Revision of the narrative in Dimensions and Quantities

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Simon Foster 2020-03-12 17:23:47 +00:00
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@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ qed
text \<open> A base dimension is a dimension where precisely one component has power 1: it is the text \<open> A base dimension is a dimension where precisely one component has power 1: it is the
dimension of a base quantity. \<close> dimension of a base quantity. Here we define the seven base dimensions. \<close>
definition LengthBD ("\<^bold>L") where [si_def]: "\<^bold>L = (1::Dimension)\<lparr>Length := 1\<rparr>" definition LengthBD ("\<^bold>L") where [si_def]: "\<^bold>L = (1::Dimension)\<lparr>Length := 1\<rparr>"
definition MassBD ("\<^bold>M") where [si_def]: "\<^bold>M = (1::Dimension)\<lparr>Mass := 1\<rparr>" definition MassBD ("\<^bold>M") where [si_def]: "\<^bold>M = (1::Dimension)\<lparr>Mass := 1\<rparr>"
@ -136,17 +136,50 @@ lemma seven_BaseDimensions: "card BaseDimensions = 7"
definition is_BaseDim :: "Dimension \<Rightarrow> bool" where [si_def]: "is_BaseDim x \<equiv> x \<in> BaseDimensions" definition is_BaseDim :: "Dimension \<Rightarrow> bool" where [si_def]: "is_BaseDim x \<equiv> x \<in> BaseDimensions"
text \<open> We can use the base dimensions and algebra to form dimension expressions. Some examples text \<open> We can use the base dimensions and algebra to form dimension expressions. Some examples
are shown below \<close> are shown below. \<close>
term "\<^bold>L\<cdot>\<^bold>M\<cdot>\<^bold>T\<^sup>-\<^sup>2" term "\<^bold>L\<cdot>\<^bold>M\<cdot>\<^bold>T\<^sup>-\<^sup>2"
term "\<^bold>M\<cdot>\<^bold>L\<^sup>-\<^sup>3" term "\<^bold>M\<cdot>\<^bold>L\<^sup>-\<^sup>3"
subsection \<open> Dimensions as Types \<close> subsection \<open> Dimensions Type Expressions \<close>
text \<open> We provide a syntax for type expressions, which allows representation of dimensions as subsubsection \<open> Classification \<close>
types in Isabelle. The definition of the basic type constructors is straightforward via a
one-elementary set. The latter is adequate since we need just an abstract syntax for text \<open> We provide a syntax for dimension type expressions, which allows representation of
type expressions, so just one value for the \<^verbatim>\<open>dimension\<close>-type symbols. \<close> dimensions as types in Isabelle. This will allow us to represent quantities that are parametrised
by a particular dimension type. We first must characterise the subclass of types that represent a
The mechanism in Isabelle to characterize a certain subclass of Isabelle type expressions
are \<^emph>\<open>type classes\<close>. The following type class is used to link particular Isabelle types
to an instance of the type \<^typ>\<open>Dimension\<close>. It requires that any such type has the cardinality
\<^term>\<open>1\<close>, since a dimension type is used only to mark a quantity.
class dim_type = finite +
fixes dim_ty_sem :: "'a itself \<Rightarrow> Dimension"
assumes unitary_unit_pres: "card (UNIV::'a set) = 1"
"_QD" :: "type \<Rightarrow> logic" ("QD'(_')")
"QD('a)" == "CONST dim_ty_sem TYPE('a)"
text \<open> The notation \<^term>\<open>QD('a::dim_type)\<close> allows to obtain the dimension of a dimension type
The subset of basic dimension types can be characterized by the following type class: \<close>
class si_basedim = dim_type +
assumes is_BaseDim: "is_BaseDim QD('a)"
subsubsection \<open> Base Dimension Type Expressions \<close>
text \<open> The definition of the basic dimension type constructors is straightforward via a
one-elementary set, \<^typ>\<open>unit set\<close>. The latter is adequate since we need just an abstract syntax
for type expressions, so just one value for the \<^verbatim>\<open>dimension\<close>-type symbols. We define types for
each of the seven base dimensions, and also for dimensionless quantities. \<close>
typedef Length = "UNIV :: unit set" .. setup_lifting type_definition_Length typedef Length = "UNIV :: unit set" .. setup_lifting type_definition_Length
typedef Mass = "UNIV :: unit set" .. setup_lifting type_definition_Mass typedef Mass = "UNIV :: unit set" .. setup_lifting type_definition_Mass
@ -175,108 +208,78 @@ translations
(type) "N" <= (type) "Amount" (type) "N" <= (type) "Amount"
(type) "J" <= (type) "Intensity" (type) "J" <= (type) "Intensity"
subsection \<open>Dimension Type Expressions and their Interpretation \<close> text\<open> Next, we embed the base dimensions into the dimension type expressions by instantiating the
class \<^class>\<open>si_basedim\<close> with each of the base dimension types. \<close>
text \<open> The case for the construction of the multiplicative and inverse operators requires ---
thus, the unary and binary operators on our SI type language --- require that their arguments
are restricted to the set of SI-type expressions.
