This commit is contained in:
Burkhart Wolff 2022-06-17 09:31:29 +02:00
commit ba7bd6dc03
3 changed files with 611 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -215,6 +215,14 @@ struct
type docclass_inv_tab = (string -> {is_monitor:bool} -> Context.generic -> bool) Symtab.table
val initial_docclass_inv_tab : docclass_inv_tab = Symtab.empty
type docclass_eager_inv_tab =
(string -> {is_monitor:bool} -> Context.generic -> bool) Symtab.table
val initial_docclass_eager_inv_tab : docclass_eager_inv_tab = Symtab.empty
type docclass_lazy_inv_tab =
(string -> {is_monitor:bool} -> Context.generic -> bool) Symtab.table
val initial_docclass_lazy_inv_tab : docclass_lazy_inv_tab = Symtab.empty
type open_monitor_info = {accepted_cids : string list,
rejected_cids : string list,
automatas : RegExpInterface.automaton list
@ -232,20 +240,26 @@ structure Data = Generic_Data
docclass_tab : docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab : ISA_transformer_tab,
monitor_tab : monitor_tab,
docclass_inv_tab : docclass_inv_tab}
docclass_inv_tab : docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab : docclass_eager_inv_tab,
docclass_lazy_inv_tab : docclass_lazy_inv_tab}
val empty = {docobj_tab = initial_docobj_tab,
docclass_tab = initial_docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab = initial_ISA_tab,
monitor_tab = initial_monitor_tab,
docclass_inv_tab = initial_docclass_inv_tab
docclass_inv_tab = initial_docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab = initial_docclass_eager_inv_tab,
docclass_lazy_inv_tab = initial_docclass_lazy_inv_tab
val extend = I
fun merge( {docobj_tab=d1,docclass_tab = c1,
ISA_transformer_tab = e1, monitor_tab=m1,
docclass_inv_tab = n1},
docclass_inv_tab = n1,
docclass_eager_inv_tab = en1, docclass_lazy_inv_tab = ln1},
{docobj_tab=d2,docclass_tab = c2,
ISA_transformer_tab = e2, monitor_tab=m2,
docclass_inv_tab = n2}) =
docclass_inv_tab = n2,
docclass_eager_inv_tab = en2, docclass_lazy_inv_tab = ln2}) =
{docobj_tab=merge_docobj_tab (d1,d2),
docclass_tab = merge_docclass_tab (c1,c2),
@ -257,7 +271,11 @@ structure Data = Generic_Data
ISA_transformer_tab = Symtab.merge (fn (_ , _) => true)(e1,e2),
monitor_tab = override(m1,m2),
docclass_inv_tab = override(n1,n2)
docclass_inv_tab = override(n1,n2),
docclass_eager_inv_tab = override(en1,en2),
docclass_lazy_inv_tab = override(ln1,ln2)
@ -269,25 +287,62 @@ val get_data_global = Data.get o Context.Theory;
val map_data_global = Context.theory_map o map_data;
fun upd_docobj_tab f {docobj_tab,docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab, monitor_tab,docclass_inv_tab} =
fun upd_docobj_tab f {docobj_tab,docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docobj_tab = f docobj_tab, docclass_tab=docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab=ISA_transformer_tab, monitor_tab=monitor_tab,
fun upd_docclass_tab f {docobj_tab=x,docclass_tab = y,ISA_transformer_tab = z, monitor_tab, docclass_inv_tab} =
fun upd_docclass_tab f {docobj_tab=x,docclass_tab = y,ISA_transformer_tab = z,
monitor_tab, docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docobj_tab=x,docclass_tab = f y,ISA_transformer_tab = z, monitor_tab=monitor_tab,
fun upd_ISA_transformers f{docobj_tab=x,docclass_tab = y,ISA_transformer_tab = z, monitor_tab, docclass_inv_tab} =
fun upd_ISA_transformers f {docobj_tab=x,docclass_tab = y,ISA_transformer_tab = z,
monitor_tab, docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docobj_tab=x,docclass_tab = y,ISA_transformer_tab = f z, monitor_tab=monitor_tab,
fun upd_monitor_tabs f {docobj_tab,docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab, monitor_tab, docclass_inv_tab} =
fun upd_monitor_tabs f {docobj_tab,docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab,
monitor_tab, docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docobj_tab = docobj_tab,docclass_tab = docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab = ISA_transformer_tab, monitor_tab = f monitor_tab,
fun upd_docclass_inv_tab f {docobj_tab,docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab, monitor_tab, docclass_inv_tab} =
fun upd_docclass_inv_tab f {docobj_tab,docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab,
monitor_tab, docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docobj_tab = docobj_tab,docclass_tab = docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab = ISA_transformer_tab, monitor_tab = monitor_tab,
docclass_inv_tab = f docclass_inv_tab};
docclass_inv_tab = f docclass_inv_tab,
fun upd_docclass_eager_inv_tab f {docobj_tab,docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab,
monitor_tab, docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docobj_tab = docobj_tab,docclass_tab = docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab = ISA_transformer_tab, monitor_tab = monitor_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab=f docclass_eager_inv_tab,
fun upd_docclass_lazy_inv_tab f {docobj_tab,docclass_tab,ISA_transformer_tab,
monitor_tab, docclass_inv_tab,
