Normalize docobj table value

Normalize the record registered as value in the docobj table,
i.e., the logical value of a docitem (a class instance)
This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Méric 2022-05-25 17:07:06 +02:00
parent 319b39905f
commit 9981c31966
4 changed files with 418 additions and 402 deletions

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ ML\<open>
structure Onto_Macros =
local open ODL_Command_Parser in
local open ODL_Meta_Args_Parser in
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(* Ontological Macro Command Support *)
(* *********************************************************************** *)
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ fun enriched_text_element_cmd level =
NONE => doc_attrs
| SOME(NONE) => (("level",@{here}),"None")::doc_attrs
| SOME(SOME x) => (("level",@{here}),"Some("^ Int.toString x ^"::int)")::doc_attrs
in gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline=true} I transform end;
in Monitor_Command_Parser.gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline=true} I transform end;
val enriched_document_command_macro =
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ fun enriched_formal_statement_command ncid (S: (string * string) list) =
let fun transform_attr doc_attrs = (map (fn(cat,tag) => ((cat,@{here}),tag)) S) @
(("formal_results",@{here}),"([]::thm list)")::doc_attrs
in fn margs => fn thy =>
gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline=true}
Monitor_Command_Parser.gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline=true}
(transform_cid thy ncid) transform_attr margs thy
@ -115,13 +115,14 @@ fun enriched_document_cmd_exp ncid (S: (string * string) list) =
(* expands ncid into supertype-check. *)
let fun transform_attr attrs = (map (fn(cat,tag) => ((cat,@{here}),tag)) S) @ attrs
in fn margs => fn thy =>
gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline=true} (transform_cid thy ncid) transform_attr margs thy
Monitor_Command_Parser.gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline=true} (transform_cid thy ncid)
transform_attr margs thy
end (* local *)
fun heading_command (name, pos) descr level =
ODL_Command_Parser.document_command (name, pos) descr
Monitor_Command_Parser.document_command (name, pos) descr
{markdown = false, body = true} (enriched_text_element_cmd level);
val _ = heading_command ("title*", @{here}) "section heading" NONE;

View File

@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@ fun document_command markdown (loc, txt) =
structure ODL_Command_Parser =
structure ODL_Meta_Args_Parser =
@ -1170,8 +1170,75 @@ val attributes_upd =
(Scan.optional(Parse.$$$ "," -- improper |-- (Parse.enum "," (improper |-- attribute_upd)))) []))
--| Parse.$$$ "]")
--| improper
end (* structure ODL_Meta_Args_Parser *)
(* c.f. \<^file>\<open>~~/src/HOL/Tools/value_command.ML\<close> *)
The value* command uses the same code as the value command
and adds the evaluation Term Annotation Antiquotations (TA)
with the help of the DOF_core.transduce_term_global function.
(* Based on:
Title: HOL/Tools/value_command.ML
Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
Generic value command for arbitrary evaluators, with default using nbe or SML.
(*signature VALUE_COMMAND =
val value: Proof.context -> term -> term
val value_without_elaboration: Proof.context -> term -> term
val value_select: string -> Proof.context -> term -> term
val value_cmd: {assert: bool} -> ODL_Command_Parser.meta_args_t option ->
string -> string list -> string -> Position.T
-> theory -> theory
val add_evaluator: binding * (Proof.context -> term -> term)
-> theory -> string * theory
structure Value_Command (*: VALUE_COMMAND*) =
structure Evaluators = Theory_Data
type T = (Proof.context -> term -> term) Name_Space.table;
val empty = Name_Space.empty_table "evaluator";
val merge = Name_Space.merge_tables;
fun add_evaluator (b, evaluator) thy =
val (name, tab') = Name_Space.define (Context.Theory thy) true
(b, evaluator) (Evaluators.get thy);
val thy' = Evaluators.put tab' thy;
in (name, thy') end;
fun intern_evaluator thy raw_name =
if raw_name = "" then ""
else Name_Space.intern (Name_Space.space_of_table
(Evaluators.get (thy))) raw_name;
fun default_value ctxt t =
if null (Term.add_frees t [])
then Code_Evaluation.dynamic_value_strict ctxt t
else Nbe.dynamic_value ctxt t;
fun value_select name ctxt =
if name = ""
then default_value ctxt
