Verschiedene Kleinigkeiten um assert*

Neuer Content in MyCommentedIsabelle: Intro FrontEnd.
This commit is contained in:
Burkhart Wolff 2019-03-05 22:47:38 +01:00
parent 67b31af3a1
commit d5cfaa79e8
5 changed files with 97 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -66,11 +66,10 @@ val docclass_markup = docref_markup_gen docclassN
section\<open>String Utilities\<close>
fun spy x y = (writeln (x ^ y); y)
fun markup2string x = XML.content_of (YXML.parse_body x)
fun spy x y = (writeln (x ^ y); y)
(* a hacky, but save encoding of unicode comming from the interface to the string format
that can be parsed by the inner-syntax string parser ''dfdf''. *)
fun bstring_to_holstring ctxt x (* (x:bstring) *) : string =
@ -837,9 +836,9 @@ fun ML_isa_check_docitem thy (term, req_ty, pos) =
(* utilities *)
fun property_list_dest X = map HOLogic.dest_string
(map (fn Const ("Isa_DOF.ISA_term", _) $ s => s
|Const ("Isa_DOF.ISA_term_repr",_) $ s => s)
fun property_list_dest ctxt X = (map (fn Const ("Isa_DOF.ISA_term", _) $ s => HOLogic.dest_string s
|Const ("Isa_DOF.ISA_term_repr",_) $ s
=> holstring_to_bstring ctxt (HOLogic.dest_string s))
(HOLogic.dest_list X))
end; (* struct *)

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@ -13,22 +13,33 @@ print_doc_items
section\<open>Definitions, Lemmas, Theorems, Assertions\<close>
text*[aa::F, property = "[@{termrepr ''True''}]"]\<open>Our definition of the HOL-Logic has the following properties:\<close>
text*[aa::F, property = "[@{term ''True''}]"]\<open>Our definition of the HOL-Logic has the following properties:\<close>
assert*[aa::F] "True"
ML\<open> val (Const _ $ t $ t') = @{docitem_attribute property :: aa}\<close>
ML\<open> ISA_core.property_list_dest @{docitem_attribute property :: aa}\<close>
(* sample for accessing a property filled with previous assert's of "aa" *)
ML\<open> ISA_core.property_list_dest @{context} @{docitem_attribute property :: aa};\<close>
assert*[aa::F] "True \<longrightarrow> True" (* small pb: unicodes crashes here ... *)
assert*[aa::F] " X \<and> Y \<longrightarrow> True" (*example with uni-code *)
ML\<open> ISA_core.property_list_dest @{context} @{docitem_attribute property :: aa};
app writeln (tl (rev it));\<close>
assert*[aa::F] "\<forall>x::bool. X \<and> Y \<longrightarrow> True" (*problem with uni-code *)
Syntax.read_term_global @{theory} "[@{term '' 'True @<longrightarrow> True' ''}]";
@{term "[@{term '' ' True @<longrightarrow> True ' ''}]"}
Syntax.read_term_global @{theory} "[@{termrepr ''True @<longrightarrow> True''}]";
(* this only works because the isa check is not activated in "term" !!! *)
@{term "[@{term '' True @<longrightarrow> True ''}]"}; (* with isa-check *)
@{term "[@{termrepr '' True @<longrightarrow> True ''}]"}; (* without isa check *)
ML\<open> ISA_core.property_list_dest @{docitem_attribute property :: aa}\<close>
ML\<open>val [_,_,Const _ $ s,_] = (HOLogic.dest_list @{docitem_attribute property :: aa});
val t = HOLogic.dest_string s;
holstring_to_bstring @{context} t
lemma "All (\<lambda>x. X \<and> Y \<longrightarrow> True)" oops
text\<open>An example for the ontology specification character of the short-cuts such as
@{command "assert*"}: in the following, we use the same notation referring to a completely

