This commit is contained in:
Burkhart Wolff 2018-04-29 09:55:21 +02:00
commit 5ca263711c
4 changed files with 245 additions and 83 deletions

View File

@ -518,17 +518,17 @@ val _ =
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("paragraph*", @{here}) "paragraph heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = true});
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("subparagraph*", @{here}) "subparagraph heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = true});
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("text*", @{here}) "formal comment (primary style)"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = true});
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018 The University of Sheffield. All rights reserved.
eq * Copyright (c) 2018 The University of Sheffield. All rights reserved.
* 2018 The University of Paris-Sud. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@ -29,89 +29,239 @@
package com.logicalhacking.dof.converter
import{BufferedWriter, File, FileWriter}
import{ BufferedWriter, File, FileWriter }
import IoUtils._
import scala.util.matching.Regex
object DofConverter {
val version = "0.0.0"
def convertLaTeX(string:String):Either[LaTeXLexerError,String] = {
LaTeXLexer(string) match {
case Left(err) => Left(err)
case Right(tokens) => Right(LaTeXLexer.toString(tokens))
val version = "0.0.0"
def deMarkUpArgList(tokens: List[LaTeXToken]): List[LaTeXToken] = {
tokens match {
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharprime""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharprime""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail
=> RAWTEXT("") :: deMarkUpArgList(tail)
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isachardoublequoteopen""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail => RAWTEXT("""{""") :: deMarkUpArgList(tail)
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isachardoublequoteclose""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail => RAWTEXT("""}""") :: deMarkUpArgList(tail)
case t :: tail => t :: deMarkUpArgList(tail)
case Nil => Nil
def deMarkUp(tokens: List[LaTeXToken]): List[LaTeXToken] = {
tokens match {
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharcolon""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail => RAWTEXT(""":""") :: deMarkUp(tail)
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharunderscore""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail => RAWTEXT("""_""") :: deMarkUp(tail)
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isadigit""") :: CURLYOPEN::n::CURLYCLOSE::CURLYCLOSE :: tail => n :: deMarkUp(tail)
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharcomma""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail => RAWTEXT(""",""") :: deMarkUp(tail)
case COMMAND("""\isanewline""") :: tail => deMarkUp(tail)
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isachardot""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail => RAWTEXT(""".""") :: deMarkUp(tail)
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharsemicolon""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail => RAWTEXT(""";""") :: deMarkUp(tail)
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharbackslash""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail => RAWTEXT("""\""") :: deMarkUp(tail)
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharslash""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail => RAWTEXT("""/""") :: deMarkUp(tail)
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharbraceleft""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail => RAWTEXT("""{""") :: deMarkUp(tail)
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharbraceright""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail => RAWTEXT("""}""") :: deMarkUp(tail)
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharparenleft""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail => RAWTEXT("""(""") :: deMarkUp(tail)
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharparenright""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail => RAWTEXT(""")""") :: deMarkUp(tail)
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharequal""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail => RAWTEXT("""=""") :: deMarkUp(tail)