else Name_Space.get (Evaluators.get (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)) name ctxt;
fun value ctxt term = value_select "" ctxt
(DOF_core.transduce_term_global {mk_elaboration=true} (term , \<^here>)
(Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt))
val value_without_elaboration = value_select ""
structure Docitem_Parser =
fun cid_2_cidType cid_long thy =
if cid_long = DOF_core.default_cid then @{typ "unit"}
@ -1364,7 +1431,7 @@ fun register_oid_cid_in_open_monitors oid pos cid_long thy =
fun check_invariants thy oid =
val value = the (DOF_core.get_value_global oid thy)
val docitem_value = the (DOF_core.get_value_global oid thy)
val cid = #cid (the (DOF_core.get_object_global oid thy))
fun get_all_invariants cid thy =
case DOF_core.get_doc_class_global cid thy of
@ -1382,11 +1449,11 @@ fun check_invariants thy oid =
((s, pos), Const (s, Type (st,[inv_def_typ, ty'])) $ value)
| _ => ((s, pos), inv_def $ value)
in map (fn inv => mk_inv_and_apply inv value thy) invariants
in map (fn inv => mk_inv_and_apply inv docitem_value thy) invariants
fun check_invariants' ((inv_name, pos), term) =
let val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy
val evaluated_term = Value_Command.value ctxt term
val evaluated_term = value ctxt term
handle ERROR e =>
if (String.isSubstring "Wellsortedness error" e)
andalso (Config.get_global thy DOF_core.invariants_checking_with_tactics)
@ -1456,7 +1523,8 @@ fun create_and_check_docitem is_monitor {is_inline=is_inline} oid pos cid_pos do
in thy |> DOF_core.define_object_global (oid, {pos = pos,
thy_name = Context.theory_name thy,
input_term = fst value_terms,
value = snd value_terms,
value = value (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
(snd value_terms),
inline = is_inline,
id = id,
cid = cid_long,
@ -1468,380 +1536,11 @@ fun create_and_check_docitem is_monitor {is_inline=is_inline} oid pos cid_pos do
else thy)
fun update_instance_command (((oid:string,pos),cid_pos),
doc_attrs: (((string*Position.T)*string)*string)list) thy
: theory =
let val cid = case DOF_core.get_object_global oid thy of
SOME{pos=pos_decl,cid,id,...} =>
let val markup = docref_markup false oid id pos_decl;
val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy;
val _ = ctxt pos markup;
in cid end
| NONE => error("undefined doc_class.")
val cid_long = check_classref {is_monitor = false} cid_pos thy
val _ = if cid_long = DOF_core.default_cid orelse cid = cid_long
then ()
else error("incompatible classes:"^cid^":"^cid_long)
fun conv_attrs (((lhs, pos), opn), rhs) = ((markup2string lhs),pos,opn,
Syntax.read_term_global thy rhs)
val assns' = map conv_attrs doc_attrs
val def_trans_input_term =
#1 o (calc_update_term {mk_elaboration=false} thy cid_long assns')
val def_trans_value =
#1 o (calc_update_term {mk_elaboration=true} thy cid_long assns')
fun check_inv thy =((DOF_core.get_class_invariant cid_long thy oid {is_monitor=false}
o Context.Theory ) thy ;
thy |> DOF_core.update_value_global oid def_trans_input_term def_trans_value
|> check_inv
(* General criticism : attributes like "level" were treated here in the kernel instead of dragging
them out into the COL -- bu *)
fun open_monitor_command ((((oid,pos),cid_pos), doc_attrs) : meta_args_t) =
let fun o_m_c oid pos cid_pos doc_attrs thy = create_and_check_docitem
{is_monitor=true} (* this is a monitor *)
{is_inline=false} (* monitors are always inline *)
oid pos cid_pos doc_attrs thy
fun compute_enabled_set cid thy =
case DOF_core.get_doc_class_global cid thy of
SOME X => let val ralph = RegExpInterface.alphabet (#rejectS X)
val alph = RegExpInterface.ext_alphabet ralph (#rex X)
in (alph, map (RegExpInterface.rexp_term2da alph)(#rex X)) end
| NONE => error("Internal error: class id undefined. ");
fun create_monitor_entry thy =
let val {cid, ...} = the(DOF_core.get_object_global oid thy)
val (S, aS) = compute_enabled_set cid thy
val info = {accepted_cids = S, rejected_cids = [], automatas = aS }
in DOF_core.map_data_global(DOF_core.upd_monitor_tabs(Symtab.update(oid, info )))(thy)
o_m_c oid pos cid_pos doc_attrs #> create_monitor_entry
fun close_monitor_command (args as (((oid:string,pos),cid_pos),
doc_attrs: (((string*Position.T)*string)*string)list)) thy =
let val {monitor_tab,...} = DOF_core.get_data_global thy
fun check_if_final aS = let val i = find_index (not o aS
in if i >= 0
then msg thy ("monitor number "^Int.toString i^
" not in final state.")
