is a proof in the sense of the
question possible ? We model the possibility that the @{term examiner} validates a
question by a sample proof validated by Isabelle. In our scenario this sample proofs
are completely @{emph \<open>intern\<close>}, i.e. not exposed to the students but just additional
material for the internal review process of the exam.*}
doc_class Validation =
tests :: "term list" <="[]"
proofs :: "thm list" <="[]"
doc_class Solution = Exam_item +
content :: "Question list"
valids :: "Validation list"
concerns :: "ContentClass set" <= "{examiner,validator}"
doc_class MathExam=
content :: "(Header + Author + Exercise) list"
global_grade :: Grade
where "((Author)+ ~
Header ~
(Exercise)+ )"
(Exercise ~ Solution)+ )"