docclass_eager_inv_tab, docclass_lazy_inv_tab} =
{docobj_tab = docobj_tab,docclass_tab = docclass_tab,
ISA_transformer_tab = ISA_transformer_tab, monitor_tab = monitor_tab,
docclass_lazy_inv_tab=f docclass_lazy_inv_tab};
fun get_accepted_cids ({accepted_cids, ... } : open_monitor_info) = accepted_cids
fun get_automatas ({automatas, ... } : open_monitor_info) = automatas
@ -413,6 +468,22 @@ fun update_class_invariant cid_long f thy =
fun update_class_eager_invariant cid_long f thy =
let val _ = if is_defined_cid_global' cid_long thy then ()
else error("undefined class id : " ^cid_long)
in map_data_global (upd_docclass_eager_inv_tab (Symtab.update (cid_long,
(fn ctxt => ((writeln("Eager Invariant check of: " ^cid_long); f ctxt ))))))
fun update_class_lazy_invariant cid_long f thy =
let val _ = if is_defined_cid_global' cid_long thy then ()
else error("undefined class id : " ^cid_long)
in map_data_global (upd_docclass_lazy_inv_tab (Symtab.update (cid_long,
(fn ctxt => ((writeln("Lazy Invariant check of: " ^cid_long); f ctxt ))))))
fun get_class_invariant cid_long thy =
let val _ = if is_defined_cid_global' cid_long thy then ()
else error("undefined class id : " ^cid_long)
@ -422,6 +493,24 @@ fun get_class_invariant cid_long thy =
| SOME f => f
fun get_class_eager_invariant cid_long thy =
let val _ = if is_defined_cid_global' cid_long thy then ()
else error("undefined class id : " ^cid_long)
val {docclass_eager_inv_tab, ...} = get_data_global thy
in case Symtab.lookup docclass_eager_inv_tab cid_long of
NONE => K(K(K true))
| SOME f => f
fun get_class_lazy_invariant cid_long thy =
let val _ = if is_defined_cid_global' cid_long thy then ()
else error("undefined class id : " ^cid_long)
val {docclass_lazy_inv_tab, ...} = get_data_global thy
in case Symtab.lookup docclass_lazy_inv_tab cid_long of
NONE => K(K(K true))
| SOME f => f
val SPY = Unsynchronized.ref(Bound 0)
fun check_regexps term =
@ -1530,6 +1619,10 @@ fun create_and_check_docitem is_monitor {is_inline=is_inline} oid pos cid_pos do
cid = cid_long,
vcid = vcid})
|> register_oid_cid_in_open_monitors oid pos cid_long
|> (fn thy => if #is_monitor(is_monitor)
then (((DOF_core.get_class_eager_invariant cid_long thy oid) is_monitor
o Context.Theory) thy; thy)
else thy)
|> (fn thy => (check_inv thy; thy))
|> (fn thy => if Config.get_global thy DOF_core.invariants_checking = true
then check_invariants thy oid
@ -1756,7 +1849,10 @@ fun close_monitor_command (args as (((oid:string,pos),cid_pos),
val _ = (Proof_Context.init_global thy) pos markup;
val check_inv = (DOF_core.get_class_invariant cid_long thy oid) {is_monitor=true}
o Context.Theory
in thy |> update_instance_command args
val check_lazy_inv = (DOF_core.get_class_lazy_invariant cid_long thy oid) {is_monitor=true}
o Context.Theory
in thy |> (fn thy => (check_lazy_inv thy; thy))
|> update_instance_command args
|> (fn thy => (check_inv thy; thy))
|> (fn thy => if Config.get_global thy DOF_core.invariants_checking = true
then Value_Command.Docitem_Parser.check_invariants thy oid

View File

@ -281,18 +281,21 @@ chapter\<open>Software Management and Organisation\<close>
text\<open>Representing chapter 5 in @{cite "bsi:50128:2014"}.\<close>
section\<open>Organization, Roles and Responsabilities\<close>
text\<open>see also section \<^emph>\<open>Software management and organization\<close>.\<close>
text\<open>See also section \<^emph>\<open>Software management and organization\<close>. and Annex B and C\<close>
datatype role = PM \<comment> \<open>Program Manager\<close>
| RQM \<comment> \<open>Requirements Manager\<close>
text\<open>REQ role in Table C.1 is assumed to be a typo and should be RQM.\<close>
datatype role = RQM \<comment> \<open>Requirements Manager\<close>
| DES \<comment> \<open>Designer\<close>
| IMP \<comment> \<open>Implementer\<close>
| ASR \<comment> \<open>Assessor\<close>
| INT \<comment> \<open>Integrator\<close>
| TST \<comment> \<open>Tester\<close>
| VER \<comment> \<open>Verifier\<close>
| VnV \<comment> \<open>Verification and Validation\<close>
| INT \<comment> \<open>Integrator\<close>
| VAL \<comment> \<open>Validator\<close>
| ASR \<comment> \<open>Assessor\<close>
| PM \<comment> \<open>Program Manager\<close>
| CM \<comment> \<open>Configuration Manager\<close>
| No_Role_Defined \<comment> \<open>See Annex C footnote a\<close>
@ -303,20 +306,26 @@ datatype phase = SYSDEV_ext \<comment> \<open> System Development Phase (externa
| SCDES \<comment> \<open>Software Component Design\<close>
| CInT \<comment> \<open>Component Implementation and Testing\<close>
| SI \<comment> \<open>Software Integration\<close>
| SV \<comment> \<open>Software Validation\<close>
| SV \<comment> \<open>Overall Software Testing/Final Validation\<close>
| SCADA \<comment> \<open>Systems Configured by Application Data/Algorithms\<close>
| SD \<comment> \<open>Software Deployment\<close>
| SM \<comment> \<open>Software Maintenance\<close>
| SA \<comment> \<open>Software Assessment\<close>
abbreviation software_planning :: "phase" where "software_planning \<equiv> SPl"
