Kind of current status.

Crudely carved out of an other repository - not sure that this works.
This commit is contained in:
Burkhart Wolff 2018-02-07 19:44:27 +01:00
parent 5bb766e131
commit e29ee3789d
11 changed files with 1718 additions and 0 deletions

Assert.thy Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
(* Little theory implementing the an assertion command in Isabelle/HOL. *)
theory Assert
imports Main
keywords "assert" ::thy_decl
(* Reimplementation needed because not exported from ML structure Value_Command *)
fun value_maybe_select some_name =
case some_name
of NONE => Value_Command.value
| SOME name => Value_Command.value_select name;
(* Reimplementation structure Value_Command due to tiny modification of value_cmd. *)
fun assert_cmd some_name modes raw_t state =
val ctxt = Toplevel.context_of state;
val t = Syntax.read_term ctxt raw_t;
val t' = value_maybe_select some_name ctxt t;
val ty' = Term.type_of t';
val ty' = case ty' of @{typ "bool"} => ty' | _ => error "Assertion expressions must be boolean.";
val t' = case t' of @{term "True"} => t' | _ => error "Assertion failed.";
val ctxt' = Variable.auto_fixes t' ctxt;
val p = Print_Mode.with_modes modes (fn () =>
Pretty.block [Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt' t'), Pretty.fbrk,
Pretty.str "::", Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt' ty')]) ();
in Pretty.writeln p end;
(* Reimplementation needed because not exported from ML structure Value_Command *)
val opt_modes =
Scan.optional (@{keyword "("} |-- Parse.!!! (Scan.repeat1 --| @{keyword ")"})) [];
(* Reimplementation needed because not exported from ML structure Value_Command *)
val opt_evaluator =
Scan.option (@{keyword "["} |-- --| @{keyword "]"})
(* NEW *)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword assert} "evaluate and print term"
(opt_evaluator -- opt_modes -- Parse.term
>> (fn ((some_name, modes), t) => Toplevel.keep (assert_cmd some_name modes t) ));
(* Test:
assert ""
assert "3 = 4"
assert "False"
assert "5 * 5 = 25 "
assert "True \<and> True "
assert "(5::int) * 5 = 25 "

AssertLong.thy Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
theory AssertLong
imports Main
keywords "assert" ::thy_decl
fun value_maybe_select some_name =
case some_name
of NONE => Value_Command.value
| SOME name => Value_Command.value_select name;
val TT = Unsynchronized.ref (HOLogic.boolT);
fun value_cmd2 some_name modes raw_t state =
val ctxt = Toplevel.context_of state;
val t = Syntax.read_term ctxt raw_t;
val t' = value_maybe_select some_name ctxt t;
val ty' = Term.type_of t';
val t' = case ty' of @{typ "bool"} => t' | _ => error "Assertion expressions must be boolean.";
val t' = case t' of @{term "True"} => t' | _ => error "Assertion failed.";
val ctxt' = Variable.auto_fixes t' ctxt;
val p = Print_Mode.with_modes modes (fn () =>
Pretty.block [Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt' t'), Pretty.fbrk,
Pretty.str "::", Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt' ty')]) ();
in Pretty.writeln p end;
ML{* value_cmd2*}
definition ASSERT :: "bool \<Rightarrow> bool" where "ASSERT p == (p=True)"
ML{* val x = @{code "ASSERT"} *}
val opt_modes =
Scan.optional (@{keyword "("} |-- Parse.!!! (Scan.repeat1 --| @{keyword ")"})) [];
val opt_evaluator =
Scan.option (@{keyword "["} |-- --| @{keyword "]"})
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword assert} "evaluate and print term"
(opt_evaluator -- opt_modes -- Parse.term
>> (fn ((some_name, modes), t) =>
let val _ = writeln t in
(* Toplevel.keep (Value_Command.value_cmd some_name modes (enclose "ASSERT(" ")" t)) *)
Toplevel.keep (value_cmd2 some_name modes t)
assert "True"
assert "True \<and> True "
ML{* !TT ;
@{term "True"} *}

CC_ISO15408.thy Normal file
View File

CENELEC_50126.thy Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
chapter \<open>An Outline of a CENELEC Ontology\<close>
text{* NOTE: An Ontology-Model of a certification standard such as CENELEC or
Common Criteria identifies:
- notions (conceptual \emph{categories}) having \emph{instances}
(similar to classes and objects),
- their subtype relation (eg., a "SRAC" is an "assumption"),
- their syntactical structure
(for the moment: defined by regular expressions describing the
order of category instances in the overall document)
theory CENELEC_50126
imports Isa_DOF
text{* Excerpt of the BE EN 50128:2011 *}
section {* Requirements-Analysis related Categories *}
doc_class requirement_analysis_item =
long_name :: "string option"
doc_class requirement_analysis =
no :: "nat"
where "requirement_analysis_item +"
text{*The category @{emph \<open>hypothesis\<close>} is used for assumptions from the
foundational mathematical or physical domain, so for example:
\<^item> the Mordell-Lang conjecture holds,
\<^item> euklidian geometry is assumed, or
\<^item> Newtonian (non-relativistic) physics is assumed,
\<^item> @{term "P \<noteq> NP"},
\<^item> or the computational hardness of certain functions
relevant for cryptography (like prime-factorization).
Their acceptance is inherently outside the scope of the model
and can only established inside certification process by
authority argument.
datatype hyp_type = physical | mathematical | computational | other
doc_class hypothesis = requirement_analysis_item +
hyp_type :: hyp_type -- physical (* default *)
text{*The category @{emph \<open>assumption\<close>} is used for domain-specific assumptions.
It has formal , semi-formal and informal sub-categories. They have to be
tracked and discharged by appropriate validation procedures within a
certification process, by it by test or proof. *}
datatype ass_kind = informal | semiformal | formal
doc_class assumption = requirement_analysis_item +
assumption_kind :: ass_kind
text{*The category @{emph \<open>exported constraint\<close>} (or @{emph \<open>ec\<close>} for short)
is used for formal assumptions, that arise during the analysis,
design or implementation and have to be tracked till the final
evaluation target,and discharged by appropriate validation procedures
within the certification process, by it by test or proof. *}
doc_class ec = assumption +
assumption_kind :: ass_kind -- (*default *) formal
text{*The category @{emph \<open>safety related application condition\<close>} (or @{emph \<open>srac\<close>}
for short) is used for @{typ ec}'s that establish safety properties
of the evaluation target. Their trackability throughout the certification
is therefore particularly critical. *}
doc_class srac = ec +
assumption_kind :: ass_kind -- (*default *) formal
section {* Requirements-Analysis related Categories *}
doc_class test_item =
nn :: "string option"
text{* subcategories are : *}
datatype test_kind = blackbox | whitebox | greybox | fuzz | pertubation
datatype test_coverage_criterion =
allpathk nat nat (* depth, test_coverage_degree *)
| mcdc nat (* depth, test_coverage_degree *)
| exhaustive
| dnf_E_d string nat (* equivalence class testing *)
| other string
doc_class test_specification = test_item +
short_goal :: string
doc_class test_case = test_item +
kind :: test_kind
descr :: string
doc_class test_result = test_item +
verdict :: bool
remarks :: string
covvrit :: test_coverage_criterion
datatype test_environment_kind = hardware_in_the_loop ("hil")
| simulated_hardware_in_the_loop ("shil")
doc_class test_environment = test_item +
descr :: string
kind :: test_environment_kind -- shil
doc_class test_tool = test_item +
descr :: string
doc_class test_requirement = test_item +
descr :: string
doc_class test_adm_role = test_item +
name :: string
doc_class test_documentation =
no :: "nat"
where "(test_specification.((test_case.test_result)+.(test_environment|test_tool))+.
