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chapter \<open>The Document-Type Support Framework for Isabelle\<close>
text{* Offering reflection to ML for class hierarchies, objects and object states.
+ Isar syntax for these, assuming that classes entities fit to predefined
Isar keywords.
text{* In this section, we develop on the basis of a management of references Isar-markups
that provide direct support in the PIDE framework. *}
theory Isa_DOF (* Isabelle Document Ontology Framework *)
imports Main (* Isa_MOF *)
keywords "+=" ":="
and "title*" "subtitle*"
"section*" "subsection*" "subsubsection*"
"figure*" "side_by_side_figure*"
"paragraph*" "subparagraph*"
"text*" :: thy_decl
and "open_monitor*" "close_monitor*" "declare_reference*"
"update_instance*" "doc_class" ::thy_decl
and "lemma*" "assert*"::thy_decl
section{*Inner Syntax Antiquotations: Syntax *}
typedecl "doc_class"
typedecl "typ"
typedecl "term"
typedecl "thm"
typedecl "file"
typedecl "http"
typedecl "thy"
-- \<open> and others in the future : file, http, thy, ... \<close>
consts mk_typ :: "string \<Rightarrow> typ" ("@{typ _}")
consts mk_term :: "string \<Rightarrow> term" ("@{term _}")
consts mk_thm :: "string \<Rightarrow> thm" ("@{thm _}")
consts mk_file :: "string \<Rightarrow> file" ("@{file _}")
consts mk_thy :: "string \<Rightarrow> thy" ("@{thy _}")
consts mk_docitem :: "string \<Rightarrow> 'a" ("@{docitem _}")
term "@{typ ''int => int''}"
term "@{term ''Bound 0''}"
term "@{thm ''refl''}"
term "@{docitem ''<doc_ref>''}"
section{*Primitive Markup Generators*}
val docrefN = "docref";
val docclassN = "doc_class";
(* derived from: theory_markup *)
fun docref_markup_gen refN def name id pos =
if id = 0 then Markup.empty
else (Position.entity_properties_of def id pos)
(Markup.entity refN name); (* or better store the thy-name as property ? ? ? *)
val docref_markup = docref_markup_gen docrefN
val docclass_markup = docref_markup_gen docclassN
section{* A HomeGrown Document Type Management (the ''Model'') *}
structure DOF_core =
type docclass_struct = {params : (string * sort) list, (*currently not used *)
name : binding, thy_name : string, id : serial, (* for pide *)
inherits_from : (typ list * string) option,
attribute_decl : (binding * typ * term option) list
(*, rex : term list -- not yet used *)}
type docclass_tab = docclass_struct Symtab.table
val initial_docclass_tab = Symtab.empty:docclass_tab
fun merge_docclass_tab (otab,otab') = Symtab.merge (op =) (otab,otab')
val default_cid = "text" (* the top (default) document class: everything is a text.*)
fun is_subclass0 (tab:docclass_tab) s t =
let val _ = case Symtab.lookup tab t of
NONE => if t <> default_cid
then error ("document superclass not defined: "^t)
else default_cid
| SOME _ => ""
fun father_is_sub s = case Symtab.lookup tab s of
NONE => error ("document subclass not defined: "^s)
| SOME ({inherits_from=NONE, ...}) => s = t
| SOME ({inherits_from=SOME (_,s'), ...}) =>
s' = t orelse father_is_sub s'
in s = t orelse
(t = default_cid andalso Symtab.defined tab s ) orelse
father_is_sub s
type docobj = {pos : Position.T,
thy_name : string,
value : term,
id : serial, cid : string}
type docobj_tab ={tab : (docobj option) Symtab.table,
maxano : int
val initial_docobj_tab:docobj_tab = {tab = Symtab.empty, maxano = 0}
fun merge_docobj_tab ({tab=otab,maxano=m}, {tab=otab',maxano=m'}) =
(let fun X(NONE,NONE) = false
|X(SOME _, NONE) = false
|X(NONE, SOME _) = false
|X(SOME b, SOME b') = true (* b = b' *)
in {tab=Symtab.merge X (otab,otab'),maxano=Int.max(m,m')}
(* registrating data of the Isa_DOF component *)
structure Data = Generic_Data
type T = docobj_tab * docclass_tab
val empty = (initial_docobj_tab, initial_docclass_tab)
val extend = I
fun merge((d1,c1),(d2,c2)) = (merge_docobj_tab (d1, d2), merge_docclass_tab(c1,c2))
val get_data = Data.get o Context.Proof;
val map_data =;
val get_data_global = Data.get o Context.Theory;
val map_data_global = Context.theory_map o map_data;
(* doc-class-name management: We still use the record-package for internally
representing doc-classes. The main motivation is that "links" to entities are
types over doc-classes, *types* in the Isabelle sense, enriched by additional data.
