New Config With AFP components and a thin interface for monitor-checking.

This commit is contained in:
Burkhart Wolff 2018-11-04 18:56:59 +01:00
parent 36fac27d0c
commit 04cc46f9b4
5 changed files with 616 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ text\<open> In this section, we develop on the basis of a management of referenc
that provide direct support in the PIDE framework. \<close>
theory Isa_DOF (* Isabelle Document Ontology Framework *)
imports Main (* Isa_MOF *)
imports Main
RegExpInterface (* Interface to functional regular automata for monitoring *)
keywords "+=" ":="
@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ structure DOF_core =
type docclass_struct = {params : (string * sort) list, (*currently not used *)
name : binding, thy_name : string, id : serial, (* for pide *)
inherits_from : (typ list * string) option,
attribute_decl : (binding * typ * term option) list,
rex : term list }
inherits_from : (typ list * string) option, (* imports *)
attribute_decl : (binding * typ * term option) list, (* class local *)
rex : term list } (* monitoring regexps --- product semantics*)
type docclass_tab = docclass_struct Symtab.table

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ definition rep1 :: "'a rexp \<Rightarrow> 'a rexp" ("\<lbrace>(_)\<rbrace>\<^sup
where "\<lbrace>A\<rbrace>\<^sup>+ \<equiv> A ~~ \<lbrace>A\<rbrace>\<^sup>*"
definition opt :: "'a rexp \<Rightarrow> 'a rexp" ("\<lbrakk>(_)\<rbrakk>")
where "\<lbrakk>A\<rbrakk> \<equiv> A || Zero"
where "\<lbrakk>A\<rbrakk> \<equiv> A || One"
value "Star (Conc(Alt (Atom(CHR ''a'')) (Atom(CHR ''b''))) (Atom(CHR ''c'')))"
text{* or better equivalently: *}
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ i.e. we give a direct meaning for regular expressions in some universe of ``deno
This universe of denotations is in our concrete case: *}
definition enabled :: "('a,'\<sigma> set)da \<Rightarrow> '\<sigma> set \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list"
where "enabled A \<sigma> = filter (\<lambda>x. next A x \<sigma> \<noteq> {}) "
text{* Now the denotational semantics for regular expression can be defined on a post-card: *}
@ -58,11 +60,51 @@ fun L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b :: "'a::order rexp => 'a lang"
|L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b_Conc: "L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b (el ~~ er) = {xs@ys | xs ys. xs \<in> L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b el \<and> ys \<in> L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b er}"
|L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b_Star: "L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b (Star e) =\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b e)"
definition XX where "XX = (rexp2na example_expression)"
definition YY where "YY = na2da(rexp2na example_expression)"
(* reminder from execute *)
value "NA.accepts (rexp2na example_expression) [0,1,1,0,0,1]"
value "DA.accepts (na2da (rexp2na example_expression)) [0,1,1,0,0,1]"
definition zero where "zero = (0::nat)"
definition one where "one = (1::nat)"
typ "'a set"
export_code zero one Suc Int.nat nat_of_integer int_of_integer
Zero One Atom Plus Times Star
rexp2na na2da enabled
NA.accepts DA.accepts
in SML
module_name RegExpChecker file "RegExpChecker.sml"
SML_file "RegExpChecker.sml"
ML\<open> open RegExpChecker;\<close>
ML{* use "RegExpChecker.sml"; open RegExpChecker;
val eq_int = {equal = curry(op =) : int -> int -> bool};
val eq_bool_list = {equal = curry(op =) : bool list -> bool list -> bool};