section{* Example *}
text*[ass122::srac] {* The overall sampling frequence of the odometer
subsystem is therefore 14 khz, which includes sampling, computing and
result communication times... *}
text*[t10::test_result] {* This is a meta-test. This could be an ML-command
that governs the external test-execution via, eg., a makefile or specific calls
to a test-environment or test-engine *}
text \<open> As established by @{docref \<open>t10\<close>}, the
assumption @{docref \<open>ass122\<close>} is validated. \<close>
(* Hack: This should be generated automatically: *)
val _ = Theory.setup
((DocAttrParser.control_antiquotation @{binding srac} {strict_checking=true} "\\autoref{" "}" ) #>
(DocAttrParser.control_antiquotation @{binding ec}{strict_checking=true} "\\autoref{" "}")#>
(DocAttrParser.control_antiquotation @{binding requirement_analysis_item} {strict_checking=true} "\\label{" "}"))

Isa_DOF.thy Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
chapter \<open>The Document-Type Support Framework for Isabelle \<close>
text{* Offering reflection to ML for class hierarchies, objects and object states.
+ Isar syntax for these, assuming that classes entities fit to predefined
Isar keywords.
text{* In this section, we develop on the basis of a management of references Isar-markups
that provide direct support in the PIDE framework. *}
theory Isa_DOF (* Isabelle Document Ontology Framework *)
imports Main (* Isa_MOF *)
keywords "section*" "subsection*" "subsubsection*"
"paragraph*" "subparagraph*" "text*" "declare_reference"::thy_decl
"doc_class" :: thy_decl
section{* Reflection of MOF into ML *}
ML_file "MOF.sml"
ML{* val mt = @{code mt} *}
ML{* val replace_class_hierarchy = @{code replace_class_hierarchy}
val get_class = @{code get_class};
section{* A HomeGrown Document Type Management (the ''Model'') *}
op |>;
op #>;
op |>> : ('a * 'c) * ('a -> 'b) -> 'b * 'c;
op ||> : ('c * 'a) * ('a -> 'b) -> 'c * 'b
fun H1 f (a,b) = (f a, b)
fun H2 f (a,b) = (a, f b)
structure DocObjTab =
datatype docclass_struct = DocClassStruct of
{inherits_from : string option,
pos : Position.T, thy_name : string,
id : serial, (* for pide *)
attribute_decl : (string * string * string option) list}
type docclass_tab = docclass_struct Symtab.table
val initial_docclass_tab = Symtab.empty:docclass_tab
fun merge_docclass_tab (otab,otab') = Symtab.merge (op =) (otab,otab')
fun is_subclass (tab:docclass_tab) s t =
let val _ = case Symtab.lookup tab t of
NONE => error "super doc_class reference not defined"
| SOME X => X
fun father_is_sub s = case Symtab.lookup tab s of
NONE => error "inconsistent doc_class hierarchy"
| SOME (DocClassStruct{inherits_from=NONE, ...}) => s = t
| SOME (DocClassStruct{inherits_from=SOME s', ...}) => s' = t
father_is_sub s'
in s = t orelse father_is_sub s
type docobj = {pos : Position.T, thy_name : string, id : serial, cid : string}
type docobj_tab ={tab : (docobj option) Symtab.table,
maxano : int
val initial_docobj_tab:docobj_tab = {tab = Symtab.empty, maxano = 0}
fun merge_docobj_tab ({tab=otab,maxano=m}, {tab=otab',maxano=m'}) =
(let fun X(NONE,NONE) = false
|X(SOME _, NONE) = false
|X(NONE, SOME _) = false
|X(SOME b, SOME b') = true (* b = b' *)
in {tab=Symtab.merge X (otab,otab'),maxano=Int.max(m,m')}
structure Data = Generic_Data
type T = docobj_tab * docclass_tab
val empty = (initial_docobj_tab, initial_docclass_tab)
val extend = I
fun merge((d1,c1),(d2,c2)) = (merge_docobj_tab (d1, d2), merge_docclass_tab(c1,c2))
val get_data = Data.get o Context.Proof;
val map_data =;
val get_data_global = Data.get o Context.Theory;
val map_data_global = Context.theory_map o map_data;
fun is_declared_oid_global oid thy = let val {tab=t,maxano=_} = fst(get_data_global thy)
in Symtab.defined t oid end
fun is_declared_oid_local oid thy = let val {tab=t,maxano=_} = fst(get_data thy)
in Symtab.defined t oid end
fun is_defined_oid_global oid thy = let val {tab=t,maxano=_} = fst(get_data_global thy)
in case Symtab.lookup t oid of
NONE => false
|SOME(NONE) => false
|SOME _ => true
fun is_defined_oid_local oid thy = let val {tab=t,maxano=_} = fst(get_data thy)
in case Symtab.lookup t oid of
NONE => false
|SOME(NONE) => false
|SOME _ => true
fun declare_object_global oid thy = (map_data_global
(H1(fn {tab=t,maxano=x} =>
handle Symtab.DUP _ =>
error("multiple declaration of document reference"))
fun declare_object_local oid ctxt = (map_data (H1(fn {tab=t,maxano=x} =>
{tab=Symtab.update_new(oid,NONE) t,
handle Symtab.DUP _ =>
error("multiple declaration of document reference"))
fun define_object_global (oid, bbb) thy =
let val nn = Context.theory_name thy (* in case that we need the thy-name to identify
the space where it is ... *)
in if is_defined_oid_global oid thy
then error("multiple definition of document reference")
else map_data_global (H1(fn {tab=t,maxano=x} =>
{tab=Symtab.update(oid,SOME bbb) t,
fun define_object_local (oid, bbb) ctxt =
map_data (H1(fn {tab=t,maxano=x} =>
{tab=Symtab.update(oid,SOME bbb) t,maxano=x})) ctxt
(* declares an anonyme label of a given type and generates a unique reference ... *)
fun declare_anoobject_global thy cid = map_data_global
(H1(fn {tab=t,maxano=x} =>
let val str = cid^":"^Int.toString(x+1)
val _ = writeln("Anonymous doc-ref declared: "
in {tab=Symtab.update(str,NONE)t,maxano=x+1}
fun declare_anoobject_local ctxt cid = map_data
(H1(fn {tab=t,maxano=x} =>
let val str = cid^":"^Int.toString(x+1)
val _ = writeln("Anonymous doc-ref declared: "
in {tab=Symtab.update(str,NONE)t, maxano=x+1}
fun get_object_global oid thy = let val {tab=t,maxano=_} = fst(get_data_global thy)
in case Symtab.lookup t oid of
NONE => error"undefined reference"
|SOME(bbb) => bbb
fun get_object_local oid ctxt = let val {tab=t,maxano=_} = fst(get_data ctxt)
in case Symtab.lookup t oid of
NONE => error"undefined reference"
|SOME(bbb) => bbb
fun writeln_keys ctxt = let val {tab=t,maxano=_} = fst(get_data ctxt)
in writeln (String.concatWith "," (Symtab.keys t)) end
end (* struct *)
section{* Syntax for Annotated Documentation Commands (the '' View'') *}
structure DocAttrParser =
val semi = Scan.option (Parse.$$$ ";");
val attribute =
Parse.position -- Scan.optional (Parse.$$$ "=" |-- Parse.!!! "";
val reference =
Parse.position -- Scan.optional (Parse.$$$ "::" |-- Parse.!!! "";
val attributes = (Parse.$$$ "[" |-- (reference --
(Scan.optional(Parse.$$$ "," |-- (Parse.enum "," attribute))) []))
--| Parse.$$$ "]"
val docrefN = "docref";
(* derived from: theory_markup *)
fun docref_markup def name id pos =
if id = 0 then Markup.empty
else (Position.entity_properties_of def id pos)
(Markup.entity docrefN name); (* or better store the thy-name as property ? ? ? *)
fun init_docref_markup (name, pos) thy = (* now superfluous ? *)
val id = serial ();
val _ = pos (docref_markup true name id pos);
in (* map_thy (fn (_, _, axioms, defs, wrappers) => (pos, id, axioms, defs, wrappers)) *)
(* old :
fun enriched_document_command markdown (((((oid,pos),dtyp),doc_attrs),xstring_opt),toks) =
(Thy_Output.document_command markdown (xstring_opt,toks)) o
(Toplevel.theory(DocObjTab.define_object_global (oid, (Binding.make (oid, pos),dtyp))))
(* new *)
{markdown: bool} ->
((((string * Position.T) * string) * 'a) * (xstring * Position.T) option) * Input.source
-> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
fun enriched_document_command markdown (((((oid,pos),dtyp:string),doc_attrs),
xstring_opt:(xstring * Position.T) option),
toks:Input.source) =
val id = serial ();
val _ = pos (docref_markup true oid id pos);
(* creates a markup label for this position and reports it to the PIDE framework;
this label is used as jump-target for point-and-click feature. *)
fun enrich_trans thy = let val name = Context.theory_name thy
in DocObjTab.define_object_global (oid, {pos=pos, thy_name=name,
id=id , cid=dtyp})
fun MMM(SOME(s,p)) = SOME(s^"XXX",p)
|MMM(NONE) = SOME("XXX", "")
(Toplevel.theory(enrich_trans)) #>
(Thy_Output.document_command markdown (MMM xstring_opt,toks)) #>
(Thy_Output.document_command markdown (SOME("\\label{"^oid^"}", ""),toks)) #>
(Thy_Output.document_command markdown (SOME("\\label{"^oid^"}", ""),toks))
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("section*", @{here}) "section heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("subsection*", @{here}) "subsection heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("subsubsection*", @{here}) "subsubsection heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("paragraph*", @{here}) "paragraph heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("subparagraph*", @{here}) "subparagraph heading"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source --| semi
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command ("text*", @{here}) "formal comment (primary style)"
(attributes -- Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source
>> enriched_document_command {markdown = false});
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "declare_reference"} "declare document reference"
(attributes >> (fn (((oid,pos),cid),doc_attrs) =>
(Toplevel.theory (DocObjTab.declare_object_global oid))));
(* Proof.context -> Symtab.key * Position.T -> Pretty.T ; dead code:
fun pretty_docref ctxt (name, pos) =
(* val _ = DocObjTab.writeln_keys ctxt *)
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
fun pretty_docref str = let val tok = Pretty.enclose "\\autoref{" "}" (Pretty.text (str))
(* val _ = writeln (Pretty.string_of tok) *)
in tok end
if DocObjTab.is_defined_oid_global name thy
then let val {pos=pos_decl,id,...} = the(DocObjTab.get_object_global name thy)
val markup = docref_markup false name id pos_decl;
val _ = ctxt pos markup;
(* this sends a report to the PIDE interface ... *)
in pretty_docref name end
else if DocObjTab.is_declared_oid_global name thy
then (warning("declared but undefined document reference:"^name);
pretty_docref name)
else error("undefined document reference:"^name)
fun check_and_mark ctxt (str:{strict_checking: bool}) pos name =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
if DocObjTab.is_defined_oid_global name thy
then let val {pos=pos_decl,id,...} = the(DocObjTab.get_object_global name thy)
val markup = docref_markup false name id pos_decl;
val _ = ctxt pos markup;
(* this sends a report to the PIDE interface ... *)
in name end
else if DocObjTab.is_declared_oid_global name thy
then (if #strict_checking str then warning("declared but undefined document reference:"^name)
else (); name)
else error("undefined document reference:"^name)
(* superfluous :
fun basic_entities_style name scan pretty =
Thy_Output.antiquotation name scan (fn {source, context = ctxt, ...} => fn (style, xs) =>
Thy_Output.output ctxt
(Thy_Output.maybe_pretty_source (fn ctxt => fn x => pretty ctxt (style, x)) ctxt source xs));
fun basic_entities name scan pretty =
Thy_Output.antiquotation name scan (fn {source, context = ctxt, ...} =>
Thy_Output.output ctxt o Thy_Output.maybe_pretty_source pretty ctxt source);
fun basic_entity name scan = basic_entities name (scan >> single);
fun control_antiquotation name (str:{strict_checking: bool}) s1 s2 =
Thy_Output.antiquotation name (Scan.lift (Args.cartouche_input))
(fn {context =ctxt, source = src:Token.src, state} =>
fn source:Input.source =>
(Thy_Output.output_text state {markdown=false} #>
check_and_mark ctxt (str:{strict_checking: bool})(Input.pos_of source) #>
enclose s1 s2)
val _ = Theory.setup
((control_antiquotation @{binding docref} {strict_checking=true} "\\autoref{" "}" ) #>
(control_antiquotation @{binding docref_unchecked}{strict_checking=false} "\\autoref{" "}")#>
(control_antiquotation @{binding docref_define} {strict_checking=false} "\\label{" "}"))
end (* struct *)
fun read_parent NONE ctxt = (NONE, ctxt)
| read_parent (SOME raw_T) ctxt =
(case Proof_Context.read_typ_abbrev ctxt raw_T of
Type (name, Ts) => (SOME (Ts, name), fold Variable.declare_typ Ts ctxt)
| T => error ("Bad parent record specification: " ^ Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T));
fun read_fields raw_fields ctxt =
val Ts = Syntax.read_typs ctxt (map (fn (_, raw_T, _) => raw_T) raw_fields);
val fields = map2 (fn (x, _, mx) => fn T => (x, T, mx)) raw_fields Ts;
val ctxt' = fold Variable.declare_typ Ts ctxt;
in (fields, ctxt') end;
fun add_record_cmd overloaded (raw_params, binding) raw_parent raw_fields thy =
val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy;
val params = map (apsnd (Typedecl.read_constraint ctxt)) raw_params;
val ctxt1 = fold (Variable.declare_typ o TFree) params ctxt;
val (parent, ctxt2) = read_parent raw_parent ctxt1;
val (fields, ctxt3) = read_fields raw_fields ctxt2;
val params' = map (Proof_Context.check_tfree ctxt3) params;
in thy |> Record.add_record overloaded (params', binding) parent fields end;
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword doc_class} "define document class"
-- (Parse.type_args_constrained -- Parse.binding)
-- (@{keyword "="} |-- Scan.option (Parse.typ --| @{keyword "+"})
-- Scan.repeat1 Parse.const_binding)
-- Scan.option (@{keyword "where"} |-- Parse.term)
>> (fn (((overloaded, x), (y, z)),_) =>
Toplevel.theory (add_record_cmd {overloaded = overloaded} x y z)));
(* Look at this thingi ... *)
ML \<open>
fun document_command markdown (loc, txt) =
(fn state => (case loc of
NONE => ignore (Thy_Output.output_text state markdown txt)
| SOME (_, pos) => error ("Illegal target specification -- not a theory context"
^ pos)))
o Toplevel.present_local_theory loc
(fn state => ignore (Thy_Output.output_text state markdown txt));

Isa_MOF.thy Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
chapter \<open>The Document Meta-Class Framework for Isabelle \<close>
text{* A kind of ".dtd" for Isabelle documents modeled inside Isabelle for Isabelle, including
general reg-exps for specifying the syntactic structure of sub-entities as well as
sub-typing between document classes. *}
theory Isa_MOF
imports RegExp
type_synonym string = String.literal
type_synonym cid = string (*class identifier *)
type_synonym aid = string (*attribute identifier *)
type_synonym xstring = string
type_synonym oid = string
datatype attribute_types = file\<^sub>T (file_name: string)
| image_file\<^sub>T (image_file_name : string)
| thms\<^sub>T (thm_names : "string list")
| int\<^sub>T (int_of : int)
| bool\<^sub>T (bool_of : bool)
| string\<^sub>T (string_of : string)
| text\<^sub>T (text_of : xstring)
| range\<^sub>T (start : int) (end_opt : "int option")
| enum\<^sub>T (enum_ids : "string list")
datatype ('\<sigma>\<^sub>s\<^sub>y\<^sub>s)base_types = int\<^sub>T (default1:"int")
| string\<^sub>T (default2:"string")
| int_list\<^sub>T (default3:"int list")
| string\<^sub>_list\<^sub>T (default4:"string list")
| method\<^sub>T (action:"'\<sigma>\<^sub>s\<^sub>y\<^sub>s \<Rightarrow> '\<sigma>\<^sub>s\<^sub>y\<^sub>s")
(* Options ?*)
type_synonym attribute_env = "(string \<times> attribute_types)list"
type_synonym entity_env = "(string \<times> (oid \<times> cid)rexp) list"
(* entities have a regular structure, i.e. their syntactic structure is described by
a regular grammar involving in object-conformance checks a grammar check. *)
datatype class_hierarchy = class\<^sub>T (class_name : cid)
(subclasses : "class_hierarchy list" )
(attributes : "attribute_env")
(entities : "entity_env")
(* The conceptual distinction between attributes and entities is pragmatic - attributes
are basic values, components sub-OBJECTS having an class-typed syntactical
structure. *)
(* Note: we may have override in attributes and entities,
and their name-spaces are disjoint. Obviously, the syntactic entity structure may be
inexistent ([]) or having empty entities ("bla", <>). The semantics of the list concatenation
of two entities is textual sequencing. *)
text{* in the reflection part, @{typ 'oid} will be instantiated with
@{ML_type "bstring * Binding.binding"} pairs allowing native Isabelle/jedit support for
document editing. *} (* quatsch *)
definition mt :: "class_hierarchy"
where "mt == class\<^sub>T (String.implode ''/'') [] [] [] "
fun classes :: "class_hierarchy \<Rightarrow> string list"
where "classes (class\<^sub>T name sub_classes attr comps) = name # concat(map classes sub_classes)"
fun all_attributes :: "class_hierarchy \<Rightarrow> attribute_env list"
where "all_attributes (class\<^sub>T name sub_classes attr comps) = attr # (map attributes sub_classes)"
fun all_entities :: "class_hierarchy \<Rightarrow> entity_env list"
where "all_entities (class\<^sub>T name sub_classes attr comps) = comps # (map entities sub_classes)"
fun atoms_of :: "'a rexp \<Rightarrow> 'a list"
where "atoms_of <> = []"
|"atoms_of (\<lfloor>x\<rfloor>) = [x]"
|"atoms_of(a | b) = atoms_of a @ atoms_of b"
|"atoms_of(a : b) = atoms_of a @ atoms_of b"
|"atoms_of(Star a) = atoms_of a"
text{* Elementary consistency definitions ... *}
definition wff :: "class_hierarchy \<Rightarrow> bool"
where "wff H = (distinct(classes H) \<and>
(\<forall> (_,cid) \<in> set(concat(map(atoms_of o snd)
(concat(all_entities H)))). cid \<in> set(classes H)) \<and>
(\<forall> attribute_list \<in> set(all_attributes H). distinct(map fst attribute_list)) \<and>
(\<forall> entity_list \<in> set(all_entities H). distinct(map fst entity_list))
lemma wff_mt [simp]: "wff mt"
unfolding mt_def wff_def by auto
lemma class_names_distinct : "wff H \<Longrightarrow> distinct(classes H)" unfolding wff_def by(auto)
lemma class_names_declared_in_component_decl :
"wff H \<Longrightarrow> (\<forall> (_,cid) \<in> set(concat(map(atoms_of o snd)
(concat(all_entities H)))). cid \<in> set(classes H))"
unfolding wff_def by(auto)
lemma attribute_names_unique_in_attr_decl :
"wff H \<Longrightarrow> (\<forall> attribute_list \<in> set(all_attributes H). distinct(map fst attribute_list))"
unfolding wff_def by(auto)
lemma component_names_unique_in_attr_decl :
"wff H \<Longrightarrow> (\<forall> entity_list \<in> set(all_attributes H). distinct(map fst entity_list))"
unfolding wff_def by(auto)
fun get_subclass :: "class_hierarchy \<Rightarrow> nat list \<Rightarrow> class_hierarchy option"
where "get_subclass H [] = Some H"
|"get_subclass (class\<^sub>T cid subs attrs ents) (n#S) =
(if n < length subs
then case get_subclass (subs ! n) S of
Some H' \<Rightarrow> Some (class\<^sub>T cid (subs[n := H']) attrs ents)
| None \<Rightarrow> None
else None)"
(* I don't know if this is general enough. It does not allow the introduction
of classes which are mutually dependant.
fun extend_class_hierarchy :: "((class_hierarchy \<Rightarrow> class_hierarchy) \<times> class_hierarchy) \<Rightarrow>
(cid \<times> attribute_env \<times> entity_env) \<Rightarrow>
class_hierarchy" (infixl "\<uplus>" 70)
where "(C,H) \<uplus> (cid,attrs,ents) =
(if cid \<notin> set(classes (C H)) (* cid fresh in context and subhierarchy *)
then if distinct(map fst attrs)
then if distinct(map fst ents)
then case H of
class\<^sub>T cid' subs attrs' ents' \<Rightarrow>
C(class\<^sub>T cid' (( class\<^sub>T cid [] attrs' ents') # subs) attrs ents)
else mt
else mt
else mt)"
(* Todo : Lemmas that establish wff of extended trees *)
lemma wff_preserved :
assumes "wff (C H)"
shows "wff((C,H) \<uplus> (cid,attrs,ents))"
apply(insert assms)
(* well, this does not hold. this can only be true for standard contexts C, but
how do we model this ? ? ? *)
(* sigh, then try Dewey notation and classical grafting. *)
section{* Subclass properties *}
fun dir_sub_class :: "string \<Rightarrow> class_hierarchy \<Rightarrow> string \<Rightarrow> bool"
("(_)\<sqsubset>\<^bsub>(_)\<^esub> (_)"[60,80,60]80)
where "(s \<sqsubset>\<^bsub>(class\<^sub>T n subs _ _)\<^esub> t) = ((s=n \<and> t \<in> set (map class_name subs) \<or>
(\<exists> sub\<in>set subs. s \<sqsubset>\<^bsub>sub\<^esub> t)))"
definition sub_class :: "string \<Rightarrow> class_hierarchy \<Rightarrow> string \<Rightarrow> bool"
("(_)\<sqsubseteq>\<^bsub>(_)\<^esub> (_)"[60,80,60]80)
where "(s \<sqsubseteq>\<^bsub>(H)\<^esub> t) = ((s,t) \<in> {(x,y). x \<sqsubset>\<^bsub>(H)\<^esub> y}\<^sup>*) "
lemma sub_class_refl : "(s \<sqsubseteq>\<^bsub>(H)\<^esub> s)"
unfolding sub_class_def
by simp
text{* A manner to compute the subclass relationship effectively gives the following lemma: *}
lemma sub_class_trans_comp :
"(s \<sqsubseteq>\<^bsub>(H)\<^esub> t) = (if class_name H = s
then \<exists> s'\<in> set(map class_name (subclasses H)). (s' \<sqsubseteq>\<^bsub>(H)\<^esub> t)
else \<exists> H'\<in> set(subclasses H). (s \<sqsubseteq>\<^bsub>(H')\<^esub> t) )"
proof(induct H) print_cases
case (class\<^sub>T n subs attrs)
then show ?case (* using class\<^sub>T.hyps *) apply auto
subsection{* Fundamental search and replacement operations in a hierarchy *}
fun replace_class_hierarchy :: "((class_hierarchy \<Rightarrow> class_hierarchy) \<times> class_hierarchy) \<Rightarrow>
cid \<Rightarrow>
class_hierarchy \<Rightarrow>
class_hierarchy" ("(_)[_\\_]" [80,80,80]80)
where "(C,class\<^sub>T cid' subs attrs ents) [cid \\ H'] = (if cid = cid'
then C H'
else C(class\<^sub>T cid'
(map (\<lambda>X. (\<lambda>x. x, X) [cid \\ H']) subs) attrs ents))"
fun get_class :: "cid \<Rightarrow> class_hierarchy \<Rightarrow> (attribute_env \<times> entity_env \<times> class_hierarchy)option"
where "get_class cid (class\<^sub>T c_name subc attrs comps) =
(if cid = c_name then Some([],[],(class\<^sub>T c_name subc attrs comps))
else (case filter (\<lambda>X. X \<noteq> None) (map (get_class cid) subc) of
[] \<Rightarrow> None
| (Some(x,y,H) # _) \<Rightarrow> Some(attrs@x,comps@y,H)))"
subsection{* Objects and States *}
type_synonym object = "cid \<times> attribute_env \<times> (oid \<times> cid) list"
type_synonym state = "oid \<rightharpoonup> object"
fun remove_overrides :: "('\<alpha> \<Rightarrow> '\<beta>) \<Rightarrow> '\<alpha> list \<Rightarrow> '\<alpha> list"
where "remove_overrides f [] = []"
|"remove_overrides f (a#R) = (if f a \<in> set(map f R) then remove_overrides f R
else a # (remove_overrides f R))"
subsection{* Code-Generation *}
type_constructor prod \<rightharpoonup> (SML) infix 2 "*"
| constant Pair \<rightharpoonup> (SML) "!((_),/ (_))"
type_constructor bool \<rightharpoonup> (SML) "bool"
| constant True \<rightharpoonup> (SML) "true"
| constant False \<rightharpoonup> (SML) "false"
| constant "HOL.conj" \<rightharpoonup> (SML) infix 1 "_ andalso _"
(* todo: checker for "validity" of an object wrt to its class description *)
export_code mt classes all_attributes all_entities remove_overrides
(* replace_class_hierarchy get_class extend_class_hierarchy *) in SML
module_name MOF file "MOF.sml"
(* Hhm, a slightly more pragmatic approach to document types ... *)

MyCommentedIsabelle.thy Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
chapter \<open>A More Or Less Structured File with my Personal, Ecclectic Comments
on Internal Isabelle/Infrastructure \<close>
text" Covering Parsers, Pretty-Printers and Presentation, and Kernel. "
theory MyCommentedIsabelle
imports Main
section "Isabelle/Pure bootstrap";
text "The Fundamental Boot Order gives an Idea on Module Dependencies: "
text \<open> @{file "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/ROOT.ML"}\<close>
text "It's even roughly commented ... "
section{* Stuff - Interesting operators (just sample code) *}
(* Vorbild *)
text \<open> @{footnote \<open>sdf\<close> }\<close>
subsection\<open> Global State Management\<close>
subsubsection\<open> Mechanism 1 : configuration flags of fixed type. \<close>
Config.get @{context} Thy_Output.quotes;
Config.get @{context} Thy_Output.display;
val C = Synchronized.var "Pretty.modes" "latEEex";
(* Synchronized: a mechanism to bookkeep global
variables with synchronization mechanism included *)
Synchronized.value C;
fun output ctxt prts =
603 prts
604 |> Config.get ctxt quotes ? map Pretty.quote
605 |> (if Config.get ctxt display then
606 map (Pretty.indent (Config.get ctxt indent) #> string_of_margin ctxt #> Output.output)
607 #> space_implode "\\isasep\\isanewline%\n"
608 #> Latex.environment "isabelle"
609 else
610 map
611 ((if Config.get ctxt break then string_of_margin ctxt else Pretty.unformatted_string_of)
612 #> Output.output)
613 #> space_implode "\\isasep\\isanewline%\n"
614 #> enclose "\\isa{" "}");
subsubsection\<open> Mechanism 2 : global arbitrary data structure that is attached to the global and
local Isabelle context $\theta$ \<close>
ML {*
datatype X = mt
val init = mt;
val ext = I
fun merge (X,Y) = mt
structure Data = Generic_Data
type T = X
val empty = init
val extend = ext
val merge = merge
(* General combinators (in Pure/General/basics.ML)*)
op #>; (* reversed function composition *)
op |--;
op --|;
op --;
op ?;
(* Tokens and Bindings *)
(* Core: Token.T *)
(* Derived type : *)
type 'a parser = T list -> 'a * T list
type 'a context_parser = Context.generic * T list -> 'a * (Context.generic * T list)
Token.content_of; (* textueller kern eines Tokens. *)
val H = @{binding here}; (* There are "bindings" consisting of a text-span and a position,
where \<dieresis>positions\<dieresis> are absolute references to a file *)
Binding.pos_of @{binding erzerzer};;
(* Scanning and combinator parsing. *)
Scan.option: ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b option * 'a;
Scan.repeat: ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a;
Scan.lift (Parse.position Args.cartouche_input);
(* "parsers" are actually interpreters; an 'a parser is a function that parses
an input stream and computes(=evaluates, computes) it into 'a.
Since the semantics of an Isabelle command is a transition => transition
or theory \<Rightarrow> theory function, i.e. a global system transition.
parsers of that type can be constructed and be bound as call-back functions
to a table in the Toplevel-structure of Isar.
The type 'a parser is already defined in the structure Toekn.
Parse.nat: int parser; int parser;
Parse.enum_positions: string -> 'a parser -> ('a list * Position.T list) parser;
Parse.enum: string -> 'a parser -> 'a list parser;
Parse.position: 'a parser -> ('a * Position.T) parser;
(* Examples *)
Parse.position Args.cartouche_input;
(* More High-level, more Isar-specific Parsers *);
Args.cartouche_input: Input.source parser;
Args.text_token: Token.T parser;
val Z = let val attribute = Parse.position --
Scan.optional (Parse.$$$ "=" |-- Parse.!!! "";
in (Scan.optional(Parse.$$$ "," |-- (Parse.enum "," attribute))) end ;
(* this leads to constructions like the following, where a parser for a *)
fn name => (Thy_Output.antiquotation name (Scan.lift (Parse.position Args.cartouche_input)));
(* Bindings *)
ML\<open>val X = @{here};\<close>
(* Output: Very Low Level *)
Output.output; (* output is the structure for the "hooks" with the target devices. *)
Output.output "bla_1:";
Thy_Output.output_text: Toplevel.state -> {markdown: bool} -> Input.source -> string;
binding ->
'a context_parser ->
({context: Proof.context, source: Token.src, state: Toplevel.state} -> 'a -> string) ->
theory -> theory;
Thy_Output.output: Proof.context -> Pretty.T list -> string;
Thy_Output.output_text: Toplevel.state -> {markdown: bool} -> Input.source -> string;
Thy_Output.output : Proof.context -> Pretty.T list -> string;
(* Context and Theory: *)
(* Theory.map_thy; *)
(* Outer_Syntax.pretty_command; not exported*)
Theory.setup; (* The thing to extend the table of "command"s with parser - callbacks. *)
(* Pretty.T, pretty-operations. *)
(* interesting piece for LaTeX Generation:
fun verbatim_text ctxt =
if Config.get ctxt display then
split_lines #> map (prefix (Symbol.spaces (Config.get ctxt indent))) #> cat_lines #>
Latex.output_ascii #> Latex.environment "isabellett"
split_lines #>
map (Latex.output_ascii #> enclose "\\isatt{" "}") #>
space_implode "\\isasep\\isanewline%\n";
(* From structure Thy_Output *)
fun pretty_const ctxt c =
val t = Const (c, Consts.type_scheme (Proof_Context.consts_of ctxt) c)
handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => error msg;
val ([t'], _) = Variable.import_terms true [t] ctxt;
in pretty_term ctxt t' end;
basic_entity @{binding const} (Args.const {proper = true, strict = false}) pretty_const #>
Pretty.enclose : string -> string -> Pretty.T list -> Pretty.T; (* not to confuse with: String.enclose *)
(* At times, checks where attached to Pretty - functions and exceptions used to
stop the execution/validation of a command *)
fun pretty_theory ctxt (name, pos) = (Theory.check ctxt (name, pos); Pretty.str name);
Pretty.text "bla_d";
Pretty.quote; (* Pretty.T transformation adding " " *)
Pretty.unformatted_string_of : Pretty.T -> string ;
Latex.environment "isa" "bg";
Latex.output_ascii "a_b:c'é";
(* Note: *)
space_implode "sd &e sf dfg" ["qs","er","alpa"];
fun pretty_command (cmd as (name, Command {comment, ...})) =
([Active.make_markup Markup.sendbackN {implicit = true, properties = [Markup.padding_line]},
command_markup false cmd], name) :: Pretty.str ":" :: Pretty.brk 2 :: Pretty.text comment);
(* Markup Operations, and reporting. *)
(* Markup.enclose; *)
Position.reports; (* ? ? ? I think this is the magic thing that sends reports to the GUI. *);
fun theory_markup def name id pos =
if id = 0 then Markup.empty
else (Position.entity_properties_of def id pos)
(Markup.entity Markup.theoryN name);
(* From Theory:
fun check ctxt (name, pos) =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val thy' =
Context.get_theory thy name
handle ERROR msg =>
val completion =
Completion.make (name, pos)
(fn completed =>
map Context.theory_name (ancestors_of thy)
|> filter completed
|> sort_strings
|> map (fn a => (a, (Markup.theoryN, a))));
val report = Markup.markup_report (Completion.reported_text completion);
in error (msg ^ pos ^ report) end;
val _ = ctxt pos (get_markup thy');
in thy' end;
fun init_markup (name, pos) thy =
val id = serial ();
val _ = pos (theory_markup true name id pos);
in map_thy (fn (_, _, axioms, defs, wrappers) => (pos, id, axioms, defs, wrappers)) thy end;
fun get_markup thy =
let val {pos, id, ...} = rep_theory thy
in theory_markup false (Context.theory_name thy) id pos end;
serial(); (* A global, lock-guarded seriel counter used to produce unique identifiers,
be it on the level of thy-internal states or as reference in markup in
fun theory_markup def thy_name id pos =
if id = 0 then Markup.empty
else (Position.entity_properties_of def id pos)
(Markup.entity Markup.theoryN thy_name);
fun get_markup thy =
let val {pos, id, ...} = rep_theory thy
in theory_markup false (Context.theory_name thy) id pos end;
fun init_markup (name, pos) thy =
val id = serial ();
val _ = pos (theory_markup true name id pos);
in map_thy (fn (_, _, axioms, defs, wrappers) => (pos, id, axioms, defs, wrappers)) thy end;
fun check ctxt (name, pos) =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val thy' =
Context.get_theory thy name
handle ERROR msg =>
val completion =
Completion.make (name, pos)
(fn completed =>
map Context.theory_name (ancestors_of thy)
|> filter completed
|> sort_strings
|> map (fn a => (a, (Markup.theoryN, a))));
val report = Markup.markup_report (Completion.reported_text completion);
in error (msg ^ pos ^ report) end;
val _ = ctxt pos (get_markup thy');
in thy' end;
*); (* read : add Properties.T items into Markup.T *)
Toplevel.presentation_context_of; (* Toplevel is a kind of table with call-bacl functions *)
Consts.the_const; (* T is a kind of signature ... *)
fun control_antiquotation name s1 s2 =
Thy_Output.antiquotation name (Scan.lift Args.cartouche_input)
(fn {state, ...} => enclose s1 s2 o Thy_Output.output_text state {markdown = false});
Syntax.read_input ;
basic_entity @{binding const} (Args.const {proper = true, strict = false}) pretty_const #>
Config.get @{context} Thy_Output.display;
Config.get @{context} Thy_Output.source;
Config.get @{context} Thy_Output.modes;
(* is:
fun document_command markdown (loc, txt) =
Toplevel.keep (fn state =>
(case loc of
NONE => ignore (output_text state markdown txt)
| SOME (_, pos) =>
error ("Illegal target specification -- not a theory context" ^ pos))) o
Toplevel.present_local_theory loc (fn state => ignore (output_text state markdown txt));
(* is:
fun output_text state {markdown} source =
val is_reported =
(case try Toplevel.context_of state of
SOME ctxt => Context_Position.is_visible ctxt
| NONE => true);
val pos = Input.pos_of source;
val syms = Input.source_explode source;
val _ =
if is_reported then pos (Markup.language_document (Input.is_delimited source))
else ();
val output_antiquotes = map (eval_antiquote state) #> implode;
fun output_line line =
(if Markdown.line_is_item line then "\\item " else "") ^
output_antiquotes (Markdown.line_content line);
fun output_blocks blocks = space_implode "\n\n" (map output_block blocks)
and output_block (Markdown.Par lines) = cat_lines (map output_line lines)
| output_block (Markdown.List {kind, body, ...}) =
Latex.environment (Markdown.print_kind kind) (output_blocks body);
if Toplevel.is_skipped_proof state then ""
else if markdown andalso exists (Markdown.is_control o Symbol_Pos.symbol) syms
val ants = Antiquote.parse pos syms;
val reports = Antiquote.antiq_reports ants;
val blocks = Markdown.read_antiquotes ants;
val _ = if is_reported then Position.reports (reports @ Markdown.reports blocks) else ();
in output_blocks blocks end
val ants = Antiquote.parse pos (Symbol_Pos.trim_blanks syms);
val reports = Antiquote.antiq_reports ants;
val _ = if is_reported then Position.reports (reports @ Markdown.text_reports ants) else ();
in output_antiquotes ants end
ML{* Outer_Syntax.print_commands @{theory};
Outer_Syntax.command : Outer_Syntax.command_keyword -> string ->
(Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition) parser -> unit;
(* creates an implicit thy_setup with an entry for a call-back function, which happens
to be a parser that must have as side-effect a Toplevel-transition-transition. *)
(* not exported: Thy_Output.output_token; Ich glaub, da passierts ... *)
ML{* Thy_Output.document_command {markdown = true} *}
(* Structures related to LaTeX Generation *)
ML{* Latex.output_ascii;
(* Hm, generierter output for
subsection*[Shaft_Encoder_characteristics]{ * Shaft Encoder Characteristics * } :
{\isacharbrackleft}Shaft{\isacharunderscore}Encoder{\isacharunderscore}characteristics{\isacharbrackright}{\isacharverbatimopen}\ Shaft\ Encoder\ Characteristics\ {\isacharverbatimclose}%
Generierter output for: text\<open>\label{sec:Shaft-Encoder-characteristics}\<close>
Thy_Output.maybe_pretty_source :
(Proof.context -> 'a -> Pretty.T) -> Proof.context -> Token.src -> 'a list -> Pretty.T list;
Thy_Output.output: Proof.context -> Pretty.T list -> string;
(* nuescht besonderes *)
fun document_antiq check_file ctxt (name, pos) =
(* val dir = master_directory (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt); *)
(* val _ = check_path check_file ctxt dir (name, pos); *)
space_explode "/" name
|> map Latex.output_ascii
|> space_implode (Latex.output_ascii "/" ^ "\\discretionary{}{}{}")
|> enclose "\\isatt{" "}"

View File

@ -1,2 +1,7 @@
# Isabelle_DOF # Isabelle_DOF
--- Isa_DOF is currently not used.