else ()
val _ = case Symtab.lookup monitor_tab oid of
SOME {automatas,...} => check_if_final automatas
| NONE => error ("Not belonging to a monitor class: "^oid)
val delete_monitor_entry = DOF_core.map_data_global (DOF_core.upd_monitor_tabs (Symtab.delete oid))
val {cid=cid_long, id, ...} = the(DOF_core.get_object_global oid thy)
val markup = docref_markup false oid id pos;
val _ = (Proof_Context.init_global thy) pos markup;
val check_inv = (DOF_core.get_class_invariant cid_long thy oid) {is_monitor=true}
o Context.Theory
in thy |> update_instance_command args
|> (fn thy => (check_inv thy; thy))
|> delete_monitor_entry
fun meta_args_2_latex thy ((((lab, _), cid_opt), attr_list) : meta_args_t) =
(* for the moment naive, i.e. without textual normalization of
attribute names and adapted term printing *)
let val l = "label = "^ (enclose "{" "}" lab)
(* val _ = writeln("meta_args_2_string lab:"^ lab ^":"^ (@{make_string } cid_opt) ) *)
val cid_long = case cid_opt of
NONE => (case DOF_core.get_object_global lab thy of
NONE => DOF_core.default_cid
| SOME X => #cid X)
| SOME(cid,_) => DOF_core.parse_cid_global thy cid
(* val _ = writeln("meta_args_2_string cid_long:"^ cid_long ) *)
val cid_txt = "type = " ^ (enclose "{" "}" cid_long);
fun ltx_of_term _ _ (Const ("List.list.Cons", @{typ "char \<Rightarrow> char list \<Rightarrow> char list"}) $ t1 $ t2)
= HOLogic.dest_string (Const ("List.list.Cons", @{typ "char \<Rightarrow> char list \<Rightarrow> char list"}) $ t1 $ t2)
| ltx_of_term _ _ (Const ("List.list.Nil", _)) = ""
| ltx_of_term _ _ (@{term "numeral :: _ \<Rightarrow> _"} $ t) = Int.toString(HOLogic.dest_numeral t)
| ltx_of_term ctx encl ((Const ("List.list.Cons", _) $ t1) $ t2) =
let val inner = (case t2 of
Const ("List.list.Nil", _) => (ltx_of_term ctx true t1)
| _ => ((ltx_of_term ctx false t1)^", " ^(ltx_of_term ctx false t2))
in if encl then enclose "{" "}" inner else inner end
| ltx_of_term _ _ (Const ("Option.option.None", _)) = ""
| ltx_of_term ctxt _ (Const ("Option.option.Some", _)$t) = ltx_of_term ctxt true t
| ltx_of_term ctxt _ t = ""^(Sledgehammer_Util.hackish_string_of_term ctxt t)
fun ltx_of_term_dbg ctx encl term = let
val t_str = ML_Syntax.print_term term
handle (TERM _) => "Exception TERM in ltx_of_term_dbg (print_term)"
val ltx = ltx_of_term ctx encl term
val _ = writeln("<STRING>"^(Sledgehammer_Util.hackish_string_of_term ctx term)^"</STRING>")
val _ = writeln("<LTX>"^ltx^"</LTX>")
val _ = writeln("<TERM>"^t_str^"</TERM>")
in ltx end
fun markup2string s = String.concat (List.filter (fn c => c <> Symbol.DEL)
(Symbol.explode (YXML.content_of s)))
fun ltx_of_markup ctxt s = let
val term = (Syntax.check_term ctxt o Syntax.parse_term ctxt) s
val str_of_term = ltx_of_term ctxt true term
handle _ => "Exception in ltx_of_term"
fun toLong n = #long_name(the(DOF_core.get_attribute_info cid_long (markup2string n) thy))
val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy
val actual_args = map (fn ((lhs,_),rhs) => (toLong lhs, ltx_of_markup ctxt rhs))
val default_args = map (fn (b,_,t) => (toLong (Long_Name.base_name ( Sign.full_name thy b)),
ltx_of_term ctxt true t))
(DOF_core.get_attribute_defaults cid_long thy)
val default_args_filtered = filter (fn (a,_) => not (exists (fn b => b = a)
(map (fn (c,_) => c) actual_args))) default_args
val str_args = map (fn (lhs,rhs) => lhs^" = "^(enclose "{" "}" rhs))
val label_and_type = String.concat [ l, ",", cid_txt]
val str_args = label_and_type::str_args
Latex.string (enclose "[" "]" (String.concat [ label_and_type, ", args={", (commas str_args), "}"]))
(* level-attribute information management *)
fun gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline} cid_transform attr_transform
((((oid,pos),cid_pos), doc_attrs) : meta_args_t) : theory -> theory =
create_and_check_docitem {is_monitor = false} {is_inline = inline}
oid pos (cid_transform cid_pos) (attr_transform doc_attrs);
(* markup reports and document output *)
(* {markdown = true} sets the parsing process such that in the text-core
markdown elements are accepted. *)
fun document_output {markdown: bool, markup: Latex.text -> Latex.text} meta_args text ctxt =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val _ = Context_Position.reports ctxt (Document_Output.document_reports text);
val output_meta = meta_args_2_latex thy meta_args;
val output_text = Document_Output.output_document ctxt {markdown = markdown} text;
in markup (output_meta @ output_text) end;
fun document_output_reports name {markdown, body} meta_args text ctxt =
val pos = Input.pos_of text;
val _ =
Context_Position.reports ctxt