val eq_mynat = {equal = fn x:RegExpChecker.nat => fn y => x = y}
val s = RegExpChecker.rexp2na eq_int;
val xxx = na2da eq_mynat;
val ((init), (next,fin)) = na2da eq_bool_list (RegExpChecker.rexp2na eq_mynat example_expression);
val Set X = next zero init;
val Set Y = next one init;
val Set Z = next (Suc one) init;
no_notation Atom ("\<lfloor>_\<rfloor>")

RegExpChecker.sml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
structure RegExpChecker : sig
type 'a equal
type num
type int
datatype nat = Zero_nat | Suc of nat
type 'a set
datatype 'a rexp = Zero | Onea | Atom of 'a | Plus of 'a rexp * 'a rexp |
Times of 'a rexp * 'a rexp | Star of 'a rexp
val nat : int -> nat
val accepts : 'a * (('b -> 'a -> 'a) * ('a -> bool)) -> 'b list -> bool
val acceptsa :
'a equal -> 'a * (('b -> 'a -> 'a set) * ('a -> bool)) -> 'b list -> bool
val na2da :
'a equal ->
'a * (('b -> 'a -> 'a set) * ('a -> bool)) ->
'a set * (('b -> 'a set -> 'a set) * ('a set -> bool))
val rexp2na :
'a equal ->
'a rexp ->
bool list * (('a -> bool list -> (bool list) set) * (bool list -> bool))
val one : nat
val zero : nat
val enabled :
'a set * (('b -> 'a set -> 'a set) * ('a set -> bool)) ->
'a set -> 'b list -> 'b list
val example_expression : nat rexp
val nat_of_integer : -> nat
val int_of_integer : -> int
end = struct
fun equal_boola p true = p
| equal_boola p false = not p
| equal_boola true p = p
| equal_boola false p = not p;
type 'a equal = {equal : 'a -> 'a -> bool};
val equal = #equal : 'a equal -> 'a -> 'a -> bool;
val equal_bool = {equal = equal_boola} : bool equal;
fun eq A_ a b = equal A_ a b;
fun equal_lista A_ [] (x21 :: x22) = false
| equal_lista A_ (x21 :: x22) [] = false
| equal_lista A_ (x21 :: x22) (y21 :: y22) =
eq A_ x21 y21 andalso equal_lista A_ x22 y22
| equal_lista A_ [] [] = true;
fun equal_list A_ = {equal = equal_lista A_} : ('a list) equal;
datatype num = One | Bit0 of num | Bit1 of num;
datatype int = Zero_int | Pos of num | Neg of num;
datatype nat = Zero_nat | Suc of nat;
datatype 'a set = Set of 'a list | Coset of 'a list;
datatype 'a rexp = Zero | Onea | Atom of 'a | Plus of 'a rexp * 'a rexp |
Times of 'a rexp * 'a rexp | Star of 'a rexp;
fun dup (Neg n) = Neg (Bit0 n)
| dup (Pos n) = Pos (Bit0 n)
| dup Zero_int = Zero_int;
fun plus_nat (Suc m) n = plus_nat m (Suc n)
| plus_nat Zero_nat n = n;
val one_nat : nat = Suc Zero_nat;
fun nat_of_num (Bit1 n) = let
val m = nat_of_num n;
Suc (plus_nat m m)
| nat_of_num (Bit0 n) = let
val m = nat_of_num n;
plus_nat m m
| nat_of_num One = one_nat;
fun nat (Pos k) = nat_of_num k
| nat Zero_int = Zero_nat
| nat (Neg k) = Zero_nat;
fun uminus_int (Neg m) = Pos m
| uminus_int (Pos m) = Neg m
| uminus_int Zero_int = Zero_int;
fun plus_num (Bit1 m) (Bit1 n) = Bit0 (plus_num (plus_num m n) One)
| plus_num (Bit1 m) (Bit0 n) = Bit1 (plus_num m n)
| plus_num (Bit1 m) One = Bit0 (plus_num m One)
| plus_num (Bit0 m) (Bit1 n) = Bit1 (plus_num m n)
| plus_num (Bit0 m) (Bit0 n) = Bit0 (plus_num m n)
| plus_num (Bit0 m) One = Bit1 m
| plus_num One (Bit1 n) = Bit0 (plus_num n One)
| plus_num One (Bit0 n) = Bit1 n
| plus_num One One = Bit0 One;
val one_int : int = Pos One;
fun bitM One = One
| bitM (Bit0 n) = Bit1 (bitM n)
| bitM (Bit1 n) = Bit1 (Bit0 n);
fun sub (Bit0 m) (Bit1 n) = minus_int (dup (sub m n)) one_int
| sub (Bit1 m) (Bit0 n) = plus_int (dup (sub m n)) one_int
| sub (Bit1 m) (Bit1 n) = dup (sub m n)
| sub (Bit0 m) (Bit0 n) = dup (sub m n)
| sub One (Bit1 n) = Neg (Bit0 n)
| sub One (Bit0 n) = Neg (bitM n)
| sub (Bit1 m) One = Pos (Bit0 m)
| sub (Bit0 m) One = Pos (bitM m)
| sub One One = Zero_int