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharminus""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail => RAWTEXT("""-""") :: deMarkUp(tail)
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharplus""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail => RAWTEXT("""+""") :: deMarkUp(tail)
case CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharprime""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail => RAWTEXT("""'""") :: deMarkUp(tail)
case VSPACE :: tail => RAWTEXT(""" """) :: deMarkUp(tail)
case t :: tail => t :: deMarkUp(tail)
case Nil => Nil
def convertIsaDofCommand(cmd: String, tokens: List[LaTeXToken]): List[LaTeXToken] = {
def convertType(head: List[LaTeXToken], tail: List[LaTeXToken]): Tuple2[String,List[LaTeXToken]] = {
def split(head:List[LaTeXToken], tokens: List[LaTeXToken]):Tuple2[List[LaTeXToken], List[LaTeXToken]] = {
tokens match {
case CURLYOPEN::COMMAND("""\isacharcomma""")::CURLYCLOSE::tail => (head,tokens)
case CURLYCLOSE::COMMAND("""\isacharcomma""")::CURLYOPEN::tail => (head++(CURLYCLOSE::COMMAND("""\isacharcomma""")::CURLYOPEN::List()),tail)
case CURLYCLOSE::COMMAND("""\isacharbrackleft""")::CURLYOPEN::tail => (head++(CURLYCLOSE::COMMAND("""\isacharbrackleft""")::CURLYOPEN::List()),tail)
case BRACKETOPEN::tail => (head,BRACKETOPEN::tail)
case CURLYOPEN::COMMAND("""\isacharbrackright""")::CURLYCLOSE::tail => (head,tokens)
case t::tail => split(head++List(t), tail)
case t => (head,t)
tail match {
case CURLYOPEN::COMMAND("""\isacharcolon""")::CURLYCLOSE :: CURLYOPEN::COMMAND("""\isacharcolon""")::CURLYCLOSE :: tail => {
val (label, shead)= split(List(), head.reverse)
val (typ, stail) = split(List(), tail)
val typstring = typ match {
case RAWTEXT(s)::Nil => s.capitalize
case _ => ""
(typstring,(shead.reverse)++List(RAWTEXT("""label={"""))++(label.reverse)++List(RAWTEXT("""}, type={"""))++typ++List(RAWTEXT("""}"""))++stail)
case t::tail => convertType(head++List(t), tail)
case t => ("",t)
def convertFile(f: File):Option[(String,LaTeXLexerError)] = {
val texFileName = f.getAbsolutePath()
println("DOF Converter: converting " + texFileName
+ " (Not yet fully implemented!)")
f.renameTo(new File(texFileName+".orig"))
using(io.Source.fromFile(texFileName+".orig")) {
inputFile =>
using(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(texFileName), true))) {
outputFile =>
outputFile.write("% This file was modified by the DOF LaTeX converter\n")
val input = inputFile.getLines.reduceLeft(_+"\n"+_)
def delSpace(tokens: List[LaTeXToken]): List[LaTeXToken] = {
tokens match {
case VSPACE :: tail => delSpace(tail)
case COMMAND("""\isanewline""")::tail => delSpace(tail)
case COMMAND("""\newline""")::tail => delSpace(tail)
case RAWTEXT(""" """)::tail => delSpace(tail)
case RAWTEXT("\n")::tail => delSpace(tail)
case RAWTEXT("\t")::tail => delSpace(tail)
case VBACKSLASH::tail => delSpace(tail)
case tokens => tokens
convertLaTeX(input) match {
case Left(err) => Some((texFileName, err))
case Right(output) => {
def backSpace(tokens: List[LaTeXToken]): List[LaTeXToken] = (delSpace(tokens.reverse)).reverse
val sep=RAWTEXT("%\n")
def parseIsaDofCmd(args: List[LaTeXToken], tokens: List[LaTeXToken]): Tuple3[String,List[LaTeXToken], List[LaTeXToken]] = {
(args, tokens) match {
case (args, COMMAND("""\isamarkupfalse""") :: tail) => parseIsaDofCmd(args, tail)
case (args, CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isachardoublequoteopen""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharbrackleft""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail)
=> parseIsaDofCmd(backSpace(args) ++ List(CURLYOPEN), tail)
case (args, CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharbrackright""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isachardoublequoteclose""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail)
=> parseIsaDofCmd(backSpace(args) ++ List(CURLYCLOSE), delSpace(tail))
case (args, CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharbrackleft""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail) => parseIsaDofCmd(backSpace(args) ++List(sep) ++ List(BRACKETOPEN), tail)
case (args, CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharbrackright""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail) => {