abbreviation software_requirements :: "phase" where "software_requirements \<equiv> SR"
abbreviation software_architecture_and_design :: "phase"
where "software_architecture_and_design \<equiv> SADES"
abbreviation software_component_design :: "phase" where "software_component_design \<equiv> SCDES"
abbreviation component_implementation_and_testing :: "phase"
where "component_implementation_and_testing \<equiv> CInT"
where "component_implementation_and_testing \<equiv> CInT"
abbreviation software_integration :: "phase" where "software_integration \<equiv> SI"
abbreviation software_validation :: "phase" where "software_validation \<equiv> SV"
abbreviation systems_configured_application_data_algorithm :: "phase"
where "systems_configured_application_data_algorithm \<equiv> SCADA"
abbreviation software_deployment :: "phase" where "software_deployment \<equiv> SD"
abbreviation software_maintenance :: "phase" where "software_maintenance \<equiv> SM"
abbreviation software_assessment :: "phase" where "software_assessment \<equiv> SM"
term "SR" (* meta-test *)
@ -327,8 +336,17 @@ datatype sil = SIL0 | SIL1 | SIL2 | SIL3 | SIL4
type_synonym safety_integration_level = sil
text\<open>Requirement levels specified Annex A: we use the term \<^emph>\<open>normative level\<close> to distinguish
them from the requirements specified in the standard.\<close>
doc_class objectives =
datatype normative_level =
M \<comment> \<open>(Mandatory)\<close>
| HR \<comment> \<open>Highly Recommended\<close>
| R \<comment> \<open>Recommended\<close>
| Any \<comment> \<open>No recommendation\<close>
| NR \<comment> \<open>Not Recommended\<close>
doc_class objective =
long_name :: "string option"
is_concerned :: "role set"
@ -425,7 +443,7 @@ doc_class SIR = requirement +
type_synonym safety_integrity_requirement = SIR
text\<open>The following class is a bit unclear about usage and seems to be in
sfcual mismatch with @{typ objectives}: \<close>
sfcual mismatch with @{typ objective}: \<close>
doc_class SILA = requirement +
is_concerned :: "role set" <= "UNIV"
alloc :: "sil" <= "SIL0"
@ -529,11 +547,14 @@ section\<open> Design and Test Documents \<close>
doc_class cenelec_document = text_element +
phase :: "phase"
sil :: "sil"
level :: "int option" <= "Some(0)"
nlvl :: "normative_level" \<comment> \<open>Annex A Table A.1\<close>
written_by :: "role option" \<comment> \<open>Annex C Table C.1 \<close>
fst_check :: "role option" \<comment> \<open>Annex C Table C.1\<close>
snd_check :: "role option" \<comment> \<open>Annex C Table C.1\<close>
is_concerned :: "role set" <= "UNIV"
accepts "\<lbrace>objective\<rbrace>\<^sup>+||\<lbrace>requirement\<rbrace>\<^sup>+"
invariant must_be_chapter :: "text_element.level \<sigma> = Some(0)"
invariant three_eyes_prcpl:: " written_by \<sigma> \<noteq> fst_check \<sigma>
\<and> written_by \<sigma> \<noteq> snd_check \<sigma>"
@ -545,7 +566,6 @@ doc_class external_specification =
doc_class SYSREQS = external_specification +
phase :: "phase" <= "SYSDEV_ext"
(*accepts "\<lbrace>objectives||requirement||cenelec_document\<rbrace>\<^sup>+ "*)
type_synonym system_requirements_specification = SYSREQS
doc_class SYSSREQS = external_specification +
@ -560,31 +580,69 @@ doc_class SYSS_pl = external_specification +
phase :: "phase" <= "SYSDEV_ext"
type_synonym system_safety_plan = SYSS_pl
(* SYS_VnV_pl exists in Figure 3 but not in Figure 4 *)
(* SYS_VnV_pl exists in Figure 3 but not in Figure 4: surely a typo in Figure 4 *)
doc_class SYS_VnV_pl = external_specification +
phase :: "phase" <= "SYSDEV_ext"
type_synonym system_VnV_plan = SYS_VnV_pl
doc_class SQAP = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SPl"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_sqap :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_quality_assurance_plan = SQAP
doc_class SQAVR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SPl"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_sqavr :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_quality_assurance_verfication_report = SQAVR
doc_class SCMP = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SPl"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_scmp :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_configuration_management_plan = SCMP
doc_class SVP = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SPl"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_svp :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_verification_plan = SVP
doc_class SVAP = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SPl"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_svap :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_validation_plan = SVAP
doc_class SWRS = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SR"
type_synonym software_requirements_specification = SWRS
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_swrs :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_requirements_specification = SWRS
