restructuring of section 4, some polishing intro.

This commit is contained in:
Burkhart Wolff 2019-07-22 16:35:57 +02:00
parent 856f652082
commit 502c1460b4
3 changed files with 323 additions and 320 deletions

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ and code generation.
Up to now, Isabelle's document preparation system lacks a mechanism
for ensuring the structure of different document types (as, e.g.,
required in certification processes) in general and, in particular,
mechanism for linking informal and formal parts of a document.
a \<^emph>\<open>systematic\<close> mechanism for linking informal and formal parts of a document.
In this paper, we present \isadof, a novel Document Ontology Framework
on top of Isabelle. \isadof allows for conventional typesetting

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@ -71,14 +71,15 @@ Conceptually, ontologies specified in ODL consist of:
\<^item> \<^emph>\<open>document classes\<close> (syntactically marked by the
\inlineisar{doc_class} keyword) that describe concepts;
\<^item> an optional document base class expressing single inheritance
class extensions;
\<^item> \<^emph>\<open>attributes\<close> specific to document classes, where
\<^item> attributes are typed;
\<^item> attributes are HOL-typed;
\<^item> attributes of instances of document elements are mutable;
\<^item> attributes can refer to other document classes, thus, document
classes must also be HOL-types (such attributes are called
\<^item> attribute values were denoted by HOL-terms;
\<^item> a special link, the reference to a super-class, establishes an
\<^emph>\<open>is-a\<close> relation between classes;
\<^item> classes may refer to other classes via a regular expression in a
@ -131,10 +132,327 @@ themselves in a HOL-types in order to allow \<^emph>\<open>links\<close> to and
between ontological concepts.
section*["odl-manual"::technical]\<open>The ODL Manual\<close>
subsection*["odl-manual0"::technical]\<open>Some Isabelle/HOL Specification Constructs Revisited\<close>
text\<open>The \isadof ontology definition language (ODL) is an extension of Isabelle/HOL;
document class definitions can therefore be arbitrarily mixed with standard HOL
specification constructs. In order to spare the user of ODL a lenghty analysis of
@{cite "isaisarrefman19" and "datarefman19" and "functions19"}, we present
syntax and semantics of the specification constructs that are most likely relevant for
the developer of ontologies. Note that our presentation is actually a simplification
of the original sources following the needs of our target audience here; for a full-
blown account, the reader is referred to the original descriptions.\<close>
\<^item> \<open>name\<close> :
with the syntactic category of \<open>name\<close>'s we refer to alpha-numerical identifiers
(called \<open>short_id\<close>'s in @{cite "isaisarrefman19"}) and identifiers
in \inlineisar+" ... "+ which might additionally contain certian ``quasi-letters'' such
as \inlineisar+_+, \inlineisar+-+, \inlineisar+.+, etc. Details in @{cite "isaisarrefman19"}.
\<^item> \<open>tyargs\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> typefree | ('(' (typefree * ',') ')')\<close>
\<open>typefree\<close> denotes fixed type variable(\<open>'a\<close>, \<open>'b\<close>, ...) (c.f. @{cite "isaisarrefman19"})
\<^item> \<open>dt_name\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> (tyargs?) name (mixfix?)\<close>
The syntactic entity \<open>name\<close> denotes an identifier, \<open>mixfix\<close> denotes the usual
parenthesized mixfix notation (see @{cite "isaisarrefman19"}).
The \<open>name\<close>'s referred here are type names such as \<^verbatim>\<open>int\<close>, \<^verbatim>\<open>string\<close>, \<^verbatim>\<open>list\<close>, \<^verbatim>\<open>set\<close>, etc.
\<^item> \<open>type_spec\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> (tyargs?) name\<close>
The \<open>name\<close>'s referred here are type names such as \<^verbatim>\<open>int\<close>, \<^verbatim>\<open>string\<close>, \<^verbatim>\<open>list\<close>, \<^verbatim>\<open>set\<close>, etc.