[(pos, Markup.language_document (Input.is_delimited text)),
(pos, Markup.plain_text)];
fun markup xml =
let val m = if body then Markup.latex_body else Markup.latex_heading
in [XML.Elem (m (Latex.output_name name), xml)] end;
in document_output {markdown = markdown, markup = markup} meta_args text ctxt end;
(* document output commands *)
(* alternative presentation hook (workaround for missing Toplevel.present_theory) *)
structure Document_Commands = Theory_Data
type T = (string * (meta_args_t -> Input.source -> Proof.context -> Latex.text)) list;
val empty = [];
val merge = AList.merge (op =) (K true);
fun get_document_command thy name =
AList.lookup (op =) (Document_Commands.get thy) name;
fun document_segment (segment: Document_Output.segment) =
(case #span segment of
Command_Span.Span (Command_Span.Command_Span (name, _), _) =>
(case try Toplevel.theory_of (#state segment) of
SOME thy => get_document_command thy name
| _ => NONE)
| _ => NONE);
fun present_segment (segment: Document_Output.segment) =
(case document_segment segment of
SOME pr =>
val {span, command = tr, prev_state = st, state = st'} = segment;
val src = Command_Span.content (#span segment) |> filter_out Document_Source.is_improper;
val parse = attributes -- Parse.document_source;
fun present ctxt =
let val (meta_args, text) = #1 (Token.syntax (Scan.lift parse) src ctxt);
in pr meta_args text ctxt end;
val tr' =
|> (Toplevel.name_of tr)
|> Toplevel.position (Toplevel.pos_of tr)
|> Toplevel.present (Toplevel.presentation_context #> present);
val st'' = Toplevel.command_exception false tr' st'
handle Runtime.EXCURSION_FAIL (exn, _) => Exn.reraise exn;
val FIXME =
Toplevel.setmp_thread_position tr (fn () =>
writeln ("present_segment" ^ (Toplevel.pos_of tr) ^ "\n" ^
XML.string_of (XML.Elem (Markup.empty, the_default [] (Toplevel.output_of st'))) ^ "\n---\n" ^
XML.string_of (XML.Elem (Markup.empty, the_default [] (Toplevel.output_of st''))))) ()
in {span = span, command = tr, prev_state = st, state = st''} end
| _ => segment);
val _ =
Theory.setup (Thy_Info.add_presentation (fn {options, segments, ...} => fn thy =>
if exists (Toplevel.is_skipped_proof o #state) segments then ()
val segments' = map present_segment segments;
val body = Document_Output.present_thy options thy segments';
if Options.string options "document" = "false" orelse
forall (is_none o document_segment) segments' then ()
val thy_name = Context.theory_name thy;
val latex = Latex.isabelle_body thy_name body;
in Export.export thy \<^path_binding>\<open>document/latex_dof\<close> latex end
fun document_command (name, pos) descr mark cmd =
(Outer_Syntax.command (name, pos) descr
(attributes -- Parse.document_source >>
(fn (meta_args, text) =>
Toplevel.theory (fn thy =>
val thy' = cmd meta_args thy;
val _ =
(case get_document_command thy' name of
SOME pr => ignore (pr meta_args text (Proof_Context.init_global thy'))
| NONE => ());
in thy' end)));
(Theory.setup o
(AList.update (op =) (name, document_output_reports name mark)));
(* Core Command Definitions *)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "open_monitor*"}
"open a document reference monitor"
(attributes >> (Toplevel.theory o open_monitor_command));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "close_monitor*"}
"close a document reference monitor"
(attributes_upd >> (Toplevel.theory o close_monitor_command));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "update_instance*"}
"update meta-attributes of an instance of a document class"
(attributes_upd >> (Toplevel.theory o update_instance_command));
val _ =
document_command ("text*", @{here}) "formal comment (primary style)"
{markdown = true, body = true} (gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline=true} I I);
(* This is just a stub at present *)
val _ =
document_command ("text-macro*", @{here}) "formal comment macro"
{markdown = true, body = true}
(gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline=false} (* declare as macro *) I I);
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "declare_reference*"}
"declare document reference"
(attributes >> (fn (((oid,pos),cid),doc_attrs) =>
(Toplevel.theory (DOF_core.declare_object_global oid))));
ML \<comment> \<open>c.f. \<^file>\<open>~~/src/HOL/Tools/value_command.ML\<close>\<close>
The value* command uses the same code as the value command
and adds the evaluation Term Annotation Antiquotations (TA)
with the help of the DOF_core.transduce_term_global function.
(* Based on:
Title: HOL/Tools/value_command.ML
Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
Generic value command for arbitrary evaluators, with default using nbe or SML.
