referential-equivalence-first-draft #4

adbrucker merged 2 commits from nicolas.meric/Isabelle_DOF:referential-equivalence-first-draft into master 2021-11-21 12:43:56 +00:00
3 changed files with 83 additions and 49 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 08c101c544 - Show all commits

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@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ struct
type ISA_transformers = {check :
(theory -> term * typ * Position.T -> string -> term option),
elaborate : (theory -> term -> term)
elaborate : (theory -> string -> typ -> term -> term)
type ISA_transformer_tab = ISA_transformers Symtab.table
@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ fun transduce_term_global {mk_elaboration=mk_elaboration} (term,pos) thy =
(* checking isa, may raise error though. *)
| SOME t =>
if mk_elaboration
then elaborate thy t
then elaborate thy s ty t
else Const(s,ty) $ t)
(* transforming isa *)
else (Const(s,ty) $ (T t))
@ -789,22 +789,17 @@ versions might extend this feature substantially.\<close>
subsection\<open> Syntax \<close>
typedecl "doc_class"
typedecl "typ"
typedecl "term"
typedecl "thm"
typedecl "file"
typedecl "thy"
\<comment> \<open>and others in the future : file, http, thy, ...\<close>
consts ISA_typ :: "string \<Rightarrow> typ" ("@{typ _}")
consts ISA_term :: "string \<Rightarrow> term" ("@{term _}")
datatype "typ" = ISA_typ string ("@{typ _}")
datatype "term" = ISA_term string ("@{term _}")
consts ISA_term_repr :: "string \<Rightarrow> term" ("@{termrepr _}")
consts ISA_thm :: "string \<Rightarrow> thm" ("@{thm _}")
consts ISA_file :: "string \<Rightarrow> file" ("@{file _}")
consts ISA_thy :: "string \<Rightarrow> thy" ("@{thy _}")
datatype "thm" = ISA_thm string ("@{thm _}")
datatype "file" = ISA_file string ("@{file _}")
datatype "thy" = ISA_thy string ("@{thy _}")
consts ISA_docitem :: "string \<Rightarrow> 'a" ("@{docitem _}")
consts ISA_docitem_attr :: "string \<Rightarrow> string \<Rightarrow> 'a" ("@{docitemattr (_) :: (_)}")
datatype "docitem_attr" = ISA_docitem_attr string string ("@{docitemattr (_) :: (_)}")
\<comment> \<open>Dynamic setup of inner syntax cartouche\<close>
@ -975,11 +970,6 @@ fun check_instance thy (term, _, pos) s =
in check' (class_name, object_cid) end;
in ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) s end
fun elaborate_instance thy term = let val instance_name = HOLogic.dest_string term
in case DOF_core.get_value_global instance_name thy of
NONE => error ("No class instance: " ^ instance_name)
| SOME(value) => value
fun ML_isa_id thy (term,pos) = SOME term
@ -1004,6 +994,14 @@ fun ML_isa_check_docitem thy (term, req_ty, pos) s =
else err ("faulty reference to docitem: "^name) pos
in ML_isa_check_generic check thy (term, pos) s end
fun ML_isa_elaborate_generic (thy:theory) isa_name ty term = Const (isa_name, ty) $ term
fun elaborate_instance thy _ _ term = let val instance_name = HOLogic.dest_string term
in case DOF_core.get_value_global instance_name thy of
NONE => error ("No class instance: " ^ instance_name)
| SOME(value) => value
The function declare_ISA_class_accessor_and_check_instance uses a prefix
because the class name is already bound to "doc_class Regular_Exp.rexp" constant
@ -1046,12 +1044,18 @@ end; (* struct *)
subsection\<open> Isar - Setup\<close>
setup\<open>DOF_core.update_isa_global("Isa_DOF.typ" ,{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_typ, elaborate=(fn _ => fn term => term)}) \<close>
setup\<open>DOF_core.update_isa_global("Isa_DOF.term" ,{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_term, elaborate=(fn _ => fn term => term)}) \<close>
setup\<open>DOF_core.update_isa_global("Isa_DOF.term_repr",{check=(fn _ => fn (t,_,_) => fn _ => SOME t), elaborate=(fn _ => fn term => term)}) \<close>
setup\<open>DOF_core.update_isa_global("Isa_DOF.thm" ,{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_thm, elaborate=(fn _ => fn term => term)}) \<close>
setup\<open>DOF_core.update_isa_global("Isa_DOF.file" ,{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_file, elaborate=(fn _ => fn term => term)}) \<close>
setup\<open>DOF_core.update_isa_global("Isa_DOF.docitem" ,{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_docitem, elaborate=(fn _ => fn term => term)})\<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_typ, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_term, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=(fn _ => fn (t,_,_) => fn _ => SOME t), elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_thm, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_file, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
{check=ISA_core.ML_isa_check_docitem, elaborate=ISA_core.ML_isa_elaborate_generic}) \<close>
section\<open> Syntax for Annotated Documentation Commands (the '' View'' Part I) \<close>