\<^item> \<open>type\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> (( '(' ( type * ',') ')' )? name) | typefree \<close>
\<^item> \<open>dt_ctor\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> name (type*) (mixfix?)\<close>
\<^item> \<open>datatype_specification\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> @@{command "datatype"} dt_name '=' (dt_ctor * '|' )\<close>
\<^item> \<open>type_synonym_specification\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> @@{command "type_synonym"} type_spec '=' type\<close>
\<^item> \<open>constant_definition\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> @@{command "definition"} name '::' type 'where' '"' name '=' expr '"'\<close>
\<^item> \<open>expr\<close> :
the syntactic category \<open>expr\<close> here denotes the very rich ``inner-syntax'' language of
mathematical notations for $\lambda$-terms in Isabelle/HOL. Example expressions are:
\inlineisar|1+2| (arithmetics), \inlineisar|[1,2,3]| (lists), \inlineisar|''ab c''| (strings),
\inlineisar|{1,2,3}| (sets), \inlineisar|(1,2,3)| (tuples),
\inlineisar|\<forall> x. P(x) \<and> Q x = C| (formulas), etc.
For a comprehensive overview, consult the summary ``What's in Main''
@{cite "nipkowMain19"}.
text\<open>Other specification constructs, which are potentially relevant for an (advanced) ontology
developer, might be recursive function definitions with pattern-matching @{cite "functions19"},
extensible record specifications, @{cite "isaisarrefman19"} and abstract type declarations.\<close>
subsection*["odl-manual1"::technical]\<open>The Command Syntax for Document Class Specifications\<close>
\<^item> \<open>class_id\<close> : \<open>class_id\<close>'s are type-\<open>name\<close>'s that have been introduced via
a \<open>doc_class_specification\<close>.
\<^item> \<open>doc_class_specification\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> @@{command "doc_class"} class_id '=' (class_id '+')? (attribute_decl+) \<newline>
(accepts_clause rejects_clause?)?\<close>
document classes whose specification contains an \<open>accepts_clause\<close> are called
\<^emph>\<open>monitor classes\<close> or \<^emph>\<open>monitors\<close> for short.
\<^item> \<open>attribute_decl\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> name '::' '"' type '"' default_clause? \<close>
\<^item> \<open>accepts_clause\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> 'accepts' '"' regexpr '"'\<close>
\<^item> \<open>rejects_clause\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> 'rejects' (class_id * ',') \<close>
\<^item> \<open>default_clause\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> '<=' '"' expr '"' \<close>
\<^item> \<open>regexpr\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> '\<lfloor>' class_id '\<rfloor>' | '(' regexpr ')' | (regexpr '||' regexpr) | (regexpr '~~' regexpr)
| ('\<lbrace>' regexpr '\<rbrace>') | ( '\<lbrace>' regexpr '\<rbrace>\<^sup>*') \<close>
regular expressions describe sequences of \<open>class_id\<close>s (and indirect sequences of document
items corresponding to the \<open>class_id\<close>s). The constructors for alternative, sequence,
repetitions and non-empty sequence follow in the top-down order of the above diagram.
subsection*["odl-design"::example]\<open>An Ontology Example\<close>
We illustrate the design of \dof by modeling a small ontology
that can be used for writing formal specifications that, \eg, could
build the basis for an ontology for certification documents used in
processes such as Common Criteria~@{cite "cc:cc-part3:2006"} or CENELEC
50128~@{cite "bsi:50128:2014"}.@{footnote \<open>The \isadof distribution
contains an ontology for writing documents for a certification
according to CENELEC 50128.\<close>} Moreover, in examples of certification
documents, we refer to a controller of a steam boiler that is
inspired by the famous steam boiler formalization
challenge~@{cite "abrial:steam-boiler:1996"}.
