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section{* An example ontology for a scholarly paper*}
theory scholarly_paper
imports "../Isa_DOF"
doc_class title =
short_title :: "string option" <= "None"
doc_class subtitle =
abbrev :: "string option" <= "None"
-- \<open>adding a contribution list and checking that it is cited as well in tech as in conclusion. ? \<close>
doc_class author =
email :: "string"
orcid :: "string"
affiliation :: "string"
doc_class abstract =
keywordlist :: "string list" <= "[]"
principal_theorems :: "thm list"
doc_class text_section =
main_author :: "author option" <= None
fixme_list :: "string list" <= "[]"
doc_class introduction = text_section +
comment :: string
claims :: "thm list"
doc_class technical = text_section +
definition_list :: "string list" <= "[]"
formal_results :: "thm list"
text{* A very rough formatting style could be modeled as follows:*}
datatype placement = h | t | b | ht | hb
doc_class figure = text_section +
relative_width :: "string" (* percent of textwidth *)
src :: "string"
placement :: placement
spawn_columns :: bool <= True
(* something similar on tables ? Idea: rough abstraction of table attributes in LaTeX *)
doc_class example = text_section +
comment :: "string"
doc_class "conclusion" = text_section +
main_author :: "author option" <= None
doc_class related_work = "conclusion" +
main_author :: "author option" <= None
doc_class bibliography =
style :: "string option" <= "Some ''LNCS''"
text{* Besides subtyping, there is another relation between
doc_classes: a class can be a \emph{monitor} to other ones,
which is expressed by occurrence in the where clause.
While sub-classing refers to data-inheritance of attributes,
a monitor captures structural constraints -- the order --
in which instances of monitored classes may occur.
The control of monitors is done by the commands:
\<^item> monitor <doc-class>
\<^item> close_monitor <doc-class>
where the automaton of the monitor class is expected
to be in a final state.
Monitors can be nested.
Classes neither directly or via inheritance indirectly
mentioned in the monitor are \emph{independent} from
a monitor and may occur freely.
-- \<open>underlying idea: capture the essence of a monitor class as trace.
trace would be `predefined id` like `main` in C. \<close>
text{* @{cite bla} *}
doc_class article =
style_id :: string <= "''LNCS''"
version :: "(int \<times> int \<times> int)" <= "(0,0,0)"
trace :: "(title + subtitle + author+ abstract +
introduction + technical + example +
conclusion + bibliography) list"
where "(title ~~
\<lbrakk>subtitle\<rbrakk> ~~
\<lbrace>author\<rbrace>\<^sup>+ ~~
abstract ~~
introduction ~~
\<lbrace>technical || example\<rbrace>\<^sup>+ ~~
conclusion ~~