val (typ,arglist) = convertType(List(), args)
val (_, t1, t2) = parseIsaDofCmd(deMarkUpArgList(arglist)++List(BRACKETCLOSE,sep), tail)
case (args, CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharverbatimopen""") :: CURLYCLOSE ::tail) => parseIsaDofCmd(args ++ List(CURLYOPEN), delSpace(tail))
case (args, CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacharverbatimclose""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail) => ("",deMarkUp(backSpace(args) ++ List(CURLYCLOSE)), sep::delSpace(tail))
case (args, CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacartoucheopen""") :: CURLYCLOSE ::tail) => parseIsaDofCmd(args ++ List(CURLYOPEN), delSpace(tail))
case (args, CURLYOPEN :: COMMAND("""\isacartoucheclose""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: tail) => ("",deMarkUp(backSpace(args) ++ List(CURLYCLOSE)), sep::delSpace(tail))
case (args, t :: tail) => parseIsaDofCmd(args ++ List(t), tail)
case (args, Nil) => ("",deMarkUp(args), Nil)
cmd match {
case """chapter""" => {
val (typ,sectionArgs, tail) = parseIsaDofCmd(Nil, tokens)
sep::COMMAND("""\isaDofChapter"""+typ) :: sectionArgs ++ convertLaTeXTokenStream(tail)
case """section""" => {
val (typ,sectionArgs, tail) = parseIsaDofCmd(Nil, tokens)
sep::COMMAND("""\isaDofSection"""+typ) :: sectionArgs ++ convertLaTeXTokenStream(tail)
case """subsection""" => {
val (typ,sectionArgs, tail) = parseIsaDofCmd(Nil, tokens)
COMMAND("""\isaDofSubSection"""+typ) :: sectionArgs ++ convertLaTeXTokenStream(tail)
case """subsubsection""" => {
val (typ,sectionArgs, tail) = parseIsaDofCmd(Nil, tokens)
sep::COMMAND("""\isaDofCSubSubSection"""+typ) :: sectionArgs ++ convertLaTeXTokenStream(tail)
case """paragraph""" => {
val (typ,sectionArgs, tail) = parseIsaDofCmd(Nil, tokens)
sep::COMMAND("""\isaDofParagraph"""+typ) :: sectionArgs ++ convertLaTeXTokenStream(tail)
case """text""" => {
val (typ,dofText, tail) = parseIsaDofCmd(Nil, tokens)
sep::COMMAND("""\isaDofText"""+typ) :: dofText ++ convertLaTeXTokenStream(tail)
case s => sep::COMMAND("""\isaDofUnknown{""" + s + """}""") ::sep:: convertLaTeXTokenStream(tokens)
def convertLaTeXTokenStream(tokens: List[LaTeXToken]): List[LaTeXToken] = {
tokens match {
case Nil => Nil
case COMMAND("""\isacommand""") :: CURLYOPEN :: RAWTEXT(cmd) :: CURLYOPEN
:: COMMAND("""\isacharasterisk""") :: CURLYCLOSE :: CURLYCLOSE :: ts => convertIsaDofCommand(cmd, ts)
case t :: ts => t :: convertLaTeXTokenStream(ts)
def convertLaTeX(string: String): Either[LaTeXLexerError, String] = {
LaTeXLexer(string) match {
case Left(err) => Left(err)
case Right(tokens) => Right(LaTeXLexer.toString(convertLaTeXTokenStream(tokens)))
def convertFile(f: File): Option[(String, LaTeXLexerError)] = {
val texFileName = f.getAbsolutePath()
println("DOF Converter: converting " + texFileName
+ " (Not yet fully implemented!)")
f.renameTo(new File(texFileName + ".orig"))
using(io.Source.fromFile(texFileName + ".orig")) {
inputFile =>
using(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(texFileName), true))) {
outputFile =>
outputFile.write("% This file was modified by the DOF LaTeX converter, version " + version + "\n")
val input = inputFile.getLines.reduceLeft(_ + "\n" + _)
convertLaTeX(input) match {
case Left(err) => Some((texFileName, err))
case Right(output) => {
def processArgs(args: List[String]):Option[List[String]] = {
def printVersion() = {
println("DOF LaTeX converter version "+version)
def printUsage() = {
println(" scala dof_latex_converter.jar [OPTIONS] [directory ...]")
println(" --version, -v print version and exit")
println(" --help, -h print usage inforamtion and exit")
args match {
case Nil => Some(List[String]())
case "-v"::Nil => printVersion(); None
case "--version"::Nil => printVersion(); None
case "-h"::tail => printUsage(); None
case "--help"::tail => printUsage(); None
case file::tail => processArgs(tail) match {
case Some(files) => Some(file::files)
case None => None
case _ => printUsage();None
def processArgs(args: List[String]): Option[List[String]] = {
def printVersion() = {
println("DOF LaTeX converter version " + version)
def printUsage() = {
println(" scala dof_latex_converter.jar [OPTIONS] [directory ...]")
