Small improvements on the term chapter of CommentedIsabelle

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Burkhart Wolff 2018-11-19 11:32:22 +01:00
parent f1eabf506c
commit 0617315fb0
2 changed files with 65 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -315,6 +315,7 @@ subsection{* Terms and Types *}
text \<open>A basic data-structure of the kernel is @{file "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/Pure/term.ML"} \<close>
ML{* open Term;
signature TERM' = sig
(* ... *)
type indexname = string * int
type class = string
type sort = class list
@ -332,17 +333,78 @@ signature TERM' = sig
$ of term * term
exception TYPE of string * typ list * term list
exception TERM of string * term list
(* ... *)
text\<open>This core-data structure of the Isabelle Kernel is accessible in the Isabelle/ML environment
and serves as basis for programmed extensions concerning syntax, type-checking, and advanced
tactic programming over kernel primitives and higher API's. There are a number of anti-quotations
giving support for this task; since @{ML Const}-names are long-names revealing information
of the potentially evolving library structure, the use of anti-quotations leads to a safer programming
style of tactics and became therefore standard in the entire Isabelle code-base.
text\<open>The following examples show how term- and type-level antiquotations are used and that
they can both be used for term-construction as well as term-destruction (pattern-matching):\<close>
ML\<open> val Const ("HOL.implies", @{typ "bool \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> bool"})
$ Free ("A", @{typ "bool"})
$ Free ("B", @{typ "bool"})
= @{term "A \<longrightarrow> B"};
val "HOL.bool" = @{type_name "bool"};
(* three ways to write type bool:@ *)
val Type("fun",[s,Type("fun",[@{typ "bool"},Type(@{type_name "bool"},[])])]) = @{typ "bool \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> bool"};
text\<open>Note that the SML interpreter is configured that he will actually print a type
\<^verbatim>\<open>Type("HOL.bool",[])\<close> just as \<^verbatim>\<open>"bool": typ\<close>, so a compact notation looking
pretty much like a string. This can be confusing at times.\<close>
text\<open>Note, furthermore, that there is a programming API for the HOL-instance of Isabelle:
it is contained in @{file "$ISABELLE_HOME/src/HOL/Tools/hologic.ML"}. It offers for many
operators of the HOL logic specific constructors and destructors:
HOLogic.boolT : typ;
HOLogic.mk_Trueprop: term -> term;
HOLogic.dest_Trueprop: term -> term;
HOLogic.Trueprop_conv: conv -> conv;
HOLogic.mk_setT: typ -> typ;
HOLogic.dest_setT: typ -> typ;
HOLogic.Collect_const: typ -> term;
HOLogic.mk_Collect: string * typ * term -> term;
HOLogic.mk_mem: term * term -> term;
HOLogic.dest_mem: term -> term * term;
HOLogic.mk_set: typ -> term list -> term;
HOLogic.conj_intr: Proof.context -> thm -> thm -> thm;
HOLogic.conj_elim: Proof.context -> thm -> thm * thm;
HOLogic.conj_elims: Proof.context -> thm -> thm list;
HOLogic.conj: term;
HOLogic.disj: term;
HOLogic.imp: term;
HOLogic.Not: term;
HOLogic.mk_not: term -> term;
HOLogic.mk_conj: term * term -> term;
HOLogic.dest_conj: term -> term list;
HOLogic.conjuncts: term -> term list;
(* ... *)
subsection{* Type-Certification (=checking that a type annotation is consistent) *}
ML{* Type.typ_instance: Type.tsig -> typ * typ -> bool (* raises TYPE_MATCH *) *}
text{* there is a joker type that can be added as place-holder during term construction.
Jokers can be eliminated by the type inference. *}
ML{* Term.dummyT : typ *}
subsection{* Type-Certification (=checking that a type annotation is consistent) *}
Sign.typ_instance: theory -> typ * typ -> bool;
Sign.typ_match: theory -> typ * typ -> Type.tyenv -> Type.tyenv;