This has the advantage that the type-inference can be abused to infer long-names
for doc-class-names. Note, however, that doc-classes are currently implemented
by non-polymorphic records only; this means that the extensible "_ext" versions
of type names must be reduced to qualifier names only. The used Syntax.parse_typ
handling the identification does that already. *)
fun is_subclass (ctxt) s t = is_subclass0(snd(get_data ctxt)) s t
fun type_name2doc_class_name thy str = (* Long_Name.qualifier *) str
fun name2doc_class_name thy str =
case Syntax.parse_typ (Proof_Context.init_global thy) str of
Type(tyn, _) => type_name2doc_class_name thy tyn
| _ => error "illegal format for doc-class-name."
handle ERROR _ => ""
fun name2doc_class_name_local ctxt str =
(case Syntax.parse_typ ctxt str of
Type(tyn, _) => type_name2doc_class_name ctxt tyn
| _ => error "illegal format for doc-class-name.")
handle ERROR _ => ""
fun is_defined_cid_global cid thy = let val t = snd(get_data_global thy)
in cid=default_cid orelse
Symtab.defined t (name2doc_class_name thy cid)
fun is_defined_cid_local cid ctxt = let val t = snd(get_data ctxt)
in cid=default_cid orelse
Symtab.defined t (name2doc_class_name_local ctxt cid)
fun is_declared_oid_global oid thy = let val {tab,...} = fst(get_data_global thy)
in Symtab.defined tab oid end
fun is_declared_oid_local oid thy = let val {tab,...} = fst(get_data thy)
in Symtab.defined tab oid end
fun is_defined_oid_global oid thy = let val {tab,...} = fst(get_data_global thy)
in case Symtab.lookup tab oid of
NONE => false
|SOME(NONE) => false
|SOME _ => true
fun is_defined_oid_local oid thy = let val {tab,...} = fst(get_data thy)
in case Symtab.lookup tab oid of
NONE => false
|SOME(NONE) => false
|SOME _ => true
fun declare_object_global oid thy =
let fun decl {tab=t,maxano=x} = {tab=Symtab.update_new(oid,NONE)t, maxano=x}
in (map_data_global (apfst(decl)) (thy)
handle Symtab.DUP _ => error("multiple declaration of document reference"))
fun declare_object_local oid ctxt =
let fun decl {tab,maxano} = {tab=Symtab.update_new(oid,NONE) tab, maxano=maxano}
in (map_data(apfst decl)(ctxt)
handle Symtab.DUP _ => error("multiple declaration of document reference"))
fun define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fields thy =
let val nn = Context.theory_name thy (* in case that we need the thy-name to identify
the space where it is ... *)
val cid = (Binding.name_of binding)
val pos = (Binding.pos_of binding)
val _ = if is_defined_cid_global cid thy
then error("redefinition of document class")
else ()
val _ = case parent of (* the doc_class may be root, but must refer
to another doc_class and not just an
arbitrary type *)
NONE => ()
| SOME(_,cid_parent) =>
if not (is_defined_cid_global cid_parent thy)
then error("document class undefined : " ^ cid_parent)
else ()
val cid_long = name2doc_class_name thy cid
val id = serial ();
val _ = pos (docclass_markup true cid id pos);
val info = {params=params',
name = binding,
thy_name = nn,
id = id, (* for pide --- really fresh or better reconstruct
from prior record definition ? For the moment: own
generation of serials ... *)
inherits_from = parent,
attribute_decl = fields (* currently unchecked *)
(*, rex : term list -- not yet used *)}
in map_data_global(apsnd(Symtab.update(cid_long,info)))(thy)
fun define_object_global (oid, bbb) thy =
let val nn = Context.theory_name thy (* in case that we need the thy-name to identify
the space where it is ... *)
in if is_defined_oid_global oid thy
then error("multiple definition of document reference")
else map_data_global (apfst(fn {tab=t,maxano=x} =>