\begin{isar}[float,mathescape,label={lst:doc},caption={An example ontology modeling
simple certification documents, including scientific papers such
as~@{cite "brucker.ea:isabelle-ontologies:2018"}; also recall
doc_class title = short_title :: "string option" <= "None"
doc_class author = email :: "string" <= "''''"
datatype classification = SIL0 | SIL1 | SIL2 | SIL3 | SIL4
doc_class abstract =
keywordlist :: "string list" <= []
safety_level :: "classification" <= "SIL3"
doc_class text_section =
authored_by :: "author set" <= "{}"
level :: "int option" <= "None"
type_synonym notion = string
doc_class introduction = text_section +
authored_by :: "author set" <= "UNIV"
uses :: "notion set"
doc_class claim = introduction +
based_on :: "notion list"
doc_class technical = text_section +
formal_results :: "thm list"
doc_class "d$$efinition" = technical +
is_formal :: "bool"
property :: "term list" <= "[]"
datatype kind = expert_opinion | argument | proof
doc_class result = technical +
evidence :: kind
property :: "thm list" <= "[]"
doc_class example = technical +
referring_to :: "(notion + d$$efinition) set" <= "{}"
doc_class "conclusion" = text_section +
establish :: "(claim \<times> result) set"
\autoref{lst:doc} shows an example ontology for mathematical papers
(an extended version of this ontology was used for writing
@{cite "brucker.ea:isabelle-ontologies:2018"}, also recall
\autoref{fig:dof-ide}). The commands \inlineisar+datatype+ (modeling
fixed enumerations) and \inlineisar+type_synonym+ (defining type
synonyms) are standard mechanisms in HOL systems. Since ODL is an
add-on, we have to quote sometimes constant symbols (\eg,
\inlineisar+"proof"+) to avoid confusion with predefined keywords. ODL
admits overriding (such as \inlineisar+authored_by+ in the document
class \inlineisar+introduction+), where it is set to another library
constant, but no overloading. All \inlineisar+text_section+ elements
have an optional \inlineisar+level+ attribute, which will be used in
the output generation for the decision if the context is a section
header and its level (\eg, chapter, section, subsection). While
\<open>within\<close> an inheritance hierarchy overloading is prohibited,
attributes may be re-declared freely in independent parts (as is the
case for \inlineisar+property+).
subsection*["sec:advanced"::technical]\<open>Advanced ODL Concepts\<close>
subsubsection\<open>Meta-types as Types\<close>
text\<open>To express the dependencies between text elements to the formal
entities, \eg, \inlinesml+term+ ($\lambda$-term), \inlinesml+typ+, or
\inlinesml+thm+, we represent the types of the implementation language
\<^emph>\<open>inside\<close> the HOL type system. We do, however, not reflect the data of
these types. They are just declared abstract types,
``inhabited'' by special constant symbols carrying strings, for
example of the format \inlineisar+<AT>{thm <string>}+. When HOL
expressions were used to denote values of \inlineisar+doc_class+
instance attributes, this requires additional checks after
conventional type-checking that this string represents actually a
defined entity in the context of the system state
\inlineisar+\<theta>+. For example, the \inlineisar+establish+
attribute in the previous section is the power of the ODL: here, we model
a relation between \<^emph>\<open>claims\<close> and \<^emph>\<open>results\<close> which may be a
formal, machine-check theorem of type \inlinesml+thm+ denoted by, for
example: \inlineisar+property = "[<AT>{thm ''system_is_safe''}]"+ in a
system context \inlineisar+\<theta>+ where this theorem is
established. Similarly, attribute values like
\inlineisar+property = "<AT>{term \<Open>A \<leftrightarrow> B\<Close>}"+
require that the HOL-string \inlineisar+A \<leftrightarrow> B+ is
again type-checked and represents indeed a formula in $\theta$. Another instance of
this process, which we call \<open>second-level type-checking\<close>, are term-constants
generated from the ontology such as
\inlineisar+<AT>{definition <string>}+. For the latter, the argument string
must be checked that it represents a reference to a text-element
having the type \inlineisar+definition+ according to the ontology in @{example "odl-design"}.\<close>
subsubsection*["sec:monitors"::technical]\<open>ODL Monitors\<close>
We call a document class with an accept-clause a
\<^emph>\<open>monitor\<close>. Syntactically, an accept-clause contains a regular
expression over class identifiers. We can extend our
\inlineisar+tiny_cert+ ontology with the following example:
doc_class article =
style_id :: string <= "''CENELEC50128''"
accepts "(title ~~ \<lbrace>author\<rbrace>\<bsup>+\<esup> ~~ abstract ~~ \<lbrace>introduction\<rbrace>\<bsup>+\<esup> ~~
\<lbrace>technical || example\<rbrace>\<bsup>+\<esup> ~~ \<lbrace>conclusion\<rbrace>\<bsup>+\<esup>)"
Semantically, monitors introduce a behavioral element into ODL:
open_monitor*[this::article] (* begin of scope of monitor "this" *)
close_monitor*[this] (* end of scope of monitor "this" *)
Inside the scope of a monitor, all instances of classes mentioned in its accept-clause (the
\<^emph>\<open>accept-set\<close>) have to appear in the order specified by the
regular expression; instances not covered by an accept-set may freely
occur. Monitors may additionally contain a reject-clause with a list
of class-ids (the reject-list). This allows specifying ranges of
admissible instances along the class hierarchy:
\item a superclass in the reject-list and a subclass in the
accept-expression forbids instances superior to the subclass, and
\item a subclass $S$ in the reject-list and a superclass $T$ in the
accept-list allows instances of superclasses of $T$ to occur freely,
instances of $T$ to occur in the specified order and forbids
instances of $S$.