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@ -1053,8 +1053,76 @@ fun output ctxt prts =
chapter\<open>Front End \<close>
text\<open>Introduction ... TODO\<close>
chapter\<open>Front-End \<close>
text\<open>In the following chapter, we turn to the right part of @{docitem \<open>architecture\<close>}:
The PIDE ("Prover-IDE") layer consisting of a part written in SML and another in SCALA.
Roughly speaking, PIDE implements "continuous build - continuous check" - functionality
over a currently textual, albeit generic document model. It transforms modification
of text elements in an instance of this model into increments (edits), communicates
them to the Isabelle system, which reacts by the creation of a multitude of light-weight
reevaluation threads resulting in a stream of markup that is used to annotate text
elements in the document. The latter is used to asynchronously highlight, e.g., variables
or keywords with specific colors, to hyper-linking bound variables to their defining occurrences,
or to annotate type-information to terms which becomes displayed by specific
user-gestures on demand (hovering), etc.
Note that PIDE is not an editor, it is the framework that
coordinates these asynchronous streams of information and optimizes it to a certain
extent (asynchronously transmitted markup referring to text that is already modified
is dropped, and corresponding re-calculations stopped, for example).
Four concrete editors --- also called PIDE applications --- have been implemented:
\<^enum>an Eclipse plugin (developped by an Edinburg-group, based on an very old PIDE version),
\<^enum>a Visual-Studio Code plugin (developed by Makarius Wenzel),
currently based on a fairly old PIDE version,
\<^enum>clide, a web-client supporting javascript and HTML5
(developed by a group at University Bremen, based on a very old PIDE version), and
\<^enum>the most commonly used: the plugin in JEdit - Editor,
(developed by Makarius Wenzel, current PIDE version.)
text\<open>The document model forsees a number of text files, which are organized in form of an acyclic graph. Such graphs can be
grouped into \<^emph>\<open>sessions\<close> and "frozen" to binaries thus avoiding long compilation
times. Text files have an abstract name serving
as identity (the mapping to file-ids in an underlying file-system is done in an own
build management).
The primary format of the text files is \<^verbatim>\<open>.thy\<close> (for historically: theory),
secondary formats can be \<^verbatim>\<open>.sty\<close>,\<^verbatim>\<open>.tex\<close>, \<^verbatim>\<open>.png\<close>, \<^verbatim>\<open>.pdf\<close>, or other files processed
by Isabelle and listed in a configurations processed by the build system.
figure*[fig3::figure, relative_width="100",src="''figures/document-model.pdf''"]
\<open>Document Model\<close>
text\<open>A \<^verbatim>\<open>.thy\<close> file consists of a \<^emph>\<open>preamble\<close>, a \<^emph>\<open>context-import-statement\<close> and
a \<^emph>\<open>body\<close> consisting of a sequence of \<^emph>\<open>commands\<close>. Even the preamble consists of
a sequence of commands used for a simple form of text not depending on any context
(so: practically excluding any form of text antiquotation (see above)).
The context-import-statement looks as follows, for example:
theory Isa_DOF (* Isabelle Document Ontology Framework *)
imports Main
RegExpInterface (* Interface to functional regular automata for monitoring *)
keywords "+=" ":=" "accepts" "rejects"
where \<^verbatim>\<open>Isa_DOF\<close> is the abstract name of the text-file, \<^verbatim>\<open>Main\<close> etc. refer to imported
text files (recall that the import relation must be acyclic), and a list of
\<^emph>\<open>keyword\<close>-declarations. keywords are used to separate commands form each other;
predefined commands allow for the dynamic creation of new commands similarly
to the definition of new functions in an interpreter shell (or: toplevel, see above.).
A command starts with a pre-declared keyword and specific syntax of this command;
the declaration of a keyword is only allowed in the same \<^verbatim>\<open>.thy\<close>-file where the
the corresponding new command is defined. The semantics of the command is expressed
in ML and consists of a @{ML_type "Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition"}
function. Thus, the Isar-toplevel supports the generic document model
and allows for user-programmed extensions.
text\<open>Isabelle \<^verbatim>\<open>.thy\<close>-files were processed by two types of parsers:
\<^enum> the "outer-syntax" (i.e. the syntax for commands) is processed
by a lexer-library and parser combinators built on top, and
\<^enum> the "inner-syntax" (i.e. the syntax for @{term \<open>\<Lambda>\<close>} - terms)
with an evolved, eight-layer parsing and pretty-printing process.
section\<open>Basics: string, bstring and xstring\<close>
text\<open>@{ML_type "string"} is the basic library type from the SML library
@ -1063,12 +1131,12 @@ or require formats thereof introduced as type synonyms
@{ML_type "bstring"} (defined in structure @{ML_structure "Binding"}
and @{ML_type "xstring"} (defined in structure @{ML_structure "Name_Space"}.
Unfortunately, the abstraction is not tight and combinations with
elementary routines might produce quire crappy results.
elementary routines might produce quite crappy results.
ML\<open>val b = Binding.name_of@{binding "here"}\<close>
text\<open>... produces the system output \verb+val it = "here": bstring+,
but note that it is trappy to believe it is just a string.
but note that it is misleading to believe it is just a string.
ML\<open>String.explode b\<close> (* is harmless, but *)

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@ -11,4 +11,6 @@ session "TR_mycommentedisabelle" = "Isabelle_DOF" +