{tab=Symtab.update(oid,SOME bbb) t,
fun define_object_local (oid, bbb) ctxt =
map_data (apfst(fn{tab,maxano}=>{tab=Symtab.update(oid,SOME bbb)tab,maxano=maxano})) ctxt
(* declares an anonyme label of a given type and generates a unique reference ... *)
fun declare_anoobject_global thy cid =
let fun declare {tab,maxano} = let val str = cid^":"^Int.toString(maxano+1)
val _ = writeln("Anonymous doc-ref declared: " ^ str)
in {tab=Symtab.update(str,NONE)tab,maxano= maxano+1} end
in map_data_global (apfst declare) (thy)
fun declare_anoobject_local ctxt cid =
let fun declare {tab,maxano} = let val str = cid^":"^Int.toString(maxano+1)
val _ = writeln("Anonymous doc-ref declared: " ^str)
in {tab=Symtab.update(str,NONE)tab, maxano=maxano+1} end
in map_data (apfst declare) (ctxt)
fun get_object_global oid thy = let val {tab,...} = fst(get_data_global thy)
in case Symtab.lookup tab oid of
NONE => error("undefined reference: "^oid)
|SOME(bbb) => bbb
fun get_object_local oid ctxt = let val {tab,...} = fst(get_data ctxt)
in case Symtab.lookup tab oid of
NONE => error("undefined reference: "^oid)
|SOME(bbb) => bbb
fun get_doc_class_global cid thy =
if cid = default_cid then error("default doc class acces") (* TODO *)
else let val t = snd(get_data_global thy)
in (Symtab.lookup t cid) end
fun get_doc_class_local cid ctxt =
if cid = default_cid then error("default doc class acces") (* TODO *)
else let val t = snd(get_data ctxt)
in (Symtab.lookup t cid) end
fun is_defined_cid_local cid ctxt = let val t = snd(get_data ctxt)
in cid=default_cid orelse
Symtab.defined t (name2doc_class_name_local ctxt cid)
fun get_attributes_local cid ctxt =
if cid = default_cid then []
else let val t = snd(get_data ctxt)
val cid_long = name2doc_class_name_local ctxt cid
in case Symtab.lookup t cid_long of
NONE => error("undefined doc class id :"^cid)
| SOME ({inherits_from=NONE,
attribute_decl = X, ...}) => [(cid_long,X)]
| SOME ({inherits_from=SOME(_,father),
attribute_decl = X, ...}) => get_attributes_local father ctxt @ [(cid_long,X)]
fun get_attributes cid thy = get_attributes_local cid (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
fun get_default_local cid attr ctxt =
let val hierarchy_rev = rev(get_attributes_local cid ctxt) (* search in reverse order *)
fun found (_,L) = find_first (fn (bind,_,SOME(term)) => Binding.name_of bind = attr
| _ => false) L
in case get_first found hierarchy_rev of
| SOME (_,_,X) => X
fun get_default cid attr thy = get_default_local cid attr (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
fun get_attribute_long_name_local cid attr ctxt =
let val hierarchy = get_attributes_local cid ctxt (* search in order *)
fun found (_,L) = find_first (fn (bind,_,_) => Binding.name_of bind = attr) L
in case get_first found hierarchy of
| SOME (bind, ty,_) => SOME(cid,(Binding.name_of bind), ty)
fun get_attribute_long_name cid attr thy = get_attribute_long_name_local cid attr
(Proof_Context.init_global thy)
fun get_value_global oid thy = case get_object_global oid thy of
SOME{value=term,...} => SOME term
fun get_value_local oid ctxt = case get_object_local oid ctxt of
SOME{value=term,...} => SOME term
(* missing : setting terms to ground (no type-schema vars, no schema vars. )*)
fun update_value_global oid upd thy =
case get_object_global oid thy of
SOME{pos,thy_name,value,id,cid} =>
let val tab' = Symtab.update(oid,SOME{pos=pos,thy_name=thy_name,
value=upd value,id=id, cid=cid})
in map_data_global (apfst(fn{tab,maxano}=>{tab=tab' tab,maxano=maxano})) thy end
| NONE => error("undefined doc object: "^oid)
fun writeln_classrefs ctxt = let val tab = snd(get_data ctxt)