Monitored document sections can be nested and overlap; thus, it is
possible to combine the effect of different monitors. For example, it
would be possible to refine the \inlineisar+example+ section by its own
monitor and enforce a particular structure in the presentation of
Monitors manage an implicit attribute \inlineisar+trace+ containing
the list of ``observed'' text element instances belonging to the
accept-set. Together with the concept of ODL class invariants, it is
possible to specify properties of a sequence of instances occurring in
the document section. For example, it is possible to express that in
the sub-list of \inlineisar+introduction+-elements, the first has an
\inlineisar+introduction+ element with a \inlineisar+level+ strictly
smaller than the others. Thus, an introduction is forced to have a
header delimiting the borders of its representation. Class invariants
on monitors allow for specifying structural properties on document
subsubsection*["sec:class_inv"::technical]\<open>ODL Class Invariants\<close>
Ontological classes as described so far are too liberal in many
situations. For example, one would like to express that any instance
of a \inlineisar+result+ class finally has a non-empty property list,
if its \inlineisar+kind+ is \inlineisar+proof+, or that the
\inlineisar+establish+ relation between \inlineisar+claim+ and
\inlineisar+result+ is surjective.
In a high-level syntax, this type of constraints could be expressed, \eg, by:
(* 1 *) \<forall> x \<in> result. x@kind = proof \<leftrightarrow> x@kind \<noteq> []
(* 2 *) \<forall> x \<in> conclusion. \<forall> y \<in> Domain(x@establish)
\<rightarrow> \<exists> y \<in> Range(x@establish). (y,z) \<in> x@establish
(* 3 *) \<forall> x \<in> introduction. finite(x@authored_by)
%% @{cartouche [display=true] \<open>
%%(* 1 *) \<forall> x \<in> result. x@kind = proof \<leftrightarrow> x@kind \<noteq> []
%%(* 2 *) \<forall> x \<in> conclusion. \<forall> y \<in> Domain(x@establish)
%% \<rightarrow> \<exists> y\<in> Range(x@establish). (y,z) \<in> x@establish
%%(* 3 *) \<forall> x \<in> introduction. finite(x@authored_by)
%% \fixme{experiment... }
where \inlineisar+result+, \inlineisar+conclusion+, and
%% where \<open>result\<close>, \<open>conclusion\<close>, and
\inlineisar+introduction+ are the set of all possible instances of
these document classes. All specified constraints are already checked
in the IDE of \dof while editing; it is however possible to delay a
final error message till the closing of a monitor (see next
section). The third constraint enforces that the
%% user sets the \<open>authored_by\<close> set, otherwise an error will be
user sets the \inlineisar+authored_by+ set, otherwise an error will be
For the moment, there is no high-level syntax for the definition of
class invariants. A formulation, in SML, of the first class-invariant
in \autoref{sec:class_inv} is straight-forward:
fun check_result_inv oid {is_monitor:bool} ctxt =
let val kind = compute_attr_access ctxt "kind" oid <AT>{here} <AT>{here}
val prop = compute_attr_access ctxt "property" oid <AT>{here} <AT>{here}
val tS = HOLogic.dest_list prop
in case kind_term of
<AT>{term "proof"} => if not(null tS) then true
else error("class result invariant violation")
| _ => false
val _ = Theory.setup (DOF_core.update_class_invariant
"tiny_cert.result" check_result_inv)
The \inlinesml{setup}-command (last line) registers the
\inlineisar+check_result_inv+ function into the \isadof kernel, which
activates any creation or modification of an instance of
\inlineisar+result+. We cannot replace \inlineisar+compute_attr_access+
by the corresponding antiquotation
\inlineisar+<AT>{docitem_value kind::oid}+, since \inlineisar+oid+ is
bound to a variable here and can therefore not be statically expanded.
