Working on

- the Toplevel sync problem for LaTeX output
- attribute computation
- various syntax issues
- examples.
This commit is contained in:
Burkhart Wolff 2018-06-26 17:40:08 +02:00
parent aeb235447c
commit 6277f44e75
3 changed files with 193 additions and 111 deletions

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@ -607,79 +607,12 @@ end (* struct *)
text{* fghfgh *} text{* fghfgh *}
text*[sdf] {* f @{thm refl}*} text*[sdf] {* f @{thm refl}*}
ML{* AnnoTextelemParser.SPY2;
(* conclusion: Input.source_explode converts " f @{thm refl}"
[(" ", {offset=14, id=-2769}), ("f", {offset=15, id=-2769}), (" ", {offset=16, id=-2769}),
("@", {offset=17, id=-2769}), ("{", {offset=18, id=-2769}), ("t", {offset=19, id=-2769}),
("h", {offset=20, id=-2769}), ("m", {offset=21, id=-2769}), (" ", {offset=22, id=-2769}),
("r", {offset=23, id=-2769}), ("e", {offset=24, id=-2769}), ("f", {offset=25, id=-2769}),
("l", {offset=26, id=-2769}), ("}", {offset=27, id=-2769})]
text*[sdfg] {* fg @{thm refl}*} text*[sdfg] {* fg @{thm refl}*}
ML{* AnnoTextelemParser.SPY3; *} ML{* AnnoTextelemParser.SPY3;
(* produces: ref "fg \\isa{<markup>\\ {\\isacharequal}\\ <markup>}": string ref *)
ML{* (* This proves that Thy_Output.output_text(Toplevel.theory_toplevel thy) markdown toks actually
(* text is : PRODUCES strings in which the antiquotations were expanded. *)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("text", @{here}) "formal comment (primary style)"
(Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source >> Thy_Output.document_command {markdown = true});
(* registrierung *)
Outer_Syntax.command : Outer_Syntax.command_keyword -> string
-> (Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition) parser -> unit;
(* Isar Toplevel Steuerung *)
Toplevel.keep : (Toplevel.state -> unit) -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition;
(* val keep' = add_trans o Keep;
fun keep f = add_trans (Keep (fn _ => f));
Toplevel.present_local_theory : (xstring * Position.T) option -> (Toplevel.state -> unit) ->
Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition;
(* fun present_local_theory target = present_transaction (fn int =>
(fn Theory (gthy, _) =>
let val (finish, lthy) = Named_Target.switch target gthy;
in Theory (finish lthy, SOME lthy) end
| _ => raise UNDEF));
fun present_transaction f g = add_trans (Transaction (f, g));
fun transaction f = present_transaction f (K ());
Toplevel.theory : (theory -> theory) -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition;
(* fun theory' f = transaction (fn int =>
(fn Theory (Context.Theory thy, _) =>
let val thy' = thy
|> Sign.new_group
|> f int
|> Sign.reset_group;
in Theory (Context.Theory thy', NONE) end
| _ => raise UNDEF));
fun theory f = theory' (K f); *)
Thy_Output.document_command : {markdown: bool} -> (xstring * Position.T) option * Input.source ->
Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition;
(* fun document_command markdown (loc, txt) =
Toplevel.keep (fn state =>
(case loc of
NONE => ignore (output_text state markdown txt)
| SOME (_, pos) =>
error ("Illegal target specification -- not a theory context" ^ pos))) o
Toplevel.present_local_theory loc (fn state => ignore (output_text state markdown txt));
Thy_Output.output_text : Toplevel.state -> {markdown: bool} -> Input.source -> string ;
(* this is where antiquotation expansion happens : uses eval_antiquote *)
*} *}
(* <<< experiments *) (* <<< experiments *)
section{* Syntax for Ontological Antiquotations (the '' View'' Part II) *} section{* Syntax for Ontological Antiquotations (the '' View'' Part II) *}
@ -792,24 +725,42 @@ fun calculate_attr_access ctxt proj_term term =
val Const(@{const_name "HOL.eq"},_) $ lhs $ _ = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Thm.concl_of thm) val Const(@{const_name "HOL.eq"},_) $ lhs $ _ = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Thm.concl_of thm)
in lhs end in lhs end
fun calculate_attr_access_check ctxt proj_str str = (* template *) fun calculate_attr_access_check ctxt attr oid = (* template *)
let val term = Bound 0 case DOF_core.get_value_local oid ctxt of
in (ML_Syntax.atomic o ML_Syntax.print_term) term SOME term => let val SOME{cid,...} = DOF_core.get_object_local oid ctxt