in writeln (String.concatWith "," (Symtab.keys tab)) end
fun writeln_docrefs ctxt = let val {tab,...} = fst(get_data ctxt)
in writeln (String.concatWith "," (Symtab.keys tab)) end
end (* struct *)
section{* Syntax for Annotated Documentation Commands (the '' View'' Part I) *}
structure AnnoTextelemParser =
val semi = Scan.option (Parse.$$$ ";");
val attribute =
Parse.position Parse.const
-- Scan.optional (Parse.$$$ "=" |-- Parse.!!! Parse.term) "";
val attribute_upd : (((string * Position.T) * string) * string) parser =
Parse.position Parse.const
-- (@{keyword "+="} || @{keyword ":="})
-- Parse.!!! Parse.term;
(* Scan.optional (Args.parens (Args.$$$ defineN || Args.$$$ uncheckedN) *)
val reference =
-- Scan.option (Parse.$$$ "::" |-- Parse.!!! (Parse.position;
val attributes =
(Parse.$$$ "["
|-- (reference --
(Scan.optional(Parse.$$$ "," |-- (Parse.enum "," attribute))) []))
--| Parse.$$$ "]"
val attributes_upd =
(Parse.$$$ "["
|-- (reference --
(Scan.optional(Parse.$$$ "," |-- (Parse.enum "," attribute_upd))) []))
--| Parse.$$$ "]"
val SPY = Unsynchronized.ref ([]:((term * Position.T) * term) list)
fun convert((Const(s,ty),_), t) X = Const(s^"_update", dummyT)
$ Abs("uuu_", type_of t, t) $ X
|convert _ _ = error("Left-hand side not a doc_class attribute.")
val base = Const(@{const_name "undefined"},dummyT)
fun check_classref (SOME(cid,pos')) thy =
let val _ = if not (DOF_core.is_defined_cid_global cid thy)
then error("document class undefined") else ()
val cid_long = DOF_core.name2doc_class_name thy cid
val {id, name=bind_target,...} = the(DOF_core.get_doc_class_global cid_long thy)
val markup = docclass_markup false cid id (Binding.pos_of bind_target);
val ctxt = Context.Theory thy
val _ = Context_Position.report_generic ctxt pos' markup;
in cid_long
| check_classref NONE _ = DOF_core.default_cid
fun generalize_typ n = Term.map_type_tfree (fn (str,sort)=> Term.TVar((str,n),sort));
fun infer_type thy term = hd (Type_Infer_Context.infer_types (Proof_Context.init_global thy) [term])
fun enriched_document_command markdown (((((oid,pos),cid_pos),
doc_attrs: ((string * Position.T) * string) list),
xstring_opt:(xstring * Position.T) option),
: Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition =
val id = serial ();
val _ = pos (docref_markup true oid id pos);
(* creates a markup label for this position and reports it to the PIDE framework;
this label is used as jump-target for point-and-click feature. *)
fun enrich_trans thy =
let val cid_long = check_classref cid_pos thy
val count = Unsynchronized.ref (0 - 1);
fun incr () = count
val generalize_term = let val n = incr () in Term.map_types (generalize_typ n) end
fun read_assn ((lhs, pos), rhs) =
((Syntax.read_term_global thy lhs |> generalize_term,pos),
Syntax.read_term_global thy rhs |> generalize_term)
val assns = map read_assn doc_attrs
val _ = (SPY:=assns)
val defaults = base (* this calculation ignores the defaults *)
val value_term = (fold convert assns defaults) |> (infer_type thy)
val name = Context.theory_name thy
in thy |> DOF_core.define_object_global (oid, {pos=pos,
value = value_term,
fun check_text thy = (Thy_Output.output_text(Toplevel.theory_toplevel thy) markdown toks; thy)
Toplevel.theory(enrich_trans #> check_text)
(* Thanks Frederic Tuong! ! ! *)
fun update_instance_command (((oid:string,pos),cid_pos),
doc_attrs: (((string*Position.T)*string)*string)list)
: Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition =
fun upd thy =
let val cid = case DOF_core.get_object_global oid thy of
SOME{cid,...} => cid
| NONE => error("undefined doc_class.")