doc_class OSWTS = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SR"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_oswts :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym overall_software_test_specification = OSWTS
doc_class SWRVR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SR"
type_synonym software_requirements_verification_report = SWRVR
doc_class SWTS = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SR"
type_synonym software_test_specification = SWTS
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_swrvr :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_requirements_verification_report = SWRVR
doc_class SWAS = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SADES"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_swas :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_architecture_specification = SWAS
doc_class SWDS = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SADES"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_swds :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_design_specification = SWDS
doc_class SWIS_E =
@ -600,73 +658,399 @@ doc_class SWIS_E =
doc_class SWIS = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SADES"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
written_by :: "role option" <= "Some DES"
fst_check :: "role option" <= "Some VER"
snd_check :: "role option" <= "Some VAL"
components :: "SWIS_E list"
type_synonym software_interfaces_specification = SWIS
invariant force_nlvl_swis :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_interface_specifications = SWIS
doc_class SWITS = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SADES"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_swits :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_integration_test_specification = SWITS
doc_class SWHITS = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SADES"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_swhits :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_hardware_integration_test_specification = SWHITS
doc_class SWADVR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SADES"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_swadvr :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_architecture_and_design_verification_report = SWADVR
doc_class SWCDS = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SCDES"
invariant force_nlvl_swcds :: "if sil \<sigma> = SIL0 then nlvl \<sigma> = R else nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_component_design_specification = SWCDS
doc_class SWCTS = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SCDES"
invariant force_nlvl_swcts :: "if sil \<sigma> = SIL0 then nlvl \<sigma> = R else nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_component_test_specification = SWCTS
doc_class SWCDVR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SCDES"
invariant force_nlvl_swcdvr :: "if sil \<sigma> = SIL0 then nlvl \<sigma> = R else nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_component_design_verification_report = SWCDVR
doc_class SWSCD = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "CInT"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_swscd :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_source_code_and_documentation = SWSCD
doc_class SWCTR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "CInT"
invariant force_nlvl_swctr :: "if sil \<sigma> = SIL0 then nlvl \<sigma> = R else nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_component_test_report = SWCTR
doc_class SWSCVR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "CInT"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_swscvr :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_source_code_verification_report = SWSCVR
doc_class SWITR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SI"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_switr :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_integration_test_report = SWITR
doc_class SWHAITR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SI"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_swhaitr :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_hardware_integration_test_report = SWHAITR
doc_class SWIVR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SI"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_swivr :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_integration_verification_report = SWIVR
doc_class SWTR_global = cenelec_document +
doc_class OSWTR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SV"
type_synonym overall_software_test_report = SWTR_global
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_oswtr :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym overall_software_test_report = OSWTR
doc_class SWVALR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SV"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_swvalr :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_validation_report = SWVALR
doc_class SWDD = cenelec_document +
doc_class TVALR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SV"