Isabelle's code generator can in principle generate class invariant code
from a high-level syntax. Since class-invariant checking can result in an
efficiency problem ---they are checked on any edit--- and since invariant
programming involves a deeper understanding of ontology modeling and the
\isadof implementation, we backed off from using this technique so far.
section*["core-manual"::technical]\<open>Annotatable Text-Elements for Core-Documents\<close>
text\<open>In general, all standard text-elements from the Isabelle document model such
as @{command "chapter"}, @{command "section"}, @{command "text"}, have in the \isadof
implementation their counterparts in the family of text-elements that are "ontology-aware",
\ie they dispose on a meta-argument list that allows to define that a test-element
\<^enum> has an identity as a text-object labelled as \<open>obj_id\<close>
\<^enum> belongs to a document class \<open>class_id\<close> that has been defined earlier
\<^enum> has its class-attributes set with particular values
(which are denotable in Isabelle/HOL mathematical term syntax)
subsection\<open>Annotating with Ontology Meta-Data: Outer Syntax\<close>
text\<open>\dof introduces its own family of text-commands, which allows
@ -274,322 +592,7 @@ required in a \inlineisar|summary|.
section*["odl-manual"::technical]\<open>The ODL Manual\<close>
subsection*["odl-manual0"::technical]\<open>The Isabelle/HOL Specification Language\<close>
text\<open>The \isadof ontology definition language (ODL) is an extension of Isabelle/HOL;
document class definitions can therefore be arbitrarily mixed with standard HOL
specification constructs. In order to spare the user of ODL a lenghty analysis of
@{cite "isaisarrefman19" and "datarefman19" and "functions19"}, we present
syntax and semantics of the specification constructs that are most likely relevant for
the developer of ontologies. Note that our presentation is actually a simplification
of the original sources following the needs of our target audience here; for a full-
blown account, the reader is referred to the original descriptions.\<close>
\<^item> \<open>name\<close> :
with the syntactic category of \<open>name\<close>'s we refer to alpha-numerical identifiers
(called \<open>short_id\<close>'s in @{cite "isaisarrefman19"}) and identifiers
in \inlineisar+" ... "+ which might additionally contain certian ``quasi-letters'' such
as \inlineisar+_+, \inlineisar+-+, \inlineisar+.+, etc. Details in @{cite "isaisarrefman19"}.
\<^item> \<open>tyargs\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> typefree | ('(' (typefree * ',') ')')\<close>
\<open>typefree\<close> denotes fixed type variable(\<open>'a\<close>, \<open>'b\<close>, ...) (c.f. @{cite "isaisarrefman19"})
\<^item> \<open>dt_name\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> (tyargs?) name (mixfix?)\<close>
The syntactic entity \<open>name\<close> denotes an identifier, \<open>mixfix\<close> denotes the usual
parenthesized mixfix notation (see @{cite "isaisarrefman19"}).
The \<open>name\<close>'s referred here are type names such as \<^verbatim>\<open>int\<close>, \<^verbatim>\<open>string\<close>, \<^verbatim>\<open>list\<close>, \<^verbatim>\<open>set\<close>, etc.
\<^item> \<open>type_spec\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> (tyargs?) name\<close>
The \<open>name\<close>'s referred here are type names such as \<^verbatim>\<open>int\<close>, \<^verbatim>\<open>string\<close>, \<^verbatim>\<open>list\<close>, \<^verbatim>\<open>set\<close>, etc.
\<^item> \<open>type\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> (( '(' ( type * ',') ')' )? name) | typefree \<close>
\<^item> \<open>dt_ctor\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> name (type*) (mixfix?)\<close>
\<^item> \<open>datatype_specification\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> @@{command "datatype"} dt_name '=' (dt_ctor * '|' )\<close>
\<^item> \<open>type_synonym_specification\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> @@{command "type_synonym"} type_spec '=' type\<close>
\<^item> \<open>constant_definition\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> @@{command "definition"} name '::' type 'where' '"' name '=' expr '"'\<close>
\<^item> \<open>expr\<close> :
the syntactic category \<open>expr\<close> here denotes the very rich ``inner-syntax'' language of
mathematical notations for $\lambda$-terms in Isabelle/HOL. Example expressions are:
\inlineisar|1+2| (arithmetics), \inlineisar|[1,2,3]| (lists), \inlineisar|''ab c''| (strings),
\inlineisar|{1,2,3}| (sets), \inlineisar|(1,2,3)| (tuples),
\inlineisar|\<forall> x. P(x) \<and> Q x = C| (formulas), etc.