signature VALUE_COMMAND =
val value: Proof.context -> term -> term
val value_without_elaboration: Proof.context -> term -> term
val value_select: string -> Proof.context -> term -> term
val value_cmd: {assert: bool} -> ODL_Command_Parser.meta_args_t option ->
string -> string list -> string -> Position.T
-> theory -> theory
val add_evaluator: binding * (Proof.context -> term -> term)
-> theory -> string * theory
structure Value_Command : VALUE_COMMAND =
structure Evaluators = Theory_Data
type T = (Proof.context -> term -> term) Name_Space.table;
val empty = Name_Space.empty_table "evaluator";
val merge = Name_Space.merge_tables;
fun add_evaluator (b, evaluator) thy =
val (name, tab') = Name_Space.define (Context.Theory thy) true
(b, evaluator) (Evaluators.get thy);
val thy' = Evaluators.put tab' thy;
in (name, thy') end;
fun intern_evaluator thy raw_name =
if raw_name = "" then ""
else Name_Space.intern (Name_Space.space_of_table
(Evaluators.get (thy))) raw_name;
fun default_value ctxt t =
if null (Term.add_frees t [])
then Code_Evaluation.dynamic_value_strict ctxt t
else Nbe.dynamic_value ctxt t;
fun value_select name ctxt =
if name = ""
then default_value ctxt
else Name_Space.get (Evaluators.get (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)) name ctxt;
fun value ctxt term = value_select "" ctxt
(DOF_core.transduce_term_global {mk_elaboration=true} (term , \<^here>)
(Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt))
val value_without_elaboration = value_select ""
end (* structure Docitem_Parser *)
fun meta_args_exec NONE thy = thy
|meta_args_exec (SOME ((((oid,pos),cid_pos), doc_attrs) : ODL_Command_Parser.meta_args_t)) thy =
thy |> (ODL_Command_Parser.create_and_check_docitem
|meta_args_exec (SOME ((((oid,pos),cid_pos), doc_attrs) : ODL_Meta_Args_Parser.meta_args_t)) thy =
thy |> (Docitem_Parser.create_and_check_docitem
{is_monitor = false} {is_inline = false}
oid pos (I cid_pos) (I doc_attrs))
@ -1882,7 +1581,7 @@ val opt_evaluator =
value_cmd, so we pass the Toplevel.transition
val opt_attributes = Scan.option ODL_Command_Parser.attributes
val opt_attributes = Scan.option ODL_Meta_Args_Parser.attributes
fun pass_trans_to_value_cmd meta_args_opt ((name, modes), t) =
let val pos = Position.none
@ -1962,9 +1661,328 @@ val _ =
(opt_attributes -- (opt_evaluator -- opt_modes -- Parse.term)
>> (fn (meta_args_opt, eval_args ) => pass_trans_to_assert_value_cmd meta_args_opt eval_args));
end; (* structure Value_Command *)
structure Monitor_Command_Parser =
fun update_instance_command (((oid:string,pos),cid_pos),
doc_attrs: (((string*Position.T)*string)*string)list) thy
: theory =
let val cid = case DOF_core.get_object_global oid thy of
SOME{pos=pos_decl,cid,id,...} =>
let val markup = docref_markup false oid id pos_decl;
val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy;
val _ = ctxt pos markup;
in cid end
| NONE => error("undefined doc_class.")
val cid_long = Value_Command.Docitem_Parser.check_classref {is_monitor = false}
cid_pos thy
val _ = if cid_long = DOF_core.default_cid orelse cid = cid_long
then ()
else error("incompatible classes:"^cid^":"^cid_long)
fun conv_attrs (((lhs, pos), opn), rhs) = ((markup2string lhs),pos,opn,
Syntax.read_term_global thy rhs)
val assns' = map conv_attrs doc_attrs
val def_trans_input_term =
#1 o (Value_Command.Docitem_Parser.calc_update_term {mk_elaboration=false}
thy cid_long assns')
val def_trans_value =
#1 o (Value_Command.Docitem_Parser.calc_update_term {mk_elaboration=true}
thy cid_long assns')
#> Value_Command.value (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
fun check_inv thy =((DOF_core.get_class_invariant cid_long thy oid {is_monitor=false}
o Context.Theory ) thy ;
thy |> DOF_core.update_value_global oid def_trans_input_term def_trans_value
|> check_inv
(* General criticism : attributes like "level" were treated here in the kernel instead of dragging
them out into the COL -- bu *)
fun open_monitor_command ((((oid,pos),cid_pos), doc_attrs) : ODL_Meta_Args_Parser.meta_args_t) =
let fun o_m_c oid pos cid_pos doc_attrs thy =
{is_monitor=true} (* this is a monitor *)
{is_inline=false} (* monitors are always inline *)
oid pos cid_pos doc_attrs thy
fun compute_enabled_set cid thy =
case DOF_core.get_doc_class_global cid thy of
SOME X => let val ralph = RegExpInterface.alphabet (#rejectS X)
val alph = RegExpInterface.ext_alphabet ralph (#rex X)
in (alph, map (RegExpInterface.rexp_term2da alph)(#rex X)) end
| NONE => error("Internal error: class id undefined. ");
fun create_monitor_entry thy =
let val {cid, ...} = the(DOF_core.get_object_global oid thy)
val (S, aS) = compute_enabled_set cid thy
val info = {accepted_cids = S, rejected_cids = [], automatas = aS }
in DOF_core.map_data_global(DOF_core.upd_monitor_tabs(Symtab.update(oid, info )))(thy)
o_m_c oid pos cid_pos doc_attrs #> create_monitor_entry
fun close_monitor_command (args as (((oid:string,pos),cid_pos),
doc_attrs: (((string*Position.T)*string)*string)list)) thy =
let val {monitor_tab,...} = DOF_core.get_data_global thy
fun check_if_final aS = let val i = find_index (not o aS
in if i >= 0
Value_Command.Docitem_Parser.msg thy
("monitor number "^Int.toString i^" not in final state.")