end val (pr_name,_,ty) = case DOF_core.get_attribute_long_name_local cid attr ctxt of
SOME f => f
| NONE => error ("attribute undefined for ref"^ oid)
val proj_term = Const(pr_name,ty) (* pr_name should be long_name *)
val term = calculate_attr_access ctxt proj_term term
in (ML_Syntax.atomic o ML_Syntax.print_term) term end
| NONE => error "identifier not a docitem reference"
*} *}
ML{* ML{*
ML_Syntax.atomic o ML_Syntax.print_term; ML_Syntax.atomic o ML_Syntax.print_term;
Args.term --| (Scan.lift @{keyword "in"}) -- Args.term; Scan.lift --| (Scan.lift @{keyword "in"}) -- Scan.lift;
fn (ctxt,toks) => (fn (ctxt,toks) =>
(Scan.lift --| (Scan.lift @{keyword "in"}) -- Args.term >> (Scan.lift --| (Scan.lift @{keyword "in"}) -- Scan.lift >>
(fn(attr_term, class_term) => (ML_Syntax.atomic o ML_Syntax.print_term) class_term)) (ctxt, toks); (fn(attr, oid) => (calculate_attr_access_check (Context.the_proof ctxt) attr oid) )) (ctxt, toks))
: string context_parser
*} *}
ML{* ML{*
val _ = Theory.setup val _ = Theory.setup
( ML_Antiquotation.inline @{binding doc_class_attr} (Args.term >> (ML_Syntax.atomic o ML_Syntax.print_term))) (ML_Antiquotation.inline @{binding doc_class_attr}
(fn (ctxt,toks) =>
(Scan.lift --|
(Scan.lift @{keyword "in"}) --
(fn(attr : string, oid : string) =>
(calculate_attr_access_check (Context.the_proof ctxt) attr oid) )
: string context_parser
(ctxt, toks))
*} *}
@ -906,10 +857,12 @@ end (* struct *)
*} *}
text*[xxxy] {* dd @{docitem_ref \<open>sdfg\<close>} @{thm refl}}*} text*[xxxy] {* dd @{docitem_ref \<open>sdfg\<close>} @{thm refl}*}
ML{* AnnoTextelemParser.SPY3; *} ML{* AnnoTextelemParser.SPY3; *}
text{* dd @{docitem_ref \<open>sdfg\<close>} @{thm refl} *}
section{* Library of Standard Text Ontology *} section{* Library of Standard Text Ontology *}
datatype placement = pl_h | pl_t | pl_b | pl_ht | pl_hb datatype placement = pl_h | pl_t | pl_b | pl_ht | pl_hb
@ -933,7 +886,6 @@ doc_class side_by_side_figure = figure +
(* dito the future monitor: table - block *) (* dito the future monitor: table - block *)
ML{* open Mixfix;*}
section{* Testing and Validation *} section{* Testing and Validation *}

View File

@ -364,6 +364,17 @@ ML\<open>val X = @{here};\<close>
*} *}
subsection {*Input streams. *}
Input.source_explode : Input.source -> Symbol_Pos.T list;
(* conclusion: Input.source_explode converts " f @{thm refl}"
[(" ", {offset=14, id=-2769}), ("f", {offset=15, id=-2769}), (" ", {offset=16, id=-2769}),
("@", {offset=17, id=-2769}), ("{", {offset=18, id=-2769}), ("t", {offset=19, id=-2769}),
("h", {offset=20, id=-2769}), ("m", {offset=21, id=-2769}), (" ", {offset=22, id=-2769}),
("r", {offset=23, id=-2769}), ("e", {offset=24, id=-2769}), ("f", {offset=25, id=-2769}),
("l", {offset=26, id=-2769}), ("}", {offset=27, id=-2769})]
subsection {*Scanning and combinator parsing. *} subsection {*Scanning and combinator parsing. *}
ML\<open> ML\<open>
@ -400,14 +411,17 @@ Parse.nat: int parser; int parser; int parser;
Parse.enum_positions: string -> 'a parser -> ('a list * Position.T list) parser; Parse.enum_positions: string -> 'a parser -> ('a list * Position.T list) parser;
Parse.enum: string -> 'a parser -> 'a list parser; Parse.enum: string -> 'a parser -> 'a list parser;
Parse.input: 'a parser -> Input.source parser;
Parse.enum; Parse.enum : string -> 'a parser -> 'a list parser;
Parse.!!!; Parse.!!! : (T list -> 'a) -> T list -> 'a;
Parse.position: 'a parser -> ('a * Position.T) parser; Parse.position: 'a parser -> ('a * Position.T) parser;
(* Examples *) (* Examples *)
Parse.position Args.cartouche_input; Parse.position Args.cartouche_input;
\<close> \<close>
text{* Parsing combinators for elementary Isabelle Lexems*}
ML{* ML{*
Syntax.parse_sort; Syntax.parse_sort;
Syntax.parse_typ; Syntax.parse_typ;
@ -456,27 +470,36 @@ fn name => (Thy_Output.antiquotation name (Scan.lift (Parse.position Args.cartou
\<close> \<close>
subsection\<open> Markup \<close> subsection\<open> Markup \<close>
text{* Markup Operations, and reporting. Diag in Isa_DOF Foundations Paper. *} text{* Markup Operations, and reporting. Diag in Isa_DOF Foundations Paper.