invariant force_nlvl_tvalr :: "if sil \<sigma> = SIL0 then nlvl \<sigma> = R else nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym tools_validation_report = TVALR
doc_class SWVRN = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SV"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_swvrn :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_validation_release_note = SWVRN
doc_class ARS = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SCADA"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_ars :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym application_requirements_specification = ARS
doc_class APP = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SCADA"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_APP :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym application_preparation_plan = APP
doc_class ATS = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SCADA"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_ats :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym application_test_specification = ATS
doc_class AAD = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SCADA"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_aad :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym application_architecture_design = AAD
doc_class APVR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SCADA"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_apvr :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym application_preparation_verification_report = APVR
doc_class ATR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SCADA"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_atr :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym application_test_report= ATR
doc_class SOCOADA = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SCADA"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_socoada :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym source_code_application_data_algorithms = SOCOADA
doc_class ADAVR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SCADA"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_adavr :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym application_data_algorithms_verification_report= ADAVR
doc_class SWRDP = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SD"
type_synonym software_deployment_documents = SWDD
invariant force_nlvl_swrdp :: "if sil \<sigma> = SIL0 then nlvl \<sigma> = R else nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_release_deployment_plan = SWRDP
doc_class SWMD = cenelec_document +
doc_class SWDM = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SD"
invariant force_nlvl_swdm :: "if sil \<sigma> = SIL0 then nlvl \<sigma> = R else nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_deployment_manual = SWDM
doc_class SWDRN = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SD"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_swdrn :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_deployment_release_notes = SWDRN
doc_class SWDR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SD"
invariant force_nlvl_swdr :: "if sil \<sigma> = SIL0 then nlvl \<sigma> = R else nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_deployment_records = SWDR
doc_class SWDVR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SD"
invariant force_nlvl_swdvr :: "if sil \<sigma> = SIL0 then nlvl \<sigma> = R else nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_deployment_verification_report = SWDVR
doc_class SWMP = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SM"
type_synonym software_maintenance_documents = SWMD
invariant force_nlvl_swmp :: "if sil \<sigma> = SIL0 then nlvl \<sigma> = R else nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_maintenance_plan = SWMP
doc_class SWCR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SM"
nlvl :: "normative_level" <= "HR"
invariant force_nlvl_swcr :: "nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_change_records = SWCR
doc_class SWMR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SM"
invariant force_nlvl_swmr :: "if sil \<sigma> = SIL0 then nlvl \<sigma> = R else nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_maintenance_records = SWMR
doc_class SWMVR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SM"
invariant force_nlvl_swmvr :: "if sil \<sigma> = SIL0 then nlvl \<sigma> = R else nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_maintenance_verification_report = SWMVR
doc_class SWAP = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SA"
invariant force_nlvl_swap :: "if sil \<sigma> = SIL0 then nlvl \<sigma> = R else nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_assessment_plan = SWAP
doc_class SWAR = cenelec_document +
phase :: "phase" <= "SA"
invariant force_nlvl_swar :: "if sil \<sigma> = SIL0 then nlvl \<sigma> = R else nlvl \<sigma> = HR"
type_synonym software_assessment_report = SWAR
text\<open>Table A.1: Lifecycle Issues and Documentation (5.3).