The mechanism in Isabelle to characterize a certain sub-class of Isabelle-type expressions
are \<^emph>\<open>type classes\<close>. We therefore need such a sub-class; for reasons of convenience,
we combine its construction also with the "semantics" of SI types in terms of
@{typ Dimension}. \<close>
subsubsection \<open> SI-type expression definition as type-class \<close>
class dim_type = finite +
fixes dim_ty_sem :: "'a itself \<Rightarrow> Dimension"
assumes unitary_unit_pres: "card (UNIV::'a set) = 1"
"_QD" :: "type \<Rightarrow> logic" ("QD'(_')")
"QD('a)" == "CONST dim_ty_sem TYPE('a)"
text \<open> The sub-set of basic SI type expressions can be characterized by the following
operation: \<close>
class si_basedim = dim_type +
assumes is_BaseDim: "is_BaseDim QD('a)"
subsubsection \<open> SI base type constructors \<close>
text\<open>We embed the basic SI types into the SI type expressions: \<close>
instantiation Length :: si_basedim instantiation Length :: si_basedim
begin begin
definition dim_ty_sem_Length :: "Length itself \<Rightarrow> Dimension" definition [si_def]: "dim_ty_sem_Length (_::Length itself) = \<^bold>L"
where [si_def]: "dim_ty_sem_Length x = \<^bold>L"
instance by (intro_classes, auto simp add: dim_ty_sem_Length_def is_BaseDim_def, (transfer, simp)+) instance by (intro_classes, auto simp add: dim_ty_sem_Length_def is_BaseDim_def, (transfer, simp)+)
end end
instantiation Mass :: si_basedim instantiation Mass :: si_basedim
begin begin
definition dim_ty_sem_Mass :: "Mass itself \<Rightarrow> Dimension" definition [si_def]: "dim_ty_sem_Mass (_::Mass itself) = \<^bold>M"
where [si_def]: "dim_ty_sem_Mass x = \<^bold>M"
instance by (intro_classes, auto simp add: dim_ty_sem_Mass_def is_BaseDim_def, (transfer, simp)+) instance by (intro_classes, auto simp add: dim_ty_sem_Mass_def is_BaseDim_def, (transfer, simp)+)
end end
instantiation Time :: si_basedim instantiation Time :: si_basedim
begin begin
definition dim_ty_sem_Time :: "Time itself \<Rightarrow> Dimension" definition [si_def]: "dim_ty_sem_Time (_::Time itself) = \<^bold>T"
where [si_def]: "dim_ty_sem_Time x = \<^bold>T"
instance by (intro_classes, auto simp add: dim_ty_sem_Time_def is_BaseDim_def, (transfer, simp)+) instance by (intro_classes, auto simp add: dim_ty_sem_Time_def is_BaseDim_def, (transfer, simp)+)
end end
instantiation Current :: si_basedim instantiation Current :: si_basedim
begin begin
definition dim_ty_sem_Current :: "Current itself \<Rightarrow> Dimension" definition [si_def]: "dim_ty_sem_Current (_::Current itself) = \<^bold>I"
where [si_def]: "dim_ty_sem_Current x = \<^bold>I"
instance by (intro_classes, auto simp add: dim_ty_sem_Current_def is_BaseDim_def, (transfer, simp)+) instance by (intro_classes, auto simp add: dim_ty_sem_Current_def is_BaseDim_def, (transfer, simp)+)
end end
instantiation Temperature :: si_basedim instantiation Temperature :: si_basedim
begin begin
definition dim_ty_sem_Temperature :: "Temperature itself \<Rightarrow> Dimension" definition [si_def]: "dim_ty_sem_Temperature (_::Temperature itself) = \<^bold>\<Theta>"
where [si_def]: "dim_ty_sem_Temperature x = \<^bold>\<Theta>"