and plus_int (Neg m) (Neg n) = Neg (plus_num m n)
| plus_int (Neg m) (Pos n) = sub n m
| plus_int (Pos m) (Neg n) = sub m n
| plus_int (Pos m) (Pos n) = Pos (plus_num m n)
| plus_int Zero_int l = l
| plus_int k Zero_int = k
and minus_int (Neg m) (Neg n) = sub n m
| minus_int (Neg m) (Pos n) = Neg (plus_num m n)
| minus_int (Pos m) (Neg n) = Pos (plus_num m n)
| minus_int (Pos m) (Pos n) = sub m n
| minus_int Zero_int l = uminus_int l
| minus_int k Zero_int = k;
fun list_ex p [] = false
| list_ex p (x :: xs) = p x orelse list_ex p xs;
fun bex (Set xs) p = list_ex p xs;
fun snd (x1, x2) = x2;
fun fst (x1, x2) = x1;
fun next a = fst (snd a);
fun foldl f a [] = a
| foldl f a (x :: xs) = foldl f (f a x) xs;
fun foldl2 f xs a = foldl (fn aa => fn b => f b aa) a xs;
fun delta a = foldl2 (next a);
fun filter p [] = []
| filter p (x :: xs) = (if p x then x :: filter p xs else filter p xs);
fun membera A_ [] y = false
| membera A_ (x :: xs) y = eq A_ x y orelse membera A_ xs y;
fun member A_ x (Coset xs) = not (membera A_ xs x)
| member A_ x (Set xs) = membera A_ xs x;
fun removeAll A_ x [] = []
| removeAll A_ x (y :: xs) =
(if eq A_ x y then removeAll A_ x xs else y :: removeAll A_ x xs);
fun inserta A_ x xs = (if membera A_ xs x then xs else x :: xs);
fun insert A_ x (Coset xs) = Coset (removeAll A_ x xs)
| insert A_ x (Set xs) = Set (inserta A_ x xs);
fun fold f (x :: xs) s = fold f xs (f x s)
| fold f [] s = s;
fun sup_set A_ (Coset xs) a = Coset (filter (fn x => not (member A_ x a)) xs)
| sup_set A_ (Set xs) a = fold (insert A_) xs a;
val bot_set : 'a set = Set [];
fun sup_seta A_ (Set xs) = fold (sup_set A_) xs bot_set;
fun map f [] = []
| map f (x21 :: x22) = f x21 :: map f x22;
fun image f (Set xs) = Set (map f xs);
fun deltaa A_ a [] p = insert A_ p bot_set
| deltaa A_ aa (a :: w) p =
sup_seta A_ (image (deltaa A_ aa w) (next aa a p));
fun null [] = true
| null (x :: xs) = false;
fun start a = fst a;
fun fin a = snd (snd a);
fun accepts a = (fn w => fin a (delta a w (start a)));
fun acceptsa A_ a w = bex (deltaa A_ a w (start a)) (fin a);
fun or x =
(fn (ql, (dl, fl)) => fn (qr, (dr, fr)) =>
([], ((fn a => fn b =>
(case b
of [] =>
sup_set (equal_list equal_bool)
(image (fn aa => true :: aa) (dl a ql))
(image (fn aa => false :: aa) (dr a qr))
| true :: s => image (fn aa => true :: aa) (dl a s)
| false :: s => image (fn aa => false :: aa) (dr a s))),
(fn a =>
(case a of [] => fl ql orelse fr qr | true :: s => fl s
| false :: s => fr s)))))
fun is_empty (Set xs) = null xs;
fun na2da A_ a =
(insert A_ (start a) bot_set,
((fn aa => fn q => sup_seta A_ (image (next a aa) q)),
(fn q => bex q (fin a))));
fun atom A_ a =
((fn b => fn s =>
(if equal_lista equal_bool s [true] andalso eq A_ b a
then insert (equal_list equal_bool) [false] bot_set else bot_set)),
(fn s => equal_lista equal_bool s [false])));
fun conc x =
(fn (ql, (dl, fl)) => fn (qr, (dr, fr)) =>
(true :: ql,
((fn a => fn b =>
(case b of [] => bot_set
| true :: s =>
sup_set (equal_list equal_bool)
(image (fn aa => true :: aa) (dl a s))
(if fl s then image (fn aa => false :: aa) (dr a qr)
else bot_set)
| false :: s => image (fn aa => false :: aa) (dr a s))),
(fn a =>
(case a of [] => false
| left :: s =>
left andalso (fl s andalso fr qr) orelse
not left andalso fr s)))))
fun plus x =
(fn (q, (d, f)) =>
(q, ((fn a => fn s =>
sup_set (equal_list equal_bool) (d a s)
(if f s then d a q else bot_set)),
val epsilon :
bool list * (('a -> bool list -> (bool list) set) * (bool list -> bool))
= ([], ((fn _ => fn _ => bot_set), null));
fun star a = or epsilon (plus a);