The requirement levels of table A.1 is expressed with monitor classes:
first the SIL of each class is enforced to be the same as the monitor class SIL,
then, when closing the monitor, the normative level (requirement level in CENELEC lingua)
of each CENELEC document instance is checked and warning/errors are triggered
if they do not respect the monitor class SIL\<close>
doc_class monitor_SIL =
sil :: sil
doc_class monitor_SIL0 = monitor_SIL +
sil :: sil <= SIL0
accepts "\<lbrakk>SQAP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SQAVR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SCMP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SVP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SVAP\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWRS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>OSWTS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWRVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWAS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWIS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWITS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWHITS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWADVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWCDS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCTS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCDVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWSCD\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCTR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWSCVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWITR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWHAITR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWIVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>OSWTR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWVALR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>TVALR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWVRN\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>ARS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>APP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>ATS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>AAD\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>APVR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>ATR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SOCOADA\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>ADAVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWRDP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDM\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDRN\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWMP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWMR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWMVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWAP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWAR\<rbrakk>"
invariant force_sil0 :: "sil \<sigma> = SIL0"
doc_class monitor_SIL1 = monitor_SIL +
sil :: sil <= SIL1
accepts "\<lbrakk>SQAP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SQAVR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SCMP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SVP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SVAP\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWRS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>OSWTS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWRVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWAS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWIS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWITS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWHITS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWADVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWCDS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCTS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCDVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWSCD\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCTR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWSCVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWITR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWHAITR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWIVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>OSWTR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWVALR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>TVALR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWVRN\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>ARS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>APP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>ATS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>AAD\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>APVR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>ATR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SOCOADA\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>ADAVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWRDP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDM\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDRN\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWMP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWMR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWMVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWAP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWAR\<rbrakk>"
invariant force_sil1 :: "sil \<sigma> = SIL1"
doc_class monitor_SIL2 = monitor_SIL +
sil :: sil <= SIL2
accepts "\<lbrakk>SQAP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SQAVR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SCMP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SVP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SVAP\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWRS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>OSWTS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWRVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWAS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWIS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWITS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWHITS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWADVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWCDS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCTS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCDVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWSCD\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCTR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWSCVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWITR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWHAITR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWIVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>OSWTR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWVALR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>TVALR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWVRN\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>ARS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>APP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>ATS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>AAD\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>APVR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>ATR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SOCOADA\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>ADAVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWRDP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDM\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDRN\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWMP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWMR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWMVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWAP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWAR\<rbrakk>"
invariant force_sil2 :: "sil \<sigma> = SIL2"
doc_class monitor_SIL3 = monitor_SIL +
sil :: sil <= SIL3