Markup operation send via side-effect annotations to the GUI (precisely:
to the PIDE Framework) that were used for hyperlinking applicating to binding
occurrences, info for hovering, ... *}
ML{* ML{*
(* Markup.enclose; *)
(* is also a type consisting of a pair of a position and markup. *) (* is also a type consisting of a pair of a position and markup. *)
(* It would solve all my problems if I find a way to infer the defining (* It would solve all my problems if I find a way to infer the defining
from a type definition occurence ... *) from a type definition occurence ... *); Position.T -> Markup.T -> unit;
Position.reports; (* ? ? ? I think this is the magic thing that sends reports to the GUI. *) Position.reports: list -> unit;
(* ? ? ? I think this is the magic thing that sends reports to the GUI. *)
Markup.entity : string -> string -> Markup.T; : Properties.T -> Markup.T -> Markup.T ;
Properties.get : Properties.T -> string -> string option;
Markup.enclose : Markup.T -> string -> string;; (* example for setting a link, the def flag controls if it is a defining or a binding
Properties.get; occurence of an item *)
fun theory_markup (def:bool) (name:string) (id:serial) (pos:Position.T) =
fun theory_markup def name id pos =
if id = 0 then Markup.empty if id = 0 then Markup.empty
else else (Position.entity_properties_of def id pos) (Position.entity_properties_of def id pos)
(Markup.entity Markup.theoryN name); (Markup.entity Markup.theoryN name);
Markup.theoryN; Markup.theoryN : string;
serial(); (* A global, lock-guarded seriel counter used to produce unique identifiers,
be it on the level of thy-internal states or as reference in markup in
(* From Theory: (* From Theory:
fun check ctxt (name, pos) = fun check ctxt (name, pos) =
@ -510,9 +533,7 @@ fun get_markup thy =
*) *)
serial(); (* A global, lock-guarded seriel counter used to produce unique identifiers,
be it on the level of thy-internal states or as reference in markup in
(* (*
fun theory_markup def thy_name id pos = fun theory_markup def thy_name id pos =
if id = 0 then Markup.empty if id = 0 then Markup.empty
@ -553,8 +574,6 @@ fun check ctxt (name, pos) =
*) *); (* read : add Properties.T items into Markup.T *)
*} *}
@ -663,7 +682,6 @@ fun control_antiquotation name s1 s2 =
Output.output; Output.output;
Syntax.read_input ; Syntax.read_input ;
Input.source_content; Input.source_content;
@ -738,12 +756,22 @@ fun output_text state {markdown} source =
*} *}
ML{* Outer_Syntax.print_commands @{theory}; ML{*
Outer_Syntax.print_commands @{theory};
Outer_Syntax.command : Outer_Syntax.command_keyword -> string -> Outer_Syntax.command : Outer_Syntax.command_keyword -> string ->
(Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition) parser -> unit; (Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition) parser -> unit;
(* creates an implicit thy_setup with an entry for a call-back function, which happens (* creates an implicit thy_setup with an entry for a call-back function, which happens
to be a parser that must have as side-effect a Toplevel-transition-transition. *) to be a parser that must have as side-effect a Toplevel-transition-transition.
Registers "Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition" parsers to the Isar interpreter.