it is based on an reflection approach (a la Frederic)
but was abandoned as too heavy for this little nut to crack

ROOT Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
session "HOL-Analysis-AutoCorres" = "HOL-Analysis" +
theories [document=false]
session "Odo" = "HOL-Analysis-AutoCorres" +
description {* The Toplevel Requirement Documents of the Odometrie Service *}
options [document = pdf,document_variants="document:outline=/proof,/ML",document_output=output,quick_and_dirty]
theories [document=false]
(* examples of more complex:
session "HOL-TestGen" (main) = "HOL-TestGenLib" +
description {* HOL-TestGen *}

RegExp.thy Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
theory RegExp
imports Main
datatype 'a rexp = Empty ("<>")
| Atom 'a ("\<lfloor>_\<rfloor>" 65)
| Alt "('a rexp)" "('a rexp)" (infix "|" 55)
| Conc "('a rexp)" "('a rexp)" (infix ":" 60)
| Star "('a rexp)"
value "Star (Conc(Alt (Atom(CHR ''a'')) (Atom(CHR ''b''))) (Atom(CHR ''c'')))"
text{* or better equivalently: *}
value "Star ((\<lfloor>CHR ''a''\<rfloor> | \<lfloor>CHR ''b''\<rfloor>) : \<lfloor>CHR ''c''\<rfloor>)"
text{* Let's try to prove something obvious : *}
lemma alt_commute : " ((A::'a rexp) | B) = (B | A)" (* use the type annotation to disambiguate *)
apply(case_tac A, simp_all)
apply(case_tac B, simp_all)
text{* This is simply FALSE. Why ??? *}
section{* Definition of a semantic function: the ``language'' of the regular expression *}
text{* In the following, we give a semantics for our regular expressions, which so far have
just been a term language (i.e. abstract syntax). The semantics is a ``denotational semantics'',
i.e. we give a direct meaning for regular expressions in some universe of ``denotations''.
This universe of denotations is in our concrete case: *}
type_synonym 'a lang = "'a list set"
inductive_set star :: "'a lang \<Rightarrow> 'a lang"
for A:: "'a lang"
where NilI : "[] : star A"
| ConsI : "[| a:A; as : star A |] ==> a@as : star A"
lemma NilI : "[] : star A"
by(rule NilI)
lemma ConsI : "a\<in>A \<Longrightarrow> as \<in> star A \<Longrightarrow> a@as \<in> star A"
apply(rule ConsI)
find_theorems (80) name:"Set." name:"eq"
lemma epsilonExists: "star {[]} = {[]}"
apply(subst set_eq_iff)
apply(rule allI)
apply(rule iffI)
apply(rule_tac A="{[]}" in star.induct)back
apply simp
apply simp
by (simp add: star.NilI)
lemma epsilonExists': "star {[]} = {[]}"
apply(rule Set.set_eqI)
apply(rule iffI)
apply(erule star.induct)
apply(auto intro: NilI )
lemma epsilonAlt: "star {} = {[]}"
apply(rule Set.set_eqI)
apply(rule iffI)
apply(erule star.induct, simp,simp)
apply(auto intro: NilI )
text{* ... and of course, we have the consequence : *}
lemma epsilon': "star (star {[]}) = {[]}"
by(simp add: epsilonExists)
lemma epsilon'': "star (star ((star {[]}))) = {[]}"
by(simp add: epsilonExists)
text{* Now the denotational semantics for regular expression can be defined on a post-card: *}
fun L :: "'a rexp => 'a lang"
where L_Emp : "L Empty = {}"
|L_Atom: "L (\<lfloor>a\<rfloor>) = {[a]}"
|L_Un: "L (el | er) = (L el) \<union> (L er)"
|L_Conc: "L (el : er) = {xs@ys | xs ys. xs:L el \<and> ys:L er}"
|L_Star: "L (Star e) = star(L e)"
schematic_goal WeCompute: "L(Star ((\<lfloor>CHR ''a''\<rfloor> | \<lfloor>CHR ''b''\<rfloor>) : \<lfloor>CHR ''c''\<rfloor>)) = ?X"
by simp
thm WeCompute
text{* Well, an attempt to evaluate this turns out not to work too well ... *}
text{* Now let's reconsider our `obvious lemma' from above, this time by stating that
the alternative-operator produces \emph{semantically} equivalent ewpressions. *}
lemma alt_commute : "L((A::'a rexp) | B) = L(B | A)"
apply(subst L_Un)
apply(subst L_Un)
apply(rule inf_sup_aci)
lemma alt_commute' : "L((A::'a rexp) | B) = L(B | A)"
by auto
lemma alt_commute'' : "L((A::'a rexp) | B) = L(B | A)"
using alt_commute' by blast
lemma mt_seq : "L(Empty : Empty) = {}"
apply(subst L_Conc)
apply(subst L_Emp)
apply(subst L_Emp)
apply(subst Set.empty_iff)
apply(subst HOL.simp_thms(24))
apply(subst Set.Collect_empty_eq)
apply(subst HOL.simp_thms(23))
apply(rule allI)
apply(subst HOL.not_ex)
apply(subst HOL.not_ex)
apply(rule allI)
apply(rule allI)
apply(subst HOL.not_False_eq_True)
apply(rule TrueI)
lemma mt_seq' : "L(Empty : Empty) = {}"
by simp
lemma eps : "L (Star Empty) = {[]}"
by (simp add: epsilonAlt)
term "\<lfloor>X\<rfloor>"
no_notation Atom ("\<lfloor>_\<rfloor>")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
theory Example
imports Isa_DOF
keywords "Term" :: diag
section{* Some tests ... *}
declare_reference [lalala::requirement, alpha="main", beta=42]
declare_reference [lalala::quod] (* shouldn't work *)
declare_reference [blablabla::cid, alpha=beta, beta=gamma]
paragraph*[sdf]{* just a paragraph *}
subsection*[sdf]{* shouldn't work *}
section*[sedf::requirement]{* works again *}
section*[seedf::integration_test, dfg=34,fgdfg=zf]{* and another example with attribute setting *}
section{* Text Antiquotation Infrastructure ... *}
text{* @{docref lalala} *}
text{* @{thm refl} @{file "MOF.sml"} @{value 3} @{const hd} @{theory List}}
@{term "3"} @{type bool} @{term [show_types] "f x = a + x"} *}
text{* Here is a reference to @{docref sedf} *}
section{* A Small Example for a Command Definition *}
val opt_modes =
Scan.optional (@{keyword "("} |-- Parse.!!! (Scan.repeat1 --| @{keyword ")"})) [];
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword Term} "read and print term"
(opt_modes -- Parse.term >> Isar_Cmd.print_term);
lemma "True" by simp
Term "a + b = b + a"
term "a + b = b + a"
section(in order){* sdfsdf*} (* undocumented trouvaille when analysing the code *)