accepts "\<lbrakk>SQAP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SQAVR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SCMP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SVP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SVAP\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWRS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>OSWTS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWRVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWAS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWIS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWITS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWHITS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWADVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWCDS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCTS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCDVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWSCD\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCTR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWSCVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWITR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWHAITR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWIVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>OSWTR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWVALR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>TVALR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWVRN\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>ARS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>APP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>ATS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>AAD\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>APVR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>ATR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SOCOADA\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>ADAVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWRDP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDM\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDRN\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWMP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWMR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWMVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWAP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWAR\<rbrakk>"
invariant force_sil3 :: "sil \<sigma> = SIL3"
doc_class monitor_SIL4 = monitor_SIL +
sil :: sil <= SIL4
accepts "\<lbrakk>SQAP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SQAVR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SCMP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SVP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SVAP\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWRS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>OSWTS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWRVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWAS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWIS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWITS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWHITS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWADVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWCDS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCTS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCDVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWSCD\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCTR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWSCVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWITR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWHAITR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWIVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>OSWTR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWVALR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>TVALR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWVRN\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>ARS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>APP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>ATS\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>AAD\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>APVR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>ATR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SOCOADA\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>ADAVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWRDP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDM\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDRN\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWDVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWMP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWCR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWMR\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWMVR\<rbrakk>
~~ \<lbrakk>SWAP\<rbrakk> ~~ \<lbrakk>SWAR\<rbrakk>"
invariant force_sil4 :: "sil \<sigma> = SIL4"
fun check_sil oid _ ctxt =
val ctxt' = Proof_Context.init_global(Context.theory_of ctxt)
val monitor_record_value = #value (the (DOF_core.get_object_local oid ctxt'))
val Const _ $ _ $ monitor_sil $ _ = monitor_record_value
val traces = AttributeAccess.compute_trace_ML ctxt oid \<^here> \<^here>
fun check_sil'' [] = true
| check_sil'' (x::xs) =
val (_, doc_oid) = x
val doc_record_value = #value (the (DOF_core.get_object_local doc_oid ctxt'))
val Const _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ cenelec_document_ext = doc_record_value
val Const _ $ _ $ _ $ doc_sil $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ = cenelec_document_ext
if doc_sil <> monitor_sil
then error(doc_oid
^ " cenelec document SIL must be: "
^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt' monitor_sil)
else check_sil'' xs end
in check_sil'' traces end
setup\<open>DOF_core.update_class_invariant "CENELEC_50128.monitor_SIL0" check_sil\<close>
A more generic example of check_sil which can be generalized:
it is decoupled from the CENELEC current implementation
but is much less efficient regarding time computation by relying on Isabelle evaluation mechanism.\<close>
fun check_sil_slow oid _ ctxt =
val ctxt' = Proof_Context.init_global(Context.theory_of ctxt)
val monitor_record_value = #value (the (DOF_core.get_object_local oid ctxt'))
val monitor_cid = #cid (the (DOF_core.get_object_local oid ctxt'))
val monitor_sil_typ = (Syntax.read_typ ctxt' monitor_cid) --> @{typ "sil"}
val monitor_sil = Value_Command.value ctxt'
(Const("CENELEC_50128.monitor_SIL.sil", monitor_sil_typ) $ monitor_record_value)
val traces = AttributeAccess.compute_trace_ML ctxt oid \<^here> \<^here>
fun check_sil' [] = true
| check_sil' (x::xs) =
val (doc_cid, doc_oid) = x
val doc_record_value = #value (the (DOF_core.get_object_local doc_oid ctxt'))
val doc_sil_typ = (Syntax.read_typ ctxt' doc_cid) --> @{typ "sil"}
val doc_sil = Value_Command.value ctxt'
(Const ("CENELEC_50128.cenelec_document.sil", doc_sil_typ) $ doc_record_value)
if doc_sil <> monitor_sil
then error(doc_oid
^ " cenelec document SIL must be: "
^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt' monitor_sil)
else check_sil' xs end
in check_sil' traces end
(*setup\<open>DOF_core.update_class_invariant "CENELEC_50128.monitor_SIL0" check_sil_slow\<close>*)
(* As traces of monitor instances (docitems) are updated each time an instance is declared
(with text*, section*, etc.), invariants checking functions which use traces must
be declared as lazy invariants, to be checked only when closing a monitor, i.e.,
after the monitor traces are populated.
fun check_required_documents oid _ ctxt =
val ctxt' = Proof_Context.init_global(Context.theory_of ctxt)
val {monitor_tab,...} = DOF_core.get_data ctxt'
val {accepted_cids, ...} = the (Symtab.lookup monitor_tab oid)
val traces = AttributeAccess.compute_trace_ML ctxt oid \<^here> \<^here>
fun check_required_documents' [] = true
| check_required_documents' (cid::cids) =
if exists (fn (doc_cid, _) => equal cid doc_cid) traces
then check_required_documents' cids
val ctxt' = Proof_Context.init_global(Context.theory_of ctxt)
val monitor_record_value = #value (the (DOF_core.get_object_local oid ctxt'))
val Const _ $ _ $ monitor_sil $ _ = monitor_record_value
in error ("A " ^ cid ^ " cenelec document is required with "
^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt' monitor_sil)
in check_required_documents' accepted_cids end
setup\<open>DOF_core.update_class_lazy_invariant "CENELEC_50128.monitor_SIL0" check_required_documents\<close>
(* Test pattern matching for the records of the current CENELEC implementation classes,
and used by checking functions.
If the test failed, then it means that the CENELEC implementation has changed
(the class definitions have been updated) and the checking functions must be updated.
text*[CenelecClassPatternMatchingTest::SQAP, sil = "SIL0"]\<open>\<close>
val thy = @{theory}
val monitor_record_value =
#value (the (DOF_core.get_object_global "MonitorPatternMatchingTest" thy))
val Const _ $ _ $ monitor_sil $ _ = monitor_record_value
val doc_record_value = #value (the (DOF_core.get_object_global
"CenelecClassPatternMatchingTest" thy))
val Const _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ cenelec_document_ext = doc_record_value
val Const _ $ _ $ _ $ doc_sil $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ = cenelec_document_ext
section\<open> Software Assurance \<close>
\<comment> \<open>MORE TO COME\<close>
@ -680,7 +1064,7 @@ specification to the extent achievable by the selected test coverage.
\<^enum> @{typ overall_software_test_report}
\<^enum> @{typ software_test_specification} Overall Software Test Specification
\<^enum> @{typ overall_software_test_specification} Overall Software Test Specification
\<^enum> Overall Software Test Report
\<^enum> Software Integration Test Specification
\<^enum> Software Integration Test Report
@ -803,7 +1187,7 @@ doc_class global_documentation_structure = text_element +
SYSSREQS ~~ \<comment> \<open>system_safety_requirements_specification\<close>
SYSAD ~~ \<comment> \<open>system_architecture description\<close>
SYSS_pl ~~ \<comment> \<open>system safety plan\<close>
(SWRS || SWTS) " \<comment> \<open>software requirements specification OR
(SWRS || OSWTS) " \<comment> \<open>software requirements specification OR
overall software test specification\<close>
(* MORE TO COME : *)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
declare[[strict_monitor_checking = true]]
declare[[invariants_checking = true]]
declare[[invariants_checking_with_tactics = true]]
text*[sqap_intance::SQAP, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some RQM", fst_check="Some VER", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[sqavr_intance::SQAVR, sil= "SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[scmp_intance::SCMP, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some CM", fst_check="Some VER", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[svp_intance::SVP, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[svap_intance::SVAP, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VAL", fst_check="Some VER", snd_check="None"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swrs_intance::SWRS, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some RQM", fst_check="Some VER", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[oswts_intance::OSWTS, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swrvr_intance::SWRVR, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swas_intance::SWAS, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swds_intance::SWDS, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swis_intance::SWIS, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swits_intance::SWITS, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swhits_intance::SWHITS, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swadvr_intance::SWADVR, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swcds_intance::SWCDS, sil="SIL0", nlvl="R", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swcts_intance::SWCTS, sil="SIL0", nlvl="R", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swcdvr_intance::SWCDVR, sil="SIL0", nlvl="R", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swscd_intance::SWSCD, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swctr_intance::SWCTR, sil="SIL0", nlvl="R", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swscvr_intance::SWSCVR, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[switr_intance::SWITR, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swhaitr_intance::SWHAITR, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swivr_intance::SWIVR, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[oswtr_intance::OSWTR, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swvalr_intance::SWVALR, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[tvalr_intance::TVALR, sil="SIL0", nlvl="R", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swvrn_intance::SWVRN, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[ars_intance::ARS, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[app_intance::APP, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[ats_intance::ATS, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[aad_intance::AAD, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[apvr_intance::APVR, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[atr_intance::ATR, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[socoada_intance::SOCOADA, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[adavr_intance::ADAVR, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swrdp_intance::SWRDP, sil="SIL0", nlvl="R", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swdm_intance::SWDM, sil="SIL0", nlvl="R", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swdrn_intance::SWDRN, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swdr_intance::SWDR, sil="SIL0", nlvl="R", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swdvr_intance::SWDVR, sil="SIL0", nlvl="R", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swmp_intance::SWMP, sil="SIL0", nlvl="R", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swcr_intance::SWCR, sil="SIL0", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swmr_intance::SWMR, sil="SIL0", nlvl="R", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swmvr_intance::SWMVR, sil="SIL0", nlvl="R", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swap_intance::SWAP, sil="SIL0", nlvl="R", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
text*[swar_intance::SWAR, sil="SIL0", nlvl="R", written_by="Some VER", fst_check="None", snd_check="Some VAL"]\<open>\<close>
declare[[strict_monitor_checking = true]]
declare[[invariants_checking = true]]
declare[[invariants_checking_with_tactics = true]]