val cid_long = check_classref cid_pos thy
val _ = if cid_long = DOF_core.default_cid orelse cid = cid_long then ()
else error("incompatible classes:"^cid^":"^cid_long)
val count = Unsynchronized.ref (0 - 1);
fun incr () = count
val generalize_term = let val n = incr () in Term.map_types (generalize_typ n) end
fun read_assn (((lhs, pos), opn), rhs) =
let val _ = writeln opn in
((Syntax.read_term_global thy lhs |> generalize_term ,pos),
(* this is problematic,
lhs need to be qualified *)
Syntax.read_term_global thy rhs |> generalize_term)
(* Missing: Check that attributes are legal here *)
val assns = map read_assn doc_attrs
val _ = (SPY:=assns)
in thy |> DOF_core.update_value_global oid ((fold convert assns) #> (infer_type thy))
in Toplevel.theory(upd)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("title*", @{here}) "section heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("subtitle*", @{here}) "section heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("section*", @{here}) "section heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("subsection*", @{here}) "subsection heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("subsubsection*", @{here}) "subsubsection heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("paragraph*", @{here}) "paragraph heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("subparagraph*", @{here}) "subparagraph heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("figure*", @{here}) "paragraph heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("side_by_side_figure*", @{here}) "paragraph heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("text*", @{here}) "formal comment (primary style)"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "declare_reference*"}
"declare document reference"
(attributes >> (fn (((oid,pos),cid),doc_attrs) =>
(Toplevel.theory (DOF_core.declare_object_global oid))));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "open_monitor*"}
"open a document reference monitor"
(attributes >> (fn (((oid,pos),cid),doc_attrs) =>
(Toplevel.theory (DOF_core.declare_object_global oid))));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "close_monitor*"}
"close a document reference monitor"
(attributes >> (fn (((oid,pos),cid),doc_attrs) =>
(Toplevel.theory (I)))); (* dummy so far *)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "lemma*"}
"close a document reference monitor"
(attributes >> (fn (((oid,pos),cid),doc_attrs) =>
(Toplevel.theory (I)))); (* dummy/fake so far *)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "assert*"}
"close a document reference monitor"
(attributes >> (fn (((oid,pos),cid),doc_attrs) =>
(Toplevel.theory (I)))); (* dummy/fake so far *)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "update_instance*"}
"update meta-attributes of an instance of a document class"
(attributes_upd >> (fn args => update_instance_command args));
end (* struct *)
section{* Syntax for Ontological Antiquotations (the '' View'' Part II) *}
structure OntoLinkParser =
fun check_and_mark ctxt cid_decl (str:{strict_checking: bool}) pos name =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
if DOF_core.is_defined_oid_global name thy
then let val {pos=pos_decl,id,cid,...} = the(DOF_core.get_object_global name thy)
val markup = docref_markup false name id pos_decl;
val _ = ctxt pos markup;
(* this sends a report for a ref application to the PIDE interface ... *)
val _ = if cid <> DOF_core.default_cid
andalso not(DOF_core.is_subclass ctxt cid cid_decl)
then error("reference ontologically inconsistent")
else ()
in name end
else if DOF_core.is_declared_oid_global name thy