instance by (intro_classes, auto simp add: dim_ty_sem_Temperature_def is_BaseDim_def, (transfer, simp)+) instance by (intro_classes, auto simp add: dim_ty_sem_Temperature_def is_BaseDim_def, (transfer, simp)+)
end end
instantiation Amount :: si_basedim instantiation Amount :: si_basedim
begin begin
definition dim_ty_sem_Amount :: "Amount itself \<Rightarrow> Dimension" definition [si_def]: "dim_ty_sem_Amount (_::Amount itself) = \<^bold>N"
where [si_def]: "dim_ty_sem_Amount x = \<^bold>N"
instance by (intro_classes, auto simp add: dim_ty_sem_Amount_def is_BaseDim_def, (transfer, simp)+) instance by (intro_classes, auto simp add: dim_ty_sem_Amount_def is_BaseDim_def, (transfer, simp)+)
end end
instantiation Intensity :: si_basedim instantiation Intensity :: si_basedim
begin begin
definition dim_ty_sem_Intensity :: "Intensity itself \<Rightarrow> Dimension" definition [si_def]: "dim_ty_sem_Intensity (_::Intensity itself) = \<^bold>J"
where [si_def]: "dim_ty_sem_Intensity x = \<^bold>J"
instance by (intro_classes, auto simp add: dim_ty_sem_Intensity_def is_BaseDim_def, (transfer, simp)+) instance by (intro_classes, auto simp add: dim_ty_sem_Intensity_def is_BaseDim_def, (transfer, simp)+)
end end
instantiation NoDimension :: dim_type instantiation NoDimension :: dim_type
begin begin
definition dim_ty_sem_NoDimension :: "NoDimension itself \<Rightarrow> Dimension" definition [si_def]: "dim_ty_sem_NoDimension (_::NoDimension itself) = (1::Dimension)"
where [si_def]: "dim_ty_sem_NoDimension x = 1"
instance by (intro_classes, auto simp add: dim_ty_sem_NoDimension_def is_BaseDim_def, (transfer, simp)+) instance by (intro_classes, auto simp add: dim_ty_sem_NoDimension_def is_BaseDim_def, (transfer, simp)+)
end end
lemma base_dimension_types [simp]: lemma base_dimension_types [simp]:
"is_BaseDim QD(Length)" "is_BaseDim QD(Mass)" "is_BaseDim QD(Time)" "is_BaseDim QD(Length)" "is_BaseDim QD(Mass)" "is_BaseDim QD(Time)" "is_BaseDim QD(Current)"
"is_BaseDim QD(Current)" "is_BaseDim QD(Temperature)" "is_BaseDim QD(Amount)" "is_BaseDim QD(Temperature)" "is_BaseDim QD(Amount)" "is_BaseDim QD(Intensity)"
"is_BaseDim QD(Intensity)" by (simp_all add: is_BaseDim) by (simp_all add: is_BaseDim)
subsubsection \<open> Higher SI Type Constructors: Inner Product and Inverse \<close> subsubsection \<open> Dimension Type Constructors: Inner Product and Inverse \<close>
text\<open>On the class of SI-types (in which we have already inserted the base SI types),
the definitions of the type constructors for inner product and inverse is straight forward.\<close> text\<open> Dimension type expressions can be constructed by multiplication and division of the base
dimension types above. Consequently, we need to define multiplication and inverse operators
at the type level as well. On the class of dimension types (in which we have already inserted
the base dimension types), the definitions of the type constructors for inner product and inverse is
straightforward. \<close>
typedef ('a::dim_type, 'b::dim_type) DimTimes (infixl "\<cdot>" 69) = "UNIV :: unit set" .. typedef ('a::dim_type, 'b::dim_type) DimTimes (infixl "\<cdot>" 69) = "UNIV :: unit set" ..
setup_lifting type_definition_DimTimes setup_lifting type_definition_DimTimes
text \<open> We can prove that multiplication of two dimension types yields a dimension type. \<close> text \<open> The type \<^typ>\<open>('a,'b) DimTimes\<close> is parameterised by two types, \<^typ>\<open>'a\<close> and \<^typ>\<open>'b\<close> that must
both be elements of the \<^class>\<open>dim_type\<close> class. As with the base dimensions, it is a unitary type
as its purpose is to represent dimension type expressions. We instantiate \<^class>\<open>dim_type\<close> with
this type, where the semantics of a product dimension expression is the product of the underlying
dimensions. This means that multiplication of two dimension types yields a dimension type. \<close>
instantiation DimTimes :: (dim_type, dim_type) dim_type instantiation DimTimes :: (dim_type, dim_type) dim_type
begin begin
@ -297,13 +300,13 @@ begin
instance by (intro_classes, simp_all add: dim_ty_sem_DimInv_def, (transfer, simp)+) instance by (intro_classes, simp_all add: dim_ty_sem_DimInv_def, (transfer, simp)+)
end end
subsection \<open> Syntactic Support for dim-type expressions. \<close> subsubsection \<open> Dimension Type Syntax \<close>
text \<open> A division is expressed, as usual, by multiplication with an inverted dimension. \<close> text \<open> A division is expressed, as usual, by multiplication with an inverted dimension. \<close>
type_synonym ('a, 'b) DimDiv = "'a \<cdot> ('b\<^sup>-\<^sup>1)" (infixl "'/" 69) type_synonym ('a, 'b) DimDiv = "'a \<cdot> ('b\<^sup>-\<^sup>1)" (infixl "'/" 69)
text \<open> A number of further type-synonyms allow for more compact notation: \<close> text \<open> A number of further type synonyms allow for more compact notation: \<close>
type_synonym 'a DimSquare = "'a \<cdot> 'a" ("(_)\<^sup>2" [999] 999) type_synonym 'a DimSquare = "'a \<cdot> 'a" ("(_)\<^sup>2" [999] 999)
type_synonym 'a DimCube = "'a \<cdot> 'a \<cdot> 'a" ("(_)\<^sup>3" [999] 999) type_synonym 'a DimCube = "'a \<cdot> 'a \<cdot> 'a" ("(_)\<^sup>3" [999] 999)
@ -333,7 +336,7 @@ print_translation \<open>
_ => raise Match)] _ => raise Match)]
\<close> \<close>
subsection \<open> Derived Dimension Types \<close> subsubsection \<open> Derived Dimension Types \<close>
type_synonym Area = "L\<^sup>2" type_synonym Area = "L\<^sup>2"
type_synonym Volume = "L\<^sup>3" type_synonym Volume = "L\<^sup>3"

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@ -4,17 +4,28 @@ theory ISQ_Quantities
imports ISQ_Dimensions imports ISQ_Dimensions
begin begin
section \<open> The Semantic SI-Unit-Type and its Operations \<close> section \<open> Quantity Semantic Domain \<close>
text \<open> Here, we give a semantic domain for particular values of physical quantities. A quantity
is usually expressed as a number and a measurement unit, and the goal is to support this. First,
though, we give a more general semantic domain where a quantity has a magnitude and a dimension. \<close>
record 'a Quantity = record 'a Quantity =
mag :: 'a \<comment> \<open> Magnitude of the unit \<close> mag :: 'a \<comment> \<open> Magnitude of the quantity. \<close>
dim :: Dimension \<comment> \<open> Dimension of the unit \<close> dim :: Dimension \<comment> \<open> Dimension of the quantity -- denote the kind of quantity. \<close>
text \<open> The quantity type is parametric as we permit the magnitude to be represented using any kind
of numeric type, such as \<^typ>\<open>int\<close>, \<^typ>\<open>rat\<close>, or \<^typ>\<open>real\<close>, though we usually minimally expect
a field. \<close>
lemma Quantity_eq_intro: lemma Quantity_eq_intro:
assumes "mag x = mag y" "dim x = dim y" "more x = more y" assumes "mag x = mag y" "dim x = dim y" "more x = more y"
shows "x = y" shows "x = y"
by (simp add: assms) by (simp add: assms)
text \<open> We can define several arithmetic operators on quantities. Multiplication takes multiplies
both the magnitudes and the dimensions. \<close>
instantiation Quantity_ext :: (times, times) times instantiation Quantity_ext :: (times, times) times
begin begin
definition [si_def]: definition [si_def]:
@ -26,6 +37,9 @@ lemma mag_times [simp]: "mag (x \<cdot> y) = mag x \<cdot> mag y" by (simp add:
lemma dim_times [simp]: "dim (x \<cdot> y) = dim x \<cdot> dim y" by (simp add: times_Quantity_ext_def) lemma dim_times [simp]: "dim (x \<cdot> y) = dim x \<cdot> dim y" by (simp add: times_Quantity_ext_def)
lemma more_times [simp]: "more (x \<cdot> y) = more x \<cdot> more y" by (simp add: times_Quantity_ext_def) lemma more_times [simp]: "more (x \<cdot> y) = more x \<cdot> more y" by (simp add: times_Quantity_ext_def)
text \<open> The zero and one quantities are both dimensionless quantities with magnitude of \<^term>\<open>0\<close> and
\<^term>\<open>1\<close>, respectively. \<close>
instantiation Quantity_ext :: (zero, zero) zero instantiation Quantity_ext :: (zero, zero) zero
begin begin
definition "zero_Quantity_ext = \<lparr> mag = 0, dim = 1, \<dots> = 0 \<rparr>" definition "zero_Quantity_ext = \<lparr> mag = 0, dim = 1, \<dots> = 0 \<rparr>"
@ -46,6 +60,9 @@ lemma mag_one [simp]: "mag 1 = 1" by (simp add: one_Quantity_ext_def)
lemma dim_one [simp]: "dim 1 = 1" by (simp add: one_Quantity_ext_def) lemma dim_one [simp]: "dim 1 = 1" by (simp add: one_Quantity_ext_def)
lemma more_one [simp]: "more 1 = 1" by (simp add: one_Quantity_ext_def) lemma more_one [simp]: "more 1 = 1" by (simp add: one_Quantity_ext_def)
text \<open> Quantity inversion inverts both the magnitude and the dimension. Similarly, division of
one quantity by another, divides both the magnitudes and the dimensions. \<close>
instantiation Quantity_ext :: (inverse, inverse) inverse instantiation Quantity_ext :: (inverse, inverse) inverse
begin begin
definition [si_def]: definition [si_def]:
@ -73,6 +90,8 @@ lemma dim_divide [simp]: "dim (x / y) = dim x / dim y"
lemma more_divide [simp]: "more (x / y) = more x / more y" lemma more_divide [simp]: "more (x / y) = more x / more y"
by (simp add: divide_Quantity_ext_def) by (simp add: divide_Quantity_ext_def)
text \<open> As for dimensions, quantities form a commutative monoid and an abelian group. \<close>
instance Quantity_ext :: (comm_monoid_mult, comm_monoid_mult) comm_monoid_mult instance Quantity_ext :: (comm_monoid_mult, comm_monoid_mult) comm_monoid_mult
by (intro_classes, simp_all add: one_Quantity_ext_def by (intro_classes, simp_all add: one_Quantity_ext_def
times_Quantity_ext_def mult.assoc, simp add: mult.commute) times_Quantity_ext_def mult.assoc, simp add: mult.commute)
@ -80,6 +99,8 @@ instance Quantity_ext :: (comm_monoid_mult, comm_monoid_mult) comm_monoid_mult
instance Quantity_ext :: (ab_group_mult, ab_group_mult) ab_group_mult instance Quantity_ext :: (ab_group_mult, ab_group_mult) ab_group_mult
by (intro_classes, rule Quantity_eq_intro, simp_all) by (intro_classes, rule Quantity_eq_intro, simp_all)
text \<open> We can also define a partial order on quantities. \<close>
instantiation Quantity_ext :: (ord, ord) ord instantiation Quantity_ext :: (ord, ord) ord
begin begin
definition less_eq_Quantity_ext :: "('a, 'b) Quantity_scheme \<Rightarrow> ('a, 'b) Quantity_scheme \<Rightarrow> bool" definition less_eq_Quantity_ext :: "('a, 'b) Quantity_scheme \<Rightarrow> ('a, 'b) Quantity_scheme \<Rightarrow> bool"
@ -94,39 +115,68 @@ end
instance Quantity_ext :: (order, order) order instance Quantity_ext :: (order, order) order
by (intro_classes, auto simp add: less_Quantity_ext_def less_eq_Quantity_ext_def) by (intro_classes, auto simp add: less_Quantity_ext_def less_eq_Quantity_ext_def)
section \<open> The Abstract SI-\<^theory_text>\<open>Quantity\<close>-Type and its Operations \<close> text \<open> We can define plus and minus as well, but these are partial operators as they are defined
only when the quantities have the same dimension. \<close>
text\<open>We 'lift' SI type expressions to SI unit type expressions as follows:\<close> instantiation Quantity_ext :: (plus, plus) plus
definition [si_def]:
"dim x = dim y \<Longrightarrow>
plus_Quantity_ext x y = \<lparr> mag = mag x + mag y, dim = dim x, \<dots> = more x + more y \<rparr>"
instance ..
typedef (overloaded) ('n, 'u::dim_type) QuantT ("_[_]" [999,0] 999) instantiation Quantity_ext :: (uminus, uminus) uminus
= "{x :: 'n Quantity. dim x = QD('u)}" begin
morphisms fromQ toQ by (rule_tac x="\<lparr> mag = undefined, dim = QD('u) \<rparr>" in exI, simp) definition [si_def]:
"uminus_Quantity_ext x = \<lparr> mag = - mag x , dim = dim x, \<dots> = - more x \<rparr>"
instance ..
instantiation Quantity_ext :: (minus, minus) minus
definition [si_def]:
"dim x = dim y \<Longrightarrow>
minus_Quantity_ext x y = \<lparr> mag = mag x - mag y, dim = dim x, \<dots> = more x - more y \<rparr>"
instance ..
section \<open> Dimension Typed Quantities \<close>
text \<open> We can now define the type of quantities with parametrised dimension types. \<close>
typedef (overloaded) ('n, 'd::dim_type) QuantT ("_[_]" [999,0] 999)
= "{x :: 'n Quantity. dim x = QD('d)}"
morphisms fromQ toQ by (rule_tac x="\<lparr> mag = undefined, dim = QD('d) \<rparr>" in exI, simp)
setup_lifting type_definition_QuantT setup_lifting type_definition_QuantT
text \<open> Coerce values when their dimensions are equivalent \<close> text \<open> A dimension typed quantity is parameterised by two types: \<^typ>\<open>'a\<close>, the numeric type for the
magntitude, and \<^typ>\<open>'d\<close> for the dimension expression, which is an element of \<^class>\<open>dim_type\<close>.
The type \<^typ>\<open>('n, 'd) QuantT\<close> is to \<^typ>\<open>'n Quantity\<close> as dimension types are to \<^typ>\<open>Dimension\<close>.
Specifically, an element of \<^typ>\<open>('n', 'd) QuantT\<close> is a quantity whose dimension is \<^typ>\<open>'d\<close>. \<close>
definition coerceQuantT :: "'u\<^sub>2 itself \<Rightarrow> 'a['u\<^sub>1::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'a['u\<^sub>2::dim_type]" where text \<open> Since quantities can have dimension type expressions that are distinct, but denote the same
"QD('u\<^sub>1) = QD('u\<^sub>2) \<Longrightarrow> coerceQuantT t x = (toQ (fromQ x))" dimension, it is necessary to define the following function for coercion between two dimension
expressions. This requires that the underlying dimensions are the same. \<close>
subsection\<open>Predicates on Abstract SI-\<^theory_text>\<open>Unit\<close>-types\<close> definition coerceQuantT :: "'d\<^sub>2 itself \<Rightarrow> 'a['d\<^sub>1::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'a['d\<^sub>2::dim_type]" where
"QD('d\<^sub>1) = QD('d\<^sub>2) \<Longrightarrow> coerceQuantT t x = (toQ (fromQ x))"
subsection \<open> Predicates on Typed Quantities \<close>
text \<open> Two SI Unit types are orderable if their magnitude type is of class @{class "order"}, text \<open> Two SI Unit types are orderable if their magnitude type is of class @{class "order"},
and have the same dimensions (not necessarily dimension types).\<close> and have the same dimensions (not necessarily dimension types).\<close>
lift_definition qless_eq :: lift_definition qless_eq :: "'n::order['a::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'n['b::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> bool" (infix "\<lesssim>\<^sub>Q" 50)
"'n::order['a::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'n['b::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> bool" (infix "\<lesssim>\<^sub>Q" 50) is "(\<le>)" . is "(\<le>)" .
text\<open> Two SI Unit types are equivalent if they have the same dimensions text\<open> Two SI Unit types are equivalent if they have the same dimensions
(not necessarily dimension types). This equivalence the a vital point (not necessarily dimension types). This equivalence the a vital point
of the overall construction of SI Units. \<close> of the overall construction of SI Units. \<close>
lift_definition qequiv :: lift_definition qequiv :: "'n['a::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'n['b::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> bool" (infix "\<cong>\<^sub>Q" 50)
"'n['a::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'n['b::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> bool" (infix "\<cong>\<^sub>Q" 50) is "(=)" . is "(=)" .
subsection\<open>The Equivalence on Abstract SI-\<^theory_text>\<open>Unit\<close>-Types\<close>
text\<open>The latter predicate gives us an equivalence, but, unfortunately, not a congruence.\<close>
lemma qequiv_refl [simp]: "a \<cong>\<^sub>Q a" lemma qequiv_refl [simp]: "a \<cong>\<^sub>Q a"
by (simp add: qequiv_def) by (simp add: qequiv_def)
@ -138,49 +188,49 @@ lemma qequiv_trans: "\<lbrakk> a \<cong>\<^sub>Q b; b \<cong>\<^sub>Q c \<rbrakk
by (simp add: qequiv_def) by (simp add: qequiv_def)
theorem qeq_iff_same_dim: theorem qeq_iff_same_dim:
fixes x y :: "'a['u::dim_type]" fixes x y :: "'a['d::dim_type]"
shows "x \<cong>\<^sub>Q y \<longleftrightarrow> x = y" shows "x \<cong>\<^sub>Q y \<longleftrightarrow> x = y"
by (transfer, simp) by (transfer, simp)
(* the following series of equivalent statements ... *) (* the following series of equivalent statements ... *)
lemma coerceQuant_eq_iff: lemma coerceQuant_eq_iff:
fixes x :: "'a['u\<^sub>1::dim_type]" fixes x :: "'a['d\<^sub>1::dim_type]"
assumes "QD('u\<^sub>1) = QD('u\<^sub>2::dim_type)" assumes "QD('d\<^sub>1) = QD('d\<^sub>2::dim_type)"
shows "(coerceQuantT TYPE('u\<^sub>2) x) \<cong>\<^sub>Q x" shows "(coerceQuantT TYPE('d\<^sub>2) x) \<cong>\<^sub>Q x"
by (metis qequiv.rep_eq assms coerceQuantT_def toQ_cases toQ_inverse) by (metis qequiv.rep_eq assms coerceQuantT_def toQ_cases toQ_inverse)
(* or equivalently *) (* or equivalently *)
lemma coerceQuant_eq_iff2: lemma coerceQuant_eq_iff2:
fixes x :: "'a['u\<^sub>1::dim_type]" fixes x :: "'a['d\<^sub>1::dim_type]"
assumes "QD('u\<^sub>1) = QD('u\<^sub>2::dim_type)" and "y = (coerceQuantT TYPE('u\<^sub>2) x)" assumes "QD('d\<^sub>1) = QD('d\<^sub>2::dim_type)" and "y = (coerceQuantT TYPE('d\<^sub>2) x)"
shows "x \<cong>\<^sub>Q y" shows "x \<cong>\<^sub>Q y"
using qequiv_sym assms(1) assms(2) coerceQuant_eq_iff by blast using qequiv_sym assms(1) assms(2) coerceQuant_eq_iff by blast
lemma updown_eq_iff: lemma updown_eq_iff:
fixes x :: "'a['u\<^sub>1::dim_type]" fixes y :: "'a['u\<^sub>2::dim_type]" fixes x :: "'a['d\<^sub>1::dim_type]" fixes y :: "'a['d\<^sub>2::dim_type]"
assumes "QD('u\<^sub>1) = QD('u\<^sub>2::dim_type)" and "y = (toQ (fromQ x))" assumes "QD('d\<^sub>1) = QD('d\<^sub>2::dim_type)" and "y = (toQ (fromQ x))"
shows "x \<cong>\<^sub>Q y" shows "x \<cong>\<^sub>Q y"
by (simp add: assms(1) assms(2) coerceQuant_eq_iff2 coerceQuantT_def) by (simp add: assms(1) assms(2) coerceQuant_eq_iff2 coerceQuantT_def)