fun rexp2na A_ Zero = ([], ((fn _ => fn _ => bot_set), (fn _ => false)))
| rexp2na A_ Onea = epsilon
| rexp2na A_ (Atom a) = atom A_ a
| rexp2na A_ (Plus (r, s)) = or (rexp2na A_ r) (rexp2na A_ s)
| rexp2na A_ (Times (r, s)) = conc (rexp2na A_ r) (rexp2na A_ s)
| rexp2na A_ (Star r) = star (rexp2na A_ r);
fun apsnd f (x, y) = (x, f y);
val one : nat = one_nat;
val zero : nat = Zero_nat;
fun enabled a sigma = filter (fn x => not (is_empty (next a x sigma)));
val example_expression : nat rexp =
val r0 = Atom Zero_nat;
val r1 = Atom one_nat;
Times (Star (Plus (Times (r1, r1), r0)), Star (Plus (Times (r0, r0), r1)))
fun sgn_integer k =
(if ((k : = (0 : then (0 :
else (if IntInf.< (k, (0 : then (~1 :
else (1 :;
fun divmod_integer k l =
(if ((k : = (0 :
then ((0 :, (0 :
else (if ((l : = (0 : then ((0 :, k)
else (apsnd o (fn a => fn b => IntInf.* (a, b)) o sgn_integer) l
(if (((sgn_integer k) : = (sgn_integer l))
then IntInf.divMod (IntInf.abs k, IntInf.abs l)
else let
val (r, s) =
IntInf.divMod (IntInf.abs k, IntInf.abs l);
(if ((s : = (0 :
then (IntInf.~ r, (0 :
else (IntInf.- (IntInf.~ r, (1 :,
IntInf.- (IntInf.abs l, s)))
fun nat_of_integer k =
(if IntInf.<= (k, (0 : then Zero_nat
else let
val (l, j) = divmod_integer k (2 :;
val la = nat_of_integer l;
val lb = plus_nat la la;
(if ((j : = (0 : then lb
else plus_nat lb one_nat)
fun times_num (Bit1 m) (Bit1 n) =
Bit1 (plus_num (plus_num m n) (Bit0 (times_num m n)))
| times_num (Bit1 m) (Bit0 n) = Bit0 (times_num (Bit1 m) n)
| times_num (Bit0 m) (Bit1 n) = Bit0 (times_num m (Bit1 n))
| times_num (Bit0 m) (Bit0 n) = Bit0 (Bit0 (times_num m n))
| times_num One n = n
| times_num m One = m;
fun times_int (Neg m) (Neg n) = Pos (times_num m n)
| times_int (Neg m) (Pos n) = Neg (times_num m n)
| times_int (Pos m) (Neg n) = Neg (times_num m n)
| times_int (Pos m) (Pos n) = Pos (times_num m n)
| times_int Zero_int l = Zero_int
| times_int k Zero_int = Zero_int;
fun int_of_integer k =
(if IntInf.< (k, (0 :
then uminus_int (int_of_integer (IntInf.~ k))
else (if ((k : = (0 : then Zero_int
else let
val (l, j) = divmod_integer k (2 :;
val la = times_int (Pos (Bit0 One)) (int_of_integer l);
(if ((j : = (0 : then la
else plus_int la one_int)
end; (*struct RegExpChecker*)

RegExpInterface.thy Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
theory RegExpInterface
imports "Functional-Automata.Execute"
term Atom
value "Star (Times(Plus (Atom(CHR ''a'')) (Atom(CHR ''b''))) (Atom(CHR ''c'')))"
notation Star ("\<lbrace>(_)\<rbrace>\<^sup>*" [0]100)
notation Plus (infixr "||" 55)
notation Times (infixr "~~" 60)
notation Atom ("\<lfloor>_\<rfloor>" 65)
datatype 'a rexp = Empty ("<>")
| Atom 'a ("\<lfloor>_\<rfloor>" 65)
| Alt "('a rexp)" "('a rexp)" (infixr "||" 55)
| Conc "('a rexp)" "('a rexp)" (infixr "~~" 60)
| Star "('a rexp)" ("\<lbrace>(_)\<rbrace>\<^sup>*" [0]100)
definition rep1 :: "'a rexp \<Rightarrow> 'a rexp" ("\<lbrace>(_)\<rbrace>\<^sup>+")
where "\<lbrace>A\<rbrace>\<^sup>+ \<equiv> A ~~ \<lbrace>A\<rbrace>\<^sup>*"
definition opt :: "'a rexp \<Rightarrow> 'a rexp" ("\<lbrakk>(_)\<rbrakk>")
where "\<lbrakk>A\<rbrakk> \<equiv> A || One"
value "Star (Conc(Alt (Atom(CHR ''a'')) (Atom(CHR ''b''))) (Atom(CHR ''c'')))"
text{* or better equivalently: *}
value "\<lbrace>(\<lfloor>CHR ''a''\<rfloor> || \<lfloor>CHR ''b''\<rfloor>) ~~ \<lfloor>CHR ''c''\<rfloor>\<rbrace>\<^sup>*"
section{* Definition of a semantic function: the ``language'' of the regular expression *}
text\<open> This is just a reminder - already defined in @{theory Regular_Exp} as @{term lang}.\<close>
text{* In the following, we give a semantics for our regular expressions, which so far have