then (if #strict_checking str
then warning("declared but undefined document reference:"^name)
else (); name)
else error("undefined document reference:"^name)
(* generic syntax for doc_class links. *)
val defineN = "define"
val uncheckedN = "unchecked"
val doc_ref_modes = Scan.optional (Args.parens (Args.$$$ defineN || Args.$$$ uncheckedN)
>> (fn str => if str = defineN
then {unchecked = false, define= true}
else {unchecked = true, define= false}))
{unchecked = false, define= false} (* default *);
fun docitem_ref_antiquotation name cid_decl =
let fun open_par x = if x then "\\label{"
else "\\autoref{"
val close = "}"
Thy_Output.antiquotation name (Scan.lift (doc_ref_modes -- Args.cartouche_input))
(fn {context = ctxt, source = src:Token.src, state} =>
fn ({unchecked = x, define= y}, source:Input.source) =>
(Thy_Output.output_text state {markdown=false} #>
check_and_mark ctxt
({strict_checking = not x})
(Input.pos_of source) #>
enclose (open_par y) close)
fun check_and_mark_term ctxt oid =
let val thy = Context.theory_of ctxt;
in if DOF_core.is_defined_oid_global oid thy
then let val {pos=pos_decl,id,cid,value,...} = the(DOF_core.get_object_global oid thy)
val markup = docref_markup false oid id pos_decl;
val _ = Context_Position.report_generic ctxt pos_decl markup;
(* this sends a report for a ref application to the PIDE interface ... *)
val _ = if cid = DOF_core.default_cid
then error("anonymous "^ DOF_core.default_cid ^ " class has no value" )
else ()
in value end
else error("undefined document reference:"^oid)
val X = (Scan.lift Args.cartouche_input : Input.source context_parser) >> (fn inp => "")
fun docitem_value_ML_antiquotation binding =
ML_Antiquotation.inline binding
(fn (ctxt, toks) => (Scan.lift (Args.cartouche_input)
>> (fn inp => (ML_Syntax.atomic o ML_Syntax.print_term)
(check_and_mark_term ctxt (Input.source_content inp))))
(ctxt, toks))
(* Setup for general docrefs of the global DOF_core.default_cid - class ("text")*)
val _ = Theory.setup((docitem_ref_antiquotation @{binding docref} DOF_core.default_cid) #>
(* deprecated syntax ^^^^^^*)
(docitem_ref_antiquotation @{binding docitem_ref} DOF_core.default_cid) #>
docitem_value_ML_antiquotation @{binding docitem_value})
end (* struct *)
fun calculate_attr_access ctxt proj_term term =
(* term assumed to be ground type, (f term) not necessarily *)
let val _ = writeln("XXX"^(Syntax.string_of_term ctxt term))
fun f X = proj_term $ X
val [subterm'] = Type_Infer_Context.infer_types ctxt [f term]
val ty = type_of (subterm')
val _ = writeln("YYY"^(Syntax.string_of_term ctxt subterm'))
val term' = (Const(@{const_name "HOL.eq"}, ty --> ty --> HOLogic.boolT)
$ subterm'
$ Free("_XXXXXXX", ty))
val _ = writeln("ZZZ"^(Syntax.string_of_term ctxt term'))
val thm = simplify ctxt (Thm.assume(Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop term')));
val Const(@{const_name "HOL.eq"},_) $ lhs $ _ = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Thm.concl_of thm)
in lhs end
fun calculate_attr_access_check ctxt proj_str str = (* template *)
let val term = Bound 0
in (ML_Syntax.atomic o ML_Syntax.print_term) term
ML_Syntax.atomic o ML_Syntax.print_term;
Args.term --| (Scan.lift @{keyword "in"}) -- Args.term;
fn (ctxt,toks) =>
(Scan.lift --| (Scan.lift @{keyword "in"}) -- Args.term >>
(fn(attr_term, class_term) => (ML_Syntax.atomic o ML_Syntax.print_term) class_term)) (ctxt, toks);
val _ = Theory.setup
( ML_Antiquotation.inline @{binding doc_class_attr} (Args.term >> (ML_Syntax.atomic o ML_Syntax.print_term)))
section{* Syntax for Ontologies (the '' View'' Part III) *}
