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Isabelle_DOF: Document Preparation Setup

This directory contains the DOF-plugin for Isabelle's document generation system.

Development Setup

Compilation using the provided build script, e.g.:

foo@bar:~$ cd converter
foo@bar:~$ ./build

This build script requires a basic Unix-environment as, e.g., provided by Isabelle as well as a running Isabelle installation.

In addition, a maven setup is maintained that, e.g., can be imported into Eclipse. This results in an Scala development environment that supports the usual features of a modern IDE, e.g., Intellisense.

Prerequisites (Eclipse Setup)


The converter is part of the Isabelle DOF repository:

foo@bar:~$ git clone

Importing the Project into Eclipse

The project can be imported into a fresh Eclipse workspace using File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects. Please select the converter directory as parent directory. After the import, you might need to resolve the dependencies using the maven integration of Eclipse.


Main contacts:


This project is licensed under a 2-clause BSD license.

SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause