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# authorarchive
> A LaTeX style for producing author self-archiving copies of
> (academic) papers.
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- [authorarchive](#authorarchive)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Boolean Switches](#boolean-switches)
- [Key/Value Options](#key-value-options)
- [Embedding Bibliography Entries](#embedding-bibliography-entries)
- [Notes on Self-Archiving](#notes-on-self-archiving)
- [LNCS](#lncs)
- [Usage at](#usage-at-arxivorg)
- [Other publishers](#other-publishers)
- [Alternative Packages](#alternative-packages)
- [Authors](#authors)
- [Contributors](#contributors)
- [License](#license)
- [Master Repository](#master-repository)
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## Installation
Copy `authorarchive.sty` and the directory `icons` in a directory that
is searched by LaTeX (e.g., either your `texmf` tree or the local
directory with your main LaTeX file).
## Usage
A simple use for LNCS-formatted papers is as follows:
publication={Anonymous et al.\ (eds). Proceedings of the International
Conference on LaTeX-Hacks, LNCS~42. Some Publisher}
The following layout-styles are pre-defined:
- `ACM` for the two-column layout used by many ACM conferences
- `ENTCS` for the Elsevier ENTCS layout
- `IEEE` for the two-column layout used by many IEEE conferences
- `LNCS` for the LNCS layout (as used by Springer)
- `LNI` for the Lecture Notes in Informatics, published by the GI
By re-defining the font command (`authorcrfont{}`) and the command that is
used for positioning the copyright text (`\authorat{}`), the package can
be adapted easily to other layouts. For example,
works nicely for Acta Informatica.
### Boolean Switches
| Switch | Meaning |
| -- | -- |
| `nocopyright` | If present, no publisher's copyright notice is printed. Usual case for LNCS. |
| `nourl` | If present, no link to the publication is inserted. |
| `nobib` | If present, no embedding of bibliographic entries is made. |
| `orcidicon` | For layouts displaying the author's ORCID identifiers as text, replace the ORCID identifier by the ORICD iD icon and a hyperlink (currently only supported for LNCS). |
### Key/Value Options
| Option | Default | Meaning |
| -- | -- | -- |
| `bibtexdir`| `.` | The directory where the bibliography entries are listed. |
| `baseurl` | <> | The URL used as prefix for building the links. |
| `suffix` | `.pdf` | The suffix to use at links. |
| `publisher` | `UNKOWN PUBLISHER` | The name of the publisher. Default values are set by the series (`LNCS`, ...). |
| `year` | `UNKOWN YEAR` | The year of the publication. |
| `key` | empty | The basename of the filename. Used also to generate links. |
| `doi` | empty | The DOI of the publication. Used to generate the DOI link. |
| `doiText` | The value of `doi` | In case a DOI contains underscores, the displayed text differs from the DOI. |
| `publisherurl` | empty | In case no DOI is provided, one can provide a link to the publisher. |
| `startpage` | 1 | The pagenumber of the first page of the paper. |
| `publication` | `UNKNOWN PUBLICATION` | Information on the publication. |
The package also defines a command `\authorsetup{}` which allows to
define key value options dynamically. Moreover, if a file
`authorarchive.config` exists in the LaTeX search path, it will be
loaded automatically. This allows for configuring defaults (e.g., the
baseurl) easily.
## Embedding Bibliography Entries
Mostly, it is hard for scientists to find the correct bibtex entry for
a paper. One solution to this issue is to embed the respective `.bib`
(BibTeX, for LaTeX users), `.enw` (Endnote), `.ris`, or `.word.xml`
(Word 2007 or later) file in the PDF directly. In case any of these
file exist in `bibtexdir`, it gets embedded in the PDF.
You can use the
[bibutils]( for
converting between these different formats for bibliographic
references easily.
## Notes on Self-Archiving
Before using this package, please check with your signed copyright form,
which rights you have. Especially whether you may self-archive the preprint
or the postprint. For more information on that, read on at
None of the authors might be hold liable for copyright
violations by using this package.
### LNCS
Sprinter states in his [Springer's Consent to Publish v3](
> Author may only post his/her own version, provided acknowledgment is given
> to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published
> article on Springers website.
> The link must be provided by inserting the DOI number of the article in the
> following sentence:
> "The final publication is available at Springer via
> `[insert DOI]`".
The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) can be found at the bottom of the first
page of the published paper.
This package uses `` as ``
[is deprecated](
Thus, the proposed configuration for Springer is as follows:
publication={Anonymous et al.\ (eds). Proceedings of the International
Conference on LaTeX-Hacks, LNCS~42. Springer, 2016.}
## Usage at deletes bib files when submitting a pre print. As workaround, this package
supports using the file suffix `.bibtex`. When no `.bib` is found, but a `.bibtex`
file, this file is used and embedded as `.bib` file into the PDF.
## Other publishers
In general, one does not need to specify a certain publisher (or LaTeX document class).
The default setting just prints the note centered at the bottom of the first page.
publication={Anonymous et al.\ (eds). Proceedings of the International
Conference on LaTeX-Hacks, CEUR-WS Vol~42, 2017.}
Still, for some used document classes (e.g., `acmart`) there are specific
package options available hat produce an alternative layout.
## Alternative Packages
The package [coverpage]( prepends a
separate PDF page before the first page of the paper. That page
contains the bibliographic information as BibTeX entry. One is forced
to have a `.bib` file ready and multiple institutions are not well
supported. With `authorarchive`, the information is printed at the
bottom of the first page of the paper and required links to the
publisher are generated.
The package
[llncsconf]( is a
light-weight alternative to this package. It supports
[LNCS]( only. In
comparison to `authorarchive`, it provides support for the additional
publication states "intended-to-submit" and "submitted", but no QR
code and links to the author's archive URL.
## Authors
Main author: [Achim D. Brucker](
### Contributors
- [Oliver Kopp](
## License
If not otherwise stated, all sub-projects are dual-licensed under a
2-clause BSD-style license and/or the LPPL version 1.3c or (at your
opinion) any later version.
SPDX-License-Identifier: LPPL-1.3c+ OR BSD-2-Clause
## Master Repository
The master git repository for this project is hosted by the [Software
Assurance & Security Research Team]( at