structure OntoParser =
fun read_parent NONE ctxt = (NONE, ctxt)
| read_parent (SOME raw_T) ctxt =
(case Proof_Context.read_typ_abbrev ctxt raw_T of
Type (name, Ts) => (SOME (Ts, name), fold Variable.declare_typ Ts ctxt)
| T => error ("Bad parent record specification: " ^ Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T));
fun map_option _ NONE = NONE
|map_option f (SOME x) = SOME (f x);
fun read_fields raw_fields ctxt =
val Ts = Syntax.read_typs ctxt (map (fn ((_, raw_T, _),_) => raw_T) raw_fields);
val terms = map ((map_option (Syntax.read_term ctxt)) o snd) raw_fields
val count = Unsynchronized.ref (0 - 1);
fun incr () = count
fun test t1 t2 = Sign.typ_instance (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
(t1, AnnoTextelemParser.generalize_typ 0 t2)
fun check_default (ty,SOME trm) =
let val ty' = (type_of trm)
in if test ty ty'
then ()
else error("type mismatch:"^
(Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty')^":"^
(Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty))
(* BAD STYLE : better would be catching exn. *)
|check_default (_,_) = ()
val fields = map2 (fn ((x, _, mx),_) => fn T => (x, T, mx)) raw_fields Ts;
val _ = map check_default (Ts ~~ terms) (* checking types conform to defaults *)
val ctxt' = fold Variable.declare_typ Ts ctxt;
in (fields, terms, ctxt') end;
val tag_attr = (Binding.make("tag_attribute",@{here}), @{typ "int"},Mixfix.NoSyn)
fun add_doc_class_cmd overloaded (raw_params, binding) raw_parent raw_fieldsNdefaults rexp thy =
val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy;
val _ = map (Syntax.read_term_global thy) rexp;
val params = map (apsnd (Typedecl.read_constraint ctxt)) raw_params;
val ctxt1 = fold (Variable.declare_typ o TFree) params ctxt;
fun cid thy = DOF_core.name2doc_class_name thy (Binding.name_of binding)
val (parent, ctxt2) = read_parent raw_parent ctxt1;
val parent_cid_long = case parent of
NONE => DOF_core.default_cid
| SOME(_,str) => str
val (fields, terms, ctxt3) = read_fields raw_fieldsNdefaults ctxt2;
val fieldsNterms = (map (fn (a,b,_) => (a,b)) fields) ~~ terms
val fieldsNterms' = map (fn ((x,y),z) => (x,y,z)) fieldsNterms
val params' = map (Proof_Context.check_tfree ctxt3) params;
fun check_n_filter thy (bind,ty,mf) =
case DOF_core.get_attribute_long_name parent_cid_long (Binding.name_of bind) thy of
NONE => (* no prior declaration *) SOME(bind,ty,mf)
| SOME(class,attr,ty') => if ty = ty'
then (warning("overriding attribute:"^ attr^
" in doc class:" ^ class);
else error("no overloading allowed.")
val gen_antiquotation = OntoLinkParser.docitem_ref_antiquotation
val _ = map_filter (check_n_filter thy) fields
in thy |> Record.add_record overloaded (params', binding) parent (tag_attr::fields)
|> DOF_core.define_doc_class_global (params', binding) parent fieldsNterms'
|> (fn thy => gen_antiquotation binding (cid thy) thy)
(* defines the ontology-checked text antiquotation to this document class *)
|> (Sign.add_consts_cmd [(binding, "doc_class RegExp.rexp", Mixfix.NoSyn)])
(* adding const symbol representing doc-class for Monitor-RegExps.*)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword doc_class} "define document class"
-- (Parse.type_args_constrained -- Parse.binding)
-- (@{keyword "="}
|-- Scan.option (Parse.typ --| @{keyword "+"})
-- Scan.repeat1
(Parse.const_binding -- Scan.option (@{keyword "<="} |-- Parse.term)))
-- Scan.repeat (@{keyword "where"} |-- Parse.term))
>> (fn (((overloaded, x), (y, z)),rex) =>
Toplevel.theory (add_doc_class_cmd {overloaded = overloaded} x y z rex)));
end (* struct *)
ML{* open Mixfix;*}
section{* Testing and Validation *}