For a comprehensive overview, consult the summary ``What's in Main''
@{cite "nipkowMain19"}.
text\<open>Other specification constructs, which are potentially relevant for an (advanced) ontology
developer, might be recursive function definitions with pattern-matching @{cite "functions19"},
extensible record specifications, @{cite "isaisarrefman19"} and abstract type declarations.\<close>
subsection*["odl-manual1"::technical]\<open>The Command Syntax for Document Class Specifications\<close>
\<^item> \<open>class_id\<close> : \<open>class_id\<close>'s are type-\<open>name\<close>'s that have been introduced via
a \<open>doc_class_specification\<close>.
\<^item> \<open>doc_class_specification\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> @@{command "doc_class"} class_id '=' (class_id '+')? (attribute_decl+) \<newline>
(accepts_clause rejects_clause?)?\<close>
document classes whose specification contains an \<open>accepts_clause\<close> are called
\<^emph>\<open>monitor classes\<close> or \<^emph>\<open>monitors\<close> for short.
\<^item> \<open>attribute_decl\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> name '::' '"' type '"' default_clause? \<close>
\<^item> \<open>accepts_clause\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> 'accepts' '"' regexpr '"'\<close>
\<^item> \<open>rejects_clause\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> 'rejects' (class_id * ',') \<close>
\<^item> \<open>default_clause\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> '<=' '"' expr '"' \<close>
\<^item> \<open>regexpr\<close> :
\<^rail>\<open> '\<lfloor>' class_id '\<rfloor>' | '(' regexpr ')' | (regexpr '||' regexpr) | (regexpr '~~' regexpr)
| ('\<lbrace>' regexpr '\<rbrace>') | ( '\<lbrace>' regexpr '\<rbrace>\<^sup>*') \<close>
regular expressions describe sequences of \<open>class_id\<close>s (and indirect sequences of document
items corresponding to the \<open>class_id\<close>s). The constructors for alternative, sequence,
repetitions and non-empty sequence follow in the top-down order of the above diagram.
section*["odl-design"::technical]\<open>The Design of ODL\<close>
We illustrate the design of \dof by modeling a small ontology
that can be used for writing formal specifications that, \eg, could
build the basis for an ontology for certification documents used in
processes such as Common Criteria~@{cite "cc:cc-part3:2006"} or CENELEC
50128~@{cite "bsi:50128:2014"}.@{footnote \<open>The \isadof distribution
contains an ontology for writing documents for a certification
according to CENELEC 50128.\<close>} Moreover, in examples of certification
documents, we refer to a controller of a steam boiler that is
inspired by the famous steam boiler formalization
challenge~@{cite "abrial:steam-boiler:1996"}.
\begin{isar}[float,mathescape,label={lst:doc},caption={An example ontology modeling
simple certification documents, including scientific papers such
as~@{cite "brucker.ea:isabelle-ontologies:2018"}; also recall
doc_class title = short_title :: "string option" <= "None"
doc_class author = email :: "string" <= "''''"
datatype classification = SIL0 | SIL1 | SIL2 | SIL3 | SIL4
doc_class abstract =
keywordlist :: "string list" <= []
safety_level :: "classification" <= "SIL3"
doc_class text_section =
authored_by :: "author set" <= "{}"
level :: "int option" <= "None"
type_synonym notion = string
doc_class introduction = text_section +
authored_by :: "author set" <= "UNIV"
uses :: "notion set"
doc_class claim = introduction +
based_on :: "notion list"
doc_class technical = text_section +
formal_results :: "thm list"
doc_class "d$$efinition" = technical +
is_formal :: "bool"
property :: "term list" <= "[]"
datatype kind = expert_opinion | argument | proof
doc_class result = technical +
evidence :: kind
property :: "thm list" <= "[]"
doc_class example = technical +
referring_to :: "(notion + d$$efinition) set" <= "{}"
doc_class "conclusion" = text_section +
establish :: "(claim \<times> result) set"
\autoref{lst:doc} shows an example ontology for mathematical papers
(an extended version of this ontology was used for writing
@{cite "brucker.ea:isabelle-ontologies:2018"}, also recall
\autoref{fig:dof-ide}). The commands \inlineisar+datatype+ (modeling
fixed enumerations) and \inlineisar+type_synonym+ (defining type
synonyms) are standard mechanisms in HOL systems. Since ODL is an
add-on, we have to quote sometimes constant symbols (\eg,
\inlineisar+"proof"+) to avoid confusion with predefined keywords. ODL
admits overriding (such as \inlineisar+authored_by+ in the document
class \inlineisar+introduction+), where it is set to another library
constant, but no overloading. All \inlineisar+text_section+ elements
have an optional \inlineisar+level+ attribute, which will be used in
the output generation for the decision if the context is a section
header and its level (\eg, chapter, section, subsection). While
\<open>within\<close> an inheritance hierarchy overloading is prohibited,
attributes may be re-declared freely in independent parts (as is the
case for \inlineisar+property+).