println(" --version, -v print version and exit")
println(" --help, -h print usage inforamtion and exit")
args match {
case Nil => Some(List[String]())
case "-v" :: Nil =>
printVersion(); None
case "--version" :: Nil =>
printVersion(); None
case "-h" :: tail =>
printUsage(); None
case "--help" :: tail =>
printUsage(); None
case file :: tail => processArgs(tail) match {
case Some(files) => Some(file :: files)
case None => None
case _ => printUsage(); None
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val directories = processArgs(args.toList) match {
case None =>
System.exit(1); List[String]()
case Some(Nil) => List[String](".")
case Some(l) => l
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val directories = processArgs(args.toList) match {
case None => System.exit(1); List[String]()
case Some(Nil) => List[String](".")
case Some(l) => l
val texFiles = => recursiveListFiles(new File(dir), new Regex("\\.tex$"))
.filterNot(_.length() == 0)).flatten
val texFiles = => recursiveListFiles(new File(dir), new Regex("\\.tex$"))
.filterNot(_.length() == 0)).flatten
val errors = => convertFile(file)).flatten
if(!errors.isEmpty) {
println("DOF LaTeX converter error(s):")
println("============================="){case (file:String, err:LaTeXLexerError) => println(file + ": " + err)}
val errors = => convertFile(file)).flatten
if (!errors.isEmpty) {
println("DOF LaTeX converter error(s):")
println("=============================") { case (file: String, err: LaTeXLexerError) => println(file + ": " + err) }

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ text*[auth4::author, affiliation="''Universit\\'e Paris-Sud''"]\<open>Burkhart W
term "affiliation_update (\<lambda> _ . '''') S"
text*[abs::abstract, keyword_list="[]::string list"] {* Isabelle/Isar is a system
text*[abs::abstract, keywordlist="[]::string list"] {* Isabelle/Isar is a system
framework with many similarities to Eclipse; it is mostly known as part of
Isabelle/HOL, an interactive theorem proving and code generation environment.
Recently, an Document Ontology Framework has been developed as a plugin in
@ -56,6 +56,18 @@ val zzz = Thm.assume(Thm.cterm_of @{context} yyy);
val zzzz = simplify @{context} zzz;
val a $ b $ c = @{term "X\<lparr>affiliation:='' ''\<rparr>"};
term ""
term "scholarly_paper.abstract.keywordlist_update"
term "scholarly_paper.introduction.comment2_update"
ML{* val a $ b $ c = @{term "X\<lparr>affiliation:='' ''\<rparr>"}; fold;
ML{* !AnnoTextelemParser.SPY;
fun convert((Const(s,_),_), t) X = Const(s^"_update", dummyT)
$ Abs("uuu_", type_of t, t)
$ X
val base = @{term "undefined"}
val converts = fold convert (!AnnoTextelemParser.SPY) base
ML{* open Thm; varifyT_global ;
@ -67,7 +79,7 @@ term ""
term "scholarly_paper.abstract.keyword_list_update"
term "scholarly_paper.introduction.comment_update"
term "\<lparr>author.tag_attribute=undefined,email=''dfg'',orcid=None,affiliation=undefined\<rparr>"
term "\<lparr>author.tag_attribute=undefined,email=''dfg'',orcid='''',affiliation=undefined\<rparr>"
definition HORX
where "HORX = affiliation(\<lparr>author.tag_attribute=undefined,email=''dfg'',orcid=None,affiliation=undefined\<rparr>\<lparr>affiliation:=''e''\<rparr>) "

View File

@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ doc_class subtitle =
doc_class author =
email :: "string"
orcid :: "string option" <= "None"
orcid :: "string"
affiliation :: "string"
doc_class abstract =
keyword_list :: "string list" <= "[]"
keywordlist :: "string list" <= "[]"
doc_class text_section =