else ()
val _ = case Symtab.lookup monitor_tab oid of
SOME {automatas,...} => check_if_final automatas
| NONE => error ("Not belonging to a monitor class: "^oid)
val delete_monitor_entry = DOF_core.map_data_global (DOF_core.upd_monitor_tabs (Symtab.delete oid))
val {cid=cid_long, id, ...} = the(DOF_core.get_object_global oid thy)
val markup = docref_markup false oid id pos;
val _ = (Proof_Context.init_global thy) pos markup;
val check_inv = (DOF_core.get_class_invariant cid_long thy oid) {is_monitor=true}
o Context.Theory
in thy |> update_instance_command args
|> (fn thy => (check_inv thy; thy))
|> delete_monitor_entry
fun meta_args_2_latex thy ((((lab, _), cid_opt), attr_list) : ODL_Meta_Args_Parser.meta_args_t) =
(* for the moment naive, i.e. without textual normalization of
attribute names and adapted term printing *)
let val l = "label = "^ (enclose "{" "}" lab)
(* val _ = writeln("meta_args_2_string lab:"^ lab ^":"^ (@{make_string } cid_opt) ) *)
val cid_long = case cid_opt of
NONE => (case DOF_core.get_object_global lab thy of
NONE => DOF_core.default_cid
| SOME X => #cid X)
| SOME(cid,_) => DOF_core.parse_cid_global thy cid
(* val _ = writeln("meta_args_2_string cid_long:"^ cid_long ) *)
val cid_txt = "type = " ^ (enclose "{" "}" cid_long);
fun ltx_of_term _ _ (Const ("List.list.Cons", @{typ "char \<Rightarrow> char list \<Rightarrow> char list"}) $ t1 $ t2)
= HOLogic.dest_string (Const ("List.list.Cons", @{typ "char \<Rightarrow> char list \<Rightarrow> char list"}) $ t1 $ t2)
| ltx_of_term _ _ (Const ("List.list.Nil", _)) = ""
| ltx_of_term _ _ (@{term "numeral :: _ \<Rightarrow> _"} $ t) = Int.toString(HOLogic.dest_numeral t)
| ltx_of_term ctx encl ((Const ("List.list.Cons", _) $ t1) $ t2) =
let val inner = (case t2 of
Const ("List.list.Nil", _) => (ltx_of_term ctx true t1)
| _ => ((ltx_of_term ctx false t1)^", " ^(ltx_of_term ctx false t2))
in if encl then enclose "{" "}" inner else inner end
| ltx_of_term _ _ (Const ("Option.option.None", _)) = ""
| ltx_of_term ctxt _ (Const ("Option.option.Some", _)$t) = ltx_of_term ctxt true t
| ltx_of_term ctxt _ t = ""^(Sledgehammer_Util.hackish_string_of_term ctxt t)
fun ltx_of_term_dbg ctx encl term = let
val t_str = ML_Syntax.print_term term
handle (TERM _) => "Exception TERM in ltx_of_term_dbg (print_term)"
val ltx = ltx_of_term ctx encl term
val _ = writeln("<STRING>"^(Sledgehammer_Util.hackish_string_of_term ctx term)^"</STRING>")
val _ = writeln("<LTX>"^ltx^"</LTX>")
val _ = writeln("<TERM>"^t_str^"</TERM>")
in ltx end
fun markup2string s = String.concat (List.filter (fn c => c <> Symbol.DEL)
(Symbol.explode (YXML.content_of s)))
fun ltx_of_markup ctxt s = let
val term = (Syntax.check_term ctxt o Syntax.parse_term ctxt) s
val str_of_term = ltx_of_term ctxt true term
handle _ => "Exception in ltx_of_term"
fun toLong n = #long_name(the(DOF_core.get_attribute_info cid_long (markup2string n) thy))
val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy
val actual_args = map (fn ((lhs,_),rhs) => (toLong lhs, ltx_of_markup ctxt rhs))
val default_args = map (fn (b,_,t) => (toLong (Long_Name.base_name ( Sign.full_name thy b)),
ltx_of_term ctxt true t))
(DOF_core.get_attribute_defaults cid_long thy)
val default_args_filtered = filter (fn (a,_) => not (exists (fn b => b = a)
(map (fn (c,_) => c) actual_args))) default_args
val str_args = map (fn (lhs,rhs) => lhs^" = "^(enclose "{" "}" rhs))
val label_and_type = String.concat [ l, ",", cid_txt]
val str_args = label_and_type::str_args
Latex.string (enclose "[" "]" (String.concat [ label_and_type, ", args={", (commas str_args), "}"]))
(* level-attribute information management *)
fun gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline} cid_transform attr_transform
((((oid,pos),cid_pos), doc_attrs) : ODL_Meta_Args_Parser.meta_args_t) : theory -> theory =
Value_Command.Docitem_Parser.create_and_check_docitem {is_monitor = false} {is_inline = inline}
oid pos (cid_transform cid_pos) (attr_transform doc_attrs);
(* markup reports and document output *)
(* {markdown = true} sets the parsing process such that in the text-core
markdown elements are accepted. *)
fun document_output {markdown: bool, markup: Latex.text -> Latex.text} meta_args text ctxt =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val _ = Context_Position.reports ctxt (Document_Output.document_reports text);
val output_meta = meta_args_2_latex thy meta_args;
val output_text = Document_Output.output_document ctxt {markdown = markdown} text;
in markup (output_meta @ output_text) end;