subsection*[onto_future::technical]\<open> Monitor Classes \<close>
text\<open> Besides sub-typing, there is another relation between
document classes: a class can be a \<^emph>\<open>monitor\<close> to other ones,
which is expressed by the occurrence of a \inlineisar+where+ clause
in the document class definition containing a regular
expression (see @{example (unchecked) \<open>scholar_onto\<close>}).
While class-extension refers to data-inheritance of attributes,
a monitor imposes structural constraints -- the order --
in which instances of monitored classes may occur. \<close>
The control of monitors is done by the commands:
\<^item> \inlineisar+open_monitor* + <doc-class>
\<^item> \inlineisar+close_monitor* + <doc-class>
where the automaton of the monitor class is expected
to be in a final state. In the final state, user-defined SML
Monitors can be nested, so it is possible to "overlay" one or more monitoring
classes and imposing different sets of structural constraints in a
Classes which are neither directly nor indirectly (via inheritance) mentioned in the
monitor are \<^emph>\<open>independent\<close> from a monitor; instances of independent test elements
may occur freely. \<close>
subsection*["sec:monitors"::technical]\<open>ODL Monitors\<close>
We call a document class with an accept-clause a
\<^emph>\<open>monitor\<close>. Syntactically, an accept-clause contains a regular
expression over class identifiers. We can extend our
\inlineisar+tiny_cert+ ontology with the following example:
doc_class article =
style_id :: string <= "''CENELEC50128''"
accepts "(title ~~ \<lbrace>author\<rbrace>\<bsup>+\<esup> ~~ abstract ~~ \<lbrace>introduction\<rbrace>\<bsup>+\<esup> ~~
\<lbrace>technical || example\<rbrace>\<bsup>+\<esup> ~~ \<lbrace>conclusion\<rbrace>\<bsup>+\<esup>)"
Semantically, monitors introduce a behavioral element into ODL:
open_monitor*[this::article] (* begin of scope of monitor "this" *)
close_monitor*[this] (* end of scope of monitor "this" *)
Inside the scope of a monitor, all instances of classes mentioned in its accept-clause (the
\<^emph>\<open>accept-set\<close>) have to appear in the order specified by the
regular expression; instances not covered by an accept-set may freely
occur. Monitors may additionally contain a reject-clause with a list
of class-ids (the reject-list). This allows specifying ranges of
admissible instances along the class hierarchy:
\item a superclass in the reject-list and a subclass in the
accept-expression forbids instances superior to the subclass, and
\item a subclass $S$ in the reject-list and a superclass $T$ in the
accept-list allows instances of superclasses of $T$ to occur freely,
instances of $T$ to occur in the specified order and forbids
instances of $S$.