text\<open>This is more general that \<open>y = x \<Longrightarrow> x \<cong>\<^sub>Q y\<close>, since x and y may have different type.\<close> text\<open>This is more general that \<open>y = x \<Longrightarrow> x \<cong>\<^sub>Q y\<close>, since x and y may have different type.\<close>
lemma qeq: lemma qeq:
fixes x :: "'a['u\<^sub>1::dim_type]" fixes y :: "'a['u\<^sub>2::dim_type]" fixes x :: "'a['d\<^sub>1::dim_type]" fixes y :: "'a['d\<^sub>2::dim_type]"
assumes "x \<cong>\<^sub>Q y" assumes "x \<cong>\<^sub>Q y"
shows "QD('u\<^sub>1) = QD('u\<^sub>2::dim_type)" shows "QD('d\<^sub>1) = QD('d\<^sub>2::dim_type)"
by (metis (full_types) qequiv.rep_eq assms fromQ mem_Collect_eq) by (metis (full_types) qequiv.rep_eq assms fromQ mem_Collect_eq)
subsection\<open>Operations on Abstract SI-Unit-Types\<close> subsection\<open>Operations on Abstract SI-Unit-Types\<close>
lift_definition lift_definition
qtimes :: "('n::comm_ring_1)['a::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'n['b::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'n['a \<cdot>'b]" (infixl "\<^bold>\<cdot>" 69) is "(*)" qtimes :: "('n::comm_ring_1)['a::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'n['b::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'n['a \<cdot>'b]" (infixl "\<^bold>\<cdot>" 69)
by (simp add: dim_ty_sem_DimTimes_def times_Quantity_ext_def) is "(*)" by (simp add: dim_ty_sem_DimTimes_def times_Quantity_ext_def)
lift_definition lift_definition
qinverse :: "('n::field)['a::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'n['a\<^sup>-\<^sup>1]" ("(_\<^sup>-\<^sup>\<one>)" [999] 999) is "inverse" qinverse :: "('n::field)['a::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'n['a\<^sup>-\<^sup>1]" ("(_\<^sup>-\<^sup>\<one>)" [999] 999)
by (simp add: inverse_Quantity_ext_def dim_ty_sem_DimInv_def) is "inverse" by (simp add: inverse_Quantity_ext_def dim_ty_sem_DimInv_def)
abbreviation abbreviation
qdivide :: "('n::field)['a::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'n['b::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'n['a/'b]" (infixl "\<^bold>'/" 70) where qdivide :: "('n::field)['a::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'n['b::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'n['a/'b]" (infixl "\<^bold>'/" 70) where
@ -257,8 +307,8 @@ end
text\<open>The scaling operator permits to multiply the magnitude of a unit; this scalar product text\<open>The scaling operator permits to multiply the magnitude of a unit; this scalar product
produces what is called "prefixes" in the terminology of the SI system.\<close> produces what is called "prefixes" in the terminology of the SI system.\<close>
lift_definition scaleQ :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a::comm_ring_1['u::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'a['u]" (infixr "*\<^sub>Q" 63) lift_definition scaleQ :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a::comm_ring_1['d::dim_type] \<Rightarrow> 'a['d]" (infixr "*\<^sub>Q" 63)
is "\<lambda> r x. \<lparr> mag = r * mag x, dim = QD('u) \<rparr>" by simp is "\<lambda> r x. \<lparr> mag = r * mag x, dim = QD('d) \<rparr>" by simp
notation scaleQ (infixr "\<odot>" 63) notation scaleQ (infixr "\<odot>" 63)