fun document_output_reports name {markdown, body} meta_args text ctxt =
val pos = Input.pos_of text;
val _ =
Context_Position.reports ctxt
[(pos, Markup.language_document (Input.is_delimited text)),
(pos, Markup.plain_text)];
fun markup xml =
let val m = if body then Markup.latex_body else Markup.latex_heading
in [XML.Elem (m (Latex.output_name name), xml)] end;
in document_output {markdown = markdown, markup = markup} meta_args text ctxt end;
(* document output commands *)
(* alternative presentation hook (workaround for missing Toplevel.present_theory) *)
structure Document_Commands = Theory_Data
type T = (string * (ODL_Meta_Args_Parser.meta_args_t
-> Input.source -> Proof.context -> Latex.text)) list;
val empty = [];
val merge = AList.merge (op =) (K true);
fun get_document_command thy name =
AList.lookup (op =) (Document_Commands.get thy) name;
fun document_segment (segment: Document_Output.segment) =
(case #span segment of
Command_Span.Span (Command_Span.Command_Span (name, _), _) =>
(case try Toplevel.theory_of (#state segment) of
SOME thy => get_document_command thy name
| _ => NONE)
| _ => NONE);
fun present_segment (segment: Document_Output.segment) =
(case document_segment segment of
SOME pr =>
val {span, command = tr, prev_state = st, state = st'} = segment;
val src = Command_Span.content (#span segment) |> filter_out Document_Source.is_improper;
val parse = ODL_Meta_Args_Parser.attributes -- Parse.document_source;
fun present ctxt =
let val (meta_args, text) = #1 (Token.syntax (Scan.lift parse) src ctxt);
in pr meta_args text ctxt end;
val tr' =
|> (Toplevel.name_of tr)
|> Toplevel.position (Toplevel.pos_of tr)
|> Toplevel.present (Toplevel.presentation_context #> present);
val st'' = Toplevel.command_exception false tr' st'
handle Runtime.EXCURSION_FAIL (exn, _) => Exn.reraise exn;
val FIXME =
Toplevel.setmp_thread_position tr (fn () =>
writeln ("present_segment" ^ (Toplevel.pos_of tr) ^ "\n" ^
XML.string_of (XML.Elem (Markup.empty, the_default [] (Toplevel.output_of st'))) ^ "\n---\n" ^
XML.string_of (XML.Elem (Markup.empty, the_default [] (Toplevel.output_of st''))))) ()
in {span = span, command = tr, prev_state = st, state = st''} end
| _ => segment);
val _ =
Theory.setup (Thy_Info.add_presentation (fn {options, segments, ...} => fn thy =>
if exists (Toplevel.is_skipped_proof o #state) segments then ()
val segments' = map present_segment segments;
val body = Document_Output.present_thy options thy segments';
if Options.string options "document" = "false" orelse
forall (is_none o document_segment) segments' then ()
val thy_name = Context.theory_name thy;
val latex = Latex.isabelle_body thy_name body;
in Export.export thy \<^path_binding>\<open>document/latex_dof\<close> latex end
fun document_command (name, pos) descr mark cmd =
(Outer_Syntax.command (name, pos) descr
(ODL_Meta_Args_Parser.attributes -- Parse.document_source >>
(fn (meta_args, text) =>
Toplevel.theory (fn thy =>
val thy' = cmd meta_args thy;
val _ =
(case get_document_command thy' name of
SOME pr => ignore (pr meta_args text (Proof_Context.init_global thy'))
| NONE => ());
in thy' end)));
(Theory.setup o
(AList.update (op =) (name, document_output_reports name mark)));
(* Core Command Definitions *)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "open_monitor*"}
"open a document reference monitor"
>> (Toplevel.theory o open_monitor_command));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "close_monitor*"}
"close a document reference monitor"
>> (Toplevel.theory o close_monitor_command));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "update_instance*"}
"update meta-attributes of an instance of a document class"
>> (Toplevel.theory o update_instance_command));
val _ =
document_command ("text*", @{here}) "formal comment (primary style)"
{markdown = true, body = true} (gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline=true} I I);
(* This is just a stub at present *)
val _ =
document_command ("text-macro*", @{here}) "formal comment macro"
{markdown = true, body = true}
(gen_enriched_document_cmd {inline=false} (* declare as macro *) I I);
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "declare_reference*"}
"declare document reference"
(ODL_Meta_Args_Parser.attributes >> (fn (((oid,pos),cid),doc_attrs) =>
(Toplevel.theory (DOF_core.declare_object_global oid))));
end (* structure Monitor_Command_Parser *)
fun print_doc_classes b ctxt =
let val {docobj_tab={tab = x, ...},docclass_tab, ...} = DOF_core.get_data ctxt;
@ -2020,12 +2038,8 @@ fun print_doc_items b ctxt =