(*Example: text is :
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("text", @{here}) "formal comment (primary style)"
(Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source >> Thy_Output.document_command {markdown = true});
(* not exported: Thy_Output.output_token; Ich glaub, da passierts ... *) (* not exported: Thy_Output.output_token; Ich glaub, da passierts ... *)
Thy_Output.present_thy; Thy_Output.present_thy;
@ -798,6 +826,8 @@ fun document_antiq check_file ctxt (name, pos) =
ML{* Type_Infer_Context.infer_types *} ML{* Type_Infer_Context.infer_types *}
ML{* Type_Infer_Context.prepare_positions *} ML{* Type_Infer_Context.prepare_positions *}
section {*Transaction Management in the Isar-Engine : The Toplevel *} section {*Transaction Management in the Isar-Engine : The Toplevel *}
ML{* ML{*
@ -827,8 +857,108 @@ Toplevel.present_local_theory:
Toplevel.present_local_theory loc (fn state => ignore (output_text state markdown txt)); *) Toplevel.present_local_theory loc (fn state => ignore (output_text state markdown txt)); *)
Thy_Output.document_command : {markdown: bool} -> (xstring * Position.T) option * Input.source -> Thy_Output.document_command : {markdown: bool} -> (xstring * Position.T) option * Input.source ->
Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition; Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition;
(* Isar Toplevel Steuerung *)
Toplevel.keep : (Toplevel.state -> unit) -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition;
(* val keep' = add_trans o Keep;
fun keep f = add_trans (Keep (fn _ => f));
Toplevel.present_local_theory : (xstring * Position.T) option -> (Toplevel.state -> unit) ->
Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition;
(* fun present_local_theory target = present_transaction (fn int =>
(fn Theory (gthy, _) =>
let val (finish, lthy) = Named_Target.switch target gthy;
in Theory (finish lthy, SOME lthy) end
| _ => raise UNDEF));
fun present_transaction f g = add_trans (Transaction (f, g));
fun transaction f = present_transaction f (K ());
Toplevel.theory : (theory -> theory) -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition;
(* fun theory' f = transaction (fn int =>
(fn Theory (Context.Theory thy, _) =>
let val thy' = thy
|> Sign.new_group
|> f int
|> Sign.reset_group;
in Theory (Context.Theory thy', NONE) end
| _ => raise UNDEF));
fun theory f = theory' (K f); *)
Thy_Output.document_command : {markdown: bool} -> (xstring * Position.T) option * Input.source ->
Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition;
(* fun document_command markdown (loc, txt) =
Toplevel.keep (fn state =>
(case loc of
NONE => ignore (output_text state markdown txt)
| SOME (_, pos) =>
error ("Illegal target specification -- not a theory context" ^ pos))) o
Toplevel.present_local_theory loc (fn state => ignore (output_text state markdown txt));
Thy_Output.output_text : Toplevel.state -> {markdown: bool} -> Input.source -> string ;
(* this is where antiquotation expansion happens : uses eval_antiquote *)
*} *}
(* Isar Toplevel Steuerung *)
Toplevel.keep : (Toplevel.state -> unit) -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition;
(* val keep' = add_trans o Keep;
fun keep f = add_trans (Keep (fn _ => f));
Toplevel.present_local_theory : (xstring * Position.T) option -> (Toplevel.state -> unit) ->
Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition;
(* fun present_local_theory target = present_transaction (fn int =>
(fn Theory (gthy, _) =>
let val (finish, lthy) = Named_Target.switch target gthy;
in Theory (finish lthy, SOME lthy) end
| _ => raise UNDEF));
fun present_transaction f g = add_trans (Transaction (f, g));
fun transaction f = present_transaction f (K ());
Toplevel.theory : (theory -> theory) -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition;
(* fun theory' f = transaction (fn int =>
(fn Theory (Context.Theory thy, _) =>
let val thy' = thy
|> Sign.new_group
|> f int
|> Sign.reset_group;
in Theory (Context.Theory thy', NONE) end
| _ => raise UNDEF));
fun theory f = theory' (K f); *)
Thy_Output.document_command : {markdown: bool} -> (xstring * Position.T) option * Input.source ->
Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition;
(* fun document_command markdown (loc, txt) =
Toplevel.keep (fn state =>
(case loc of
NONE => ignore (output_text state markdown txt)
| SOME (_, pos) =>
error ("Illegal target specification -- not a theory context" ^ pos))) o
Toplevel.present_local_theory loc (fn state => ignore (output_text state markdown txt));
Thy_Output.output_text : Toplevel.state -> {markdown: bool} -> Input.source -> string ;
(* this is where antiquotation expansion happens : uses eval_antiquote *)
subsection\<open> Configuration flags of fixed type in the Isar-engine. \<close> subsection\<open> Configuration flags of fixed type in the Isar-engine. \<close>
ML{* ML{*

View File

@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ text*[q1::Task, level="oneStar", mark="1::int", type="formal"]
subsubsection*[exo3 :: Exercise, Exercise.content="[q1::Task,q2::Task]"]\<open>Exercise 3\<close> subsubsection*[exo3 :: Exercise, Exercise.content="[q1::Task,q2::Task]"]\<open>Exercise 3\<close>
text*[q2::Task, level="threeStars", mark="3::int", type="formal"] text*[q2::Task, level="threeStars", mark="3::int", type="formal"]
{* {* Prove that @{term "n*(n+5) + 2*(n+3) "} is always the product of two numbers
Prove that @{term "n*(n+5) + 2*(n+3) "} is always the product of two numbers with a difference of 5.
with a difference of 5.
*} *}
(* this does not work on the level of the LaTeX output for known restrictions of the Toplevel. *)
close_monitor*[exam::MathExam] close_monitor*[exam::MathExam]
end end