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@ -12,10 +12,19 @@ text\<open>The value* command uses the same code as the value command
and adds the possibility to evaluate Term Annotation Antiquotations (TA).
For that an elaboration of the term referenced by a TA must be done before
passing it to the evaluator.
The current implementation is really basic:
\<^item> For the built-ins, the term referenced by the TA is returned
as it is;
\<^item> For an instance class, the value of the instance is returned.
The current implementation is based on referential equality, syntactically, and
with the help of HOL, on referential equivalence, semantically:
Some built-ins remain as unspecified constants:
\<^item> the docitem TA offers a way to check the reference of class instances
without checking the instances type.
It must be avoided for certification
\<^item> the termrepr TA is left as unspecified constant for now.
A major refactoring of code should be done to enable
referential equivalence for termrepr, by changing the dependency
between the Isa_DOF theory and the Assert theory.
The assert_cmd function in Assert should use the value* command
functions, which make the elaboration of the term
referenced by the TA before passing it to the evaluator
The emphasis of this presentation is to present the evaluation possibilities and limitations
of the current implementation.
@ -56,11 +65,6 @@ value*\<open>@{A \<open>xcv1\<close>}\<close>
text\<open>We can also get the value of an attribute of the instance:\<close>
value*\<open>A.x @{A \<open>xcv1\<close>}\<close>
val {docobj_tab={tab = x, ...},docclass_tab, ISA_transformer_tab,...} = DOF_core.get_data @{context};
Symtab.dest ISA_transformer_tab;
text\<open>If the attribute of the instance is not initialized, we get an undefined value,
whose type is the type of the attribute:\<close>
term*\<open>level @{C \<open>xcv2\<close>}\<close>
@ -72,28 +76,45 @@ value*\<open>C.g @{C \<open>xcv2\<close>}\<close>
text\<open>Some terms can be validated, i.e. the term will be checked,
and the existence of every object referenced by a TA will be checked,
but can not be evaluated, i.e. the elaboration of the TA to be evaluated will fail.
and can be evaluated by using referential equivalence.
The existence of the instance @{docitem \<open>xcv4\<close>} can be validated,
and the fact that it is an instance of the class @{doc_class F} } will be checked:\<close>
term*\<open>@{F \<open>xcv4\<close>}\<close>
text\<open>But the evaluation will fail with the current implementation.
text\<open>We can also evaluate the instance @{docitem \<open>xcv4\<close>}.
The attribute \<open>b\<close> of the instance @{docitem \<open>xcv4\<close>} is of type @{typ "(A \<times> C) set"}
and then the elements of the set must have equivalence properties,
i.e. definitions for the equality.
But the current definition does not define equality for TA.
So the attribute \<open>g\<close> of the class @{doc_class C}, which is a @{typ "thm"},
does not have a definition for the equality and the evaluation of the set fails:
but the instance @{docitem \<open>xcv4\<close>} initializes the attribute by using the \<open>docitem\<close> TA.
Then the instance can be evaluate but only the references of the classes of the set
used in the \<open>b\<close> attribute will be checked, and the type of these classes will not:
value* \<open>@{F \<open>xcv4\<close>}\<close>
text\<open>If we want the classes to be checked,
we can use the TA which will also check the type of the instances.
The instance @{A \<open>xcv3\<close>} is of type @{typ "A"} and the instance @{C \<open>xcv2\<close>} is of type @{typ "C"}:
update_instance*[xcv4::F, b+="{(@{A ''xcv3''},@{C ''xcv2''})}"]
text\<open>Using a TA in terms is possible, and the term is evaluated:\<close>
value*\<open>[@{thm \<open>HOL.refl\<close>}, @{thm \<open>HOL.refl\<close>}]\<close>
value*\<open>@{thm ''HOL.refl''} = @{thm (''HOL.refl'')}\<close>
@{thm "refl"}
text\<open>There are still some limitations.
The terms passed as arguments to the TA are not simplified and their evaluation fails:
(* Error:
value* \<open>@{F \<open>xcv4\<close>}\<close>*)
value*\<open>@{thm ('''' @ ''fl'')}\<close>
value*\<open>@{thm ''HOL.refl''} = @{thm ('''' @ ''fl'')}\<close>*)
text\<open>Because we do not keep necessarily the same type for the TA and the term referenced
by the TA, evaluation may fail due to type mismatch.
Here, we have a list of @{typ "thm"}, but after the elaboration,
the theorem become an HOL string with type @{typ "char list"} and then
does not match the list type\<close>
text\<open>The type checking is unaware that a class is subclass of another one.
The @{doc_class "G"} is a subclass of the class @{doc_class "C"}, but one can not use it
to update the instance @{docitem \<open>xcv4\<close>}:
(* Error:
value*\<open>[@{thm \<open>HOL.refl\<close>}, @{thm \<open>HOL.refl\<close>}]\<close>*)
update_instance*[xcv4::F, b+="{(@{A ''xcv3''},@{G ''xcv5''})}"]*)

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@ -62,6 +62,15 @@ text\<open>Example for a meta-attribute of ODL-type @{typ "typ"} with an appropr
theorem @{thm "refl"}}\<close>
text*[xcv2::C, g="@{thm ''HOL.refl''}"]\<open>Lorem ipsum ...\<close>
text\<open>A warning about the usage of the \<open>docitem\<close> TA:
The \<open>docitem\<close> TA offers a way to check the reference of class instances
without checking the instances type.
So one will be able to reference \<open>docitem\<close>s (class instances) and have them checked,
without the burden of the type checking required otherwise.
But it may give rise to unwanted behaviors, due to its polymorphic type.
It must not be used for certification.
text\<open>Major sample: test-item of doc-class \<open>F\<close> with a relational link between class instances,
and links to formal Isabelle items like \<open>typ\<close>, \<open>term\<close> and \<open>thm\<close>. \<close>
text*[xcv4::F, r="[@{thm ''HOL.refl''},