writeln (" virtual type: "^ s);
writeln (" origin: "^thy_name);
writeln (" inline: "^dfg inline);
writeln (" input_term: "
^ (Syntax.string_of_term
ctxt (Value_Command.value_without_elaboration ctxt input_term)));
writeln (" value: "
^ (Syntax.string_of_term
ctxt (Value_Command.value_without_elaboration ctxt value)))
writeln (" input_term: "^ (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt input_term));
writeln (" value: "^ (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt value))
| print_item (n, NONE) =
(writeln ("forward reference for docitem: "^n));
@ -2063,12 +2077,12 @@ structure ML_star_Command =
fun meta_args_exec NONE = I:generic_theory -> generic_theory
|meta_args_exec (SOME ((((oid,pos),cid_pos), doc_attrs) : ODL_Command_Parser.meta_args_t)) =
Context.map_theory (ODL_Command_Parser.create_and_check_docitem
|meta_args_exec (SOME ((((oid,pos),cid_pos), doc_attrs) : ODL_Meta_Args_Parser.meta_args_t)) =
Context.map_theory (Value_Command.Docitem_Parser.create_and_check_docitem
{is_monitor = false} {is_inline = false}
oid pos (I cid_pos) (I doc_attrs))
val attributes_opt = Scan.option ODL_Command_Parser.attributes
val attributes_opt = Scan.option ODL_Meta_Args_Parser.attributes
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("ML*", \<^here>) "ODL annotated ML text within theory or local theory"
@ -2089,7 +2103,7 @@ ML\<open>
structure ODL_LTX_Converter =
fun meta_args_2_string thy ((((lab, _), cid_opt), attr_list) : ODL_Command_Parser.meta_args_t) =
fun meta_args_2_string thy ((((lab, _), cid_opt), attr_list) : ODL_Meta_Args_Parser.meta_args_t) =
(* for the moment naive, i.e. without textual normalization of
attribute names and adapted term printing *)
let val l = "label = "^ (enclose "{" "}" lab)
@ -2158,6 +2172,7 @@ fun meta_args_2_string thy ((((lab, _), cid_opt), attr_list) : ODL_Command_Parse
@ -2391,7 +2406,7 @@ fun read_fields raw_fields ctxt =
val Ts = Syntax.read_typs ctxt (map (fn ((_, raw_T, _),_) => raw_T) raw_fields);
val terms = map ((map_option (Syntax.read_term ctxt)) o snd) raw_fields
fun test t1 t2 = Sign.typ_instance (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
(t1, ODL_Command_Parser.generalize_typ 0 t2)
(t1, Value_Command.Docitem_Parser.generalize_typ 0 t2)
fun check_default (ty,SOME trm) =
let val ty' = (type_of trm)
in if test ty ty'

View File

@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ doc_class abstract =
val _ =
ODL_Command_Parser.document_command ("abstract*", @{here}) "Textual Definition"
Monitor_Command_Parser.document_command ("abstract*", @{here}) "Textual Definition"
{markdown = true, body = true}
(Onto_Macros.enriched_document_cmd_exp (SOME "abstract") []);
val _ =
ODL_Command_Parser.document_command ("author*", @{here}) "Textual Definition"
Monitor_Command_Parser.document_command ("author*", @{here}) "Textual Definition"
{markdown = true, body = true}
(Onto_Macros.enriched_document_cmd_exp (SOME "author") []);
@ -286,10 +286,10 @@ setup\<open>Definition_default_class_setup\<close>
ML\<open> local open ODL_Command_Parser in
ML\<open> local open ODL_Meta_Args_Parser in
val _ =
ODL_Command_Parser.document_command ("Definition*", @{here}) "Textual Definition"
Monitor_Command_Parser.document_command ("Definition*", @{here}) "Textual Definition"
{markdown = true, body = true}
(fn meta_args => fn thy =>
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ val _ =
val _ =
ODL_Command_Parser.document_command ("Lemma*", @{here}) "Textual Lemma Outline"
Monitor_Command_Parser.document_command ("Lemma*", @{here}) "Textual Lemma Outline"
{markdown = true, body = true}
(fn meta_args => fn thy =>
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ val _ =
val _ =
ODL_Command_Parser.document_command ("Theorem*", @{here}) "Textual Theorem Outline"
Monitor_Command_Parser.document_command ("Theorem*", @{here}) "Textual Theorem Outline"
{markdown = true, body = true}
(fn meta_args => fn thy =>

View File

@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ term "C"
text\<open>Voila what happens on the ML level:\<close>
ML\<open>val Type("Conceptual.B.B_ext",[Type("Conceptual.C.C_ext",t)]) = @{typ "C"};
val @{typ "D"} = ODL_Command_Parser.cid_2_cidType "Conceptual.D" @{theory};
val @{typ "E"} = ODL_Command_Parser.cid_2_cidType "Conceptual.E" @{theory};
val @{typ "D"} = Value_Command.Docitem_Parser.cid_2_cidType "Conceptual.D" @{theory};
val @{typ "E"} = Value_Command.Docitem_Parser.cid_2_cidType "Conceptual.E" @{theory};
text*[dfgdfg2::C, z = "None"]\<open> Lorem ipsum ... @{thm refl} \<close>