just been a term language (i.e. abstract syntax). The semantics is a ``denotational semantics'',
i.e. we give a direct meaning for regular expressions in some universe of ``denotations''.
This universe of denotations is in our concrete case: *}
definition enabled :: "('a,'\<sigma> set)da \<Rightarrow> '\<sigma> set \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list"
where "enabled A \<sigma> = filter (\<lambda>x. next A x \<sigma> \<noteq> {}) "
text{* Now the denotational semantics for regular expression can be defined on a post-card: *}
fun L :: "'a rexp => 'a lang"
where L_Emp : "L Zero = {}"
|L_One: "L One = {[]}"
|L_Atom: "L (\<lfloor>a\<rfloor>) = {[a]}"
|L_Un: "L (el || er) = (L el) \<union> (L er)"
|L_Conc: "L (el ~~ er) = {xs@ys | xs ys. xs \<in> L el \<and> ys \<in> L er}"
|L_Star: "L (Star e) = e)"
text\<open>A more useful definition is the \<close>
fun L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b :: "'a::order rexp => 'a lang"
where L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b_Emp: "L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b Zero = {}"
|L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b_One: "L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b One = {[]}"
|L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b_Atom: "L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b (\<lfloor>a\<rfloor>) = {z . \<forall>x. x \<le> a \<and> z=[x]}"
|L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b_Un: "L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b (el || er) = (L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b el) \<union> (L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b er)"
|L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b_Conc: "L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b (el ~~ er) = {xs@ys | xs ys. xs \<in> L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b el \<and> ys \<in> L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b er}"
|L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b_Star: "L\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b (Star e) =\<^sub>s\<^sub>u\<^sub>b e)"
definition XX where "XX = (rexp2na example_expression)"
definition YY where "YY = na2da(rexp2na example_expression)"
(* reminder from execute *)
value "NA.accepts (rexp2na example_expression) [0,1,1,0,0,1]"
value "DA.accepts (na2da (rexp2na example_expression)) [0,1,1,0,0,1]"
definition zero where "zero = (0::nat)"
definition one where "one = (1::nat)"
typ "'a set"
export_code zero one Suc Int.nat nat_of_integer int_of_integer
Zero One Atom Plus Times Star
rexp2na na2da enabled
NA.accepts DA.accepts
in SML
module_name RegExpChecker file "RegExpChecker.sml"
SML_file "RegExpChecker.sml"
(*use "RegExpChecker.sml";
open RegExpChecker; *)\<close>
ML{* use "RegExpChecker.sml"; open RegExpChecker;
val eq_int = {equal = curry(op =) : int -> int -> bool};
val eq_bool_list = {equal = curry(op =) : bool list -> bool list -> bool};
val eq_mynat = {equal = fn x:RegExpChecker.nat => fn y => x = y}
val s = RegExpChecker.rexp2na eq_int;
val xxx = na2da eq_mynat;
val ((init), (next,fin)) = na2da eq_bool_list (RegExpChecker.rexp2na eq_mynat example_expression);
val Set X = next zero init;
val Set Y = next one init;
val Set Z = next (Suc one) init;
no_notation Atom ("\<lfloor>_\<rfloor>")

View File

@ -88,5 +88,116 @@ doc_class article =
val term = @{term "(title ~~
\<lbrakk>subtitle\<rbrakk> ~~
\<lbrace>author\<rbrace>\<^sup>+ ~~
abstract ~~
introduction ~~
\<lbrace>technical || example\<rbrace>\<^sup>+ ~~
conclusion ~~
use "RegExpChecker.sml";
structure RegExpInterface : sig
type automaton
type env
val alphabet: term list -> env
val conv : term -> env -> int RegExpChecker.rexp (* for debugging *)
val rexp_term2da: term -> env -> automaton
val enabled : automaton -> env -> string list
val next : automaton -> env -> string -> automaton
val final : automaton -> bool
val accepts : automaton -> env -> string list -> bool
local open RegExpChecker in
type state = bool list RegExpChecker.set
type env = string list
type automaton = state * (( -> state -> state) * (state -> bool))
val add_atom = fold_aterms (fn Const(c as(_,Type(@{type_name "rexp"},_)))=> insert (op=) c |_=>I);
fun alphabet termS = rev(map fst (fold add_atom termS []));
fun conv (Const(@{const_name "Regular_Exp.rexp.Zero"},_)) _ = Zero
|conv (Const(@{const_name "Regular_Exp.rexp.One"},_)) _ = Onea
|conv (Const(@{const_name "Regular_Exp.rexp.Times"},_) $ X $ Y) env = Times(conv X env, conv Y env)
|conv (Const(@{const_name "Regular_Exp.rexp.Plus"},_) $ X $ Y) env = Plus(conv X env, conv Y env)
|conv (Const(@{const_name "Regular_Exp.rexp.Star"},_) $ X) env = Star(conv X env)
|conv (Const(@{const_name "RegExpInterface.opt"},_) $ X) env = Plus(conv X env, Onea)
|conv (Const(@{const_name "RegExpInterface.rep1"},_) $ X) env = Times(conv X env, Star(conv X env))
|conv (Const (s, @{typ "doc_class rexp"})) env =
let val n = find_index (fn x => x = s) env
val _ = if n<0 then error"conversion error of regexp." else ()
in Atom(n) end
|conv S _ = error("conversion error of regexp:" ^ (Syntax.string_of_term (@{context})S))
val eq_int = {equal = curry(op =) : -> -> bool};
val eq_bool_list = {equal = curry(op =) : bool list -> bool list -> bool};
fun rexp_term2da term env = let val rexp = conv term env;
val nda = RegExpChecker.rexp2na eq_int rexp;
val da = RegExpChecker.na2da eq_bool_list nda;
in da end;
(* here comes the main interface of the module:
- "enabled" gives the part of the alphabet "env" for which the automatan does not
go into a final state
- next provides an automata transformation that produces an automaton that
recognizes the rest of a word after a *)
fun enabled (da as (state,(_,_))) env =
let val inds = RegExpChecker.enabled da state (0 upto (length env - 1))
in map (fn i => nth env i) inds end
fun next (current_state, (step,fin)) env a =
let val index = find_index (fn x => x = a) env
in if index < 0 then error"undefined id for monitor"
else (step index current_state,(step,fin))
fun final (current_state, (_,fin)) = fin current_state
fun accepts da env word = let fun index a = find_index (fn x => x = a) env
val indexL = map index word
val _ = if forall (fn x => x >= 0) indexL then ()
else error"undefined id for monitor"
in RegExpChecker.accepts da indexL end
end; (* local *)
end (* struct *)
val alpha = (RegExpInterface.alphabet [term]);
val DA as (init,(next,fin)) = RegExpInterface.rexp_term2da term (RegExpInterface.alphabet [term]) ;
RegExpChecker.accepts DA [0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
val S0 = init
val E1 = RegExpChecker.enabled DA S0 [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
val S1 = next 0 init;
val E2 = RegExpChecker.enabled DA S1 [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
val S2 = next 2 S1; (* uffz. it works. *)
val E3 = RegExpChecker.enabled DA S2 [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
val S3 = next 3 S2; (* uffz. it works. *)
RegExpInterface.enabled DA alpha;
val DA' = DA alpha "scholarly_paper.title";
RegExpInterface.enabled DA' alpha;
val DA'' = DA' alpha "";
RegExpInterface.enabled DA'' alpha;