Monitored document sections can be nested and overlap; thus, it is
possible to combine the effect of different monitors. For example, it
would be possible to refine the \inlineisar+example+ section by its own
monitor and enforce a particular structure in the presentation of
Monitors manage an implicit attribute \inlineisar+trace+ containing
the list of ``observed'' text element instances belonging to the
accept-set. Together with the concept of ODL class invariants, it is
possible to specify properties of a sequence of instances occurring in
the document section. For example, it is possible to express that in
the sub-list of \inlineisar+introduction+-elements, the first has an
\inlineisar+introduction+ element with a \inlineisar+level+ strictly
smaller than the others. Thus, an introduction is forced to have a
header delimiting the borders of its representation. Class invariants
on monitors allow for specifying structural properties on document
subsection\<open>Meta-types as Types\<close>
text\<open>To express the dependencies between text elements to the formal
entities, \eg, \inlinesml+term+ ($\lambda$-term), \inlinesml+typ+, or
\inlinesml+thm+, we represent the types of the implementation language
\<^emph>\<open>inside\<close> the HOL type system. We do, however, not reflect the data of
these types. They are just declared abstract types,
``inhabited'' by special constant symbols carrying strings, for
example of the format \inlineisar+<AT>{thm <string>}+. When HOL
expressions were used to denote values of \inlineisar+doc_class+
instance attributes, this requires additional checks after
conventional type-checking that this string represents actually a
defined entity in the context of the system state
\inlineisar+\<theta>+. For example, the \inlineisar+establish+
attribute in the previous section is the power of the ODL: here, we model
a relation between \<^emph>\<open>claims\<close> and \<^emph>\<open>results\<close> which may be a
formal, machine-check theorem of type \inlinesml+thm+ denoted by, for
example: \inlineisar+property = "[<AT>{thm ''system_is_safe''}]"+ in a
system context \inlineisar+\<theta>+ where this theorem is
established. Similarly, attribute values like
\inlineisar+property = "<AT>{term \<Open>A \<leftrightarrow> B\<Close>}"+
require that the HOL-string \inlineisar+A \<leftrightarrow> B+ is
again type-checked and represents indeed a formula in $\theta$. Another instance of
this process, which we call \<open>second-level type-checking\<close>, are term-constants
generated from the ontology such as
\inlineisar+<AT>{definition <string>}+. For the latter, the argument string
must be checked that it represents a reference to a text-element
having the type \inlineisar+definition+ according to the ontology in \autoref{lst:doc}.\<close>
subsection*["sec:class_inv"::technical]\<open>ODL Class Invariants\<close>
Ontological classes as described so far are too liberal in many
situations. For example, one would like to express that any instance
of a \inlineisar+result+ class finally has a non-empty property list,
if its \inlineisar+kind+ is \inlineisar+proof+, or that the
\inlineisar+establish+ relation between \inlineisar+claim+ and
\inlineisar+result+ is surjective.
In a high-level syntax, this type of constraints could be expressed, \eg, by:
\<forall> x \<in> result. x@kind = proof \<leftrightarrow> x@kind \<noteq> []
\<forall> x \<in> conclusion. \<forall> y \<in> Domain(x@establish)
\<rightarrow> \<exists> y \<in> Range(x@establish). (y,z) \<in> x@establish
\<forall> x \<in> introduction. finite(x@authored_by)
@{cartouche [display=true] \<open>
(* 1 *) \<forall> x \<in> result. x@kind = proof \<leftrightarrow> x@kind \<noteq> []
(* 2 *) \<forall> x \<in> conclusion. \<forall> y \<in> Domain(x@establish)
\<rightarrow> \<exists> y\<in> Range(x@establish). (y,z) \<in> x@establish
(* 3 *) \<forall> x \<in> introduction. finite(x@authored_by)
\fixme{experiment... }
%% where \inlineisar+result+, \inlineisar+conclusion+, and
where \<open>result\<close>, \<open>conclusion\<close>, and
\<open>introduction\<close> are the set of all possible instances of
these document classes. All specified constraints are already checked
in the IDE of \dof while editing; it is however possible to delay a
final error message till the closing of a monitor (see next
section). The third constraint enforces that the
user sets the \<open>authored_by\<close> set, otherwise an error will be
%%user sets the \inlineisar+authored_by+ set, otherwise an error will be
section*["core-manual"::technical]\<open>Annotatable Text-Elements for Core-Documents\<close>
text\<open>In general, all standard text-elements from the Isabelle document model such
as @{command "chapter"}, @{command "section"}, @{command "text"}, have in the \isadof
implementation their counterparts in the family of text-elements that are "ontology-aware",
\ie they dispose on a meta-argument list that allows to define that a test-element
\<^enum> has an identity as a text-object labelled as \<open>obj_id\<close>
\<^enum> belongs to a document class \<open>class_id\<close> that has been defined earlier
\<^enum> has its class-attributes set with particular values
(which are denotable in Isabelle/HOL mathematical term syntax)
subsection*["core-manual1"::technical]\<open>Annotatable Test-Elements: Syntax\<close>
text\<open>The syntax of toplevel \isadof commands reads as follows:
\<^item> \<open>annotated_text_element\<close> :